Craigslist is an online classified website that gives users the ability to buy and sell a wide variety of products and services, and even look for employment. When you visit Craigslist, you have the ability to be directed to your city's specific Craigslist site, on which you can make a deal with someone locally. If preferred, you can switch cities to list something for sale elsewhere.
Visiting Craigslist
Upon your visit to Craigslist, you will be asked to select the city that is closest to your location. On subsequent visits, the website will remember your location and automatically load that city's specific site for ease of use.
Changing Cities
If Craigslist is automatically loading your true location, and you have decided that you want to list an item for sale on another city's site, click the "Craigslist" title menu on the upper left side of the page. Doing so will direct you to a master list of Craigslist's available cities. When you see a city where you wish to use to list your item, click on it to load its Craigslist page.
Specific Location
Once you click on one of the main cities, you have the option of narrowing down the location. Browse the nearby cities on the menu at the top right of the screen titled "Nearby CL" to view cities close to the city you originally chose. If, for example, you chose Baltimore, the "Nearby CL" list includes nearby locations such as Frederick, Annapolis and Eastern Shore.
Upon specifying the location where you plan to list the item, click "Post to Classifieds." Click the box next to "For Sale" and then select a relevant category. Complete your item's listing by writing a title, asking price, description, your email address and uploading up to four images. Press "Continue" to list the item.