EU solidarity with Ukraine (2024)

EU solidarity with Ukraine (1)

EU Solidarity with Ukraine

The EU stands united with Ukraine

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The EU and its international partners are united in condemning Putin's aggression on Ukraine. We will provide support to those seeking shelter and we will help those looking for a safe way home. The EU will continue to offer strong political, financial and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and impose hard-hitting sanctions against Russia and those complicit in the war.

EU support to Ukraine: practical information

EU solidarity with Ukraine (2)

Practical information if you are coming from Ukraine

EU solidarity with Ukraine (3)

How to help Ukrainians by donating and engaging

EU solidarity with Ukraine (4)

Contacts and travel information in the EU

EU solidarity with Ukraine (5)

Standing with Ukraine, every step of the way

Find out more

In focus

EU solidarity with Ukraine (6)

EU opens accession negotiations with Ukraine

25 June 2024 - The European Union has officially opened accession negotiations with Ukraine during a first Intergovernmental Conference. This follows a decision by EU leaders in December 2023. The road to reach this point has been challenging and Ukraine’s determination to undertake the necessary reforms to join the EU has been truly impressive, even in times of war and turmoil.

Work will now get underway to prepare and open negotiations with Ukraine in specific areas.

Read more

EU actions

EU solidarity with Ukraine (7)

EU assistance to Ukraine

Learn about the EU’s political, humanitarian and financial support for Ukraine

EU solidarity with Ukraine (8)

Ukraine’s path towards EU accession

Supporting Ukraine in its efforts towards further EU integration

EU solidarity with Ukraine (9)

Reconstruction of Ukraine

How the EU is supporting the country’s recovery efforts

EU solidarity with Ukraine (10)

EU sanctions against Russia

An overview of EU sanctions targeting sectors, entities and complicit actors

EU solidarity with Ukraine (11)

Holding Russia accountable

Ensuring Russia is punished for its war crimes and pays for the damage done

EU solidarity with Ukraine (12)

EU countries welcoming those fleeing Ukraine

How the EU is supporting Member States to meet the needs of those fleeing Ukraine


  1. 25 June 2024

    The Council agrees to extend temporary protection for people fleeing Russian aggression against Ukraine until March 2026.

  2. 25 June 2024

    The EU opens accession negotiations with Ukraine.

  3. 24 June 2024

    The EU adopts a 14th package of economic and individual sanctions against Russia.

  4. 11 June 2024

    Commission proposes to extend temporary protection for people fleeing Russian aggression against Ukraine until March 2026.

  5. 13 May 2024

    The EU extends trade support to Ukraine for one more year.

  6. 24 April 2024

    The Commission has provided Ukraine with an additional €1.5 billion of support under the Ukraine Facility.

  7. 20 March 2024

    The Commission provides Ukraine with the first €4.5 billion of support under the Ukraine Facility.

  8. 24 February 2024

    In Kyiv, President Ursula von der Leyen hands over cars to Ukraine's security forces to enhance stability and reinforce war crime investigations in de-occupied territories.

  9. 20 February 2024

    The Commission announces an initial €83 million in humanitarian aid to support the people affected by Russia's war against Ukraine in 2024.

  10. 23 February 2024

    The EU adopts a 13th package of economic and individual sanctions against Russia.

  11. 1 February 2024

    EU leaders agree toprovide Ukraine with regular and predictable support via a new dedicated financial instrument. TheUkraine Facilitywill make available up to €50 billion in grants and loans until 2027.

  12. 31 January 2024

    The Commission proposes to renew the suspension of import duties and quotas on Ukrainian exports to the EU for another year.

  13. 20 December 2023

    The Commission opens a new Horizon Europe Office in Kyiv.

  14. 18 December 2023

    The EU adopts a 12th package of economic and individual sanctions against Russia.

  15. 14 December 2023

    EU leaders decide to open accession negotiations with Ukraine.

  16. 14 December 2023

    EU leaders decide to open accession negotiations with Ukraine.

  17. 24 November 2023

    The Commission pays a further €1.5 billion to Ukraine. With this payment, Ukraine has so far received €16.5 billion out of the planned €18 billion in Macro-Financial Assistance + for 2023.

  18. 8 November 2023

    The Commission recommends that the European Council opens EU accession negotiations with Ukraine as part of its 2023 Enlargement Package.

  19. 22 September 2023

    The Commission pays a further €1.5 billionto Ukraine. With this payment, Ukraine has so far received €13.5 billion this year under Macro-financial Assistance+.

  20. 19 September 2023

    The Commission proposes to extend temporary protection for people fleeing Russian aggression against Ukraine until March 2025.

  21. 15 September 2023

    Following the expiry of the restrictive measures on Ukrainian exports of grain and other foodstuff to the EU, Ukraine agrees to introduce measures to avoid a renewed surge in EU imports.

  22. 3 August 2023

    The EU imposes further targeted restrictive measures on Belarus.

  23. 3 July 2023

    The International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine opens in The Hague.

  24. 20 June 2023

    The Commission proposed to set up a dedicated Facility to support Ukraine's recovery, reconstruction and modernisation.

  25. 23 June 2023

    The EU adopts 11th package of economic and individual sanctions against Russia.

  26. 22 June 2023

    The Commission pays €1.5 billion under the Macro-financial Assistance (MFA)+packagefor Ukraine. With this tranche, €9 billion out of the planned €18 billion for 2023, have already been disbursed.

  27. 14 June 2023

    The EU mobilises emergency stockpiles and funding to support crisis response to Nova Kakhovka dam breach.

  28. 6 June 2023

    The Commission further integrates Ukraine into EU Single Market through the Connecting Europe Facility for infrastructure funding.

  29. 23 May 2023

    The Commission pays a further €1.5 billion in macro-financial assistance to Ukraine. With this tranche, the Commission has so far disbursed €7.5 billion out of a support package of up to €18 billion for 2023.

  30. 9 May 2023

    President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen visits Kyiv and announces the 11th package of sanctions against Russia.

  31. 5 May 2023

    The Council of the EU agrees €1 billion support under the European Peace Facility.

  32. 25 April 2023

    Commission pays a further €1.5 billion in macro-financial assistance to Ukraine.

  33. 20 April 2023

    Ukraine joins the EU Civil Protection Mechanism - the European solidarity framework that helps countries overwhelmed by a disaster.

  34. 13 April 2023

    The Council adopts an assistance measure worth €1 billion under the European Peace Facility (EPF) to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This measure brings the total EU contribution for Ukraine under the EPF to €4.6 billion.

  35. 21 March 2023

    The Commission disburses a further €1.5 billion in macro-financial assistance to Ukraine.

  36. 20 March 2023

    EU Member States agree to speed up the delivery and joint procurement of ammunition for Ukraine.

  37. 16 March 2023

    New European Bauhaus: launch of capacity-building programme to start Ukraine's reconstruction.

  38. 8 March 2023

    The Commission marks one year of temporary protection for people fleeing Russian aggression against Ukraine.

  39. 4 March 2023

    President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen welcomes the establishment of the International Centre for the Prosecution of Crimes of Aggression against Ukraine.

  40. 3 March 2023

    As part of a joint project with the European Commission, the energy company Enel commits to donate 5,700 solar photovoltaic panels to Ukraine. This initiative is part of a wider EU effort to ensure off-grid solutions that would supply electricity to key public civilian buildings in Ukraine.

  41. 25 February 2023

    The EU agrees 10th package of sanctions against Russia.

  42. 24 February 2023

    One year of Ukrainian resistance: President von der Leyen underlines the EU's unwavering commitment and solidarity with Ukraine and its people.

  43. 23 February 2023

    The Commission proposes to renew the suspension of import duties, quotas and trade defence measures on Ukrainian exports to the EU for another year.

  44. 3 February 2023

    EU-Ukraine Summit takes place in Kyiv.

  45. 2 February 2023

    College of Commissioners travels to Kyiv to boost EU support and sectorial cooperation with Ukraine.

  46. 26 January 2023

    EU launches donor platform to facilitate Ukraine’s recovery.

  47. 17 January 2023

    The Commission disbursed the first instalment of €3 billion to Ukraine of the up to €18 billion Macro-financial Assistance+ package.

  48. 13 December 2022

    At the ‘Standing with the Ukrainian people’ conference in Paris President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen announced a new EU delivery of power generators, the setting up of a rescEU health and energy hub in Poland and the donations of energy saving lightbulbs.

  49. 7 December 2022

    The Commission announces ninth package of sanctions against Russia.

  50. 30 November 2022

    President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen proposes to set up a specialised court to investigate and prosecute Russia's crime of aggression. She also announces an international agreement with EU’s partners to ensure that Russia pays full compensation for the damages caused to Ukraine.

  51. 26 November 2022

    President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen participates in the “Grain from Ukraine” summit and announces Commission’s support to transport 40,000 tons of grain to the countries most affected by the global food crisis.

  52. 22 November 2022

    Commission disburses further €2.5 billion in exceptional macro-financial assistance.

  53. 20 November 2022

    Commission launches EU solidarity campaign ‘School buses for Ukraine’.

  54. 11 November 2022

    The European Commission and partners mobilise 1 billion euro for Solidarity Lanes to increase global food security and provide a lifeline for Ukraine's economy.

  55. 9 November 2022

    The Commission proposes stable and predictable support package for Ukraine for 2023 of up to €18 billion.

  56. 25 October 2022

    The European Commission and Germany, as the Chair of the G7, co-hosted in Berlin the International Expert Conference on the Recovery, Reconstruction and Modernisation of Ukraine.

  57. 18 October 2022

    Commission disburses a further €2 billion in exceptional macro-financial assistance to Ukraine.

  58. 17 October 2022

    The Council adopted additional assistance measures under the European Peace Facility (EPF) to further support the capabilities and resilience of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This brings the total EU contribution under the EPF for Ukraine to €3.1 billion.

  59. 17 October 2022

    The Council agreed to set up a Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine (EUMAM Ukraine). The aim of the mission is to contribute to enhancing the military capability of Ukraine’s Armed Forces to effectively conduct military operations, in order to allow Ukraine to defend its territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders, effectively exercise its sovereignty and protect civilians.

  60. 6 October 2022

    The EU agrees on the eighth package of sanctions against Russia.

  61. 7 September 2022

    The Commission proposed a further €5 billion in macro-financial assistance (MFA) loans to Ukraine as the second part of the exceptional MFA package of up to €9 billion announced in May 2022.

  62. 6 September 2022

    The Commission proposed to fully suspend the EU's Visa Facilitation Agreement with Russia. This is in response to increased risks and threats to the EU's security interests and the national security of its Member States as a result of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine.

  63. 1 September 2022

    The EU opens medical evacuations hub in Poland to facilitate transfers of Ukrainian patients. The Hub will offer a safe space for the patients arriving from Ukraine before they are flown out to receive treatment in a hospital in another European country.

  64. 22 July 2022

    The Council adoptedtwo assistance measures under the European Peace Facility (EPF)aimed to step up the EU's support for the capabilities and resilience of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country, and protect the civilian population against the ongoing Russian military aggression. The EU contribution under the EPF for Ukrainenow totals€2.5 billion.

    The Council decided to impose restrictive measureson an additional 54 individuals and 10 entities in response to the ongoing unjustified and unprovoked Russian military aggression against Ukraine.

  65. 15 July 2022

    The Commission and the Ukrainian Government signed an agreement associating Ukraine to the EU4Health programme. This agreement will open access for Ukraine to EU funding in the area of health and enable the Ukrainian health system to respond to immediate needs and contribute to long-term recovery.

    The Commission adopted a proposal for a new package of measures to maintain and strengthen the effectiveness of the EU's six wide-ranging and unprecedented packages of sanctions against Russia.The new package will introduce a new import ban on Russian gold, while reinforcing thedual use and advanced technology export controls. The Councilapproved of these measures on 21 July.

  66. 1 July 2022

    The Commission proposed a new €1 billion macro-financial assistance (MFA) operation for Ukraine as the first part of the exceptional MFA package of up to €9 billion announced in the Commission’s communication of 18 May 2022 and endorsed by the European Council of 23-24 June 2022.The funds were disbursed to Ukraine in early August.

    The Commission adopted a decision enabling Member States to temporarily waive customs duties and VAT on the importation from third countries of food, blankets, tents, electric generators and other life-saving equipment destined for Ukrainians affected by the war. This measure, which was requested by Member States, will apply retroactively from 24 February 2022 and will be in place until 31 December 2022.

  67. 28 June 2022

    The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity announced that electricity trade between Ukraine and the EU will start on 30 June. This development follows the successful emergency synchronisation of the Ukrainian and Moldovan grids with the European Continental Grid in March. This is the next step in integrating the energy systems of these two countries with Europe.

  68. 27 June 2022

    Following a request from Ukraine for medical equipment, protective gear and specialised equipment for public health risks such as chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats, the Commission has mobilised its newrescEUemergency reserves.

  69. 23 June 2022

    EU granted candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova.

  70. 17 June 2022

    The Commission presentedits Opinionon the Ukraine’s application for EU membership and recommended to the Council that the country should be granted candidate status on the understanding that steps are taken in a number of areas.

  71. 14 June 2022

    The Commission presentedguidance to EU countrieson how to integrate people arriving from Ukraine into the labour market and support their access to training and adult learning. The guidance also features several concrete examples of EU-funded projects supporting labour market integration.

  72. 11 June 2022

    President von der Leyen meets with President Zelenskyy in Kyiv and holds discussions in preparation of the Commission's opinion on Ukraine's application for EU membership.

  73. 9 June 2022

    The EU announced additional€205 million in humanitarian assistance for Ukraine. This brings total EU humanitarian aid funding and the value of in-kind assistance to over €700 million in response to Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine, of which €13 million is dedicated to projects in neighbouring Moldova.

  74. 9 June 2022

    The EU sets up€20 million supportfor Ukrainian start-ups through European Innovation Council.

  75. 31 May 2022

    The Commission launchedanEU platformfor the exchange of information on beneficiaries of temporary protection and adequate protection. The platform will allow EU countriesto exchange information onregistered persons in real time so that individuals fleeing Ukraine can effectively benefit from their rights in all Member States, while addressing instances of double or multiple registrations and limiting possible abuse.

  76. 30 May 2022

    Meeting at the special European Council, EU leaders agreed on thesixth package of sanctionsagainst Russia.

  77. 25 May 2022

    To contribute to the implementation of EU restrictive measures, the Commissionproposedto add the violation of EU restrictive measures to the list of EU crimes and toreinforcerules on asset recovery and confiscation. It is paramount that EU restrictive measures are fully implemented and the violation of those measures must not be allowed to pay off. Theseproposals aim to ensure that the assets of individuals and entities that violate the restrictive measures can be effectively confiscated in the future.

  78. 20 May 2022

    The Commissiondisbursed €600 million inemergency Macro-Financial Assistanceto addressUkraine's acute financing needs, thereby ensuring it can keep on running essential services and addressing basic daily needs.Thisdisbursem*nt is the last tranche of the €1.2 billion financial aid package the Commissionannounced at the end of January 2022.

  79. 18 May 2022

    The Commission set out plansfor the EU's immediate response to address Ukraine's financing gap, announcing up to €9 billion of new macro-financial assistance for 2022,as well as thelonger-term reconstruction framework.

  80. 16 May 2022

    The Commission launched adedicated phone helplinein Ukrainian and Russian to provide information and assist those fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

  81. 12 May 2022

    TheCommission sets out an action plan to establish‘Solidarity Lanes'to ensure Ukraine can export grain, but also import the goods it needs, from humanitarian aid to animal feed and fertilisers.

  82. 5 May 2022

    The Commission announced a new aid package of €200 million to support displaced people in Ukraine, in the context of the International Donor's Conference convened jointly by Poland and Sweden.

  83. 29 April 2022

    The Commission has paid more than €3.5 billion in advance payments to Member States to help them manage the arrival of people fleeing the war in Ukraine on their territory. The payments for REACT-EU were made under the EU's Cohesion's Action for Refugees in Europe.

  84. 27 April 2022

    The Commission proposed to suspend for one year import duties on all Ukrainian exports to the EU. The proposalwould also see the suspension for one year of all EU anti-dumping and safeguard measures in place on Ukrainian steel exports. This far-reaching step is designed to help boost Ukraine's exports to the EU and alleviate the difficult situation of Ukrainian producers and exporters.

  85. 17 April 2022

    The EU has allocateda further €50 million in humanitarian funding to support the people affected by Russia's war on Ukraine, including €45 million for humanitarian projects in Ukraine and €5 million for Moldova. This brings the EU's total humanitarian aid funding in response to the war to €143 million. This funding is part of the €1 billion support package pledged by the European Commission at theevent "Stand Up For Ukraine".

  86. 9 April 2022

    The “Stand Up for Ukraine” global pledging event and campaign has raised €9.1 billion for people fleeing the Russian invasion, inside Ukraine and abroad, including €1 billion from the European Commission. On top of that, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has announced an additional loan of €1 billion to cover the needs of the people displaced by the invasion.

  87. 8 April 2022

    The EU agreed on thefifth package of restrictive measures against Russia in response to its brutal aggression against Ukraine and its people. Together with the four previous packages, these sanctions will further contribute to ramping up economic pressure on the Kremlin and cripple its ability to finance its invasion of Ukraine. These measures are broader and sharper, so that they cut even deeper into the Russian economy. They have been coordinated with international partners.

  88. 8 April 2022

    Telecom operators based in the EU and in Ukraine have signed ajoint statementon their coordinated efforts to secure and stabilise affordable or free roaming and international calls between the EU and Ukraine. The joint statement aims to establish a more stable framework to help Ukrainians displaced throughout Europe to stay in touch with family and friends back home.

  89. 6 April 2022

    The Commission publisheda recommendationon the recognition of academic and professional qualifications for people fleeing Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It will provide Member Stateswith guidance and practical advice to ensure a quick, fair and flexible recognition process.

  90. 5 April 2022

    President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced the fifth round of EU sanctions against Russia. New broader and sharper restrictive measures will target six pillars, cutting deep into the Russian economy and sustaining pressure on the Russian government.

  91. 4 April 2022

    The EU has set up a Joint Investigation Team with Ukraine to collect evidence and investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity. The EU is ready to reinforce this effort by sending investigation teams on the ground to support the Ukrainian Prosecution Services.

  92. 1 April 2022

    The Commission adopted aproposalon the conversion of hryvnia banknotes into the currency of host Member States by persons fleeing the war in Ukraine. It aims to promote a coordinated approachto offer those fleeing from Ukraine the same conditions for converting their hryvnia banknotes into local currency independently of the Member State that hosts them.

  93. 28 March 2022

    At the extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs Council, Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, MargaritisSchinasand Commissioner for Home Affairs, YlvaJohansson, in coordination with the French Presidency of the Council represented by Minister GéraldDarmanin, presented a 10-Point Plan for stronger European coordination on welcoming people fleeing the war against Ukraine.

  94. 25 March 2022

    The European Commission and the Government of Canada announced the launch of a global campaign to raise funding in support of people fleeing the invasion of Ukraine, in partnership with international advocacy organisationGlobal Citizen.

  95. 23 March 2022

    The Commission outlined the actions being taken in support of Member States to meet the needs of those fleeing the war against Ukraine. Beyond the immediate support provided in terms of assistance at the border, reception and civil protection, the EU has taken further steps to help Member States ensure beneficiaries can effectively access their right to education, healthcare, accommodation and jobs.

  96. 22 March 2022

    The Commission launched the ‘European Research Area for Ukraine' portal, a one-stop-shop for information and support services to Ukraine-based researchers and researchers fleeing Ukraine.

  97. 17 March 2022

    The Commission's ‘Freeze and Seize' Task Force, set up to ensure EU-level coordination to implement sanctions against listed Russian and Belarussian oligarchs, has stepped up its action at international level. It will work alongside the newly established 'Russian Elites, Proxies, and Oligarchs (REPO)' Task Force, under which the EU operates together with the G7 countries, as well as Australia.

  98. 15 March 2022

    Following up on the informal meeting of the EU heads of state and government on 10-11 March, the Council decided to impose a fourth package of economic and individual sanctions in respect of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.These sanctions will further contribute to ramping up economic pressure on the Kremlin and cripple its ability to finance its invasion of Ukraine.

  99. 11 March 2022

    The Commission disbursed €300 million in emergency Macro-Financial Assistance to Ukraine. This is the initial part of a first €600 million instalment under Ukraine's new €1.2 billion emergency MFA programme. The programme represents a concrete demonstration of the EU's unwavering support for Ukraine.

  100. 9 March 2022

    The Council decided to impose further targeted sanctions in view of the situation in Ukraine and in response to Belarus's involvement in the aggression. They include restrictive measures on an additional 160 individuals. Together with the sectoral measures targeting Belarus and Russia also adopted by the Council, these new listings close loopholes and consolidate existing measures as agreed by the EU to respond to Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.

  101. 8 March 2022

    The Commission outlined the very substantial EU support for people fleeing war in Ukraine, as well as the EU countries receiving them. European solidarity in action is helping people through direct humanitarian aid, emergency civil protection assistance, support at the border, as well as a clear legal status allowing those fleeing the war to receive immediate protection in the EU.

  102. 8 March 2022

    The Commission adopted a proposal for Cohesion's Action for Refugees in Europe allowing Member States and regions to provide emergency support to people fleeing from Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

  103. 4 March 2022

    The Commission has suspended cooperation with Russian entities in research, science and innovation. The Commission will not conclude any new contracts nor any new agreements with Russian organisations under the Horizon Europe programme. Similarly, the Commission has suspended cooperation with Russia and its ally Belarus in the European Neighbourhood Instrument cross-border cooperation programmes as well as in the Interreg Baltic Sea region programme.

  104. 2 March 2022

    Following the announcement by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the Council of the EU decided to suspend the distribution of Russian state-owned disinformation outlets Russia Today and Sputnik across the EU. The sanctions cover all means for transmission and distribution, such as via cable, satellite, IPTV, platforms, websites and apps. All relevant licences, authorisations and distribution arrangements are suspended. These measures are covering all EU Member States and are directly applicable immediately.

  105. 2 March 2022

    The Commission proposed to activate the Temporary Protection Directive to offer quick and effective assistance to people fleeing the war in Ukraine. Under this proposal, those fleeing the war will be granted temporary protection in the EU, meaning that they will be given a residence permit, and they will have access to education and to the labour market.

  106. 2 March 2022

    The EU agreed to exclude key Russian banks from the SWIFT system, the world's dominant financial messaging system. This measure will stop these banks from conducting their financial transactions worldwide in a fast and efficient manner. Today's decision has been closely coordinated with the EU's international partners, such as the United States and the United Kingdom.

  107. 28 February 2022

    The Commission announced an additional €90 million for emergency aid programmes to help civilians affected by the war in Ukraine, as part of an urgent aid appeal by the United Nations. The funding will help people inside Ukraine and in Moldova.

    The Commission is also coordinating the delivery of material assistance via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to Ukraine, currently with offers from 20 Member States, which includes 8 million essential medical care items and civil protection support.

    Moldova has activated the mechanism to support Ukrainians arriving in their country. Austria, France and the Netherlands have already offered emergency support such as shelter items and medical assistance to Moldova.

  108. 27 February 2022

    The Commission proposed additional support measures for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia, including:

    • financing the purchase and delivery of weapons and other equipment to Ukraine
    • shutting down EU airspace for all Russian-owned, Russian registered or Russian-controlled aircraft [in force since 28 February]
    • banning EU the state-owned media outlets Russia Today and Sputnik in the EU, as well as their subsidiaries [in force since 2 March]

    The Commission also proposed a new package against the Lukashenko regime in Belarus, targeting the country’s most important sectors, restricting exports of dual-use goods and sanctioning those Belarusians helping the Russian war effort.

  109. 26 February 2022

    In coordination with France, Germany, Italy, Canada, the UK and the US, the Commission proposed a new set of measures in reaction to Russia’s aggression on Ukraine. These measures aim to:

    • exclude important Russian banks from the SWIFT system
    • ban the transactions of Russia's central bank and freeze all its assets [in force since 28 February]
    • target the assets of Russian oligarchs [in force since 28 February]
  110. 25 February 2022

    Following up on the conclusions of the European Council on 24 February, the Council adopted a package of individual and economic measures built on five pillars:

    • financial sector sanctions that will cut Russia's access to the most important capital markets, targeting 70% of the Russian banking market, but also key state-owned companies, including the field of defence
    • energy sector sanctions that will prohibit the sale, supply, transfer or export to Russia of specific goods and technologies in oil refining, and will introduce restrictions on the provision of related services
    • transport sector sanctions that will ban the sale of all aircraft, spare parts and equipment to Russian airlines. This will degrade the key sector of Russia's economy and the country's connectivity.
    • technology sector sanctions imposing further restrictions on exports of dual-use goods and technology, as well as restrictions on exports of certain goods and technology which might contribute to Russia’s technological enhancement of its defence and security sector.
    • visa policy sanctions that mean diplomats and related groups, and business people will no longer have privileged access to the EU.
  111. 24 February 2022

    In the extraordinary meeting of the European Council, EU leaders condemned in the strongest possible terms the Russian Federation’s unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine. They agreed on further restrictive measures that will impose massive and severe consequences on Russia for its action, in close coordination with EU’s partners and allies.

  112. 24 February 2022

    President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen strongly condemned Russia's aggression against Ukraine. She called on Russia to immediately stop the violence and to withdraw its troops from Ukraine's territory, reiterating the EU’s full support for Ukraine and its people. She presented to European leaders for approval a package of massive sanctions targeting strategic sectors of the Russian economy by blocking their access to technologies and markets.

  113. 23 February 2022

    In response to Russia recognising the non-government controlled areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine and its decision to send troops into the region, the EU adopted a package of sanctions. These sanctions target:

    • individuals and entities who played a role in undermining or threatening the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine
    • economic relations between the two non-government controlled regions and the EU, to ensure that those responsible clearly feel the economic consequences of their illegal and aggressive actions
    • the ability of the Russian state and government to access the EU’s capital and financial markets and services, to limit the financing of escalatory and aggressive policies


  • 28 June 2024

The European Council sets out the EU priorities for 2024-2029 and the team to carry them forward

  • 21 June 2024

Solidarity with Ukraine

  • 20 June 2024

EU and Ukraine update and extend Road Transport Agreement

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  • Public debates

Café Európa na festivale Pohoda: Prečo na Ukrajine záleží

  • Public debates

Projection of the documentary "Intercepted"

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  • Factsheet

Factsheets on EU solidarity with Ukraine

  • Communication
  • European Commission

Key documents: EU solidarity with Ukraine

Official Commission documents on how the EU is supporting Ukraine

Related links

EUR-Lex: EU measures in solidarity with Ukraine

Audiovisual material on EU solidarity with Ukraine

Macro financial assistance to Ukraine

Follow the latest progress and get involved.

EU solidarity with Ukraine (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.