Family Reunion by Jacksmith (2024)

Family Reunion by Jacksmith

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Family Reunion by Jacksmith (1) Chapter or Story

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Alison sat on Ashley’s pillows on her bed, her legs crossed, her arm propped up on her stomach, which allowed her hand to be right in front of her smiling face. Tony, still gripped in her fingers, was struggling to break free, refusing to look her in the eye. She raised an eyebrow, amused by his futile efforts, then gave him a little extra squeeze that nearly knocked the wind from him, halting his efforts and causing him to hang limply in her fingers again.

“You don’t have to keep trying so hard. I’m not letting you get away, you know.”


“But what?”

“You can’t j-just leave her in there like that,” he said, rolling his head toward the bathroom, where Ashley was still in the tub, treading water like crazy, where she had been for the past ten minutes. “She r-really can’t swim that well; she’s telling the truth.”

“Well, that would be a first,” smiled Alison, running her fingers through her silky dirty-blonde hair.


“Look, I think we should talk about my cousin a little bit.”


“Yeah, because I’m wondering something.”


“What could you possibly see in her?” she asked, rippling her fingers around Tony, pressing slightly harder with each finger as it landed again on his back. She paid particular attention on his butt, clenching it harder against her ring finger. As she did this, she couldn’t help but barely feel his crotch through his pants being mushed against her cool palm flesh, which gave her a tingling sensation of power.

“I d-don’t know… I guess she’s just so sure of herself…” he mumbled, trying not to look horribly uncomfortable to be pressed so hard against Alison’s hand. He could tell she could feel every inch of him, including his crotch, even if it was just through his clothes. Few times in his life had he felt this exposed.

“I can’t argue with that, I guess…” she chuckled, easily detecting the apprehension in his face at being essentially felt up through his clothes by the gargantuan hand of his girlfriend’s cousin. Grinning slyly to herself, Alison recognized what an opportunity this was, and couldn’t help but milk it further. “You look nervous.”

“I-I am…”

“For yourself?”

“I g-guess, but...”

Alison brought her other hand underneath him and released the pressure from her fingers, allowing him to flop into her palm. She curled her fingers against his shoulders, pressing down encouragingly for him to lie down in her hand, although he couldn’t quite bring himself to do it. “That any better?” she smiled. He nodded.

“I think... I mean…”


“I really j-just want to make sure Ashley’s okay.”

Alison rolled her eyes. “Why can’t you talk about something else for, like, three seconds, besides Ashley?”

“B-Because I’m worried about her,” he moaned, giving Alison some impassioned Bambi eyes that actually caused her heart to flutter a bit, but she held firm, enjoying her cousin’s undoubted terror in the bathtub just a bit too much.

“Well, don’t worry about her. I’ll let her out in a little bit, and then we’ll all hang out together.”

“H-hang out?”

“Yeah. That’s cool, right?” she asked, trying to use the same sort of lingo Tony employed. He nodded, like she knew he would.


“Tony, can I ask you something?”


“Are you afraid of me?”

“Afraid of y-you? No, n-no, I’m just nervous for Ashley…”

Alison slowly curled her fingers down even further, pinning Tony against her palm and causing him to flinch in terror at the slight touch of her clay-like finger flesh, giving in slightly to the pressure of his body. He began to shake as she brought her other hand down on top of him. Then, with his body immobilized, she flattened her other hand and began to stroke along his stomach with her fingertips, barely applying any pressure, but simply allowing him to feel the smoothness of her fingerprints. “You’re not, huh?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “Not even a little bit?” The stroking continued, which actually soothed Tony a bit, but he was quick to start struggling again against the firm, fleshy logs holding him down. She giggled. “Seriously. Chill out. You’re not going anywhere until I want you to.”


“Relax, cutie,” she winked. “And be quiet for like one minute.” As she continued stroking along his chest and stomach with her gentle fingertips, Alison found herself internally confused a bit. As she was normally very shy, especially around adults and older teens, she found herself feeling like a fish out of water. It occurred to her that she was essentially playing with a boy two years older than herself against his will and forcing him to worry about whether or not his girlfriend had drowned in the bathtub. She wondered what it was that caused her to do this. He had done nothing to her: it was all her conniving, evil cousin. And yet she found herself continuing, and in fact, rubbing his upper torso with a bit more speed, pinning his shoulders down with more weight to ensure he couldn’t struggle out of the cushy bed of her palm. A calming chill ran down her spine: a pleasant feeling. Alison, normally so hesitant and meek, looked down at the tiny human being in her hands, and felt an immense sense of power washing over her that she had never known before. But what she did know was that she didn’t want the feeling to end.

“Comfy?” she asked, ceasing stroking with all her fingers and switching to her pointer finger alone. She traced it in circles around his stomach and chest, ruffling his shirt, kneading it against his body unabashedly.


“Because, you know, if you’re not, we could always make this feel a little better…” she said, and slowly but confidently slid her finger down to his pants, right over his crotch. Gauging his expression, she slowly started to press down on his dick through his pants, pulsing her finger against it.

“Yes! Yes, I’m just f-fine!” he gasped. “Really, it’s all good. Really.”

“Whatever you say,” she smiled, relieving the slight pressure on his crotch. Alison looked down at her shirt and realized a small sweat ring was forming just below her breasts, soaked into her shirt. She hadn’t noticed before, but the room had slowly become stifling over the past few minutes; her attention had been so focused on her cousin’s cute boyfriend, though, that she hadn’t caught on. She also realized that the palm holding Tony was starting to become more and more damp with clammy sweat, both from nervousness and the heat, getting the back of his shirt wet as she held him so powerfully against it. She pinched the neckline of her shirt, tugging at it in rapid succession. “Starting to get hot in here, isn’t it?” she smiled. With the same hand, she ran her finger on her bangs, and felt the tips of them sticking to her forehead with sweat.


“I’ll bet the AC went out from the storm or something.”

“Maybe,” he whispered, having ceased struggling minutes ago.

“Bet you’re envious of your girlfriend now, huh?”

“What do you m-mean?”

“Well, the water in there was pretty cool feeling. She’s taking a nice swim in the heat while you and I are, like, roasting in here. You know?”

“Please…” sighed Tony his eyes falling away, his voice choking slightly. “Let her out.”

Alison nodded, seeing how sincere he was, and decided he’d had enough of the unknowing. “Sure. Let’s go check on that sweet cousin of mine.” Swinging her legs off of the bed and slapping her heels against the dirty foam of her flip-flops, she padded slowly back to the bathroom. She released her fingers’ firm hold on Tony, allowing him to eagerly sit upright, trying to see the bathtub. Alison stopped right over it, looking down. Ashley, exhausted, was splashing madly still, and began screaming as she watched Alison’s hand descending toward the water. Intentionally, the gigantic cousin clasped her former idol against her damp palm, smushing her mouth and nose into a crease so she couldn’t breathe, and dunked her all the way to the base of the tub, swishing her around the water. She could feel Ashley’s tiny lips gurgling against her hand, desperately trying for a fresh breath.

“NO! Stop, please!” shouted Tony, smacking a fist against Alison’s thumb to get her attention. Grinning, Alison drew her cousin out of the water, holding her in a cupped palm similarly to Tony. Sputtering and hyperventilating, Ashley crawled forward, resting her forearms on the heel of her cousin’s hand, and fumed up at the gargantuan, smiling rows of white teeth.

“You BITCH. What the f*ck do you think you’re DOING?” she screeched, hardly able to contain herself as she coughed up another throatful of water. She raised a hand and pointed accusingly, as if about to continue, but Alison quickly brought her thumb down, pinning Ashley back against her palm by pressing down onto her mouth with her fleshy thumbprint, preventing further commentary.

“I don’t think she’s thought very hard about her attitude, do you, hunky?” Alison mused to Tony, who now looked utterly terrified, mostly from Ashley’s moronic response. He flinched at what happened next as Alison began to swing her hand up and down, air-drying her pissed off cousin while still keeping her head pushed firmly against her palm using her thumb. Ashley gripped hopelessly at the finger, trying to hang on, and began to yelp silently for help against the thick pad of flesh that muted all sounds she made. A few final droplets of bathwater falling from Alison’s hand, she walked calmly back into Ashley’s bedroom, leaping into the air and taking a plop on the pillow again that rattled the mattress springs inside. Thinking, Alison quickly lapped her tongue along her upper lip, tasting the salt of the sweat forming along her skin from the steadily warming room, becoming muggier by the second. The sweat line, as well, on her shirt had become darker and more defined as it heated up. Holding out both hands, with Tony held nicely in an open palm, while Ashley was having her head compressed by a thumb in the other, Alison sighed.

“You know, cuz…” drawled Alison, finally releasing the pressure from her huffing cousin, who splayed her body out into the giant young girl’s palm, spent from the treading and the effort to breath under the log of flesh.

“WHAT?” screeched Ashley, ignoring Tony’s silent attempts to calm and quiet her by waving his arms.

“You always tell me I dress like a street walker, or whatever. But… look at yourself!”

“What are you talking about?” sneered Ashley, looking down at her outfit proudly and placing both hands on her legs before running her hands up to her shining blonde hair, running her fingers through it. Alison could clearly tell she didn’t take kindly to comments on her appearance.

“Don’t be stupid. I’m talking about your clothes. I mean…” snickered Alison, raising her thumb back up. Ashley jumped with fright, pulling back, afraid of having her oxygen cut off again, but instead the thumb tapped against her exposed stomach and navel. “Look at you. You might as well be wearing a bikini.”

“It’s DIFFERENT!” growled Ashley. “I’ve got assets, okay? Guys like me. Get over it.”

“They like your little tummy, huh?”

“Yes!” Ashley answered, planting her hands on her hips confidently. “They do, actually.”

“Hmm… I see…” mumbled Alison. “You really think I want to be like you, don’t you?”
“Now YOU’RE the one being stupid! If you’re going to deny it, you’re just deluding yourself,” yelled Ashley. At this point, Tony was getting seriously nervous. He leaned as far over the gap of space between his girlfriend and himself as he could, laying himself flat on Alison’s palm.

“Shut… UP!” he yelled. “You’re not making this any better!”

“Are you… are you seriously going to defend her AGAIN?” screeched the tiny teen girl. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? She…”

“No, Ashley, what the hell do YOU think you’re doing?”

“She put me in the god-damned bathtub in eight feet of water! AND I CAN’T SWIM!”

“Just… just… shush!” coughed the exasperated Tony, crawling back into the center of the massive hand and running a hand through his hair.

“Look, Ashley… if that’s what you think, then maybe I could get some… advice from you?” Alison asked calmly, causing her cousin’s attention to snap right back to her.

“Advice…” repeated Ashley, unable to process the word. “You want… ME… to give advice… to YOU?” she stuttered with rage.

“Yeah. You think your little tummy is hot stuff and whatever, so maybe you can give me a few pointers about showing off what I’ve got, too.”

“Huh?” gasped Ashley, and suddenly found the hand tipping over, allowing her to fall. She tumbled out, rolling down the inclined slope of Alison’s damp shirt, landing at the top of the bent right leg. Ashley pulled herself up, her shoulder sore from the way she had landed, and tripped on a crumpled fold of Alison’s white skirt. She stared up at her cousin, who was still leaning against the bed frame and clutching Tony in her hand. Suddenly, Alison’s fingers closed around his body, causing him to wince, although Alison didn’t even break her line of sight with Ashley, raising an eyebrow as Ashley covered her mouth in fear. Ashley shuddered as her cousin’s fingers compressed further in against Tony’s body, bending inward at the joints.

“Stop that. Let him… let…” gasped Ashley. She watched with horror as Alison started clenching her fist more tightly around Tony’s sides; he began struggling for air, the walls of soft, damp flesh encasing him, her muscular fingers compressing in on his skin and making him feel like his bones would snap. “STOP. What the hell do you WANT, anyway?” she cried out, leaning over and punching her fist into the firm, white-cloth clad leg. Alison giggled.

“Like I said. I want some advice.” Ashley’s eyes widened as Alison calmly plucked the end of her shirt between two fingers and started lifting it back. She rolled it up, letting go as her navel came into view. Ashley gaped at it: the plain of soft, pale stomach flesh, glistening ever so slightly at the top from the heat of the room, rising and falling as Alison breathed, reflecting light dimly at different angles from the sweat glaze coating her stomach. “Tell me, cuz. Think I’ve got what it takes to dress like you?”

Ashley stared at it, unblinking, still marveling at the terrifying power of Alison’s field of smooth belly skin undulating with inhalations and exhalations, the only real divergence being into Alison’s navel, which looked about as wide as Ashley’s head. She gulped. “I… what…”

“Well, don’t just stand there. I don’t expect you to be able to tell from there. Get up here,” grinned Alison. As Ashley hesitated, she gave another quick squeeze to the limp and defeated form of Tony, who whimpered with discomfort. Immediately, Ashley got on her hands and knees and started clambering up. The climb was somewhat slippery, as despite the relative friction of Alison’s skin, the coating of drying, humid sweat made it harder to get a grip. Finally, though, Ashley reached her navel, and quickly jammed her hands into it, gripping onto the plush give of the skin inside, and looked up at her cousin pleadingly, who was grinning triumphantly down at her.

“L-Let him go, you… you…” mumbled Ashley, enraged but fearful at the same time as she struggled to keep her hands clenched into the belly button, her clothes began to adhere to the sticky skin.

“Still not close enough. Take a better look,” Alison chuckled sternly, thrusting her hand back down toward Ashley. Using her thumb, she pressed down on her cousin’s grape-sized head, jamming it against her belly button. Ashley shrieked, her sound once again muted by Alison’s thick flesh, and began to breath slowly, the oxygen trickling in around her cheeks as Alison shoved down harder, twisting her thumb and working her cousin’s face against the opening of her navel. She laughed, tickled by the sensation, finding herself loving the feeling of control she finally had in their relationship. Her eyes fell back to Ashley, and she sighed deeply and pleasurably as she finally managed to fully insert her screaming cousin’s face into her belly button, continuing to apply pressure. She wondered what had made her look up to this girl for so many years, when she so clearly was a terrible, cruel-hearted person. She shrugged as she continued pulsing her thumb against Ashley’s hair, messing it up.

Ashley gasped desperately for breath, her mouth now pressing hard against the squishy flab of Alison’s belly button interior, her nose slowly taking in it the deep, musty scent of Alison’s sweat that coated her entire warm body in a film. She coughed lightly, but then felt her skin go cold as a new feeling touched the top of her head. A wet, cool liquid dribbling into her hair. It trickled through her locks, and seeped into the belly button, flooding around Ashley’s mouth. She gagged hard, realizing it was a bead of sweat that was falling down Alison’s stomach from below her breasts. As she choked on the salty tinge burning her tongue, the liquid settling into her dry throat, she tried to pull her head out of the fleshy hovel; however, feeling the resistance, Alison only pressed down harder, forcing her cousin to take another mouthful drop of sweat that had slipped into her navel.

Tony was still gripped in Alison’s damp, cushy palm and fingers, but wasn’t being crushed any longer, as Alison already had Ashley exactly where she wanted her. He stared down with horror at what was happening to his girlfriend. He heard her sputter painfully, trying to take a fresh breath amidst the tiny pocket of stale sweat-stained skin. Looking straight down at the horizon of Alison’s abs, which was where the shirt had been rumpled to stay up, he saw a third bead of sweat emerge from underneath, glistening like a salty crystal from the light on the ceiling. He strained forward in Alison’s powerful grip, wanting to help Ashley but knowing it was impossible. He flinched, then, to see the bead slip down Alison’s torso and into the navel, followed by Ashley’s body convulsing under the oppressive weight of Alison’s finger as the sweat drop filled the tiny girl’s nose and lips.

“Stop this…” pleaded Tony, looking up at Alison. He had to repeat himself, though, as Alison’s eyes were trained down on her cousin, wide and gleaming with delight before quickly softening and shifting down to look at the small young man’s head, which was popping out from between her firm fingers.

“She’s just giving me a little advice, Tony. I need her opinion. It’s a girl thing; you wouldn’t understand it,” she answered nonchalantly, Ashley squirming violently under her thumb while a fourth droplet dripped into her navel. Alison laughed girlishly, stroking her cousin’s mussed hair gently as she continued working her little face into the sticky, salty skin. Ashley began to cry again as yet another salty bead splashed against her lips, filling her throat.



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Family Reunion by Jacksmith (2024)


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Article information

Author: Aracelis Kilback

Last Updated:

Views: 6532

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.