Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (2024)

Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (1)

Cooking your meals has its benefits. It not only makes fiber more digestible but also enhances the absorption of several nutrients. However, it’s important to be aware of the drawbacks. Cooking can reduce the nutritional value of your food by destroying essential vitamins and minerals. Specifically, heat-sensitive vitamins such as Vitamin C, B1 (Thiamine), and B9 (Folic Acid) can lose up to half of their content during the cooking process.

Yet, not every cooking method impacts food the same way. Some techniques are more effective at preserving your ingredients’ nutritional quality. Generally, the shorter the cooking time and the lower the temperature, the better it is for retaining the food’s nutritional content.

Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (2)

Gentle steaming

This technique uses a low-temperature steamer (meaning the temperature remains below 212°F). It is the most appealing solution to optimize nutritional quality and preserve as many vitamins and minerals as possible.

It also maintains the flavor and texture of foods. This appliance is frequently used to cook vegetables, but it works with many other foods, such as legumes, fruits, poultry and fish.

Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (3)


Stir-frying is very common in Asian cuisine: the technique consists in sautéing foods in a wok or skillet.

This is a very quick cooking method: food is seared on high heat for just a few seconds, which limits the deterioration of the food’s inherent nutritional quality.

This cooking method is also appealing because it does not require much oil.

Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (4)

Cooking en papillote

The French term “en papillote” refers to cooking ingredients in parchment (or aluminum foil). With this method, food is sealed in a pouch made from aluminum foil or parchment paper, then cooked in an oven or microwave. The food is protected inside the pouch, which helps to preserve nutrients.

However, cooking en papillote is usually done at a high temperature (250°F or higher), which diminishes the food’s nutritional quality.

If you opt for this method, it is better to use parchment paper to prevent any transfer of metal particles from the aluminum foil to your food. In addition, aluminum foil cannot be used in microwave ovens; only parchment paper is suitable for using a microwave to cook en papillote.

Furthermore, you should never add any acid (e.g., lemon, white wine or vinegar) when cooking with aluminum because the acidity promotes the absorption of aluminum.

Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (5)

Water poaching

To poach foods in water, the food is held at a high temperature for a lengthy period, which lowers its nutritional quality. Thus, it is preferable to poach at a low temperature and to avoid bringing foods to a boil.

In addition, some of the minerals (and vitamins, to a lesser extent) migrate into to the cooking liquid. Thus, we recommend that you consume this poaching liquid where possible. You should also choose organic vegetables to avoid consuming any pesticides that may have migrated into the cooking water.

Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (6)


Baking takes a long time and often requires very high temperatures. Thus it has a major impact on nutritional quality.

Furthermore, it promotes the Maillard reaction, which is the chemical reaction that occurs in high-temperature cooking and creates Maillard products. The reaction lends foods a brown color and enhances their flavors. For example, Maillard products are responsible for the characteristic taste of the crispy skin on an oven-roasted chicken. However, Maillard products encourage oxidative stress, which accelerates cellular aging and increases the risk of cancer (see our post on antioxidants).

Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (7)

Pan frying

Pan frying also requires high temperatures and a relatively long cooking time. As such, this cooking method should be limited.

It is also important to choose an oil suited to cooking: olive oil for low temperatures and coconut oil for high temperatures. You should never bring an oil to its smoke point, as this makes it toxic.

Similarly, you should absolutely avoid browning butter. If you cook with butter, choose ghee (i.e., clarified butter) because it tolerates higher temperatures better than butter.

Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (8)


When you grill meat, the fats in the meat drip into the charcoal and catch flame: the resulting smoke contains a carcinogenic substance (benzopyrene) and several other toxic compounds that permeate the meat.

According to a study, a grilled 3.5-ounce steak may contain as much benzopyrene as 120 cigarettes (Kaisennan, 1996). This is why it is recommended that the meat be cooked at least 4 inches from the coals.

If you cannot resist grilled meats in the summer, the best approach is to use a plancha or a vertical grill, which allows the smoke to escape into the sky without entering the meat. You should also marinate your foods before cooking as it reduces the amount of toxic compounds they absorb.

Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (9)


There is wide disagreement among experts about the dangers of microwave cooking. Some believe that, if the microwave oven is not damaged, it cannot emit dangerous amounts of radiation.

However, others are concerned because microwaves cause unnatural changes in food structures by agitating their water molecules, and we do not yet know the full extent of the potential effects and consequences of such action.

Because the matter has not been settled, it is advisable to use the microwave in moderation.

Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (10)

Deep frying

This high-temperature cooking method favors the production of troublesome compounds through the Maillard reaction.

In addition, browning food in a fryer also produces acrylamide, a molecule that promotes the development of cancer and becomes neurotoxic in high volumes. This molecule is formed mainly when sugars are present. For example, the sugar in potatoes will encourage the production of acrylamide when cooked in a fryer.

Finally, deep frying foods increases their fat content. Frying oils are usually high in omega-6 and saturated fatty acids, two kinds of fat that are already over-consumed (see our post on fats).

Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (11)

Air Fryer

The air fryer presents an interesting alternative to traditional frying methods, allowing for a significant reduction in fat content by about 70% to 80%.

However, this cooking method does not eliminate the issue of producing Maillard compounds, which are problematic substances that form during the browning of foods. Therefore, while it offers a good compromise, it should be used in moderation.

Sources Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (12)

  • Lee S, Choi Y, Jeong HS, Lee J, Sung J. Effect of different cooking methods on the content of vitamins and true retention in selected vegetables. Food Sci Biotechnol. 2017;27(2):333-342. Published 2017 Dec 12.
  • Jiménez-Monreal AM, García-Diz L, Martínez-Tomé M, Mariscal M, Murcia MA. Influence of cooking methods on antioxidant activity of vegetables. J Food Sci. 2009;74(3):H97-H103.
  • Yuan GF, Sun B, Yuan J, Wang QM. Effects of different cooking methods on health-promoting compounds of broccoli. J Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2009;10(8):580-588.
  • Bastías JM, Balladares P, Acuña S, Quevedo R, Muñoz O. Determining the effect of different cooking methods on the nutritional composition of salmon (Salmo salar) and chilean jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) fillets. PLoS One. 2017;12(7):e0180993. Published 2017 Jul 7.
  • Andlauer W, Stumpf C, Hubert M, Rings A, Fürst P. Influence of cooking process on phenolic marker compounds of vegetables. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2003;73(2):152-159.
  • Ferracane R, Pellegrini N, Visconti A, et al. Effects of different cooking methods on antioxidant profile, antioxidant capacity, and physical characteristics of artichoke. J Agric Food Chem. 2008;56(18):8601-8608.
  • Carcinogens in Tobacco Smoke: Benzo[a] pyrene from Canadian Cigarettes and Cigarette Tobacco, M.J.Kaisennan, W. S.Rickert, American Journal of Public Health, 1992
  • Analysis of 200 food items for benzo[a] pyrene and estimation of its intake in an epidemiologic study, N.Kazerounia et al, Food and Chemical Toxicology 39, 2000
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  • Parada H Jr, Steck SE, Bradshaw PT, et al. Grilled, Barbecued, and Smoked Meat Intake and Survival Following Breast Cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2017;109(6):djw299. Published 2017 Jan 5.
  • Uribarri J, Woodruff S, Goodman S, et al. Advanced glycation end products in foods and a practical guide to their reduction in the diet. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010;110(6):911-16.e12.
  • Tamanna N, Mahmood N. Food Processing and Maillard Reaction Products: Effect on Human Health and Nutrition. Int J Food Sci. 2015;2015:526762.
  • Trevisan AJ, de Almeida Lima D, Sampaio GR, Soares RA, Markowicz Bastos DH. Influence of home cooking conditions on Maillard reaction products in beef. Food Chem.
  • Virk-Baker MK, Nagy TR, Barnes S, Groopman J. Dietary acrylamide and human cancer: a systematic review of literature. Nutr Cancer. 2014;66(5):774-790.
  • Brownlee M. Advanced protein glycosylation in diabetes and aging. Annu Rev Med. 1995;46:223-234.
  • Zhi WJ, Wang LF, Hu XJ. Recent advances in the effects of microwave radiation on brains. Mil Med Res. 2017;4(1):29. Published 2017 Sep 21.
  • Jiang H, Liu Z, Wang S. Microwave processing: Effects and impacts on food components. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2018;58(14):2476-2489.
  • Anses – Four à micro-ondes et substances chimiques des emballages alimentaires :
  • Caponio, F., Pasqualone, A. & Gomes, T. Effects of conventional and microwave heating on the degradation of olive oil. Eur Food Res Technol 215, 114–117 (2002).
Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka (2024)


Cooking Your Food Without Losing Nutrients - Yuka? ›

Some techniques are more effective at preserving your ingredients' nutritional quality. Generally, the shorter the cooking time and the lower the temperature, the better it is for retaining the food's nutritional content. This technique uses a low-temperature steamer (meaning the temperature remains below 212°F).

What is the best way to cook food without losing nutrients? ›

Alternative cooking methods such as grilling, roasting, steaming, stir-frying or microwaving generally preserve a greater amount of vitamins and other nutrients.

Do you lose nutrients when cooking? ›

Boiling and cooking vegetables in high temperatures or in water can also decrease their nutrient level. Water soluble vitamins like vitamin C and B vitamins are often lost during these cooking methods. Minerals like potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc may be reduced by up to 60-70%.

How do you prevent nutrients from destroying when cooking? ›

Holding On
  1. Keep skins on when possible.
  2. Avoid continuous reheating of food.
  3. Use a minimal amount of cooking liquid.
  4. Choose steaming over boiling.
  5. When you do boil, retain the cooking liquid for a future use (like soups and stocks)
  6. Use the microwave.
  7. Use a pressure cooker when possible.
  8. Avoid using baking soda to retain color.

What is the healthiest form of cooking? ›

Use low-fat cooking methods like boiling or steaming.

If you boil or steam food, you avoid the chemicals created by high temperatures and cut out extra fat, which helps you stay at a healthy weight.

What is the least healthy way to cook food? ›

Frying. Fried foods are unhealthy because adding fat increases the calories and the high heat destroys a lot of the nutrients. It's best to limit foods cooked in this way.

Does air frying vegetables remove nutrients? ›

May preserve nutrients

Convection heat, such as that used in an air-fryer may preserve certain nutrients during the cooking process, these include vitamin C as well as numerous protective plant compounds, called polyphenols.

What is the healthiest way to cook meat? ›

Steaming and boiling, which cook your food using moist heat, are some of the healthiest ways to prepare meat. 3 Both methods require low temperatures, which helps preserve nutrients and protect against harmful fumes and substances.

What is the healthiest way to cook vegetables? ›

Steaming veggies can preserve nutrients, color, shape, and texture, without having to add any unnecessary fats through ingredients like oils or butter. To steam, place food into a steam basket and cover over simmering water. Since food is not directly touching the water, vegetables retain more of their nutrients.

How to cook broccoli without losing nutrients? ›

The best way to cook broccoli so that it retains the most nutrients and causes the least amount of gas is to steam it. Place the broccoli in a steamer basket set over boiling water for about 5-7 minutes.

What nutrient is most easily destroyed by cooking? ›

Vitamin C is a water-soluble and temperature-sensitive vitamin, so is easily degraded during cooking, and elevated temperatures and long cooking times have been found to cause particularly severe losses of vitamin C [12].

How to boil vegetables without losing nutrients? ›

If you're keen on boiling vegetables but don't want to lose the nutrients, then one option is to use the vegetable cooking water in the dish. This is a good option when cooking curries or stews. Also, using as little water as possible and avoiding overcooking can help minimise vitamin loss.

What is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world? ›

Deficiencies in iron, vitamin A and iodine are the most common around the world, particularly in children and pregnant women.

What is the most unhealthy cooking method? ›

Deep-frying is one of the worst ways to cook your food, as it bathes your food in oxidized fats, denatured proteins, and glycated sugars. The high temperatures used during deep-frying produce a number of toxic compounds that may increase your risk of cancer.

What is the healthiest cooked food in the world? ›

  • Mexican.
  • Korean. ...
  • Thai. ...
  • Spanish. ...
  • Italian. ...
  • Indian. Try kebabs, or veggie-based dishes. ...
  • French. Try ratatouille, coq au vin, niçoise salad, and bouillabaisse. ...
  • Lebanese. Apart from the world's favorite healthy dip option — hummus, try out tabbouleh, labneh, shakshouka, and mujadara. ...
Feb 24, 2024

What is the healthiest dish ever? ›

Top 10 healthy dishes from around the world
  • Spanakorizo (Greece) ...
  • Phở (Vietnam) ...
  • Süzme Mercimek Çorbası (Turkey) ...
  • Bibimbap (South Korea) ...
  • Tabbouleh (the Arab world) ...
  • Bacalao Guisado (Puerto Rico) ...
  • Ratatouille (France) ...
  • Fish curry (Thailand)
Jan 16, 2021

What method of cooking keeps the most nutrients? ›

Steaming. Steaming is one of the best cooking methods for preserving nutrients, including water-soluble vitamins, which are sensitive to heat and water ( 4 , 5, 6, 17 ). Researchers have found that steaming broccoli, spinach, and lettuce reduces their vitamin C content by only 9–15% (5).

Which cooking method causes the most nutrient loss? ›

Boiling vegetables often leads to the most nutrient loss compared to steaming or stir frying. Nutrients like vitamin C and B vitamins can leach out into the water when boiled. Steaming and stir frying are gentler methods that help preserve more nutrients because they cook vegetables quickly without excessive water.

Which cooking technique speeds up nutrient loss the least? ›

As cooking time is very less microwave cooking is one of the least likely forms of cooking to damage nutrients. The microwave uses a small amount of water and steams food from the inside-out. This retains more vitamins and minerals than any other cooking method as no leaching of nutrients occurs.

How to cook food for maximum nutrients? ›

Steaming, poaching, simmering, and boiling are common methods under this type of cooking.
  1. Steaming: Steaming is a method of cooking using steam. ...
  2. Poaching: Poaching is a moist heat method of cooking by submerging food in some kind of a liquid and heating at a low temperature.
Dec 28, 2020


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