God (Star Trek) (2024)

God (Star Trek) (1)

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God (Star Trek) (2)

"God", also known as The One, is the main antagonist of the 1989 film Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. This entity claimed to be "God", but was actually a primordial malevolent eldritch being.

He was played by the late George Murdock, who also voicedBoss Biggisin Batman: The Animated Series.


The One claimed to be the source of monotheism on a number of planets across the galaxy. It was an immensely powerful eldritch entity. Approximately one million years ago after Q brought the being 0 into the universe through the Guardian of Forever. With Q's help 0 brought The One into the universe as well along with the Beta XII-A entity (also known as *) and Gorgan. The young Q thought the group was going to have some fun but he was totally unaware of how evil they all were.

After the group wrecked chaos across the galaxy including destroying the ancient Tkon Empire the rest of the Q Continuum attempted to arrest them. After a prolonged battle across time and space four Q working together were able to destroy The One's body by sheer will leaving only the head. For The One's many crimes he was imprisoned at the center of the galaxy until he either repented or the heat death of the universe, whichever came first. The Q built the Great Barrier around a star system at the center of the galaxy and imprisoned The One there. 0 meanwhile was banished to the space between galaxies, and the Galactic Barrier was built around the galaxy to keep him out of the galaxy.

Some Vulcans learned of The One and the planet, which they called Sha Ka Reem at the center of the galaxy beyond the Great Barrier where The One was held. In the 23rd century the Vulcan Master T'Rea taught her son Sybok about God and Sha Ka Ree. After her death Sybok went to live with his father Sarek and his wife Amanda along with his half-brother Spock. When Sybok broke in to the Hall of Ancient Thought to meld with his mother's katra he was banished from Vulcan. In the years that followed Sybok continued his studies. Using brainwashing Sybok was able to amass a large number of followers and commandeered the USS Enterprise-A in 2287 to go to Sha Ka Ree. Penetrating the barrier the Enterprise crew discovered the planet that Sybok believed to be Sha Ka Ree.

Sybok along with Kirk, Spock, and McCoy transported down to the planet. The Entity on the planet claimed to be the idea of God found on Earth and a number of alien worlds. He demanded the Enterprise be brought closer so he could escape. The others were lost in amazement over what they were seeing, however Kirk maintained the presence of mind to wonder why God would need a starship. When Kirk asked God why he needed a starship the entity struck him with bolts from his eyes, to the horror of the Enterprise crew and the others on the surface. The One then attacked Spock when Spock also asked what God needed with a starship. McCoy was next in line when he said that he'd doubt any God who inflicted pain for its own pleasure, however Sybok intervened.

When Sybok said that the God of Sha Ka Ree would not do this The One responded that Sha Ka Ree was a vision Sybok created. He then revealed to Sybok that he was not the benevolent God Sybok was searching for. Sybok wrestled with The One to buy Kirk and the others time to escape. The Enterprise fired a torpedo which disabled The One for a few moments, giving Kirk, Spock, and McCoy time to run back to the shuttle. The One pursued Kirk, Spock, and McCoy to kill them. Kirk had Scott beam Spock and McCoy back to the Enterprise. The One chased Kirk up a cliff where he was about to kill Kirk. However Kirk was saved when Spock used a the weapons of a Klingon Bird of Prey against The One, injuring the being and driving him off.

After 0 was able to return to the galaxy in 2374 he was able to briefly take control of the Enterprise-E. 0 stated that he had prisoners to free, meaning The One. Fortunately Q and the Calamarain put their differences aside and worked together to defeat 0 long before that happened, banishing him from the galaxy once again.


God (Star Trek) (3) Villains

Star Trek: The Motion Picture: V'Ger | Klingons (Barak)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: Augments (Khan & Joachim)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock: Klingons (Kruge, Torg, Maltz, Klingon Gunner) | Valkris
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home: Whale Probe | Kamarag
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier: The One | Klingons (Klaa & Vixis) | Sybok
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country: Khitomer Conspiracy (General Chang, Nanclus, Valeris, Admiral Cartwright, Patrick West, Harlan Burke, Thomas Samno, Kerla)
Star Trek Generations: Tolian Soran | Klingons (Lursa & B'Etor)
Star Trek: First Contact: The Borg (Borg Queen)
Star Trek: Insurrection: Son'a (Ahdar Ru'afo & Gallatin) | Matthew Dougherty
Star Trek: Nemesis: Remans (Shinzon, Viceroy, Tal'aura, Suran & Donatra)
Star Trek (2009): Romulans (Nero & Ayel)
Star Trek Into Darkness: Khan | Alexander Marcus
Star Trek Beyond: Krall | Manas | Kalara

Adam Soong | Adolf Hitler | AGIMUS | Ah-Kel | Ajur | Aledo | Alixus | Altovar | Alzen | Anan 7 | Annorax | Apollo | Arak'Taral | Arctus Baran | Ardra | Arik Soong | Armus | Arne Darvin | Arthur Coleman | Asencia | Augris | Automated Unit 3947 | Khan | Ba'ul | Balok | Banean Doctor | Barjan T'Or | Basso Tromac | Ben Finney | Benjamin Maxwell | Bennings | Berlinghoff Rasmussen | Beta XII-A entity | Bok | The Borg | Bothan | Bractor | Broca | Brunt | Cal Hudson | Captor Aliens | Cardassian Union (Dukat, Damar & Cardassians) | Charlie Evans | Chu'lak | Claudius Marcus | Clown | Colonel Grat | Colonel Phillip Green | Confederation of Earth | Crell Moset | Crystalline Entity | Culluh | Cyrus Redblock | D'Ghor | D'Jamat | D'Nesh | Dammar | Damron | Damrus | Danby Connor (MU) | Deela | Dejar | Devinoni Ral | Denevan parasites | Dereth | Devidians | Devor | Dexter Remmick | Doctor Apgar | Doctor Chaotica | Dolim | Dorg | Dr. Janice Lester | Drednok | Dular Garos | Duras | Duras (22nd century) | Ekosian SS | Eli Hollander | Elim Garak (Mirror Universe) | Ellen Landry | Emck | Entek | Equinox EMH | Erik Pressman | Etana | Evil Kirk | Fallit Kot | Foster (Star Trek) | Frank Hollander | Gabriel Lorca (MU) | Gareb | Garth of Izar | Gary Mitchell | Goff | Gorgan | Gorn | Female Changeling | Goroth | Gowron | Grebnedlog | Hagath | Harry Mudd | HD-25 | Henoch | Henry Starling | Hikaru Sulu (MU) | Hippocrates Noah | Hodin | Hoshi Sato (Mirror Universe) | House of Duras | Hunters | Ibudan | Ilon Tandro | Imperial Starfleet | Ira Graves | Ishara Yar | J'Dan | Ja'rod | Jabin | James Leyton | James T. Kirk | Jaro Essa | Jean-Luc Picard (COE) | Jem'Hadar | Jev | John Frederick Paxton | John Gill | Jonathan Archer (Mirror Universe) | Jor Brel | Joran Dax | Julian Bashir (Changeling) | J'Vini | Kadan | Kainon | Karnas | Kathryn Janeway (Kyrian Recreation) | Kar Kantar | Kazon | Kell | Kelsey | Kennelly | Keyla | Kieran MacDuff | Kila Marr | Kira Nerys (Mirror Universe) | Kiros (Star Trek) | Kivas Fajo | Kodos the Executioner | Kol | Kol-Sha | Koloth | Konmel | Kor | Korok | Korris | Krajensky (Changeling) | Kras | Krax | Krinn | Krola | Kryton | Kunivas | Kuroda Lor-ehn | Kyril Finn | L'Rell | Lal | Landru | Larry Marvick | Lazarus | Leland | Lenore Karidian | Letek | Locutus | Lon Suder | Lore | Loskene | Lurin | Lutan | Luther Sloan | Lyris | M-113 Creature | M-5 | Maab | Madred | Malcolm Reed (MU) | Malon | Maras | Marla McGivers | Martok (Changeling) | Martus Mazur | Matthew Harris | Matthew Ryan | Maxwell Burke | Mazarites | Melakon | Mendak | Menos | Michael Eddington | Michael Jonas | Miles O'Brien (Changeling) | Mine Foreman | Morag (Klingon) | Na'kuhl | Nagilum | Narissa Rizzo | Navaar | Near Death Experience Alien | Neela | Neil | Neral | Neural Parasites | Nick Locarno | Nomad | Norah Satie | Nyota Uhura | Odala | Odo (Mirror Universe) | Oh (Star Trek) | Orton | Oracle of the People | Osyraa | Par Lenor | Parmen | Patar | Paul Stamets (MU) | Pavel Chekov (Mirror) | Peanut Hamper | Pe'Nar Makull | Philippa Georgiou (MU) | Plasus | Pomet | Professor Moriarty | Q | Queen Paolana | Rao Vantika | Razik | Redjac | Regent of Palamar | Dr. Roger Korby | Rojan | Romulan Commander (Balance of Terror) | Ron Tracey | Rota Sevrin | Rudolph Ransom | Ruon Tarka | Ruwon | Sabin Genestra | Satler | Sela | Seska | Seven of Nine (KR) | Sharat | Shran | Silaran Prin | Silik | Sklar | Sneed | Sobi | Spawnmother (2364) | Sphere-Builders | Spock (Mirror Universe) | Sulan | Suna | Surata IV Vine | Sylvia Tilly | Sylvia (Ornithoid) | T'Kuvma | T'Paal | Tahna Los | Takrets | Talak'Talan | Talosian Keeper | Talosians | Tarah | Taris | Tarr | Tedran | Terra Prime | The Albino | The Doctor (Kyrian Recreation) | Titus Rikka | The Diviner | Thelev | Thot Gor | Thot Pran | Tieran | Tiron | Tog | Tom Riker | Tomalak | Toral | Toran | Tosin | Trabe | Traeg | Travis Mayweather (MU) | Trekal Darhe'el | Trelane | Tret | Tristan Adams | Ulis | Ux-Mal Entity | V'Las | V'latak | Vaal | Vaatrik Pallra | Vadic | Valdore | Verad Kalon | Verin | Ves Alkar | Voq | Vosk | Vrax | Wesley Crusher | Weyoun | William Ross | Winn Adami | Wisps | Worf (Mirror Universe) | Yuta | Zorn

Video Games
Vohrsoth | Hakeev

Comic Books
Alfred Bleikoff | Enab

0 | B'orel | Darok | Duregh | Dralath | Dovraku | Jean-Luc Picard (Dark Mirror) | Kazanak | Korak | Korgh | Krit | Lokog | Mettus | Vaughan Rittenhouse | Romulan Praetor (2280s) | Spawnmother (2376) | Tron | True Sons of Antar | Valak | Zakal

God (Star Trek) (2024)


What does God need with a starship quote? ›

Kirk : [to "God"] Excuse me... Excuse me... I just wanted to ask a question. What does God need with a starship?

What does God need with a Starship episode? ›

"What Does God Need with a Starship?" | Captain Kirk displaying some serious balls.... Scene from Star Trek: The Final Frontier (1989)...

What is Captain Kirk's religion? ›

Religion in Star Trek

For example, Kirk seems to declare himself (or at least some Humans) as monotheist by saying "Mankind has no need for gods. We find the one quite adequate." (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?") And Kasidy Yates mentioned that her mother would want her daughter to be married by a minister.

Who was God in the final frontier? ›

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) - George Murdock as "God" - IMDb.

What is the famous line of God? ›

"God loves each of us as if there were only one of us." "God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile." "God will meet you where you are in order to take you where He wants you to go." "God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."

What is the motto of the Star Trek USS Enterprise? ›

A quotation from the American television science fiction series *Star Trek. The mission of the *Starship Enterprise, with its famously split infinitive, was 'to boldly go where no man has gone before'.... ...

What was Captain Kirk's last words before he died? ›

Though the manage to kill Soran, Captain Kirk is fatally injured in the process. Shatner's final scene sees him buried under rubble while quietly uttering the phrase “Oh my” before he passes away. “I ad-libbed the, 'Oh my.

Is Captain Picard an atheist? ›

There is ample evidence from TNG that Captain Jean-Luc Picard is an atheist to his core, as well as a staunch humanist with a firm grounding in philosophies of nonviolence and compassion. But Captain Picard is the product of a society nearly a century past the upbringing of James T.

What is Captain Kirk's IQ? ›

Captain Kirk's IQ was never officially stated in the Star Trek franchise. Therefore, it is impossible to determine whether he was considered a genius by modern standards. However, Captain Kirk was portrayed as an intelligent and resourceful character, with exceptional leadership and problem-solving skills.

Who is 0 in Star Trek? ›

Zero was a Medusan who lived during the late 24th century. Like other Medusans, Zero was an energy-based non-corporeal lifeform, and as such, they identified as genderless, as they lacked a body.

Who is God in Star Trek 5? ›

The Human image portrayed by the "God of Sha Ka Ree" from Star Trek V was portrayed by actor George Murdock. The image of the Andorian god, as well as the other two unidentified gods (shown below), were among the images shown to represent the "many faces of God" in Star Trek V.

Who is the bad guy in Star Trek V? ›

Shatner cast Luckinbill as the villain of the fifth Star Trek movie after seeing the lauded stage actor's performance as President Lyndon B. Johnson in Lyndon. As Sybok, Luckinbill played a holy man who was the Vulcan half-brother of Spock (Leonard Nimoy).

What need does God have for a starship? ›

“What does God need with a starship?” That line, uttered by William Shatner's Capt. James T. Kirk in the much-derided Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) — co-written and directed by Shatner himself — is probably that film's most famous (or infamous) moment.

Why does God need a ship? ›

"God" asked for the ship to help it spread its "wisdom" through the universe. Though Sybok wanted to oblige, Captain James T. Kirk was suspicious of its motives, and asked why "God" would need a ship. In response, "God" shot energy beams from its eyes at the Starfleet captain.

What is a famous quote from City of God? ›

God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them. Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave.

What is the one thing God requires of us? ›

To love the Lord is the most important thing that God asks of us. The sum and the substance of everything that God has said is simply to love Him.


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.