How to Order Coffee in German | FluentU German Blog (2024)

How to Order Coffee in German | FluentU German Blog (1)

By Ryan Dennis Last updated:

Sometimes, before you can even start to think of speaking German…you just need that cup of coffee.

Which can be a cruel irony if you need to speak German to get your coffee.

But don’t despair—you can do it with a handful of key sentences!

Here’s a list of useful sentences for ordering coffee (or Kaffee in German), plus a bit of background on German café culture.


  • Understanding the Café Culture in Germany
    • The history of coffee in Germany
    • German cafés: Not just about the coffee
    • Another coffee option: German bakeries
    • So, what’s the deal with tipping?
  • How to Read a GermanCaféMenu
  • How to Order Coffee in German: 14 Phrases for Caffeine Aficionados
    • 1. Einen Kaffee, bitte. (A coffee, please.)
    • 2. Was können Sie empfehlen? (What would you recommend?)
    • 3. Ich möchte… (I would like…)
    • 4. Zum Mitnehmen (To take away)
    • 5. Haben Sie…? (Do you have…?)
    • 6. Achtung, es ist heiß. (Careful, it’s hot.)
    • 7. Wo ist der Zucker? (Where is the sugar?)
    • 8. Darf ich bitte die Speisekarte sehen? (May I see the menu, please?)
    • 9. Wie viel kostet das? (How much does it cost?)
    • 10. Welche Größe möchten Sie? (What size would you like?)
    • 11. Sonst noch etwas? (Anything else?)
    • 12. Ich bringe esIhnen. (I will bring it to you.)
    • 13. Wo sind die Toiletten, bitte? (Where are the bathrooms, please?)
    • 14. Gibt es WLAN hier? (Is there WiFi here?)
  • And One More Thing...

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Understanding the Café Culture in Germany

The history of coffee in Germany

Coffee snobs everywhere can rest assured that you’re unlikely to run into percolated coffee in Germany. Not only are the Germans proponents of filtered coffee—they created it. (Paper coffee filters were invented by Melitta Bentz in 1908, and the electronic drip brewer by Gottlob Widmann in 1954.)

Being a nation that leans more towards coffee than tea, Germany doesn’t mess around with this beloved beverage. They even have an annual “Day of Coffee.”

For more information about German coffee traditions, check out this post from the Coffee Tasting Club.

German cafés: Not just about the coffee

If you’re used to the American or British model of cafés, you may be shocked the first time you see a group sitting on the couches, drinking beer. Cafés in Germany not only serve alcohol, but tend to look more like bars as the evening progresses. It’s not unlikely for many cafés to clear out tables at night to make room for a party crowd.

If you’re looking for a quiet, relaxing place to curl up with a good book, however, have no fear. It’s still very much a quieter coffee crowd in the café in daylight and evening hours.

Another coffee option: German bakeries

Bakeries are everywhere in Germany.Not only can you find inexpensive fresh rolls and sandwiches, but you can get less pricy coffee as well. Although you may not have all the choices of a café, a cup of Schwarzkaffee (black coffee) is sometimes half the price.

So, what’s the deal with tipping?

Ah, the intricacies of German etiquette. Here’s the question that everyone wants to know but is too nervous to ask the waiter: What’s the expected tip?

Typically, once you’re done, the waitress will come over wearing a money pouch. She’ll tell you the price of the bill. You’ll hand her the money. And then you’ll tell her how much you want back:

Ein Euro zurück, bitte. (One euro back, please.)

Or, if you’re feeling particularly generous:

Stimmt so. (Keep the change.)

It’s not common to leave money on the table. Instead, you have to do some quick math. For a small bill, it’s usually enough to round up to the nearest euro amount. (Even for large meals, you’re only ever expected to tip a few euros.)

If you’re still wondering about tipping both inside and outside of cafés, you can check out this handy guide from Who to Tip.

How to Read a GermanCaféMenu

As mentioned before, the easiest part of ordering a cup of coffee is often figuring out the German word for it, as both the Germans and English have tended to steal the names of drinks from Italy.

Here are some basic choices that might be listed on the overhead board:

Schwarzkaffee Black coffee
Milchkaffee Coffee with hot milk
Eiskaffee Iced coffee
Latte Macchiato Latte macchiato
Cappuccino Cappuccino
Espresso Espresso
Macchiato Macchiato
Mokka Mocha
Eiskaffee Iced coffee
Wiener Melange Viennese melange
Frappé Frappé
Flat White Flat white
Affogato Affogato
Irish Coffee Irish coffee
Marocchino Marocchino
Lungo Lungo
Ristretto Ristretto
Espresso Doppio Double espresso
Baileys Kaffee Baileys coffee
Toffee Nut Latte Toffee nut latte
Weißer Kaffee White coffee
Heiße Schokolade Hot chocolate
Chai Latte Chai latte
Matcha Latte Matcha latte
Zimtlatte Cinnamon latte
Kokosnuss Latte Coconut latte
Haselnuss Latte Hazelnut latte
Vanille Latte Vanilla latte
Karamell Macchiato Caramel macchiato
Tee Tea
Wein Wine
Bier Beer

If you’re looking to try something uniquely German, feel free to order the Radler (shandy). Meaning “cyclist,” it’s a mixture of beer and lemonade, a great companion to German study on those fresh rolls and sandwiches.

How to Order Coffee in German: 14 Phrases for Caffeine Aficionados

These easy sentences will make your café experience in German:

1. Einen Kaffee, bitte. (A coffee, please.)

Simple and to the point. In fact, your efficiency will probably be appreciated. If they ask “Mit Milch?” (With milk?), you can make the barista smile by replying, “Schwarz wie mein Herz” (Black like my heart).

If you’re in the mood for a little less caffeine, try one of these variations:

Einen Tee, bitte. (A tea, please.)

Eine heiße Schokolade, bitte. (A hot chocolate, please.)

2. Was können Sie empfehlen? (What would you recommend?)

Not only a good way to take advantage of local knowledge, but a useful trick to start a conversation in German. Even if you’re not entirely confident in your grasp of the language, you can probably pick out items from the menu among all the unknown words you hear back.

3. Ich möchte… (I would like…)

Here’s how you would use it:

Ich möchte einen Eiskaffee. (I would like an iced coffee.)

Ich möchte einen Cappuccino. (I would like a cappuccino.)

These phrases are very useful, and you can pick up more everyday German expressions in context with a program like FluentU.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

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P.S. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

4. Zum Mitnehmen (To take away)

This phrase can save you having to down the entire coffee quickly when you were hoping to get cardboard but got glass instead.

5. Haben Sie…? (Do you have…?)

Because the barista is likely to be a stranger, you’re expected to use the formal form of “you,” Sie . Saying du instead may get you a strange look, or worse, spit in your Americano.

6. Achtung, es ist heiß. (Careful, it’s hot.)

Although we all instinctively know that coffee tends to be hot, the waitress may be good enough to offer a little reminder. Although you probably won’t use the phrase yourself, it’s nice to know what the other person is saying.

7. Wo ist der Zucker? (Where is the sugar?)

This will be especially useful for bakery and coffee stands, as most cafés put the sugar on the saucer.

Here’s a list of other terms for customizing your drink:

Zucker Sugar
Milch Milk
Sahne Cream
Honig Honey
Süßstoff Sweetener
Vanillezucker Vanilla sugar
Zimt Cinnamon
Schokoladensirup Chocolate syrup
Karamellsirup Caramel syrup
Ahornsirup Maple syrup
Sojamilch Soy milk
Mandelmilch Almond milk
Hafermilch Oat milk
Kokosmilch Coconut milk
Schlagsahne Whipped cream
Eiswürfel Ice

8. Darf ich bitte die Speisekarte sehen? (May I see the menu, please?)

Some cafés have English menus as well, if you’re not feeling particularly adventurous.

9. Wie viel kostet das? (How much does it cost?)

Although the prices will usually be listed, you don’t want to have to be afraid of the bill when it comes.

10. Welche Größe möchten Sie? (What size would you like?)

Typically, there are only two options: klein (small) or gross (large), which correspond to size expectations in most other countries. Alternatively, you can be proactive and include the size in your order:

Ich möchte einen kleinen Kaffee, bitte. (I would like a small coffee, please.)

11. Sonst noch etwas? (Anything else?)

Again, this is to be asked by the waiter.

12. Ich bringe esIhnen. (I will bring it to you.)

Unlike cafés in some other countries, a waitress will generally take your order after you’re seated. In the case that you do place an order at the counter, you don’t have to stand around waiting for it. They’ll generally find you and bring it over.

13. Wo sind die Toiletten, bitte? (Where are the bathrooms, please?)

Hey, we all know what coffee does.

14. Gibt es WLAN hier? (Is there WiFi here?)

The answer is usually yes. However, you may have to ask:

Was ist das Kennwort? (What is the password?)

Coffee drinking and language learning go hand in hand.

Not only does the first fuel the second, but cafés give you the opportunity to try out your German in a low-pressure environment or simply relax and hear it spoken around you.

And equipped with the simple sentences above, you don’t have to worry about going through the day without that much-needed caffeine jolt.

Anyone for a second cup?

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And One More Thing...

Want to know the key to learning German effectively?

It's using the right content and tools, like FluentU has to offer! Browse hundreds of videos, take endless quizzes and master the German language faster than you've ever imagine!

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And FluentU isn't just for watching videos. It's a complete platform for learning. It's designed to effectively teach you all the vocabulary from any video. Swipe left or right to see more examples of the word you're on.

The best part is that FluentU keeps track of the vocabulary that you're learning, and gives you extra practice with difficult words. It'll even remind you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

How to Order Coffee in German | FluentU German Blog (2024)


How to Order Coffee in German | FluentU German Blog? ›

Asking for a Coffee: To request a coffee, use the phrase “Ich hätte gerne einen Kaffee, bitte” (I would like a coffee, please). You can replace “Kaffee” with the specific type of coffee you prefer, such as “Espresso,” “Cappuccino,” or “Latte.”

How to order coffee in German for beginners? ›

Asking for a Coffee: To request a coffee, use the phrase “Ich hätte gerne einen Kaffee, bitte” (I would like a coffee, please). You can replace “Kaffee” with the specific type of coffee you prefer, such as “Espresso,” “Cappuccino,” or “Latte.”

What is the article for coffee in German? ›

The article that pairs with 'Kaffee' is 'der': der Kaffee (the coffee). It's 'der Kaffee' (and not 'das Kaffee' or 'die Kaffee') because 'Kaffee' is a masculine noun in German. And 'der' is a masculine version of the word 'the'.

Can I please get a coffee in German? ›

ich hätte gerne einen Kaffee bitte.

What is a flat white in Germany? ›

The flat white can generally be described as follows: It is an espresso-based hot drink. It is stronger than a cappuccino, but milkier than an espresso macchiato. It can be based on a single or double shot of espresso.

How do you politely order coffee? ›

Example Phrases for How to Order Coffee in English

I'd like a coffee to go. (I want just a regular coffee – no milk or sugar – to take with me out of the coffee shop.) Can I get a cafe latte for here please? (I want to stay here in the coffee shop to drink my latte.) I'll have a skinny cappuccino.

What is the most popular coffee in Germany? ›

Jacobs Kronung is the most popular coffee drunk by German consumers.

Do Germans drink coffee in the morning? ›

Coffee consumption – how is Germany waking up? The alarm clock - the thing that wakes most people in Germany up in the morning. Closely followed by coffee , daylight and a shower.

Why is coffee in Germany so good? ›

Even though they certainly don't grow aromatic coffee beans themselves, Germans have successfully adapted the roasting and brewing process to their peculiar taste buds.

How do you say "sorry" in Germany? ›

In German, you can say “Entschuldigung” or use the more informal abbreviation “'Tschuldigung”. The English word “Sorry” works, too. You'll hear it a lot, especially among younger people.

What is the famous German coffee drink? ›

Rüdesheimer Kaffee is an alcoholic coffee drink from Rüdesheim am Rhein in Germany invented in 1957 by the German television chef, Hans Karl Adam. It is a popular drink in coffee houses.

What does Kaffee Bitte mean in English? ›

"- „Einen Kaffee, bitte." "Would you like something to drink?" "A coffee, please."

How to order coffee to go in German? ›

If you're taking something to go, add to go to your sentence: Einen Kaffee zum Mitnehmen, bitte / Einen Tee zum Mitnehmen, bitte / Eine heiße Schokolade zum Mitnehmen, bitte. A coffee to go, please / A tea to go, please / A hot chocolate to go, please.

What is a latte called in Germany? ›

Types of coffee you can order in German
CoffeeDer Kaffee[ˈkafe]
LatteDer Latte[ˈlatə]
Caffè LatteDer Milchkaffee[ˈmɪlçkaˌfeː]
Iced coffeeDer Eiskaffee[ˈaɪ̯sˌkafe]
11 more rows
Sep 29, 2022

How to ask for wifi in German? ›

To ask “Do you have Wi-Fi?” in German, you would say, “Haben Sie WLAN?” But let's add more depth to your digital vocabulary: Ist das WLAN kostenlos? — Is the Wi-Fi free? Wie ist das WLAN-Passwort?

What is the most popular German coffee? ›

Jacobs Kronung is the most popular coffee drunk by German consumers.

What do you say when ordering coffee? ›

3. Useful Phrases to Order Coffee in English
  1. Can I get a small cappucino with caramel syrup, please?
  2. I'd like a medium mocha without cream to go.
  3. I'll have a large iced latte with low fat milk.
  4. Can I have a medium iced Americano, please?
  5. I'll have a medium latte with vanilla syrup for here.

How do they drink coffee in Germany? ›

Amazingly, more people in Germany drink coffee from capsules - which is a disaster in terms of price and waste - than espresso, instant coffee or iced coffee. The last places in the ranking go to coffee from the French press, decaffeinated coffee , flat white, cold brew and nitro coffee.


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.