How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (2024)

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Influencer marketing is a powerful way to reach your target audience, build trust, and generate leads. But how do you get an influencer to notice you and reply to your message? It's not easy, but it's not impossible either. Here are some tips to help you craft a message that stands out and gets a response from an influencer.

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  • Richard DiPilla I create stories about life, love, nature, relationships and friendships.LinkedIn Weekly Avg. Reach- 10 Million +…

    How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (3) How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (4) How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (5) 114

  • Jason McGuire Global Brand @ Crucial | Brand builder

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1 Know your goals

Before you reach out to an influencer, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Do you want to collaborate on a campaign, ask for a shoutout, or get feedback on your product? Having a specific goal will help you tailor your message and make it relevant to the influencer. It will also show that you respect their time and expertise, and that you have done your research.

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  • Ambassador Terry Earthwind Nichols International Speaker Strategist 𝓛𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓮𝓭𝓘𝓷 𝓣𝓸𝓹 𝓥𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮 | 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓵𝓾𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻 | 𝓐𝓶𝓫𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓻 | 𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓻 | 𝓢𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓰𝓲𝓼𝓽 | 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓻 | 𝓣𝓸𝓹 10 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓛𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 | 10𝔁 𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻 | 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓾𝓶𝓷𝓲𝓼𝓽
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    React to their every post with "Insightful".Then comment with Insightful content.In other words, gain their respect.Do this for a month or so. They'll notice you.NOW you can message them with a well thought out question that will draw a response.If you want to talk to the 'big kids', show them you're worth 15 minutes of their time.


    How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (23) How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (24) How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (25) 17

  • Melvin Varghese, PhD 💪Girl dad 🛋️ Psychologist 🌅 I downsized from a successful clinical career path to build a 6-figure online business around my family and health 🤝🏾 I help therapists build + make money from their courses and podcasts
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    In my experience, it's all about standing out.If reaching out via DM or email, a few things that have helped me:•Reference past posts/videos/podcasts that they've shared (shows that you've genuinely followed them)•Personalize (I like sending Loom videos vs just text)•Respect their time (keep the correspondence short and punchy)•Build a human connection (e.g., a shared hobby or interest)•Note what platform they tend to be the most active on (I've found bigger influencers interact on 1 platform but outsource others)


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    Someone mentioned: be a normal human being. 👍🧡As a blogger and B2B jewelry influencer, I get so many mails, DM’s and what not, and I know that in the B2C arena of Instagram influencers, this is even “worse”.Influencing is a business model. Be prepared to see it as such. Don’t waste your or their time, be clear about what you need and want, and ask about their terms. :) Aim for the influencer who’s content matches your product. Grab too high or low and it’ll be a miss. Even if you pay for it and it does get posted. Interact with the human behind the name. We all try, fail, struggle, win sometimes, have dreams, ambitions, fears, hopes…Personally, I always love a story and sincere interaction. We are all humans, indeed :)


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  • Dr. Sue Ojageer PharmD, CPGx A trendsetter in pharmacy, influencer, and educator, dedicated to driving positive changes while delivering valuable content through digital and print solutions.
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    To catch an influencer's attention, craft a concise and personalized message showcasing your genuine interest and the value you bring. Respect their time, use the right platform, and follow up politely if needed. Building a connection that goes beyond business, emphasizing mutual benefits, and demonstrating your credibility can significantly boost your chances of receiving a response and establishing a meaningful partnership.

  • Amir Talebpour Digital Marketing Professional | Social Media Marketing | Content Marketing | Content Strategy | Driving Business Growth
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    There’s barely anyone the sphere of social media influence doesn’t touch. With Facebook amassing more than 2.5 billion users, Instagram trailing not too far behind and LinkedIn growing in size each year, its reach keeps expanding.Chances are that your target audience - everyone from a UI/UX designer fresh out of grad school to the VP of a high-profile investment firm - is already there, practically laid out on a platter so you can reach out to them. But the trouble with Facebook, Instagram or any other algorithm-based social media platform is that they operate on pay-to-play models for businesses and brands.


    How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (61) How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (62) 6


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2 Find the right channel

Influencers get hundreds of messages every day, so you need to find the best way to contact them. Depending on the influencer, they might prefer email, direct message, or a comment on their post. You can check their bio, website, or media kit to see if they have any preferences or guidelines for reaching out. You can also look at how they interact with their followers and other brands, and see what channel works best for them.

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3 Be personal and professional

When you write your message, you want to make it personal and professional. Personal means that you address the influencer by name, compliment their work, and mention something specific that you like or relate to. Professional means that you use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and that you keep your message concise and clear. You also want to avoid generic or spammy messages that sound like you copied and pasted them to multiple influencers.

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  • Richard DiPilla I create stories about life, love, nature, relationships and friendships.LinkedIn Weekly Avg. Reach- 10 Million + Views
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    Im not certain there are any real problems reaching influencers. If there is no response it should just tell you it's not the right influncer for you. Don't confuse social media celebraties with professional influencers.


    How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (71) How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (72) How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (73) 114

  • Gordon Thorpe Content Creator Manager | YouTube Certified, Social Media Strategist
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    One of the biggest mistakes I've seen with personalizing a message to an influencer, regardless of what platform you're reaching out from, is not familiarizing yourself with their content and background enough. Creators are smart and can pick up quickly on whether or not an email or DM is personalized to them, or sent out more generally to a wider network.Get to know your target before reaching out.


    How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (82) How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (83) 11

  • Jessica Kozakowski
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    Influencers want to know you’ve taken the time to look at their work. This includes sharing recent posts you liked, past campaign work, and providing a human element to your messages.


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    To make your message even more personalized, you can use AI tools such as ChatGPT. By training the AI about your prospect, you can learn more things about them so you can personalize your outreach message.


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  • Mazen Bahnassy Business Director | Influencer Marketing | Brand Partnerships | Creative | Account Management
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    Influencers are people too, and as people, they want to feel that your message to them is personal and is actually addressed to them as opposed to a generic copy-paste message that has been shared with a dozen other influencers.Putting a little effort into tailoring and personalizing messages that you send each influencer can really go a long way.


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4 Provide value and incentive

One of the most important things to include in your message is the value and incentive that you offer to the influencer. Value means that you explain how your collaboration or request can benefit the influencer and their audience. Incentive means that you provide something in return for the influencer's time and effort, such as a free product, a commission, or a promotion. You want to make your offer attractive and realistic, and avoid making unrealistic or unreasonable demands.

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  • Jason McGuire Global Brand @ Crucial | Brand builder
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    Focus on building a relationship rather than completing a transaction. Too many brands want to cut a check, get a quick win, and move on. Influencers add incredible value through not just their audience, but their creative and content expertise. Bring them into the brand to help evolve it specific to their audience. Let them make suggestions on the best approach and TRUST their expertise. Showing they are more than someone who can deliver views is monumental in gaining trust and building a true relationship that benefits both the brand and them. Invest the time in them and they will invest in you tenfold.


    How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (119) How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (120) 10

  • Pete Matheson 📸 170k+ Content Creator 👨🏽💻 Ex IT Business Owner 🤵🏼 Husband 👨👩👧👦 Dad 🍫 Chocolate Lover
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    This is the biggest frustration that I see every day. Free product does not = Free video.Videos take a considerable amount of time and cost. Ideation, strategy, planning, equipment, scripting, editing, production, thumbnail and title research, and so much more. I can't pay my team or my bills with free products, so be sure you have a reasonable budget which is aligned to your campaign goals.Free products should be just that - and if the creator wants to make content, that's their choice. Please don't load a free product with a tonne of your requirements. I've seen others lead with a 'risk free affiliate deal'. Which is only risk free for the brand, not the creator.


    How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (129) How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (130) 6

  • Rocío Villalobos racial equity | storytelling | bridge-building
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    If you’re seeking to work with people who have been historically marginalized, pay them for their work! Giving free products in exchange for our labor isn’t going to cut it anymore. We want to see alignment between what brands / companies say they value and their actions.


    How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (139) How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (140) How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (141) 5

  • Jennifer Sullivan Music, Entertainment, Toy, and Tech Marketing Futurist | Team Leader | Brand Marketer | Deal Maker | Strategist | Innovation Advocate | Creative | CMO | Connector


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    This is so important! Before conducting any outreach, you must craft a pitch that spotlights mutual gains and honors the influencer's impact and audience loyalty. A standout proposal resonates with the influencer’s brand ethos and has substantial value — this could be unique access, creative liberty, or real rewards they can’t find elsewhere.Think beyond the transactional and offer a platform for influencers to amplify their voice in a way that feels organic to their narrative.Pro tip: Partner with influencers who are already fans of your brand. Their genuine enthusiasm fosters authentic content that resonates more deeply with their audience.


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  • Katie Brittle Creative Marketing Strategist Helping Businesses Implement AI, Create Immersive Events, and Craft Transformative Travel Experiences
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    Gifted collabs are being sent out by the thousands. While some gifted collabs are great, creators should be compensated for their time. Sometimes the time put into a video is worth more than the product that was discussed in the video. Establishing long-term, quality relationship rather than just getting a lot of content from a lot of different creators is key. Acknowledging the work influencers put into their content creation and compensating them accordingly will make your offer even more attractive.


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5 End with a call to action

The last part of your message should be a call to action that invites the influencer to reply or take the next step. You can ask them a question, suggest a date or time, or direct them to a link or a form. You want to make it easy and convenient for the influencer to respond, and show that you are serious and ready to work with them. You can also follow up with a reminder or a thank you note if you don't hear back from them within a reasonable time frame.

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  • Swire Ho (thepromoguy) Create Mini Advocates For Your Brand | Corporate Events | Trade Show | Brand Awareness | Promotional Products Strategist | The Small Business Show Host
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    To create a compelling call to action (CTA) with a branded merchandise kit sent to an influencer, the key is to combine personalization and value. Craft a message that clearly outlines the desired action, such as a social media post or product review, and offer unique incentives, like exclusive discounts or giveaways, to engage the influencer's audience. Customized content suggestions tailored to the influencer's style and followers can further drive meaningful interactions, making the branded merchandise kit not only a gift but a catalyst for action and collaboration.


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  • Nathan Olson Influence That Drives Results | President of PMG | Build Your Brand with Pure Marketing
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    When crafting a CTA for influencer collaborations:Clarity is Key: Ensure your CTA is unambiguous.Make it Relevant: Tailor it to the influencer's preferences.Limit Options: One clear action is more effective.Show Urgency, but Don't Rush: Convey importance without pressure.Ease of Action: Simplify the next step.Personal Touch: End with genuine appreciation.A well-thought-out CTA can be the bridge between a missed chance and a successful partnership!


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  • Steve Cyr Nominated Top Brand 🤝🏻 Influencer Connector | Marketing + Brand Pro
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    Don't hide your intentions when communicating with influencers, it wastes everybody's time! Ask the question you want to ask or make the statement you want to make, it'll be respected and appreciated!


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    In the end We must add a point as a call to action in which they feel free to ask you their concerns if they have before proceeding further. So they can easily get in touch with you and can build a trust, Authenticity.Must add if you have on going camping and some sort of urgency so they can consider fast. Call to action must felt to them like they're important and precious to us.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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How can you get an influencer to respond to your message? (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.