A Chef Who Is Vegetarian in Fame if Not in Fact (Published 2011) (2024)



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A Chef Who Is Vegetarian in Fame if Not in Fact (Published 2011) (1)

By Ligaya Mishan

“VEGETARIANS in general don’t like me,” Yotam Ottolenghi said ruefully.

It seemed an improbable statement. Mr. Ottolenghi is no crusader for snout-to-tail eating, engraved with pig tattoos. In England, the 42-year-old chef is famous for making it chic to eat your vegetables.

The prepared-food shops that bear his name — equal parts deli, bakery and hip minimalist canteen — are daily plundered by London’s highbrows. They come for the vibrant vegetable dishes: a galette brimming over with sweet potatoes, perhaps, or blackened eggplant ladled with saffron yogurt and festooned with almonds, or a wild thing of a salad, practically growing off the plate.

In 2006, he was tapped by The Guardian to write a weekly column titled “The New Vegetarian.” That led to a vegetarian cookbook, “Plenty,” which did serious time on England’s best-seller lists last year, rubbing spines with Stieg Larsson’s thrillers. (“Plenty” has just been released in the United States by Chronicle Books.)

If anything, Mr. Ottolenghi — tall and dapper, with salt-and-pepper hair, half-rim glasses and a penchant for pink-striped button-downs and black sneakers — should be a vegetarian pinup.

But here’s the rub: he eats meat.

Apparently this is enough to discredit him in the eyes of the most devout abstainers.

As he prepared a few dishes on a recent afternoon in New York, he recounted a debate in a vegetarian magazine over whether it was appropriate to publish his recipes, since he was not a member of the tribe. (The recipes were ultimately approved.)

In an interview with a London reporter last month, Mr. Ottolenghi was quoted as saying, “You can be vegetarian and eat fish.” No, you can’t, the faithful raged. He later recanted via Twitter. (“To all, fish eaters are NOT vegetarians!”)


Still, the uproar baffles him.

“It feels so wrong, all these definitions,” he said. “I don’t see the point unless you want to create a club that excludes people.”

“I think I can win more people to vegetables” than strict vegetarians, he said. “I’m better for the cause.”

Political divisions are familiar territory for Mr. Ottolenghi. He was born in Jerusalem in 1968. His mother is of German descent, his father Italian. They raised their son to be cosmopolitan and omnivorous. As a child, he craved prawns, partly because they were difficult to find. “You had to go the Arab side,” he said.

Mr. Ottolenghi, the son of a chemistry professor (his father) and a high-school principal (his mother), was expected to pursue an academic career. Following his mandatory tour in the Israel Defense Forces, he earned a master’s degree in comparative literature at Tel Aviv University while he worked nights as a copy editor at the newspaper Haaretz.

Neither effort proved inspiring. In 1997, he moved to London, under the cover of pursuing a doctorate. Instead, he enrolled at Le Cordon Bleu.

His entrance into the professional culinary world, via a Michelin-starred restaurant, was traumatic.

“The kitchen is tough,” Mr. Ottolenghi said. “It’s one of the last bastions in civilized culture that sets out to crush the spirit.”

He was slotted into pastry, a happy accident for future fans of his meringues the size of birds’ nests and his polenta cake perfumed with orange-blossom water.


In 1999, he met Sami Tamimi, who would become his business partner (and co-author of his first cookbook, “Ottolenghi”), when they were working at Baker and Spice, an artisanal bakery.

They quickly discovered that they had grown up in Jerusalem at the same time, just a few miles apart. Mr. Tamimi, a Palestinian, had lived on the Arab side.

The Ottolenghi chain is their shared vision. The first outpost opened in Notting Hill in 2002. Now there are four, including one candlelight-by-night, reservations-recommended restaurant. A separate dining concept, Nopi, a high-end brasserie, opened in February.

At its core, Ottolenghi is a modern deli, with vegetables as the focus instead of meat.

This was partly an aesthetic choice (to evoke abundance with a riot of hothouse hues) but also a nod to the prominence of vegetables and legumes in Middle Eastern cuisine.

Each Ottolenghi is a luminous white box, with white walls, white shelves and long communal tables with gleaming Corian tops (in Glacier White, of course). Against this ascetic backdrop, the platters of vegetables appear super-saturated in color, sun-kissed and exuberant.

The palette of flavors is unapologetically loud — “noisy,” Mr. Ottolenghi would say. Garlic and lemon dominate.

“I want drama in the mouth,” he said.

Meat is on the menu. So when Mr. Ottolenghi was first approached by The Guardian to write a vegetarian column, he balked. But his agent, who had been trying unsuccessfully to get him a cookbook deal, told him, “Beggars can’t be choosers.”

Mr. Ottolenghi’s vegetable dishes have a cross-border appeal to even the most fervent carnivores. But he has no time for frothing-at-the-mouth encomiums to pork belly.


“Meat should be a celebration, not everyday,” he said. “There is so much else out there.”

He is a champion of the underappreciated vegetable: kohlrabi, chard, sorrel. (The sorrel sauce paired with his chard cakes should be slathered on everything.) He’s known for sprawling and sometimes obscure ingredient lists.

He likes to turn herbs from a garnish to the centerpiece of a dish, as in a watercress salad tousled with tarragon, basil, dill and cilantro. He elevates alliums, typically supporting players, to stars in a tart studded with whole garlic cloves, and in a searing soup of young onions.

His culinary philosophy might be summed up as “Cook food less.” “I keep an ingredient very close to what it looks like naturally,”he said. “I take a vegetable and blanch it, leave it nearly raw. Or grill it and leave the color and the flavor at the center to enjoy.”

“In certain European cuisines, vegetables are cooked a long time,” he said. “I take the term al dente and use it for vegetables.”

His food, although undeniably Middle Eastern in influence — readers of “Plenty” should be prepared to stock up on za’atar (a blend of dried hyssop, sumac and sesame seeds), pomegranate molasses and rosewater — is not bound by geography. “Plenty” includes riffs on the Malaysian noodle dish mee goreng and the Vietnamese savory pancake banh xeo.

One pasta unites his grandmother’s Passover specialty, fried and pickled zucchini, with edamame.

Mr. Ottolenghi has little interest in culinary trends and is leery of anything that smacks of dogma, be it the insistence on eating exclusively organic or the fanatical parsing of an ingredient’s provenance. He just wants to do his thing.

It seems right, then, that a couple of months ago the title “The New Vegetarian” was quietly taken off his Guardian column. Now “I’m free to do what I like,” he said.

But he promised he won’t go whole hog, as it were. “I don’t want to alienate my fan base,” he said.



A Chef Who Is Vegetarian in Fame if Not in Fact (Published 2011) (2024)


A Chef Who Is Vegetarian in Fame if Not in Fact (Published 2011)? ›

The Chef Yotam Ottolenghi Is Vegetarian in Fame, if Not in Fact - The New York Times.

What does Ottolenghi's husband do? ›

Ottolenghi entertains every second weekend at the London home he shares with his Northern Irish husband Karl Allen, a law graduate and former British Airways flight attendant, and a collector of vintage 1950s antiques, and their two sons.

Who is the best vegetarian chef in the world? ›

Once a master rôtisseur, French chef Alain Passard has spent the last 16 years leading a revolution in vegetarian world cuisine. It's a little disconcerting to meet a world-famous three Michelin star French chef when he's dressed in just pyjamas and slippers.

How did Ottolenghi become famous? ›

The deli quickly gained a cult following due to its inventive dishes, characterised by the foregrounding of vegetables, unorthodox flavour combinations, and the abundance of Middle Eastern ingredients such as rose water, za'atar, and pomegranate molasses.

Which is the original Ottolenghi? ›

Nestled in the backstreets of Notting Hill is where it all began - our first Ottolenghi deli. The decor is white, the food is colourful, and the atmosphere is vibrant. A small pocket of colour along Ledbury Road. Over the last twenty years, we've created a community of regulars, coffee lovers, and Ottolenghi fanatics.

Is Ottolenghi a Michelin star? ›

So far, his books have sold 5 million copies, and Ottolenghi - although he has never even been awarded a Michelin star and without being considered a great chef - has successfully blended Israeli, Iranian, Turkish, French and, of course, Italian influences to create a genre that is (not overly) elegant, international, ...

Are Sami Tamimi and Ottolenghi still friends? ›

Tamimi was the first person he met there. The chemistry between them was immediate, not least because of their common background; they have been fast friends ever since. In 2002, Tamimi joined Ottolenghi and Bar in opening the first Ottolenghi Deli.

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Dianna AgronActressUnited States
Eden AhbezMusicianUnited States
William Andrus AlcottPhysicianUnited States
Sam AltmanEntrepreneurUnited States
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Who is the famous French vegetarian chef? ›

Alain Passard
Born4 August 1956 La Guerche-de-Bretagne, France
Culinary career
show Rating(s)
hide Current restaurant(s) L'Arpège
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He replied: "To a table of vegetarians who had artichoke soup. I told them it was made with vegetable stock when it was chicken stock." In one of his most controversial stunts, Gordon once tricked a vegetarian into eating meat while filming the second series of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares in 2005.

Is Ottolenghi vegan? ›

The guy's an omnivore but his recipes are overwhelmingly vegetarian and vegan. His vegetarian (not vegan) cookbook Plenty< spent years near the top of Britain's bestseller lists.

How rich is Ottolenghi? ›

Key Financials
Net Worth£1,543,770.00£2,583,579.00
Total Current Assets£1,938,410.00£3,162,953.00
Total Current Liabilities£406,652.00£612,500.00

What kind of cuisine is Ottolenghi? ›

It became a place with no single description but was a clear reflection of our obsessive relationship with food. From this, Ottolenghi has developed a style of food which is rooted in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean traditions, but which also draws in diverse influences and ingredients from around the world.

Does Ottolenghi eat meat? ›

If anything, Mr. Ottolenghi — tall and dapper, with salt-and-pepper hair, half-rim glasses and a penchant for pink-striped button-downs and black sneakers — should be a vegetarian pinup. But here's the rub: he eats meat. Apparently this is enough to discredit him in the eyes of the most devout abstainers.

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Does Ottolenghi serve breakfast? ›

By day, Ottolenghi Islington is a vibrant deli offering salads, baked goods, and breakfast and lunch options.

Who is Sami Palestine chef? ›

Sami Tamimi is a Palestinian chef, restaurateur and food writer based between London and Umbria in Italy. Sami grew up in the old city of Jerusalem, before leaving on a journey of self-discovery, first to Tel Aviv and then London.

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"So the cover story was that it was Turkey but a very pink Turkey." In the interview with Ruth Rogers, the American-born chef who owns and runs the acclaimed River Cafe in west London, the Israeli chef also expressed his horror at discivering the traditional full English fry-up breakfast when he first moved to the Uk.


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