8 closet decluttering tips to steal from professionals (2024)

Keeping a closet clear of clutter is perhaps one of the most difficult organizational tasks in your home. It is so easy to put your clothes away haphazardly and close the doors then forget about them for another day. But what happens is that you tend to wear the same things again and again, buy items nearly identical to what you already have but have forgotten about, and take items out to wear, only to find they're creased or have simply become invisible. If any of this sounds familiar, you may need some professional closet decluttering tips.

Whether you have some closet organization ideas in place already or not, decluttering can be difficult to wrap your head around. It is easy to become sentimentally attached to clothes, or feel bad if something doesn't quite fit like it used to – it is arguably the most mentally draining decluttering activity. What's more, decluttering clothes is only one element of decluttering a closet because it tends to hold all your accessories, including shoes, too.

Here, professional organizers explain how they help their clients declutter their closets so that you can get a start on your home organizing ideas.

8 ways professionals declutter a closet

Picking up expert closet decluttering tips and implementing them frequently can help to build positive habits that prevent your belongings from getting out of hand again.

Here are eight of the best closet decluttering tips professionals offer.

1. Pick your approach – categorize or all-in-one

8 closet decluttering tips to steal from professionals (1)

(Image credit: The Container Store)

There are two main approaches to decluttering a closet: split it into categories or tackle it all in one go.

The method you use will depend on the size of your closet, whether you have a small closet or a walk-in closet, for example, and the type of declutterer you are – this last one is particularly important if you wonder how to declutter your home when you feel overwhelmed.

If you have a large closet or prefer to declutter slowly and methodically, it may be best to work in sections.

'Choose which sections you want to tackle in your closet/wardrobe, suggests Victoria Bance, APDO member and creator of Declutter & Organise with Victoria. ‘Try not to take on too much otherwise it can feel overwhelming. Start small at first and remove all the items from each section – it will certainly start to look worse before it looks better!’ she warns.

‘Begin by sorting into categories, ie, jackets, tops, pants, jeans, dresses, skirts, socks, underwear, etc. Once in categories, go through each category and decide what you want to keep, what you want to donate, what you want to sell, and what you want to let go of.'

If you have a smaller closet, doing it all in one go may be better suited to you.

'The best way to declutter a closet is to pull everything out of the space and sort everything into piles of like items,' suggests Jamie Hord, CEO, and founder of Horderly Professional Organizing.Especially when you use something like the 90/90 decluttering rule.

'It's much easier to let go when you are looking at your items in a different way than you see them every day. This is why flipping through your closet and pulling things here and there is not as effective. When you're making decisions of what to keep and what to donate, ask yourself hard questions like "do I have better or similar?", "is it true to my style?", "Would I buy it in a store today?", "does it currently fit and is it comfortable?".

'Be sure to stay true to who you are now and avoid thinking too much about the past or the future. For example, "I hope to fit into this one day", "I might need this one day", or "This was my favorite sweater four years ago".'

Regardless of the approach you take, Victoria recommends four questions to ask yourself when removing pieces from your collection:

  1. Do you wear it? If you do then keep it, if you don’t, let it go.
  2. When was the last time you wore it? If you can’t remember then what’s the reason for holding onto it – is it sentimental or just in case you might wear it?
  3. Do you love it? If you do – keep it, if you don’t then it’s time to let it go.
  4. Does it fit? Clothing that is either too big or too small can sometimes leave you feeling uncomfortable or conscious when you wear it – maybe consider letting it go and replacing it with something that makes you feel fabulous!

2. Use different organizers for different items

8 closet decluttering tips to steal from professionals (2)

(Image credit: Horderly)

‘Use different methods for organizing and an array of the best bedroom organizers and closet organizers such as drawer dividers, shelf dividers, hooks, folding or rolling of items, and use velvet slimline hangers to allow more items to be stored in your closet,' Victoria Bance suggests. 'Always ensure items used every day are stored near each other and are easy to access.’

‘Before putting anything back remember to clean your clothes closet by vacuuming and wiping the surfaces,’ she adds. ‘For the items you want to keep, decide how you want to organize them, for example by color, season, occasion, type, etc, and then start to organize your clothes back in your closet in a way that makes getting ready each day quicker and easier.'

3. Consider the reverse hanger technique

8 closet decluttering tips to steal from professionals (3)

(Image credit: Horderly)

One of the best ways to avoid decluttering mistakes is to implement long-lasting methods that will help you manage your belongings in the long term.

‘The reverse hanger technique is my favorite!’ Laura Pearson, APDO member and founder of Intentional with Laura enthuses. ‘Face all of your coat hangers backward in your closet. Every time you wear and wash an item, place it back in your closet facing the correct way. Doing this allows you to clearly identify which clothes you haven’t worn.

'I personally review this every few months and then declutter accordingly by taking them to a charity shop,’ she says.

4. Use the one in one out technique to keep clutter down

8 closet decluttering tips to steal from professionals (4)

(Image credit: HUX London)

‘My best advice is to stick to a one-in-one-out policy, so always have in mind when you shop or find something you like, that something else will have to make way for it,’ explains Gill Gudgeon, APDO member and founder of Restore the Calm. ‘Think of it like a bathtub, that if you continue to fill it, it will eventually overflow everywhere.

‘When picking the item(s) to go (I do it as soon as I get home!) I’ll start by looking at similar garments to what I’ve just purchased otherwise, I’ll look at garments that haven’t been worn for a while.

‘Excluding occasion wear, if something hasn’t been worn for at least a year the likelihood is that it won’t be worn again. If you’re no longer seeing the garment or considering wearing it, then you really aren’t going to miss it – out of sight, out of mind!’

5. Work during the day

8 closet decluttering tips to steal from professionals (5)

(Image credit: Horderly)

The chances are that your closet may not have the best closet lighting ideas to illuminate your dressing area. This can make seeing what you have and decluttering what you need much harder.

'If possible choose a space to sort with good daylight or other excellent lighting,' advises Mimi Bogelund, The Spark Joy Collective member. 'Look for permanent stains and if it’s worn out and tired looking.'

6. Take items out that aren't to do with getting dressed

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(Image credit: Horderly)

'Very often people have a mish-mash of items in their closet, with many items having nothing to do with getting dressed!' The Spark Joy Collective member, Jane Fern points out. 'The first thing I do when clearing out a closet is to empty it out completely so that you can see everything that has been kept in there.

'As items are taken out of the closet start to categorize them into piles. Take one category at a time and choose the items of clothing that make your heart sing, and discard the ones that don’t.'

7. Deal with ill-fitting clothes appropriately

8 closet decluttering tips to steal from professionals (7)

(Image credit: Ham Interiors)

When it comes to organizing clothes, getting rid of items that you may have once fit in but no longer can be difficult to come to terms with. Trying to be as ruthless as possible while also allowing yourself some leeway is the best approach to take if you find this process hard.Trying something like the Project 333 challenge can help with this.

'If it doesn’t fit but you absolutely love it, keep it only if it’s one size either way of your current size,' The Spark Joy Collective member, Mimi Bogelund recommends. 'Don’t allow anything to be downgraded to be worn around the house. That kind of thinking won’t give you any more free space in your closet.'

8. Learn to work around sentimentality

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(Image credit: Neville Johnson)

'You also have to remove sentiment from the process; you may have once loved a garment and worn it a lot, but that doesn’t mean it deserves to stay and consume space,' Gill Gudgeon says.

'Don’t be afraid to look at purchases that you’ve barely, or never, worn. It being in your closet is a constant reminder of the error and it’s best to move it on. Make sure that you’re not hanging onto anything tatty, holey, or misshapen, and you only need one set of clothes for decorating or gardening.'

'For any items you are donating or letting go of, try to not leave bags hanging around, make it a mission to deliver them within a few days,' Victoria Bance adds.

What should you not put in your closet?

You should not put clothes that do not fit you, clothes that are damaged or irreparably stained, or clothes that you do not like in your closet. These items will take up space that could be used for nicer, better fitting clothes and clog up your space making it more difficult to see the items you do want to keep.

How can I declutter my closet fast?

The best way to declutter your closet fast is to assign a set amount of time to get the job done and be ruthless as you go. Take everything out of your closet at once and only put items back in that you know you will 100% wear again.

8 closet decluttering tips to steal from professionals (2024)


8 closet decluttering tips to steal from professionals? ›

The 5 year rule

If someone hasn't used an item in five years, they will probably never use it. It is important to note that this rule is helpful for people who are stuck or have a hard time letting things go. ' This rule is good when organizing attics and basem*nts where clutter builds up over time.

What is the rule of 5 decluttering? ›

The 5 year rule

If someone hasn't used an item in five years, they will probably never use it. It is important to note that this rule is helpful for people who are stuck or have a hard time letting things go. ' This rule is good when organizing attics and basem*nts where clutter builds up over time.

How do you declutter professionally? ›

10 Key Tips for Decluttering Your Home
  1. Follow the 80/20 Rule. ...
  2. Forget About Sunk Costs. ...
  3. Start With Small Projects That Feel Big. ...
  4. Clear Off Flat Surfaces. ...
  5. Keep Similar Objects Together. ...
  6. Check if the Items Work. ...
  7. Track Which Items You Actually Use. ...
  8. Think of the Last Time You Needed It.

How do you ruthlessly declutter a wardrobe? ›

How to be ruthless when decluttering clothes: 8 Key tips
  1. Get in the right headspace to start ruthless decluttering. ...
  2. Set a deadline. ...
  3. Make ruthless decluttering fun. ...
  4. Motivate yourself with a reward. ...
  5. Lay out all your clothes. ...
  6. Create a sell, keep, donate, and discard. ...
  7. Ask yourself questions as you start ruthless decluttering.
Aug 3, 2023

How to ruthlessly get rid of clothes? ›

Discard anything that you haven't worn in one year

A simple method for being very ruthless when decluttering clothes is to get rid of anything you haven't worn in a year.

What is the 333 decluttering method? ›

The idea behind Project 333 is simple: Wear only 33 articles of clothing for the next 3 months. All clothing, accessories, jewelry, outerwear, and shoes count towards your number.

What is the 90-90 rule for decluttering? ›

Have you used that item in the last 90 days? If you haven't, will you use it in the next 90? If not, then it's okay to let go,' write Joshua and Ryan on their blog. The 90/90 rule isn't limited to the wardrobe (in fact it's applicable to many areas of the home) but it's definitely a good place to start.

What is the golden rule of decluttering? ›

Take it room by room: Start decluttering one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Focus on a specific area before moving on to the next. Sort methodically: Divide items into categories (keep, donate, sell, discard) and work through each category systematically to prevent decision fatigue.

What is the 80 20 decluttering rule? ›

On the podcast Lipstick on the Rim with actress Molly Sims, the duo fervently recommend applying it to homes large and small, explaining that it's all about filling your space 80% at most and leaving the remaining 20% empty to “take a break.” This free space provides plenty of visual relief and allows new objects to ...

What is the core 4 method of decluttering? ›

The Core 4 Organizing Method, created by professional organizer Kayleen Kelly, breaks down the daunting task of decluttering and organizing into 4 simple steps: Clear Out, Categorize, Cut Out, and Contain.

How to declutter a closet quickly? ›

8 closet decluttering tips to steal from professionals
  1. Pick your approach – categorize or all-in-one. ...
  2. Use different organizers for different items. ...
  3. Consider the reverse hanger technique. ...
  4. Use the one in one out technique to keep clutter down. ...
  5. Work during the day. ...
  6. Take items out that aren't to do with getting dressed.
Oct 29, 2022

How do you declutter when you're poor? ›

You can clean out you “Stuff” all day- you must let it go- sell it online, give it to friends, have a garage sale, just do what it takes to get it out of your life. How do you overcome a low income life? Throwing away and buying new stuff is consumerism not minimalism.

How does Marie Kondo organize her closet? ›

The KonMari Method™ encourages tidying by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items. Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy.

How do you purge clothes without regret? ›

No Regrets: How To Clean Out Your Closet & Feel Good About It...
  1. Box It, But Don't Give It Away.
  2. Toss Out Any Duplicates.
  3. Give Away Anything That Doesn't Make You Feel Good.
  4. Gather Some Intel.
  5. Force Yourself To Wear Your “Maybes”
  6. Find Ways To Wear Your Tricky Items.
  7. Give Yourself Permission To Only Wear Your Favorites.
Nov 14, 2016

What is the rule for getting rid of clothes? ›

Use the "one-year rule": If you haven't worn something in over a year, it's time to get rid of it. This rule helps you let go of items that you may be holding onto for sentimental reasons. Consider the fit: If something doesn't fit well or is uncomfortable, it's not worth keeping. Be ruthless and get rid of it.

What should you not throw out when decluttering? ›

Never throw these 6 things out when decluttering – learn how to organize them instead
  • Important documents.
  • Old paint.
  • Sentimental items.
  • Old keys.
  • Certain travel mementoes.
  • Decorative bins and baskets.
Apr 27, 2024

What is the 80 20 rule for clutter? ›

On the podcast Lipstick on the Rim with actress Molly Sims, the duo fervently recommend applying it to homes large and small, explaining that it's all about filling your space 80% at most and leaving the remaining 20% empty to “take a break.” This free space provides plenty of visual relief and allows new objects to ...

What should I remove first when decluttering? ›

Simple Ways to Declutter Your Spaces​
  1. Start by removing trash.​
  2. Begin by choosing one small area to organize — like a drawer.​
  3. Sort items into three piles: Keep, donate and toss.​
  4. Find a specific home for everything you intend to keep — for example, a hook for your keys.​
Jan 15, 2021

What is the 20 20 20 rule for decluttering? ›

Then we tested our hypothesis: the 20/20 Rule. Anything we get rid of that we truly need, we can replace for less than $20 in less than 20 minutes from our current location. Thus far, this hypothesis has become a theory that has held true 100% of the time.


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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.