General Discussion - What is average MMR (2024)

What is average MMR in General Discussion


    So i currently see myself at High skill and every so often i see a Very high Skill game recently. i was told that i should be somewhere around 3500 MMR if this is the case. Point being what is Average MMR i was told its roughly 2500 but that seems oddly low.

    Orderabi (Muted)

      3500 k is average.

      4k is normal - can be good.


        3000 is around the average. 3-.7- 4k is high high according to the average person that plays this game and anything 4k + is very high consider that most people don't visit forums.


          so far ive been told 2500 3000 3500 and 4000 is average lmao, the only way i can check is dotatoplist but you need to register yourself to it so the average is much higher at about 3700 cause that can't be right.


            The average is (was?) around 2.3k when ranked mm came out. Normal skill bracket is called that way because it is where most people is (casual and tryhards). If we only talk about people who care about the game and mmr and who actively try to improve (aka the hardcore player that takes it more seriously), then yes, the average must be around 3.7k.


              3.7k is the average among people who actively play ranked and share their stats.

              Probably the average mmr in ranked is ~3k and in non-ranked ~2.3k.

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                6k for dotabuff, ty.


                  3.7K is the average of 7400 people who even know about this top list thing

                  Considering most of my 2.5K mmr game have less than 4 people who have dotabuff accounts I'm willing to bet that the average of the ~9 million people who play dota each month is between 2K-3K, no higher

                  Not that average is any good or anything


                    I'd guess 2.5-2.9k, As a giant amount of the <2.5k players don't have stats tracked and barely use forums and such

                    Bad Intentions

                      I think it depends on the server.

                      In SEA im probably the average joe at 3.5k


                        average General Discussion - What is average MMR (13)

                        El Pollo Diablo

                 had an average of 2600 solo rating when ranked came out. Should be between 2.6k and 3k by now due to inflation.


                            bullsh*t, average can't be even close to 3k

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                            Welt aus Eis

                              you think it's too high? because my friend plays dota like a deficient baboon and he's 3040


                                I know like a dozen ppl who play doto in real life and the highest mmr of them is like 2.5k. And I'm in a group with 600 members and most of them are very low level/newbies that post screens of them going 20/7/10 on Void with 80 last hits in a 45 minute game.


                                  I am talking about global average of course.


                                    People went apesh*t when they saw that 50% of players was lower than 2300 MMR but as time passed I'm pretty sure it's true.

                                    Welt aus Eis

                                      the biggest difficulty to assert which is probably the average MMR is to estimate correctly how vast it is the big invisible trench of 2k trash with hidden dotabuff and no stats sharing

                                      V U C K F A L V E


                                        perhaps somethjing like 2500 or perhaps even lower.


                                          Most of my friends are lower than me and im ~3,6k lol, one of them has... 1k (yes 1000) mmr, damn scrubs.

                                          On the other hand I was "normal" when I added most of these guys (seems like most of them didnt improve at all) and it was pre-ranked so I guess if you added people you played with and you are, lets say 4,5k you could say the average is ~4,5k

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                                            It depends on what you mean by average. Most people have some idea of average that has an emotional and personal meaning for them... average meaning "slightly less than the people I usually play with". The average of all dota players who have completed enough games to get a Ranked score is about 2250 MMR. There are an equal number of Ranked dota players above and below 2250 MMR.

                                            MMR "inflation" has not moved this at all despite a ton of new players that have continued to join. People have probably noticed that their personal MMR and those of their friends has risen over the past year if they continued to play lots of games as more and more new players are added to dota 2. This has not moved the global average score. It does mean that the skill level connected to the 2250 MMR score has gone down quite a bit since a year ago. But there are still half of all dota players above and below that number.

                                            Similarly the skill level connected to various other marks like 3k, 4k, 5k has decreased. But they have not moved significantly as a % of the Ranked dota 2 players who achieve those scores. At the very top, near 6k + MMRs more pro level individuals have accumulated the MMR gathered from weaker players, but this involves so few people it has practically no impact on the overall numbers.

                                            Welt aus Eis

                                              Yeah, basicaly there's this widening phenomenom where the extremes are always expanding, but the average value is constant. However, we can't assert the average is indeed 2250, because that's just the average hidden unranked MMR by the time ranked MM was implemented, and Valve itself stated that the ranked MMR average could differ from the unranked one.


                                                Yes, it could be different in the sense the nothing directly prevents it from doing so. However, no information has ever been published about the MMR's for unranked. The only distribution Valve has released is for Ranked MMR.

                                                5% < 1100
                                                10% < 1500
                                                25% < 2000
                                                50% < 2250
                                                75% < 2731
                                                90% < 3200
                                                95% < 3900
                                                99% < 4100

                                                You can see that that pub Ranked players are tightly grouped in the 2k to 3k range. Typical dotabuff enthusiasts are in the top 5%, if not the top 1% of Ranked players. Many of them refuse to accept this reality because they cannot emotionally separate the mistakes made by themselves, their friends, and pubs in their games from the objective fact that tens of millions of people play dota a totally different level (a lower level).

                                                You can see real, up to date information about the very top of the MMR range here on the official world leader boards.
                                                There are currently only 349 players over 6k MMR on the major servers.

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                                                  I personally think that the MMR range is expanding and the average is closer to 2800-3200 then 2200


                                                    That is not how the system works Havoc. The new players MMR is captured by those who are higher skilled and pushes those more experienced players to higher MMR....

                                                    The new players are added and they lose their MMR to more experienced players already established in the game. The new players move lower, the experienced players move higher. The center of mass remains in the same place. The distribution stretches out in terms of numbers of players, but does not move in terms of % of players in each bracket.

                                                    Now the absolute skill level connected to a particular MMR score has moved. But that's not the same thing as the % of the population at a score changing.

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                                                      Relentless is too stubborn. Year after, he sticks to same thing, even though it is obvioulsy wrong.


                                                        I refuse to believe that dota players are so terrible that the 99 percent is below 4k mmr.


                                                          Del is honest. But the fact is the dotabuff forum community is primarily made up of elite players who often suffer from the real Dunning Kruger effect where their perception of average skill is grossly incorrect because they are far from average. Contrary to typical internet usage as an insult, this is a real phenomena which applies to the best or worst at a task (in this case dota 2) in which they struggle to correctly perceive and comprehend the reality average people experience.

                                                          Really very few dota players can do things like lasthit a creep intentionally. You may not realize this because you choose not to associate with people who cause you to lose games (ordinary people). Instead you tend to associate with other elite players who have similar abilities to you. Also since you cannot directly experience the confusion and clumsiness common to ordinary players you do not realize how slow and blind they really are compared to you. It's not a matter of practice. You have played many thousands of games, but even if the average player played many thousands of games they would still not improve. They do not even perceive the game well enough to know when they have done something correctly or incorrectly. This is why they can't learn to do it better.


                                                            RELENTLESS IS ALIVE


                                                              Hi Arka,

                                                              Dotabuff used to have a list of the Team Matchmaking Rating which, when Team matching first came out, gave a better idea of the distribution of the dotabuff community. A year ago the average dotabuff tMMR was just over 3k at a time when only the top 20 teams in the world were over 5k. I have no doubt the average MMR of the dotabuff forum community has increased since then and might be closer to 4k MMR, though 3.5k is really more likely. But the average for pub Ranked is still the same and won't move. "Inflation" from new players changes the value behind the numbers, it doesn't change the numbers themselves... at least not near the middle of the bell curve. The ends become better defined.

                                                              The reason top players were not able to reach into the 7k MMR range before is not that they have improved much, it is that there were not enough players in the 5.5k + range from which to take points. Now that there are more players in that range, as there are more players at all MMR ranges, it is possible for the top players to take points from them and extend into the 7k range.

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                                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                                Relentless, if I'm not mistaken, when you could check your non-calibrated MMR via console people found out the starting MMR was 3k.


                                                                  I have about 12 real life freinds who play dota, some more regularly then others. Of our group, I am the highest MMR at 2.8k, next is 2.65, the others are all between 1.8 and 2.3. And these are all people of 17-18 years, who go to a very selective grammar school (read: get good grades. Decent evidence that the intelligence loved by IQ tests and academics does not equal ability at deep games such as dota, as many flamers would like to claim. At least flamers in my bracket anyway)

                                                                  In my opinion, average MMR is more likely in the <=3k range than the 3.5+ claimed by some.


                                                                    fyi relentless those are unranked percentiles

                                                                    "To give you a feel for the range of MMR, below are some MMRs corresponding to various percentiles.

                                                                    5% 1100
                                                                    10% 1500
                                                                    25% 2000
                                                                    50% 2250
                                                                    75% 2731
                                                                    90% 3200
                                                                    95% 3900
                                                                    99% 4100

                                                                    Note that this distribution is from normal matchmaking."

                                                                    4k being the 99th percentile is bs.


                                                                      Well, can someone confirm that there are more then 70k players with 4100+ mmr? I have like 5 in my friends list.

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                                                                        ^^ they are talking about every account that exists, even ones that belong to people who played 5 games and then gave up on the game, remember there are a lot of inactive accounts out there. If you only look at people who play the game a lot then I am sure that average is some where between 3k and 4k.

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          4k is definitely not the 99% percentile but I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the median is indeed around 2400. Do you guys have any idea how many completely terrible players play dota?

                                                                          It doesn't matter anyway cus unless you're a pro you play people your level. Who cares if you're average or above or slightly below? You have no way to quantify this, it's not going to change your games.


                                                                            The percentiles are different for normal matchmaking and ranked matchmaking.

                                                                            I can't type on mobile

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                                                                              Can someone explain to me how i can float from 4k to 3k and back again repeatably over the last 4-5 months? My skill level isn't changing.. i don't think..


                                                                                ^Your skill might not change, but your heroes do. Also the other 9 players in your game.

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                                                                                  Think Havoc is closest to truth.
                                                                                  I play in 2700-2900(EU) and you get all sorts of skill levels in there, so it's safe to assume that's where most people land in after calibration novadays and stay if not trying too hard.


                                                                                    1% is 4.7k, not counting inactive accounts.


                                                                                      ^From the top of your head I assume?


                                                                                        I calculated it using advanced methods!


                                                                                          Let me re-sort the list in what I feel is a more accurate representation of where the game currently sits skill wise. It's hard to explain this concept without visualization so people will have to try and catch it using my bad articulation. The top end numbers are getting higher which is pushing the collective average a lot higher than it used to be. This can be contributed to the number of players currently playing since the release of the game shortly after rankings, and the discovery of smurfs, and manipulation of MMR and the system.

                                                                                          "Note that this distribution is from normal matchmaking. We don’t know yet what the distribution will be in ranked matchmaking, but we expect it to be different. The players who participate in ranked matchmaking will be more skilled, more experienced players. We anticipate that any given player will have different expectations and play the game differently in ranked matchmaking compared to normal matchmaking."

                                                                                          While I know this is based on nothing massively factual, pulling information off a year old description of what Valve assumed the brackets would be is not very accurate either. They didn't even really know what they were doing when they did the rating system and the whole thing has been slowly improved but on release day it was already apparent that they had no clue of what the expected out come was and ratings have long since out grown the starting brackets.

                                                                                          My chart which is based on part fact, part assumption based on what I have seen, and read about MMR and the current spectrum of players and is a range rather than a base number. It's an opinion so again, take it as such.

                                                                                          05% 1100 - 1400
                                                                                          10% 1500 - 1800
                                                                                          25% 2000 - 2250
                                                                                          50% 2731 - 3200
                                                                                          75% 3400 - 3700
                                                                                          90% 3800 - 4100
                                                                                          95% 4100 - 4400
                                                                                          99% 4500 - *

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                                                                                            Relentless, you're back! <3

                                                                                            Vroksnak = average Dotabuffer, not too good, not too bad, just 6k General Discussion - What is average MMR (49)
                                                                                            Edit: so much fail foruming by me

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                                                                                            Low Expectations

                                                                                              ^^Id say thats only based on assumption nevertheless I agree that the avrage is about 2,8-3k

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                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                Are we talking about average or median though? Average might be going up as badger thinks as a bunch of people break into 4k but I'll bet the median is still under 3k.


                                                                                                  The median will be a lot lower than the average but will still be going up, just not quite as fast.

                                                                                                  Kapitan Timba

                                                                                                    Casual players are 2k


                                                                                                      Im casual and 700, lol

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                                                                                                      General Discussion - What is average MMR (2024)


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