10-Day Bean Challenge: How Incorporating More Beans in Your Diet Can I (2024)

Looking to enhance your overall well-being? Incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your diet is a great place to start. And what better food to add than beans? Known for their various health benefits, including improved digestive health, decreased risk of chronic illnesses, and increased nutrient intake, beans are a fantastic addition to any meal or snack.

Eat More Beans has launched a 10-day challenge that encourages people to consume steamed beans daily. This challenge serves as an excellent starting point for individuals seeking to improve their mental and physical wellness. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of consuming more beans and provide all the information you need about Eat More Beans' 10-day challenge. Join us on this journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

10-Day Bean Challenge: How Incorporating More Beans in Your Diet Can I (1)

Guide Content

  • Introducing Eat More Beans
  • Why you should eat more beans
  • What happens if I eat beans every day?
  • Does your body get used to beans?
  • Comparing Bean Types for the Healthiest Option
  • Eat More Beans products for the 10-day challenge

Introducing Eat More Beans

Eat More Beans is a specialized company that introduces nutritious steamed beans to consumers as an effort to create healthier eating habits. This organization strongly believes that the steady consumption of more beans can have tangible benefits for American society, such as reducing cases of diabetes and heart disease. Through their advanced steam technology, Eat More Beans provides people with a convenient option to incorporate nutrient-rich beans into their diets on a regular basis.

Why you should eat more beans

A. Nutritional value of beans

Beans are an incredibly nutritious food, providing a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Their nutritional benefits include:

High in fiber: Beans are a fantastic source of dietary fiber, aiding in healthy digestion and keeping you satiated for extended periods. An astonishing single cup of cooked beans can provide up to 50% of your daily recommended fiber intake, making it an excellent nutriment choice.

Good source of protein: Beans are an exemplary, vegan-friendly protein source that provides your body with all the necessary amino acids it requires to work correctly. In fact, due to their remarkable amounts of protein, beans have been nicknamed as "the poor man's meat!"

Low in fat: For those seeking to minimize their intake of saturated fats and better their overall heart health, beans are a great option because they have low fat and cholesterol levels compared to other animal-based proteins like meat or cheese.

B. Health benefits of eating beans

    In addition to their nutritional value, beans are also associated with a range of health benefits. Some of the key benefits of including more beans in your diet include:

    Promotes a healthy gut: Eating beans can be beneficial for your digestion due to its high fiber content. It not only prevents constipation, but also encourages the growth of beneficial gut bacteria according to recent research studies. This helps in ensuring a healthier digestive system overall.

    May help regulate blood sugar levels: Beans are an excellent choice for those wanting to regulate their blood sugar levels, as they have a low-glycemic index. This means that the sugars from beans get released into your bloodstream at a slower rate than other high-glycemic foods. Consequently, you can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by incorporating beans in your diet.

    Reduces the risk of heart disease and certain cancers: Several studies have demonstrated that beans have been demonstrated to play an important role in protecting against heart disease and certain types of cancer, including colorectal cancer. Incorporating more legumes into your diet could be beneficial for these preventative measures.

    10-Day Bean Challenge: How Incorporating More Beans in Your Diet Can I (2)

    What happens if I eat beans every day?

    Eating beans daily can bring innumerable health benefits to your diet, making them an essential part of any nutritional plan. If you're wondering what exactly happens when you consume beans every day, here are some potential advantages:

    A. Increased nutrient intake

      Beans are abundant in essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, potassium, and folate. Enjoying beans daily will strengthen your nutrient intake—allowing you to embrace better health and well-being! On top of that benefit from their higher protein content - making them the ideal supplement for those looking to build or maintain muscle mass.

      B. Improved gut health

        The abundance of fiber in beans can support healthy digestion and help prevent constipation. Furthermore, some studies have indicated that the fiber present in beans may also contribute to a positive environment for beneficial gut bacteria growth which leads to improved digestive health. Subsequently, this will result in enhanced overall health as well as a decreased chance of certain long-term illnesses.

        C. Possible reduction in the risk of chronic diseases

          Incorporating beans into your regular diet could be an excellent way to benefit from a range of health advantages, such as decreasing the risk of chronic illnesses. A 2004 study showed that when women ate beans or lentils at least twice every week over eight years, their likelihood of getting breast cancer compared with those who consumed them only once per month or less was notably lower. Furthermore, including legumes in your meals might also aid in bettering blood cholesterol levels which are one cause behind cardiovascular diseases.

          Does your body get used to beans?

          Beans are an excellent source of powerful nutrients with countless advantages to our health. Unfortunately, indigestible sugars and carbohydrates that exist in beans may give rise to digestive problems such as flatulence for some individuals. When these elements arrive at the large intestine, they're broken down by gut microbes forming gas as a consequence. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to minimize your chances of getting flatulence when eating beans.

          Reducing Flatulence When Consuming Beans

          If you want to reduce the frequency of flatulence, soaking your beans before cooking them is highly recommended. This helps remove some of the hard-to-digest sugars and carbohydrates, making them easier on your digestive system. Furthermore, rinsing off any remaining sugars after soaking is also beneficial.

          Alternatively, a surefire way to minimize gas production due to legumes is by gradually increasing their intake - allowing your body time to adjust itself and become accustomed with fiber content as well other essential elements found in beans – thus reducing possibilities for digestion issues further down the line.

          Gradual increase in bean intake to avoid digestive issues

          If you're new to eating beans, it's essential to introduce them gradually to avoid any potential digestive issues. This approach can help your body adjust to the higher fiber content and other nutrients present in beans, reducing the likelihood of flatulence or other digestive discomfort.

          To gradually increase your bean intake, start with smaller portions and slowly increase them over time. For instance, begin with a quarter cup of beans per day and gradually work your way up to half a cup, three-quarters of a cup, and so on. This method allows your body to adapt slowly to the increased fiber content and other nutrients in beans, minimizing the risk of digestive problems.

          Comparing Bean Types for the Healthiest Option

          Beans are a nutritious powerhouse, packed with protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. With so many variations of beans to choose from though, it can be hard to decide which one is the healthiest for your diet. In this article we will examine some of the most common types of beans available and determine which has the most nutritional value based on its nutrient content.


          Unquestionably, chickpeas are a celebrated variety of bean. Not only do they contain fiber and protein in abundance, but also provide vital nutrients such as iron, folate and manganese to help maintain optimal health. Even more impressive is the powerhouse of antioxidants present in this food type that can curtail inflammation within our bodies.


          Lentils are an incredibly nutritious option to add to any diet, as they come in a gamut of colors—ranging from green, brown and red. Not only do lentils contain plentiful amounts of protein and dietary fiber but also several essential nutrients such as iron, folate, and potassium - all while being low in calories AND having a low glycemic index! This means that adding them into your meals can help maintain balanced blood sugar levels.

          Black beans

          Bursting with fiber, protein and a plethora of essential nutrients such as folate, iron and magnesium - black beans are an incredibly nutrient-rich option. And that's not all! They also contain anthocyanins: antioxidants which can help to ward off chronic diseases.

          Kidney beans

          Kidney beans are a nutritious powerhouse packed with protein, fiber, and vital minerals such as iron, potassium, and folate. They also feature resistant starch which aids in fostering beneficial bacteria to your gastrointestinal system for healthier gut health.

          10-Day Bean Challenge: How Incorporating More Beans in Your Diet Can I (3)

          Eat More Beans products for the 10-day challenge

          Eat More Beans provides individuals with an array of delectable products that make it a breeze to bean-ify their daily diets. Their goods are made using grade-A ingredients and come in unforgettable flavors. Their must-have items include scrumptious black bean quinoa bowls, chickpea pasta galore, and lentil soup so tasty you won't believe the difference beans can make.

          How the products can help with the challenge

          It's no secret that the 10-day challenge of eating steamed beans can be a daunting one. Luckily, Eat More Beans has made it easier than ever to meet your daily bean intake goals with their delicious products! From convenient canned beans to heat and eat meals, you'll never have an excuse not to reach your goal, even on days when you're crunched for time. With Eat More Beans in your kitchen cabinet, meeting your bean challenge will become effortless - and deliciously tasty too!

          Steaming technology used by Eat More Beans

          Eat More Beans utilizes a distinctive steaming method to prepare their beans, keeping the nutritional value intact while simultaneously amplifying flavor and texture. Furthermore, this process facilitates digestion by diminishing flatulence and digestive distress in comparison to other cooking techniques. Plus, steaming diminishes the quantity of sodium needed for each product - making it an all-around healthier option!


          In conclusion, beans are a versatile and incredibly nutritious food that can benefit both your body and mind. Regular consumption of beans has been linked to a reduced risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer, while also aiding in controlling blood sugar levels and promoting digestive health.

          If you're looking to incorporate more beans into your diet, the 10-day bean challenge from Eat More Beans is an excellent starting point. With their advanced steaming technology, their products retain flavor and nutrients while being easier for your body to digest. Starting with small portions and gradually increasing intake is key to avoiding any potential digestive issues.

          So why not experiment with new recipes incorporating this superfood? Soak them before cooking, add spices like ginger or cumin for better digestion, and enjoy the endless possibilities! From bean toast for breakfast to soups and salads for lunch, there are countless delicious ways to enjoy the benefits of eating more beans. Start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle today!

          Giveaway info link

          10-Day Bean Challenge: How Incorporating More Beans in Your Diet Can I (2024)


          How do I incorporate more beans into my diet? ›

          Here are some suggestions for how to incorporate more beans into your diet:
          1. Batch cook beans. ...
          2. Make big one-pot meals. ...
          3. Roast them as snacks. ...
          4. Toss them in a salad. ...
          5. Make bean dips. ...
          6. Think breakfast! ...
          7. And dessert!

          How do I add more beans? ›

          Here are a few tips on how to incorporate beans into your meals:
          1. Add them to soups and stews: Beans make a great addition to hearty winter soups.
          2. Toss them in a salad: Black beans are especially delicious in salads.
          3. Make a bean dip: Refried beans make an excellent base for dips and can be spiced up with various flavors.
          Sep 21, 2023

          What happens to your body when you eat beans daily? ›

          Indeed, eating beans is associated with the prevention of several chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Also, beans can improve gut health. The World Cancer Research Fund recommends making foods like beans part of your usual daily diet.

          How to incorporate beans into lunch? ›

          Beans for Lunch: 5 Days, 5 Ways
          1. Balsamic Beans with Tomatoes. Beans love tomatoes, and when you get some ripe, flavorful tomatoes, this is the salad to make. ...
          2. Chili Bean and Jack Wraps. ...
          3. Easy Layered Beans. ...
          4. Bean and Basil Pesto Stuffed Baguette. ...
          5. Instant Bean Chili.

          Does adding beans to your diet help you lose weight? ›

          A small study found that a high-fiber, bean-rich diet increased satiation and reduced hunger. Beans also stimulate the production of the gut hormone cholecystokinin (CCK), which slows gastric emptying and can help to suppress appetite, research has shown. All of these benefits may lead to weight loss.

          How often should you include beans in your diet? ›

          Even though the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends eating 1½ cups of cooked beans per week, most Americans consume less than 1/3 cup weekly, according to 2021 research in Frontiers in Nutrition.

          What is the healthiest bean to eat? ›

          Some of the healthiest beans to consume include:
          • Black beans: Often known as turtle beans, black beans are inexpensive and widely available in supermarkets. ...
          • Kidney beans: ...
          • Lima beans: ...
          • Soybeans: ...
          • Chickpeas: ...
          • Pinto beans: ...
          • Navy beans:

          Is 1 cup of beans a day too much? ›

          The U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommends eating about 3 cups of legumes—like pinto, kidney, or black beans—per week. If you eat about ½ cup of beans every day, you'll meet the weekly Dietary Guidelines for beans.

          Which beans are not good for the kidneys? ›

          Control of phosphorus often is difficult for kidney failure patients. High-phosphorus foods to eliminate include: Beans (red, black, and white) Black-eyed peas.

          How do I train my gut to eat beans? ›

          If fermentation still has you fearful, here are some tips to reduce your fear of flatulence: Increase your bean intake slowly. Start by eating 2 to 4 tablespoons of beans per day, and gradually increase consumption to the ½ cup per day recommendation. Drink more water each day as you eat more beans.

          What is the bean protocol? ›

          On the Bean Protocol™

          The protocol is a dietary approach, and at its core is the idea that incorporating healthy fiber into your diet leads to a natural detox and supports a happy, healthy gut. Beans contain more soluble fiber than any other food category in the plant kingdom, which is why this food takes center stage.

          What to eat with beans for complete protein? ›

          Combining incomplete proteins to form a complete protein

          Combinations include: Nuts or seeds with whole grains (peanut butter on whole wheat toast) Whole grains with beans (beans and rice; hummus and pita bread; bean-based chili and crackers; refried beans and tortillas)

          How to eat more beans if you don't like beans? ›

          So, how do we get these magical beans into those who don't like them?
          1. Hummus. A lot of kids seem to like blended beans more than whole beans. ...
          2. Bean Quesadilla. ...
          3. Make nachos with refried beans. ...
          4. Rice and Bean Taquitos. ...
          5. Salsa Verde Soup. ...
          6. Black Bean Burgers. ...
          7. Legume Pasta is an easy way to eat beans. ...
          8. Bean Energy Balls.
          Feb 22, 2024

          What do I need to eat with beans to make it a complete protein? ›

          Combining incomplete proteins to form a complete protein

          Combinations include: Nuts or seeds with whole grains (peanut butter on whole wheat toast) Whole grains with beans (beans and rice; hummus and pita bread; bean-based chili and crackers; refried beans and tortillas)

          Will my body adjust to eating more beans? ›

          If you suddenly start eating 1 cup of beans per day, that's a big increase, and it may take some time for your body to get used to your new fiber intake. But as you continue to consume legumes regularly, your gas levels will eventually return to normal.


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          Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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          Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.