How Accurate Is GPS Tracking?  (2024)

GPS tracking has rapidly become a staple in navigation, location services, and monitoring applications in our modern world. With its widespread use in smartphones, vehicles, and various industries, it’s crucial to understand the overall accuracy of this prominent technology.

Today we’re going to discuss and review the factors that determine GPS tracking accuracy, the accuracy levels of different GPS tracking devices, and how to improve the accuracy of GPS tracking.

What is GPS Tracking?

GPS tracking, or Global Positioning System tracking, is a technology that uses a network of satellites to pinpoint the location of an object or person on Earth. This system enables real-time movement, speed, and direction monitoring, providing invaluable data for various applications such as navigation, asset tracking, and emergency response.

How GPS Tracking Works

  • Signal transmission: The GPS satellites continuously transmit radio signals containing their current position and time. These signals travel at the speed of light, and multiple satellites are required for accurate location determination.
  • Signal reception: GPS tracking devices, such as smartphones, smartwatches, or dedicated GPS units, are equipped with GPS receivers that detect and process these satellite signals. Generally, a receiver must have a clear line-of-sight of a minimum of four satellites to accurately calculate its position.
  • Trilateration: Once the GPS receiver acquires the signals from multiple satellites, it employs a mathematical process called trilateration to determine its location. Trilateration involves calculating the distance between the receiver and each satellite based on the time it takes the signal to travel from the satellite to the receiver.
  • Position calculation: After obtaining the distances from at least four satellites, the GPS receiver can accurately determine its latitude, longitude, and altitude. This information is then used for various purposes, such as navigation, tracking, and mapping.
  • Data processing and display: Depending on the GPS tracking device or application, the location information can be displayed on a map or used to provide turn-by-turn directions. The data can also be recorded and stored for future analysis or transmitted to a remote server for real-time monitoring and tracking.

With continual advancements in GPS technology and the integration of additional satellite constellations, the accuracy and reliability of GPS tracking are expected to improve even further in the future.

Why Businesses Use GPS Tracking

GPS tracking has become increasingly important for businesses across various industries, as it offers numerous benefits that help streamline operations, improve productivity, and enhance customer satisfaction. With advancements in GPS technology and the integration of additional features, such as geofencing, custom alerts, and predictive analytics, GPS tracking applications in the business world are expected to expand even further. Here are a few ways businesses already use GPS tracking.

Employee Time Tracking

GPS tracking can help businesses monitor employee work hours more accurately and efficiently, reducing the risk of time theft and ensuring accurate payroll. Using GPS-enabled time tracking systems, employees can clock in and out from their smartphones or other devices, automatically recording their location data. This information can help managers ensure employees work at assigned locations and prevent fraudulent clock-ins.

Employee Location Tracking

Real-time employee location tracking allows businesses to monitor the whereabouts of their field staff, such as sales representatives or technicians, enabling better resource allocation and improved customer service. By tracking employee movements, managers can optimize travel routes, provide faster emergency response times, and keep customers informed about expected arrival times.

Fleet / Vehicle Tracking

Many businesses, especially those in transportation, logistics, and delivery, rely on GPS tracking to manage and optimize their fleet of vehicles. GPS fleet tracking systems provide real-time data on vehicle location, speed, idle time, and route history, helping businesses reduce fuel costs, improve driver safety, and enhance overall fleet efficiency. Additionally, these systems can assist with preventive maintenance by monitoring vehicle health and alerting managers to potential issues.

Asset / Equipment Tracking

GPS tracking can help monitor the location and status of valuable assets and equipment, such as construction machinery, containers, or rental equipment. This helps prevent theft and loss and aids in inventory management and utilization. By knowing the exact location of assets, businesses can quickly allocate resources, schedule maintenance, and ensure timely delivery of equipment to job sites.

Enhanced Customer Service

GPS tracking enables businesses to provide better customer service by offering accurate and real-time information about the location and status of deliveries or service calls. This transparency helps manage customer expectations, reduce the number of inquiries, and improve overall satisfaction.

Data-Driven Decision Making

By analyzing the data collected through GPS tracking systems, businesses can gain valuable insights into their operations, identify inefficiencies, and make informed decisions to optimize processes. For example, route optimization based on historical data can help reduce travel time, fuel consumption, and vehicle wear, resulting in significant cost savings.

How Accurate Is GPS Tracking?

GPS tracking has proven to be an incredibly reliable and accurate technology for locating and monitoring employees, vehicles, assets, and more.

Modern GPS tracking systems are highly accurate, with most devices capable of providing location data within a range of 3 to 15 meters (9.8 to 49.2 feet). This level of accuracy is primarily due to the use of advanced GPS receivers, as well as the integration of other satellite constellations such as GLONASS (Russia), Galileo (Europe), and BeiDou (China).

Additionally, some GPS devices utilize assisted GPS (A-GPS) technology, combining satellite data with information from cell towers or Wi-Fi networks to enhance accuracy, especially in urban environments.

Comparing GPS Tracking to Alternative Methods

Cell Tower Triangulation

This method uses the signal strength between a mobile device and multiple cell towers to estimate its location. However, the accuracy of cell tower triangulation is highly variable, ranging from 50 meters (164 feet) in urban areas to several kilometers in rural settings. The limitations of this method include a lower density of cell towers in rural areas and signal interference from buildings or other structures in urban environments.

Wi-Fi Positioning

Wi-Fi positioning systems (WPS) estimate the location of devices based on the proximity to Wi-Fi access points. While this method can be accurate within 10 to 50 meters (32.8 to 164 feet) in areas with high Wi-Fi density, its effectiveness significantly decreases in regions with fewer access points or in the absence of Wi-Fi signals.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

RFID technology uses radio frequency signals to identify and track objects or people equipped with RFID tags. Although RFID is useful for short-range tracking (typically less than 100 meters or 328 feet), it does not provide the same level of accuracy or coverage as GPS, making it less suitable for large-scale tracking applications.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacons

BLE beacons are small devices that transmit signals to nearby smartphones or other devices, enabling indoor location tracking. However, the range of BLE beacons is limited to approximately 50 meters (164 feet) and is highly susceptible to interference from physical barriers, such as walls or furniture.

The Advantages of GPS Tracking

Based on the comparison above, it is evident that GPS tracking offers several advantages over alternative methods, such as:

  • Superior Accuracy: GPS tracking provides location data with a high degree of accuracy, typically within 3 to 15 meters (9.8 to 49.2 feet), making it the most accurate option for tracking employees, vehicles, and assets.
  • Global Coverage: Unlike other methods, GPS tracking works virtually anywhere on Earth, ensuring consistent and reliable tracking regardless of geographical location.
  • Scalability: GPS tracking systems are easily scalable, allowing businesses to track several entities simultaneously without compromising accuracy or performance.
  • Integration with Other Technologies: GPS tracking can be combined with technologies like A-GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou to enhance accuracy and reliability even further.

Factors That Affect GPS Accuracy

Although GPS tracking is known for its high degree of accuracy, several factors can influence the precision of the location data obtained.

GPS Tracker Type

The type and quality of a GPS tracker can significantly impact the accuracy of its location data. High-quality GPS devices typically feature more sensitive receivers and advanced processing capabilities, enabling them to achieve better accuracy and faster position fixes.

Some GPS trackers also support multi-constellation systems, such as GLONASS, Galileo, or BeiDou, which can improve accuracy by using additional satellite data. Additionally, devices with assisted GPS (A-GPS) technology can utilize data from cell towers or Wi-Fi networks to further enhance accuracy, especially in urban areas or locations with weak satellite signals.


The number of satellites a GPS receiver can access directly affects the accuracy of its positioning data. Ideally, a GPS receiver should have a clear sightline to at least four satellites to accurately determine its location. The more satellites a receiver can connect to, the better its geometric dilution of precision (GDOP), resulting in higher accuracy.

Furthermore, the positioning of satellites in the sky (satellite geometry) can also impact accuracy. Poor satellite geometry may lead to greater errors in position estimation, even if the receiver is connected to multiple satellites.

Environmental Factors

Various environmental factors can obstruct or weaken GPS signals, potentially resulting in inaccurate positioning data. Some common environmental factors that affect GPS accuracy include:

  • Buildings and urban structures: Tall buildings and other urban structures can create a “canyon effect,” where satellite signals bounce off surfaces, causing multipath errors and signal delays.
  • Natural obstacles: Dense foliage, mountains, or deep valleys can obstruct or weaken GPS signals, reducing the accuracy of location data.
  • Atmospheric conditions: Weather conditions such as ionospheric disturbances or heavy cloud cover can cause signal delays, affecting the accuracy of GPS positioning.

Signal Interference

GPS signals can be disrupted or interfered with by other electronic devices or signals, which may lead to inaccurate positioning data. Some common sources of GPS signal interference include:

  • Radio-frequency (RF) devices: Devices that emit RF signals, such as televisions, radios, or cell phones, can interfere with GPS signals if they operate on frequencies close to those used by GPS.
  • Jamming devices: Deliberate jamming of GPS signals using illegal devices can disrupt GPS tracking and cause inaccurate location data.
  • Electromagnetic interference (EMI): EMI from power lines, transformers, or other electrical sources can interfere with GPS signals, reducing accuracy.

Various factors can ultimately influence GPS accuracy, including the type of GPS tracker, the number of accessible satellites, environmental factors, and signal interference. Understanding these factors can help users optimize their GPS devices and applications for improved accuracy and performance.

Advances in GPS technology and the integration of multi-constellation systems are continually working to mitigate these challenges and enhance the reliability and precision of GPS tracking.

Benefits of Accurate GPS Tracking

Accurate GPS tracking offers a wide range of benefits for business owners across various industries, helping them to optimize operations, enhance productivity, and ensure safety.

Improved Transparency, Productivity, & Safety

Accurate GPS trackers allow businesses to monitor their employees, vehicles, and assets in real-time, providing greater transparency into their operations. This real-time visibility helps identify inefficiencies, streamline processes, and allocate resources effectively. Moreover, accurate GPS tracking can help improve safety by monitoring driver behavior, such as speeding or harsh braking, and identifying potentially hazardous conditions or routes.

Accurate Time Cards, Mileage Reimbursem*nt, & Payroll

With precise GPS tracking, businesses can ensure accurate timekeeping and payroll for their employees, particularly those working remotely or in the field. GPS-enabled time tracking systems can record employee clock-ins and clock-outs based on their location, reducing the risk of time theft or inaccurate reporting.

Additionally, accurate GPS tracking enables businesses to validate mileage claims for reimbursem*nt, ensuring employees are compensated fairly for work-related travel.

Enhanced Accountability

GPS tracking systems can help businesses hold employees accountable for their actions and whereabouts during work hours by providing detailed and accurate location data. This increased accountability can lead to improved performance, as employees are more likely to adhere to schedules, routes, and job responsibilities when they know their activities are being monitored.

Reduced Likelihood of Labor Disputes

Accurate GPS tracking can help minimize labor disputes related to timekeeping, payroll, and work-related expenses. By providing verifiable data on employee work hours, locations, and travel distances, GPS tracking systems can be a reliable source of information in case of disagreements or misunderstandings. This can ultimately save businesses time and resources by reducing the likelihood of disputes and ensuring fair treatment of employees.

Accurate GPS tracker solutions ultimately offer numerous benefits for businesses across various industries. GPS tracking systems have become indispensable tools for modern businesses seeking to optimize their operations and remain competitive. They provide improved transparency, productivity, safety, accountability, accurate timekeeping and payroll, and a reduced likelihood of labor disputes.

The Most Accurate GPS Tracker for Contractors & Field Services

For contractors and field service businesses, having an accurate and reliable GPS tracking system is crucial for optimizing operations, improving productivity, and ensuring the safety of employees and assets. Workyard is a leading GPS tracking solution that offers state-of-the-art technology designed specifically for the needs of contractors and field service providers.

Key Features of Workyard

Workyard offers a range of features that make it the ideal GPS tracking solution for businesses in the construction and field service industries:

  • Precise GPS Tracking: Workyard’s advanced GPS tracking technology provides highly accurate location data, enabling businesses to monitor employee movements, optimize travel routes, and allocate resources effectively.
  • Time and Attendance Tracking: Workyard’s GPS-enabled time tracking system enables employees to remotely clock in and out from their smartphones or other devices, ensuring accurate work hour records and minimizing the risk of time theft.
  • Job Site Geofencing: Workyard allows businesses to create custom geofences around job sites, enabling them to receive notifications when employees enter or leave designated areas. This feature helps ensure that employees are working at the correct locations and can be used to track unauthorized site access or after-hours activity.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Workyard’s real-time alerts allow businesses to receive instant notifications of important events, such as when employees clock in or out, when vehicles exceed speed limits, or when assets enter or exit designated areas.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Workyard provides businesses with detailed reports on employee hours, job site activity, vehicle usage, and more, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their operations.

Case In Point: AV Decking

AV Decking, a deck and fence installation company, experienced the benefits of accurate GPS tracking using Workyard. By leveraging Workyard’s precise GPS tracking technology, AV Decking was able to optimize its operations and achieve significant cost savings.

Before implementing Workyard, AV Decking struggled with inaccuracies in payroll costs, largely due to their project managers’ manual timesheet submission process. The project managers, already burdened with numerous responsibilities, often resorted to estimating the hours employees work. This method resulted in significant discrepancies and growing concerns about payroll costs.

The executive team at AV Decking analyzed the situation and determined that time cards could be off by an average of 30 minutes per employee daily. This miscalculation equated to roughly $47,000 in payroll losses every week. Additionally, the pen-and-paper method of tracking time and attendance provided no transparency regarding employees’ whereabouts on job sites, making it difficult for project managers to track their teams accurately.

AV Decking explored several solutions to tackle these challenges and ultimately decided on Workyard’s advanced GPS time clock system. Workyard’s precise time tracking capabilities allowed them to monitor employee time more accurately.

Upon discussing the implementation with their Workyard Sales Executive, AV Decking projected annual payroll savings of $150,000 to $200,000. The company exceeded this estimation within just the first six weeks of using Workyard, highlighting the system’s effectiveness.

In addition to the substantial financial savings, Workyard’s robust GPS tracking features offered greater transparency in employee locations and proved valuable in ensuring their safety during work-related travels. This aspect was particularly important for AV Decking, as they view their employees as an integral part of their company family.

In short, Workyard’s accurate GPS tracking solution offers contractors and field service providers a reliable and accurate way to monitor employee movements, manage job sites, and optimize their operations.

With its precise GPS tracking technology, comprehensive features, and proven results, Workyard is the ideal choice for businesses seeking to improve productivity, enhance safety, and reduce costs.

The Importance of Accurate GPS Tracking for Businesses

Accurate GPS tracking is a valuable asset for businesses of all types, delivering cost savings, increased transparency, and improved operational efficiency. From construction and field service providers to transportation and logistics, accurate GPS tracking offers an array of benefits, enabling businesses to optimize operations, improve productivity, enhance safety, and streamline processes.

Implementing a reliable GPS tracking solution can help businesses optimize their operations, streamline processes, enhance safety, and improve productivity. The importance of accurate GPS tracking cannot be overstated, as it provides numerous benefits that can significantly impact a company’s bottom line and overall success.

One of the most significant advantages of accurate GPS tracking is the potential for substantial cost savings, and companies can save significantly by eliminating common payroll mistakes caused by timeclock inaccuracies. With a solution like Workyard, companies can take advantage of the most advanced GPS tracking technology on the market, ensuring their operations remain competitive and successful in today’s ever-evolving world. Sign up for a free trial of Workyard today!

How Accurate Is GPS Tracking?  (2024)


How Accurate Is GPS Tracking? ? ›

The GPS unit is normally accurate to within two meters Circular Error Probability (CEP), and the accuracy is further increased through algorithms built into GPS Insight. Analysis of the GPS information provided by GPS Insight yields an accuracy rate of approximately 99.88%.

How accurate can a GPS tracker be? ›

Various factors can affect GPS accuracy, so it's not surprising when smartphone apps give you misleading data. Overall, though, GPS works well enough to pinpoint locations reliably. Depending on your device's GPS technology, though, you could get accuracy anywhere from a millimeter to about five meters.

Do GPS trackers show the exact location? ›

Present-day GPS tracking units are highly accurate and can provide precise location information.

What is the margin of error for GPS tracking? ›

The position accuracy is primarily dependent on the satellite position and signal delay. , or approximately 10 nanoseconds for the C/A code. Since GPS signals propagate at the speed of light, this represents an error of about 3 meters. or about 30 centimeters.

Can GPS tracker be traced? ›

Some GPS trackers are harder to find than others, but with the right counter-surveillance tools, finding even the most expertly hidden GPS tracker is possible, especially if you know where to look.

Can a cell phone detect a GPS tracker? ›

An unknown tracker alert is sent when someone else's tracker device is separated from them and if your Android phone detects the tracker is traveling with you and out of Bluetooth range from the owner. The notification alerts you to the tracker and tells you how to find it and what to do next.

Which location tracker is most accurate? ›

These apps offer not only accurate GPS location but also advanced features such as real-time tracking, geofencing, and more.
  • My Family locator, GPS tracker. ...
  • FollowMee GPS Tracker: Locate & Track Your Device. ...
  • Map My Run By Under Armour. ...
  • iSharing: GPS Location Tracker. ...
  • Glympse – Share GPS location. ...
  • TrackView – Find My Phone.

Does GPS give exact location? ›

Some GPS receivers are so accurate they can establish their location within one centimeter (0.4 inches). GPS receivers provide location in latitude, longitude, and altitude. They also provide the accurate time. GPS includes 24 satellites that circle Earth in precise orbits.

Can GPS show wrong location? ›

When GPS is not available, the device may 'fall back' to less accurate methods like WiFi or using the mobile signal. At a guess, there is a nearby wifi hotspot that is geocoded as being in in Mexico. So when your device doesnt have a GPS lock, it falls back to the wifi location (which is wrong!)

Can location tracking be wrong? ›

Weather: Tough weather conditions, such as heavy snow or rain, can make it difficult for GPS devices to reach the satellites. Hence, it can give out incorrect location information. Signal problems: Factors such as tall buildings or trees can hinder GPS transmission and mess up the signals.

How to check GPS accuracy? ›

On an Android phone or tablet, you can check if your geolocation is accurate by opening the Maps app. See if the blue dot is at the right spot. If you don't see a blue dot, tap “Your location” in the bottom right.

How accurate is the GPS on my phone? ›

If you're outside and can see the open sky, the GPS accuracy from your phone is about five meters, and that's been constant for a while. But with raw GNSS measurements from the phones, this can now improve, and with changes in satellite and receiver hardware, the improvements can be dramatic.

What is the most common cause of GPS location error? ›

Common causes include: Satellite signal blockage due to buildings, bridges, trees, etc. Indoor or underground use. Signals reflected off buildings or walls ("multipath")

Are GPS trackers accurate? ›

GPS tracking has proven to be an incredibly reliable and accurate technology for locating and monitoring employees, vehicles, assets, and more. Modern GPS tracking systems are highly accurate, with most devices capable of providing location data within a range of 3 to 15 meters (9.8 to 49.2 feet).

Can someone track my location if my GPS is off? ›

The answer is yes, it's possible to track mobile phones even if location services are turned off. Turning off the location service on your phone can help conceal your location. This is important if you don't want third parties knowing where you are or being able to track your movement.

How accurate is GPS allowed to be? ›

GPS satellites broadcast their signals in space with a certain accuracy, but what you receive depends on additional factors, including satellite geometry, signal blockage, atmospheric conditions, and receiver design features/quality. For example, GPS-enabled smartphones are typically accurate to within a 4.9 m (16 ft.)

Can car trackers be wrong? ›

The trackers need multiple calls from different satellites without obstructions to get the best results. So, when sometimes a tree or building comes in the way of the signals, there is a slight chance of inaccuracy. This problem can also be seen in regions of dense forests or canyons.

How accurate are distance trackers? ›


Each check-in is a tracking point. Add up all the tracking points and you have your total distance. Different watches and apps have various algorithms to calculating distance, which is why Strava might say you ran 3.63 miles while your watch says 3.52. Most times the differences are minimal.

How accurate is GPS location data? ›

With a clear view of the sky, most consumer-grade GPS receivers can determine your position with an accuracy of about 3 to 5 meters (10 to 16 feet). In real-world conditions, such as when there are obstacles like buildings or trees, the accuracy can decrease to about 10 to 20 meters (33 to 66 feet).


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.