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Georgia Southern UniversityDigital Commons@Georgia SouthernThe George-Anne Student Media2-14-1985The George-AnneGeorgia Southern UniversityFollow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education CommonsRecommended CitationGeorgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1985). The George-Anne. 1018. newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@GeorgiaSouthern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact

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NON-PROFIT A3AC£MCDCELiBMCE GEORGE Eagles slide by Samford, 71-70 ORGANIZATION U. S. POSTAGE PAID SOJ1HERN —see p. 16 STATESBORO, GA. The Geof ge-Unite PERMIT NO. 286 Georgia Southern College's Official Student Newspaper VOLUME 65, NUMBER 13 Georgia Southern College, Statesboro, Georgia 30460 THURSDAY, FEB. 14, 1985 Senate meeting discusses WVGS's format By CARMEN SEWELL The majority of students proposal to the student senate Another was to play different Staff Writer attending the meeting were affiliated concerning WVGS. No decision was types of music along with progressive The Student Government with the school radio station and made on this question. This proposal music all in the same show. Association held a special senate expressed their satisfaction with will be brought up again in the next The station's management meeting Wednesday night to air current station programming meeting. clearly stated that they did opinions on a subject that has schedules. not want to go to an "any- sparked considerable controversy in Despite this fact, many thing goes policy because they recent weeks—musical programming "The, responsibility of the station is not to play what students want to suggestions were made by students said they had tried that before and it on WVGS, the campus radio station. hoping for some kind of change. hear, but to widen their culture," did not work. More than 60 students and faculty commented Andy Hardin, a DJ at members attended the marathon WVGS. One suggestion made was to meeting that began at 8 p.m. in room 206 of the Elementary Ed. Building on The possibility of conducting a compromise on the current format by adding more speciality shows to the "We're not going campus. scientific survey was the only official station's schedule. to program the "It was the biggest meeting of theyear," said Senator Kim Duke in station by a vote. 99response to the large turnout. The meeting focused on WVGS's —Deweyprogressive music format and soughtto answer the question: does thestation's programming represent the No promises were made by WVGSneeds of the students at GSC? to actually do anything. Emotions flared during the two- "By changing the station, youhour meeting as students re- would take away a lot from peoplepresenting each side of the debate who have put lots of work into thevoiced their views. At least one station," said Nannette Guidebeck,student was asked to leave the room the station manager.when he declined to calm down. Mike Wallace, SGA President, In an effort to settle the dispute, responded by saying, "The SGA, asSGA Vice President David Wallace an organization, is not trying toofficially proposed that a scientific change things. We're simplysurvey be done by the GSC statistics representing the students."department to determine the kind of This special senate meeting wasprogramming preferred by the called after numerous articles in themajority of students. George-Anne discussing WVGS and its policies. Dr. Russell Dewey, faculty advisor "The fact that a group of studentsof WVGS, disagreed with Wallace's stormed into our office and demandedproposal. action to be taken also influenced us "We're not going to program the to do something about this matter,"station by a vote," he declared. WVGS is located on the second floor of the Williams Center said David Wallace.Acting dean at GSC dies in Macon INSIDE By SUSAN WITTE Thomas had been a part of GSC's News Editor faculty since 1967, when she began as Georgelle Thomas, GSC's actingdean of graduate school, died an assistant professor of psychology. VALENTINE She received tenure in 1970 andThursday, February 7 of injuries from 1970 to 1982 served as faculty CLASSIFIEDSreceived in a car accident whichoccurred February 2. assistant to the dean of the School of . . . p. 12 Arts and Sciences, as well as teaching Also killed in the accident was psychology. In 1984, Thomas wasShirley Osgood, a former instructor of named acting dean of the graduatepsychology at GSC. school. The two women were traveling east on A graveside service for ThomasHwy. 16 near Macon when their car was held Sunday, February 10, inwas struck head-on by a pickup truck.The driver of the truck, a previous Statesboro. EDITORIALS . . .p. 4 Memorials for Thomas may beDUI offender, was charged with DUI sent to the Georgelle Thomas FEATURES p. 7and two counts of vehicular homicide, Memorial Scholarship Fund through SPORTS p. 13among other charges. the GSC Foundation. DR GEORGELLE THOMAS

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reu. i4*, LS70U, lilt? UTJiV7XVVJrll(-^*.l^l^l^ « »aCitw'Z rights leader addresses GSC students I By AMY SWANN blacks as a crisis in America today. He continued on the issue of crises his reasons for choosing to support a Features Editor Despite the fact that he has endorsed in the black community by posing the Republican candidate for president. Dr. Ralph David Abernathy, a President Reagan during the past two question, "How can you have a He said that along with his central figure of the Civil Rights revolution while cutting back on the i elections, he feels that more programs endorsem*nt, Reagan would have to Movement, delivered the keynote should be implemented by the social programs?" meet two conditions. address of Black History Month last government to aid in the employment Earlier that day in a press Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the of black youths. conference, Abernathy elaborated on First, Abernathy felt he must have Conference Center Assembly Hall. access to presidential advisors in Dr. Abernathy, who is presently order to communicate the hopes and serving as the pastor of the West Hunter Street Baptist Church in needs of the black community. Secondly, he asked for a grant f Atlanta, spoke on the crisis of apathy from a governmental department to in the black community. He feels that start FEED, the Foundation for this problem is a cause for concern Economic Enterprises Development. and encouraged blacks to take their destinies in their hands. "This was named for something I've tried to do all my life, feed the 1 people," said Abernathy. At one point in the address, he He ended his address by stating, asked the audience to "raise their "If I've sounded hard it's because I hearts, not their hands," as to how love you, and I love you because you many had contacted their are America to me!" congressmen in the last year about an Along with his work as the issue concerning the black chairman of FEED, Abernathy also community. serves as the President Emeritus of "There is a strange wind the Southern Christian Leadershipblowing," said Abernathy. "It is Conference and is President, withtearing down old systems and Honor, of the World Peace Council insweeping in a new order." Helsinki, Finland. Abernathy qualified thestatement further by noting the large Abernathy is also a life member of the NAACP, is a member of the tnumber of blacks that are now Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, andserving as mayors of major United serves on the World Commission on ■States cities. Hunger. However, he does not feel that this Reverend Dr. Ralph Abernathy, a central figure in the Civil Rights He is married to Juanita Odessais enough. Particularly, he cited the movement, spoke to GSC students as part of the observance of Black Jones Abernathy, and they are the high unemployment rates of young History Month. parents of four children. SHONEYS Sexually transmitted disease is a growing concern nationwide and on GSC campus By KARA J. KING most common STD's attended to at Assistant News Editor the clinic are gonorrhea, condyloma- Concern over sexually trans- ta (genital warts), and nongbnococcal mitted disease (STD) is growing not urethritus. only nationwide, but on the GSC They have also trisatlSd pelvic RESTAURANT campus as well. inflammatory disease (PID). Studies indicate that one in four pediculosis pubis (lice), scabies, and Americans between the ages of 15 herpes. Ms. Ellwood stated that no : I J and 55 will acquire an STD at some acquired immune deficiency point in his life. syndrome (AIDS) cases have been -■■■ America's Dinner The American Social Health reported at the Center. Association adds 10 million people "Any treatment or diagnosis visit doctors' offices and clinics every year for the problem, which now rendered here is strictly confidenti- al," assures Ms. Ellwood. i accounts for more than $2 billion "We put ourselves in place of the £ Table annually in health care costs. students," adds Barbara James LPN, However, the cost is minimal for of the Health Center. 1 GSC students who visit the campus Ms. Ellwood invites students to Health Center on Forest Drive. The take advantage of the care offered at Center is equipped with the facilities the Health Center. Special Offer necessary to diagnose and treat most "If you have any worries, STD's. suspicions, or questions about STD, Glenna Ellwood RN of the Health please come by the Center and talk to Center explains STD is prevalent among GSC students. She said the one of our health care professionals," concluded Ms. Ellwood. t —'CUP COUPON— —*j§1" Shoney's of Statesboro §1 ifl^Chicken ■ This coupon entitles bearer to ■ Sandwich, m 1 $100 off on any adult dinner or Medium Drink tl combination plate 220 South Main Street, Statesboro *2.08 chNMtxlra tax extra where applicable Offer not valid with any other discount. Exp. date 2-28-85 Limit one per customer Offer expires 2-28 -■CUP COUPON' ■MM|^^^^^M aW>■—MM

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« Jt .The GEORGE-ANNE, Thursday, Feb. 14, 1985, Page 3•i Society presents library with book N E Special to the George-Anne accepted the book from PKP Dean Leslie Thompson, now Provost The GSC chapter of the Phi Kappa President Jayne Williams and at Texas Women's University, Phi National Honor Society has Honors Committee Chairman Donna Associate Professor of English W presented the GSC Library with a Jones. Emeritus Dr. Edward G. Little, bound volume of keynote addresses As contributors to the collection of Savannah State College Business and award-winning essays which addresses and essays, the student Dean Leo G. Parrish Jr., and winning highlighted the honor society's 1984 and faculty authors will be listed in entries in the PKP student essay S Spring and Summer initiation the library's card catalogue. contest by Lisa Horton, Patricia A. ceremonies. The anthology includes keynote Carey, Rebecca A. Jones, Sandra S. Library Director Julius Ariail addresses by former GSC Graduate Jones and Teresa Patrick. l GSC nurses graduate and receive certification Special to the George-Anne GSC recently graduated 14 All of the GSC nurse practitioiner registered nurses from its Family graduates have been employed since Nurse Practitioner Program, who receiving their diplomas 'and unanimously passed the national certification. examination and received National The nurses included Liz Brauda of American Nursing Association Scotland, Chuck Britelli of Fairfield, Certification. Linda Deese of Grand Gridge, Fla., The GSC FNP program provides Sara Deleza of Hillsboro, Judy Dial of registered nurses with the specialized Tunica, Miss., Bradleigh Dyer of skills necessary to manage patient Jonesboro, Ann Crowley of Perry, care under doctor's orders, including health maintenance, routine Charlene Moon of Bloomingdale, Pat physicials and some diagnosis. Nurse Pickens of Chattahoochee, Fla., Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society presents the GSC Library with practitioners are often the key to Dorothy Roughen of Savannah, a bound volume of addresses and essays. health ,care in medically short- Nadine Sheehan of Olive Hill, Ky., NEWSBRIEFS handed rural areas. and Sarah Smith of Savannab. "Come See Our New Food makes money Look And Try Our Students fail test i ■ Where is North Carolina? Of Profit is a requirement at a Chicken Nuggets! the 1,875 students at eight North Morris Brown College student- Carolina universities who took run restaurant where hotel and an elementary geography test, 97 restaurant management stu- percent of the freshmen, and 93 dents get hands-on experience 2 Pieces of Chicken Z Pieces of Chicken percent of the upperclassmen, and a feel for what it takes to —plus— —pins— failed. The geography professor operate in a profit-loss 1 Buttermilk Biscuit 1 Buttermilk Biscuit who wrote the test called the environment. School loyalties for only for only results "depressing." Some won't stand in the way of sales; 4 $1035 This coupon goocUor 2 pieces of the Colonel's $1.25 This coupon good for 2 pieces of the Colonel's students thought the Soviet Union was between Nicaragua and Panama. One said the "state the restaurant's target market is the 10,000 students at the Atlanta Original Recipe" or Extra Crispy™ Original Recipe™ or Extra Crispy™ U. complex. Chicken and a biscuit for only $1.25. Limit one coupon per customer. Chicken and a biscuit for only $1.25. Limit one coupon per customer. of Atlanta" borders North Coupon good only for combina- tion white/dark orders. Coupon good only for combina- tion white/dark orders. Carolina." i ■ Customer pays all Customer pays all applicable sales tax. applicable sales tax. i OFFER EXPIRES OFFER EXPIRES FEB. 28, 1985. FEB. 28, 1985. IT'S COLLEGE DAY AT (This coupon good (This coupon good only at Kentucky only at Kentucky Fried Chicken Fried Chicken stores listed in stores listed in I RAIN CRAFTS & FRAMES!! this ad.) Q' this ad.) Q Z Pieces of Chicken Z Pieces of Chicken | * * qA| C * * —pins— —pins— 1 Buttermilk Biscuit 1 Buttermilk Biscuit for only for only $1.25 This coupon good for 2 pieces of .the Colonel's $1.25 This coupon good lor 2 pieces of the Colonel's | Saturday, | VflLt DMC Floss 4 for $1.00 February 16 Original Recipe™ or Extra Crispy™ Original Recipe" or Extra Crispy™ Chicken and a biscuit for only $1.25. Limit one coupon per customer. Chicken and a biscuit for only $1.25. Limit one coupon per customer. | All Cross-stitch books & packaged material 50% off Coupon good only for combina- tion white/ dark orders. Coupon good only for combina-_ tion white/dark orders. Customer pays all :!• Lace Net Darning Supplies & Packaged Material 20% off Customer pays all COMING SOON!! applicable sales tax. applicable sales tax. OFFER EXPIRES OFFER EXPIRES FEB. 28, 1985. FEB. 28, 1985. (This coupon good (This coupon good OPEN HOUSE!! only at Kentucky only at Kentucky Fried Chicken Fried Chicken stores listed in stores listed in this ad.) 0 this ad.) Q |:| Located in Grove Lakes 1.5 miles from the Mall on hwy. 80 East. 202 N. Main St., Statesboro, GA; Hwy. 82, Hinesville, GA

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Page 4, Thursday, Feb. 14,1985, The GEORGE-ANNE =fc Dr. Russell Dewey The George-A fine VGS offers alternative I wrote this months ago, thinking scene. REM, Pylon, B-52s, Love DONNA BREWTON MARTY NESBITT I might submit it to the George-Anne Editor Tractor, Swimming Pool Qs, Oh-OK, Managing Editor or Eagle. I never submitted it but it the dBs, Chris Stamey, Bruce Baxter, might be useful now (I have updated Art in the Dark and Let's Active are it a bit.) It spells out the rationale for all new music groups from Georgia SUSAN WITTE LEIGH ANN KITCHENS our new music policy. The reasons I and nearby. New music is often News Editor Business Manager never submitted it before is that I quirky and complex—definitely an doubt it will persuade anybody! But acquired taste. I Editorial views expressed In The George-Anne are not necessarily those of the Georgia Southern for what it's worth, here it is. College administration and /or faculty. Signed columns are solely the viewpoint of the writer. Q: Why doesn't WVGS play the Q: Who plays it, besides WVGS? music I like? A: Most college radio stations A: Probably because you like around the country. The large and Say goodbye to apathy Heavy Metal, Gospel, Country, Top better the school, the more likely they 40, East Listening, Classical, Disco, are to play it. For example, The Opera, or Polkas. All of these types of University of Georgia station is a new music have fans on campus, and all music station; the University of Once upon a time, a student decided to write a paper on student (except the Polka fans) have California at Berkeley station is aapathy. So, at the top of a blank sheet of paper he put his name and the requested—sometimes through new music station...and so forth. Iftitle, "Student Apathy." Thus, he had completed his paper. petitions—that their favorite type of you look at the College Media The preceding example is indicative of the mood on campus lately. music be played more on WVGS. But Journal, the industry standard, youStudents aren't becoming involved or speaking their minds enough. So all the above types of music are will see the WVGS playlist resembleshere's a reminder: the George-Anne, SGA, WVGS, SUB, the Miscellany, available on other stations in the that of other college radio stations atthe Reflector, and others want to see and hear from you. L,et us know area. New music is available on high-quality institutions around thewhat you're thinking. We're interested and remember, we wouldn't be WVGS. No station can be all things to country. all people, especially with thehere if it weren't for you. So say goodbye to. apathetic attitudes and get diversity of tastes represented above. Q: Even in Georgia?involved. We need you! Unrealistic as an "anything goes" Yes, Georgia State, Valdosta Happy Valentine's Day policy may sound, we actually tried it. State, West Georgia, and the About three years ago we allowed any University of Georgia (to name a few) and every type of music to be played, have student stations which and we caught a lot of flack for it. specialize in new music. However, We at the George-Anne would like to wish everyone a happy Letters to the George-Anne criticized WVGS is more creative and non-Valentine's Day. This day has been especially set aside for showing love us for having an incoherent music commercial than most.for people that you care about and has been celebrated for hundreds of policy. There was an idelogical Q: What do you mean by that?years. warfare going on between the A: We stop playing music when it If you have someone special, remember him or her with a token of Christain Rock dj's and the Heavy gets too popular on MTV or on theyour affection. If not, show someone a spreading sensation of a shy, but metal dj's, representing opposite ends Billboard charts, even if it is gooddelicate shower of happiness—a smile for this very special day. of the angelic spectrum. Finally, music, because at that point we figure' seeing the failure of our no-policy it is freely available elsewhere. For Intramural information policy, we decided to establish an identity for the station—to do one thing and do it well. We settled on example, the University of Georgia station listed Prince's "Purple Rain" as their number one, most-played The badminton tournament sponsored by Campus "new music," which is especially album on their first September Recreation/Intramurals was a great success. We had a lot of good appropriate for a non-commercial playlist. We didn't play it at all, participants enter! Our winners in each division were: Victoria Mark: campus station. That offended every because at the time you could hear it Female Singles; Mike Sapp: Men's Beginners; Allen Bulloch: Men's programming: oldies, jazz, Gospel, on every popular music station and Intermediate; Raymond Wills: Men's Advanced. classical, and urban contemporary. on MTV. We played Duran Duran The Shick Super Hoop Tournament was terrific. Our top two teams Q: What is new music? heavily in 1981, before they made it were: Oxford Dorm, first place; Southern Realty, second place. A: Mostly imports and records big. Now we rarely play them. It's a These teams will be competing in a regional tournament on Feb. 16 in from small independent labels. consistent policy. Atlanta against other teams from colleges and universities in Georgia. Georgia, especially Athens and Atlanta, has an active new music See WVGS, p. 5 A doubles racquetball tournament for men and women will be sponsored by the Campus Recreation Department. There will be beginner, intermediate, and advanced divisions for participants. Entry forms are available in the CR/I office, Hanner number 126, and are due on Feb. 21. Play begins on Feb. 25. Greek and dorm points will be awarded to participants. For more information call 681-5436. AMY SWANN . . . .Features Editor JIM TORELL Sports Editor CATHERINE CARTER Copy £d/'for RICHARD LEE Photography Editor JEFF ALMOND Advertising Manager BILL BRICKER .... Graphic Artist KARA KING Assistant News Editor REBECCA ROY . . Advertising Production Assistant FRED RICHTER, Faculty Advisor The George-Anne Is the official newspaper of Georgia Southern College and Is owned and operated by GSC. The office is located in Room 110, Williams Center, the telephone numbers are 912/681-5246 and 681-5418 and the mailing address is GSC, LB. 8001, Statesboro Ga 30458
■3 O O \> i - :. i 0 O :;■ .The GEORGE-ANNE, Thursday, Feb. 14, 1985, Page 5 Letters to the EditorIf you drink, but being careful is not enough. One can no longer feel "safe" by insuring a time for heavy metal, a time for country, a time for good old rock-n- Student speaksdon't drive a sober person drives back—these irresponsible drinkers and drivers are roll, a time for soul music, and there is a time for progressive music. WVGS makes this time for up for VGS endangering others and themselves, and are causing many of the deaths progressive music possible, and I DEAR EDITOR: in the high statistic of traffic would like to thank them for these At Wednesday night's meeting ofDEAR EDITOR: fatalities. efforts to please their listeners! the SGA, a motion was proposed that Some upsetting news has incited me The solution lies not in punishing I think WVGS should keep on will authorize a survey to determineto write this letter: Professor those who have already killed being a progressive music station the extent of student dissatisfactionGeorgelle Thomas of the psychology someone while driving under the because it provides the students with with WVGS. If a "simple majority"department and acting dean of the influence, but in preventive measures a progressive alternative. disapproves of the currentgraduate school, was struck by a such as greater awareness and Those people who do not like programming of the station, the SGAvehicle going the wrong way on 1-16 a involvement in groups such as SADD WVGS or progressive music don't intends "to take action." I questionfew nights ago. She and her friend, a and MADD, which are fighting for a give either a chance. I mean, how both their ability to act and theirpassenger, died. This raises the worthy cause: your life. many hours a day do they devote to motives. They have made it clear thatquestion, "How could this happen?" Teresa R. Neuendorf listening to WVGS? How many times the Media Committee whose functionThe answer is, too many people have have they tried to give progressive is to arbitrate this sort of thing, willdied at the hands of a drunk driver.All of our everyday problems become Give WVGS music a chance? That's what I thought. be passed. Why? Because several committee members were present and a chancetrivial when reminded how at risk we Those people that prefer other expressed support of WVGS. As aall are each day of life. music are always so quick to say, committee member, my support came The purpose of this letter is not to "Who wants to listen to music that no not from any fanatical love ofmake moral judgment about DEAR EDITOR: one has ever heard of?" Well if they progressive music but from the desiredrinking; rather it is a reaction of Give WVGS a chance! listened to WVGS every once in a to prevent manipulation of campusanger concerning irresponsible I realize that the letters while, maybe then they would be media and to encourage innovationpeople who drink and drive and thus concerning the school's radio station, familiar with progressive music. and change in student affairs. In fact,endanger innocent people. I felt great WVGS 107.7, may be piling up; All I am trying to say in this letter the presiding SGA membershorror in considering that tragedy however, I feel it is important for me is that the students do not give WVGS demonstrated a much morecould have happened to anyone as it to support WVGS. After all, WVGS is a chance if they don't like progressive dangerous bias—through subtledid to Dr. Thomas. our "school" radio station and I, music. sarcasm and innuendo. Many times I have returned from along with many others, enjoy All I am asking in this letter is that The unfortunate fact is that aSavannah at night on 1-16, even listening to progressive music. the studens try giving WVGS a survey will show only one thing: thattaking the precaution of driving I believe that there is a time for chance and maybe they will grow to it is impossible to please everyone.myself when others were not sober, everything. There is a time for Top 40, like progressive music as I have! See RADIO, p. 6WVGS. Cathy McNamaraContinued from p. 4 Q: Isn't it illogical to stop playing musically interesting (like Husker students surveyed had a favorite identity. We decided it was better tosomething just because it gets Du) and punkish music which is show on WVGS. That's about 2,000 stick to one thing and try to be reallypopular? merely obnoxious. At our most recent students. The request line is often good at it, rather than attempt to A: Only if you're trying to sell station meeting (Feb. 6) there was a busy. But feelings about music run cater to all special interest groups.commercial time. We have a station general consensus that we should strong. Our supporters are often Q: So you ended up catering to justin town, FM-100 which plays popular restrict "hard core" to special shows, passionate supporters; our detractors one group! What about the otherhits. Stations in Savannah play top such as those on Sunday night. are often passionate detractors. If you groups? The students pay for WVGS. 40, hard rock, soft rock, and country. . Q: The dj 's at WVGS often give out add up all the fans of different types Shouldn't they have a say in whatWhy should we compete with them? the request number. Why, then won't of music listed at the beginning, you type of music is played?They are commercial operations; we they take a non-new music request? get a maj ority of students. If the issue A: They do. Reread the very first are not, so it is appropriate for us to A: If you are familiar with any was put to a vote, a majority would answer. There is lots of non-new-take chances and expose new artists. new music and can make a request vote against the current music policy. music programming tucked around Let the commercial stations play the consistent with the philosophy of the But people who say they favor "more the edges at WVGS. Maybe if weestablished hits; we will play the station, they will probably play it. If variety on VGS" are actually voting publish a schedule in the George- music our dj's really like which for you call up requesting Lynyrd for their own favorite music, usually Anne, people will become more aware one reason or another is ignored on Skynyrd, Led Zeppelin, of Twisted Heavy Metal or Christian music. If of it. But if you are advocating a "try commercial radio. Sister, you are unlikely to hear it. they hear the other type being played, to please everybody" policy, No Q: If you're a so-called "new Q:Is it fair to infer, from all the they are not pleased. We discovered Thanks! We tried it, and it doesn't music" station, why is it I hear so negative questions above, that few this the hard way when we tried a work! (And we did publish a schedule much punk rock on VGS? students like or listen to WVGS? simple policy: "Each dj can'play the regularly in the George-Anne that A: That is a fairly recent A: Not at all. The station has never music he or she loves. There is total year, by the way. It didn't help.) The development, and it bothers me. Some been more popular, as far as we can creative freedom." That led to the whole issue of who sets the music of our most influential dj's are really tell. We did a survey using a random worst year in WVGS's history: a policy was debated last year when the "into" this type of music this year, sampling technique (instead of the nasty, combative atmosphere at the gospel djs petitioned to have more and there is a thin line between unscientific man-on-the-street station, a large amount of album programming time. The Media punkish music which is complex variety) and found that a third of the theft, and an incoherent station Committee unanimously affirmed Letters Policy the right of the station manager and other staff members to set musical policy for the station. Now our goal is to make WVGS the best new music station in the country. All letters to the editor are subject to standard editing and all letters should be signed. It will be the editor's policies for taste, libel, etc. The editor reserves the right decision whether or not to print the name. Letters should to reject any letter. There is no word limit on letters and be addressed to: The Editor, The George-Anne, Landrum Dr. Russell Dewey is theadvisorof they are published on a first come, first serve basis. Box 8001, Statesboro, Ga. 30460, or brought by room WVGS and is an assistant professor Letters should address issues and not attack individuals 110, Williams Center. of psychology.
Page 6, Thursday, Feb. 14,1985, The GEORGE-ANNEDean Orr responds to Greek's complaintsDEAR EDITOR: adults who decide that being a members, at the time of joining, success can be made much easier by I am writing in response to Ms. student is no longer desirable can pledge themselves not only to the the help of concerned, moreStephanie Troncalli's letter in the simply withdraw from school; thus ideals of the group, but also to be experienced friends, instructors andGeorge-Anne. I believe the questions protecting their academic record in concerned about each individual who advisors. This help is useful only toshe raises are valid and demand an the event that sometime in the future is a member of that organization—as the extent the individual is willing toexplanation of the assumptions and they might want to again enroll and true brothers or sisters. accept help. Although each personthinking behind the program to aid pursue their academic career. Often, individual students, must make their own final decisions,greek scholarship. Finally it is assumed that all especially first quarter students, do good advice, a knowledge of the First, it is assumed that real students, without regard to age, who not realize that they are in academic experiences of others, and anlearning seldom takes place in an come to college for the first time or difficulty. Their experiences in high understanding of the long as well asatmosphere of complacency and join a greek organization, are school were always successful and the short range implications ofmediocrity. Learning and new entering a new life situation and must they do not expect the pattern to decisions can help to ensure theinsights take place only when learn the techniques of dealing with change. They believe a poor grade on individual's decision is the beststudents are challenged to confront that situation. This has nothing to do the first test is an exception and that possible. One of the real benefits ofnew facts, view from new with age, legal rights or status. It is everything will be all right by the belonging to a fraternity or sorority isperspectives and become personally simply that throughout life, all next test. In addition, it is undeniable the concern and help offered byinvolved in the learning process. humans entering new situations that pledging a greek organization is others who are interested in you as aInstructors who do not challenge must learn the methods of coping a time consuming process. Now person and who will do everythingtheir students to do their best, with the demands and tasks in those members are often reluctant to admit possible to help you succeed.advisors who do not demand their settings. This is valid for school, to older members they are having I am pleased that Ms. Troncallistudents consider alternatives and career and personal situations. All trouble organizing their time, raised questions she has about themake decisions on the basis of good individuals, regardless of age, can keeping up with assignments, etc. If program. I am sure that she alsoinformation and realistic appraisals benefit from the advice and the organization is to help the supports good scholarship by allof resources and goals, and experiences of those who have students, they must have some way of students. If any students haveadministrators who do not encourage mastered these tasks. In fact, it is the finding out which students are in suggestions on needed improve-and support the exploration of new mature adult who most avidly seeks need of help. Under federal law, this ments, IFC, Panhellenic and I will bethoughts and ideas rob students of to avoid having to reinvent the wheel type of information may be given out happy to work with them. We have atheir education. by profiting from the mistakes of only to those whom the student very strong and good Greek system at The second basic assumption is others. designates—thus the need for a GSC. With cooperation andthat poor academic outcomes are the The question then, is how do we release form. If a student does not understanding, we can make theresult, not of basic inability, but other help students learn new study want aid, is not appreciative of the system even stronger and morefactors. Since students are admitted patterns, decision making processes efforts of the group to give help, and valuable to individual GSC only when they have and priority ranking. Georgia does not wish the information to be James D. Orr, Jr.demonstrated the basic academic Southern offers, through the made available to the group, then Associate Dean of Studentsability to succeed here, there must be Counseling Center, the Learning they certainly have the right to and Advisor to Greeksother factors operating when the RADIO Resources Center, the Academic decline to sign the waiver.results are not satisfactory. Such Advisem*nt Center, individual I am disturbed if a recommenda-factors as poor study techniques, poor faculty members and residence hall tion I made has been viewed as an Continued from p. 5reading ability and lack of time programs and staff many resources unwarranted intrusion into the lives There is little doubt in my mind that amanagement often contribute to poor for its students. These are available to of students. Thrust of the whole Greek simple majority will be found. Thisdecisions concerning priorities and everyone, greek and non greek. Academic Policy which was passed "majority" will include those whogoals. However, members of greek by the Faculty Senate is to encourage want only country programming, A third basic assumption is that organizations have another very and help greek organizations provide those who want only rock, only soul,all students, whether greek or valuable source, the concern and help the best possible support for their only gospel, only hymns—the list isindependent, are here by choice and of their brothers or sisters. members. It is a concern for the limitless and this very diversityhave the desire to obtain an education Greek organizations are unique. individual, a realization that poor negates importance the survey mightwhich will prepare them for a career First, they are found only on college decisions made early in an academic have. Are we to accept this as aand role as a citizen not only of campuses and their membership is career can end that career abruptly valid survey or as a piece of cleverGeorgia and the United States, but restricted to students. Among other and finally, a desire to aid each propaganda?the world. While it is certainly true eleemosynary purposes, every greek individual achieve the best possible It is unnecessary to answer thethat students have an inalienable organization proclaims as part of its for themselves that have prompted many half-truths that have been usedright to fail courses and be suspended heritage and one of its goals the this program. to discredit WVGS. It is important,from school, it is assumed that such aiding of its members in their No one but the individual student though, to restate that WVGS'results are unintended since mature scholastic endeavors. In addition, all can achieve success. However, that concept is to provide programming that cannot be found on other stations in this area. This has been George-Anne accomplished with professionalism and dedication and should be encouraged rather than ridiculed. Publication Schedule I find it frightening that attempts are being made to suppress free expression on this campus. Historically, majorities have consistently opted to prevent any change that fails to benefit them Articles ........... .Due Thursday (one week before publication) directly. We can only be thankful that an outspoken few have had the courage to be different, the Ads . Due Wednesday intelligence to look beyond the immediacy of today and into tomorrow. The management of (one week before publication) WVGS has done this, and I applaud them! Howard Shumway, editor Miscellany
.The GEORGE-ANNE, Thursday, Feb. 14, 1985, Page 7 FEATURES Auditions for play to be held Special to the George-AnnePresident Henderson remembered Auditions for the musical comedy You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, Theater South's By TINA KICKLIGHTER Jack Broucek, former head of the and faculty requests," and that he third major production of the Features Writer GSC Music Department, said that "tried to be accommodating." season at GSC, are scheduled for In the history of GSC, few people Henderson was "always very kind Broucek also commented that he was 6 to 8 p.m. on Monday andhave influenced and inspired as and fair when listening to student a "man of great integrity" and that he Tuesday, Feb. 18 and 19.many individuals as the late Dr. Zach The auditions are open to pre-Suddath Henderson, who died on Jan. college students and members of6, 1985. the community, as well as to GSC Henderson, who served as students. Interested persons mayPresident of GSC for 21 years, played audition on either evening ina major role in bringing graduate Theater South's portion of theeducation to the college. He also Skater Bowl building, located.oncontributed to the growth and Hwy. 301 South just past theexpansion of the school. campus. You're a Good Man, Charlie According to GSC President Dale Brown is based on CharlesLick, Henderson was "one of the mostimportant leaders in the total life of Schulz's comic strip "Peanuts"GSC" and that the recent and is woven from a number ofadvancement and growth of our funny, precious episodes in thecollege was a "direct result of our lives of Charlie, Lucy, Linus,being able to stand on his shoulders Schroeder, Peppermint Patty, and Snoopy.and build on the foundation he laid Dr. Ron Fischli, the director offor us during his tenure at GSC." the production, emphasizes that A good man, Henderson was the age of the auditioner need notdeeply religious. He served as a be considered a limiting factor,national lay leader in the Methodist since the characters can bechurch before his retirement from the legitimately played by children,college and lived a truly Christian Kirbylene Stephens was President Henderson's secretary and teenagers, or young assistant for many years. Auditioners should not be "always did the right and fair thing apprehensive if they lack as president" and "was a man with a extensive vocal training. Some strong Chris tain outlook." singing ability, a love of Henderson and his wife, Marjorie performance, a desire to work were active members of Pittman Park hard, and a schedule that permits United Methodist Church. Church extensive evening rehearsals are and civic activities were of utmost the principal requirements. importance to both of them. Dr. Advanced preparation for the Henderson was a member of Rotary auditions is not required, but a and was at one time affiliated with prepared musical number would the YMCA and the Chamber of be helpful in assessing an Commerce. individual's vocal range and He was eulogized as knowing that adaptability to roles. A pianist there was "much more that the simple will be provided for the auditions. Statesboro teaching of knowledge." According to Information may be obtained Rev. Billy Oliver, pastor of Pittman by seeing Fischli in Room 114-2 of invites you to dine in Park United Methodist Church, "He the Hollis Building or by phoning knew the importance of shaping 681-5138. lives." their restaurant for the Aquarium Fish, & Pet best lunch buffet in Supplies town: 2 meats, 4 vegetables, salad bar, soup, dessert and tea or coffee. Tank and Filter Kit $3.50 Reg. $24.90 plus tax SALE $14.95 (served Mon. thru Fri. 11 a.m. til 2:00 p.m. EXOTIC FISH Located inside Thqmpson Pool 230 South Main Street Phone: 764-6121 29 N. Zetterower Ave. 764-3442 *:***:******:*****
Page 8, Thursday, Feb. 14,1985, The GEORGE-ANNEGreek, GDIsshare views By ALYSON BENNETT Features Writer Looks like Winter Quarter is thequarter to study. No more trips to thebeach, laying out in the sun, flagfootball, or nice cool nights to enjoy.The only thing left to do is study.Most people come to college to bettertheir education, but they also want tosocialize and meet new people. TheGreek fraternities and sororities oncampus have now been put on socialprobation because of low GPA's. Nowthe question is: What's moreimportant, fun and games, or grades? Some of the Greeks feel verystrongly one way or another. Let's seehow the students feel. DOMINO'S One greek said, "If greeks go onprobation, then every other PIZZAorganization (business fraternities, DELIVERS®sports, FCA & Wesley, etc.) needs tobe put on it also. I realize that itsounds a bit ridiculous, but this wholesituation is ridiculous." On the other side of the coin, ttanother greek felt that it was anecessary step and it would help inthe long run. "It's good because we We Bust Hunger!"were warned ahead of time, and nowthat it finally happened, it woke us You never know when Call America's favoriteup." Matt Barnes, a member of Pi you'll be attacked. It could pizza delivery people happen at lunch, dinner whenever you want theKappa Phi, said, "Everyone knew it or late at night. You might taste of hot, delicious,would happen and it's good in a way be alone or in a crowd. custom-made pizza.because it'll give the fraternities and When hunger attacks, be Free delivery in 30sororities a chance to look at their prepared. minutes or less, or your pizza is $3.00 off!scholarship programs, and reassess Fightback!their goals. However, the fact that we Wherever you are, help is 681-4326can't participate in intramurals hurts only minutes away. College Plazaus a lot, especially graduating Domino's Pizza will send a professional to your Hours:seniors." door in 30 minutes or less 11AM-1AMSijn.-Thurs. One student who is not a member to "bust" your hunger with 11AM-2AMFri.&Sat.of a greek organization said, "If the a hot delicious, mouth-greeks want to suffer just to belong to watering pizza from the Limited delivery areas.a social activity, then let them. There originators of free 30 Drivers carry under $20. e minute delivery. 1985 Domino's Pizza, Inc.have been a lot of athletes that havetheir grades suffer and the school $1.50hasn't put any special rules on them. I Order a delicious 12"think it's up to the U.S. Greek system pizza or 16" pizza withto make the rules, not the Dean." any two toppings and OFF get $1.50 OFF! Dean Orr feels that the greeks willbe pleased in the long run. "A great One coupon per pizzamany things in life aren't pleasant in Expires: 3/5/85the beginning, but it's worth it in theend," he said. Orr feels that in a Our 12" pizza has 8 slicesmatter of time, all programs will be serving 2-3 persons. Ourdeveloped to the point where there 16" pizza has 12 slices serving 4-6 persons.won't be a problem with grades. Hesaid that in the past the standardswere above what's being set now."This isn't a happy experience, butthey (greeks) are acting in good faithabout it." $6.49 Order a delicious 12" pepperoni pizza with two THE servings of co*ke® after WATERBED GALLERY 10PM and you pay only Complete Waterbed $6.49! $149.95 King or Queen One coupon per pizza Expires: 3/5/85 Our 12" pizza has 8 slices DENMARK'S Furniture Mart & Sleep Shop i serving 2-3 persons. Brooklet 1-842-2141
The GEORGE-ANNE, Thursday, Feb. 14, 1985, Page 9 Arts h Entertainment Museum has new exhibitBLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed Special to the George-Anne A photographic exhibit featuring more than 50 examples wen, IT ALL srmep vox me 10 eo P\W»)w\». of American structures from the 'original Ferris Wheel to the 100- WH6N I WAS WALKING HCM6 FROM me peuomsseN... 1HW6H1HI5VP0I ANYHOW. ONBOFWeM STAR7BP FOLLOWING HOW HAS story New York World Trade SUPPBNU, I SAW ft GROUP HIWIO&LMIM Me... ANPONe THOUGHT OUR socier/ Center will begin a month-and-a- com TO OFTHMINIHePHRK... rrwMLfire...!...-[... 1ffl0R?0H,im6CP, K6FT FLASHING THROUGH MY MINP... THIS ?/ half-long stay at GSC Museum I DON'T MOB, o o Feb. 9. "Engineering Structures in PONrmkA America," which will be on display through March 24, presents a look at engineering accomplishments over the past JJ 100 years. The ten-panel, 40-foot i pictoral history features bridges, tunnels, airports, rapid transitGARFIELD® by Jim Davis systems, buildings and water- front facilities, and reflects the planning and precision that go into the work of the consulting engineer. The GSC Museum is located in the Rosenwald Building on campus and welcomes individu- als and group tours. Arrange- ments can be made by calling the Museum during regular business hours, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tuesday- Friday or 2-5 p.m. weekends. Admission is free. Kappa Alpha Psi will Bell Invented The Telephonehold Cupid Connection In 1875... m Kappa Alpha Psi is sponsor- Mike Sheppard, who is in charge Inn ing "Cupid Connection," a Valentine's dance, on Fri., Feb. of the event, said that tickets will be available at the door and dress Perfected The Phone-in-Pizza!,15, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the code is semi-formal. Williams Center Coffeehouse. Admission is $1.50 per person This special event is an and $2.50 for couples. excellent gift for your valentine. The dance will feature live According to Sheppard, 'Thisentertainment and refreshments. will be a night of dancing and -CJ.iNo alcoholic beverages will be entertainment and we encourage o-allowed. everyone to attend." c^, [
'-■-.Page 10, Thursday, Feb. 14, 1985, The GEORGE-ANNE_Sweethearts remember special Valentine's Days By JULIE RAY share my feelings for my friends, on tnese days you're required to give Ben Blakely has decided to send Features Writer especially my guy friends," Mandi something. It means more when I cards this year to all his Kappa Alpha It is time for roses and chocolate Hearn said smiling, "I give boxer surprise my wife once in a while; and Alpha Delta Pi little sisters, but iscovered cherries. The mood has been shorts with red hearts on them to a however, I'll probably send her sending a little extra present to hisset for sweetness and romance to fill boyfriend and maybe one red rose." flowers." favorite sweetheart—his mother.the air in this college campus on For those of you who don't have Most everyone looks forward to "The most memorable ValentinesFebruary 14—Valentine's Day. that special someone here at GSC to this delightful day, but for one GSC Day I've had," Lisa Jones recalls," As in all traditions and rituals share this heart-filled day, Scott student the situation looks a little was when I received a dozen red rosespeople celebrate this day in many Tillman suggests that sending cards different. "I'm just going to bury and then three more to say 'I lovedifferent ways. Here are some of friendship or love will let them myself in a hole," she said you.' I never knew he had it in him,remembrances and plans from GSC know you care. sarcast.inaHv and walked awav. but I was glad he did."students and faculty that made or Alex Chrestopoulos shares hiswill make this day a special one. feelings on Valentine's Day. "I think "I go kind of crazy on Valentine's it's just another day. I'm really not aDay because this gives me a chance to holiday person because it seems that A great new book from HUMANlnteractlon Subtle winning ways to tell someone they like you I M How TO ON MONDAY if you want a date for Friday. Nothing attracts people to each other like certain subtle signals. YOU can learn what they are and how to use them with CONFIDENCE to make some- one feel you're special. Benefit as you enjoy reading of the first-hand experiences of others, like yourself, ^trying to attract someone they like. iNo, you don't have to be beautiful, Two sweethearts share a romantic moment over a vintage bottle of •wealthy, popular or unique in any way Heineken. True love such as theirs is a joy to behold. \....these tested winning ways do work CLIP&MAIL-CLIP&MAIL-CLIP&MAIL Ifor everyone willing to try them. CAREER We know how you feel about first encounters. Maybe you are afraid to approach someone — scared you will be rejected, or worse yet, laughed at or put down. Per- haps you're missing your chance to meet someone that you find interesting because you don't know the right way to go about it. Worry no more. "0 "HOW TO FLIRT ON MONDAY" was written especially for"you to overcome these fears and to give you CL PROGRAMS IN ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES d new self-assurance. Discover how to make shyness PROGRAMS IN NURSING MCG work for you. Know why "acting out of character" is always the wrong thing to do. Learn how to use ASSOCIATE DEGRESS o the "verbal handshake" technique plus many more □ Dental Hygiene subtle approach ideas you have yet to think of. □ Dental Lab Technology Read how a mere glance, scent or smile can ignite A Unit of !he University System of Georgia D Nuclear Medicine a relationship and be sure < AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL Technology OPPORTUNITY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION □ Occupational Therapy that you're using them the 2 right way.(You'll know you Assistant know how!) Chapters also □ Physical Therapist uncover many sensitive areas BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Assistant no one ever tells you about DEGRESS D Radiation Therapy > o but we tell it like it is □ Dental Hygiene Technology □ Diagnostic Medical □ Radiologic Technology with humor and warmth. If ever o Sonography D Respiratory Therapy you've wanted someone you like □ Medical Record to "want to" know you then Administration GRADUATE PROGRAMS this book is a must I You won't D Medical Technology Master of Science put it down til it's finished. P Nuclear Medicine D Medical Illustration 2 Technology □ Nursing G Nursing Masters in Health 'Hi!" D Occupational Therapy □ Physical Therapy Education D Dental Hygiene Box 1091, Shalimar, FL 32579. LJ Physician's Assistants D Medical Technology Please send a copy of HOW TO ELIRT ON MONDAY in a D Radiologic Technology □ Occupational Therapy o plain envelope.(great gift item!) My payment of LJ Respiratory Therapy □ Physical Therapy $9.95 (plus $1.05 postage and handling) is en- closed. I may return the book anytime within ten For further Office of Undergraduate Admissions ^^ days of delivery for a full refund. ; iCheckenciowo information Administration Bldg., Rm. 170 Please charge 10 Please check the programs which Medical College of Georgia interest you and mail this ad to: Augusta, Georgia 30912 AK a (404) 828-2725 2 CLIP&MAIL-CLIP&MAIL-CLIP&MAIL
The GEORGE-ANNE, Thursday, Feb. 14,1985, Page 11Southern Days & Southern NightsArt: Movies: February 20: "The Wild Music: February 14-27: Gallery 303 February 15-17: "The Big Bunch" is a gripping film about February 19: John Paulcontinues an exhibit of the works Chill" is a sharp, sweet, the savage west and the ruthless Walters is a highly acclaimedof Bill Atkins, Winslow Crannell, melancholy comedy that finds men—greedy, clever, brutal, and entertainer who plays guitar,and Tommy Mew. The drawings seven old friends reunited for the cruel—whose outlaw violence 10- banjo and sings with contagiousby the three artists present very first time since their college 15 years earlier would have been warmth. He has performed indifferent interpretations of dissident days at the funeral of considered heroic, William concert with Kenny Rogers,familiar subject matter. Gallery one of their group. Together Holden and Robert Ryan star. Dolly Parton, Harry Chapin,303 is located on the third floor of again, each realizes he or she has Wednesday 8 and 10 p.m. Biology Helen Reddy, Pure Prairiethe Foy Fine Arts building. fallen away from old ideals, old Lecture Hall. League, The Atlanta RhythmGallery hours: Monday-Friday 8- passions, and causes. Friday and Section, Mary MacGregor,5 p.m. Admission is free. Saturday, 9 p.m. Sunday 8 and 10 Museum: England Dan and John Ford p.m. Admission is $1.00. Biology February 14-March 24: Coley, and many others. TuesdayEvents: Lecture Hall. "Playground Physics" continues 11-1 p.m. Two shows with free February 14-15: Be sure to at the museum. This exhibit admission.catch the last two days of Anti- shows visitors how a swing February 19: Student WindDepression week. The Spanish demonstrates the pendulum, how Chamber Concert 8:15 p.m. Foyclub will be singing today in February 18: Michaelangelo a sliding board becomes an Recital Hall.foreign language classes, and the Antonioni's "Blowup" featuring inclined plane, and how a seesaw February 20: Student Vocalfencing club will be giving a David Hemmings, Vanessa shows how a balance beam and .Chamber Recital 1:00 p.m Foydemonstration in front of Redgrave, and Sarah Miles. An fulcrum operate. The GSC Recital Hall.Landrum from 4:30-5:30. Watch existentialist mystery superbly Museum is open Tuesdayfor other events dealing with achieved. Monday 7:30 p.m. through Friday form 9 a.m. until Theater:Anti-Depression Week that will Admission $1. Conference Center 4 p.m. and on weekends from 2-5 February 14-16: "Purliebe occurring around campus. Assembly Hall. p.m. Victorious," the comedy classic of black theater that laughs at a WVGS S
Page 12, Thursday, Feb. 14,1985, The GEORGE-ANNE. Classified Ads FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LOST & FOUND FOR SALE LOST:"Kodak Instamatic in brown canvas bag. FOR SALE: Singer sewing machine. Almost MISCELLANEOUS: Great opportunity. If you Engagement picture in camera. Call Dawn atFOR SALE: One each metal garage door, lb It. would like to buy or sell Avon contact Tammy atx 17 ft. standard size. Excellent condition. $275. new; good condition. Call Arelis at 681- 681-1277. (2/14) 1798. (2/H) 681-5644 between 8-5 Monday throughCall Lovett Bennett at 764-5258. (2/21) Friday. (2/21) FOR SALE: Wooden animal necklaces, Drasj LOST: Class ring. Probably in vicinity of Herty FOR SALE: Is it true you can buy jeeps for $44 earrings and bracelets. Inexpensive. Call 681- MISCELLANEOUS: Ninjitsu instructions. Call Building. Silver with white April birthstone.. through the U.S. government? Get the facts 1240. (2/14) Henry CountyHigh School 1982. Inside 764-9780. today. Call (312) 742-1142. Extension 9600- inscription John J. Jones. Reward offered. FOR SALE: Five piece Premier drum set with Contact Jay at 681-6195 after 4 p.m. Great A. cymbals and stool. Red color. Call 681-6322 after WANTED sentimental value. (2/21)FOR SALE: Furniture from Sheraton and 3 p.m. and ask for Derek. Any reasonable offerHilton hotels: beds, lamps, etc. Call Ellen at 681- will be accepted. (2/21) FOUND: One lady's gold watch in front of Foy WANTED: Need someone to take over lease of 1240. (2/14) furnished apartment for spring quarter at Building on Thursday. Call 681-6626. FOR SALE: Accoustic guitar. Yamaha FG-160. FOR SALE: Assume small monthly payment Need the cash. No intelligible offer refused. Call University Village Apartments. $187.50 per nights at 681-4668. Ask for John or leave name month. Water, cable, and HBO included. Call FOUND: Bracelet at the raquetball courts. Also on modern style piarfo, like new condition. Can one pair of prescription glasses. Contactbe seen locally. Write, including phone number iitd number.
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.