How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (2024)

1. Cheese

Use our Beeswax wraps to keep your cheese fresher for longer.

This for most people is the number one use for our wax wraps. The large wrap in the Kitchen Pack is ideal for that big chunk of cheddar. The medium for the wedge of Stilton and the small wrap for that special cheese you treat yourself to occasionally!

If you buy your cheese from a deli counter, ask them to wrap your cheese straight into your Beeswax wrap. Or once the cheese packaging is open, transfer it to a wax wrap.

The super sticky nature of our wraps creates a tight seal to stop your cheese from drying out. Your cheese will stay fresh and no need for clingfilm!

2. Cover a bowl, plate or jug

Leftovers? Then use one of our wax wraps to cover your bowl, plate or jug.

This is what we use our wraps at home for every day. If we make too much salad, the bowl is covered, popped in the fridge and then its fresh for us the next day.

Purposefully make too much pancake batter and you have a great excuse to use a Beeswax wrap to cover the jug and have pancakes for breakfast the next day!

If you have lots of different sized bowls, the Kitchen Pack would be your ideal choice. But take a look at our Super Sized Kitchen Packs for large bowls and plates.

3. Sandwiches

How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (1)
How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (2)
Super Size Kitchen Packs

Whether it's a trusty cheese and pickle sandwich or a ciabatta filled with roasted vegetables and hummus, use your Beeswax or Plant wax Sandwich Wrap instead of clingfilm or tinfoil to keep your lunch fresh and secure.

Our Sandwich Wrap with the added button and twine gives you extra sandwich security. So you can make your lunch, wrap it up and throw it in your bag or rucksack for work, school or a walk up a mountain!

Our fabric range includes some great choices for kids to help you turn their school lunch boxes into plastic free zones.

Shop Sandwich Wraps

4. Take out CAKE!!!

CAKE!!!! Is there anyone out there who is able to resist a scone, flapjack, brownie or lemon drizzle sat on the counter of your favourite cafe, deli or farmshop? If there is, then you are stronger than us!

Keep a Beeswax wrap in your bag so when you do give in to temptation you can feel a bit more virtuous by using your wrap to wrap your cake in. Your reusable wrap beats even a paper bag or compostable box in terms of being eco friendly.

Team that with a reusable coffee cup for your drink and I'm sure then the calories don't count...!

5. Fruit and Vegetables

Want to ditch clingfilm? But also want to stop that avocado and apple half from going brown. Or carrot sticks from drying out and curling up. Need to keep half an onion fresh for dinner tomorrow?

Make the switch and use Beeswax wraps to keep your fruit and veg fresh. The tight seal you create with the wax wrap will keep the air out and your food fresh.

Shop Kitchen Packs

6. Make a pouch

With a little origami magic you can fold yourself a pouch and use your Beeswax wrap to take snacks to work or on a day out. We use the small and medium sized wraps in the Kitchen Pack for carrot sticks and nuts or my favourite, strawberries and brownies!

The Sandwich wraps also make awesome pouches. We take them to our local Zero Waste shop to use as produce bags for our dried foods. They are perfect for chickpeas, popping corn, rice and nuts. So much easier then carrying bulky tupperware and heavy glass jars.

How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (3)
How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (4)
How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (5)

To see how to make a pouch from a Sandwich Wrap watch this YouTube video.

7. For freezing food

Yes! Beeswax wraps can be used in the freezer. Wrap your bread, brownies, lemon slices for your G+T's. Create a tight seal using the warmth of your hands and then place them in the freezer for up to a month.

When you take them out of the freezer, let the wraps warm up slightly to soften the wax. Once they are at room temperature, the wrap will be ready to use again.

Just so you know, the brownies we freeze are ready to be eaten in the time it takes to make a posh coffee! Mass make, freeze in your wraps and you'll never run out of cake again!

8. Keep bread fresh

We have found the perfect plastic free way to keep your bread fresh. Our waxed Bread Bags fit all but the biggest loaf and will keep it incredibly fresh. Just pop your loaf, or rolls in and fold the top over. Alternatively, use one of our Sandwich wraps to cover the cut end of your loaf and then pop the loaf in one of our organic cotton bread bags.

Shop Waxed Bread Bags

A Which report in 2019 found that the best way to keep loaves fresh were to keep them in a bag rather than a bread bin. Even after one day the difference between the bags and the bins was noticeable.

Add our beeswax mixture into the equation and the waxed bag option really is your best choice! A beeswax bag will also take up a lot less space in your kitchen and look stylish too

9. Packing your travel soap

Our wax wraps are a great plastic free and space saving way to take your soap, solid shampoo and conditioner bar away on trips with you. Or even just a way to carry your favourite soap everywhere with you.

Find out more

10. Ecofriendly firelighters

You can tear your old wax wraps, which have reached the end of their working life, into strips and use them to light your fire or BBQ. But seeing as they last so long, you'll be waiting a long time! So you can also buy our eco friendly firelighters made from the off cuts of our wraps. You only need one per fire and there are no nasty chemical smells or toxins.

How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (6)
Shop Bread bags
How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (7)
How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (8)
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So, there are our top 10 ways to use your Beeswax or Plant wax wraps. The list goes on and on and if you follow us on Social Media you'll keep getting new inspiration.

  • How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (9)
  • How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (10)
  • How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (11)
  • How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (12)
  • How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (13)

What NOT to use your wraps for...

1. Raw meat and fish. The wraps needs to be washed in cold soapy water. Heat will melt the wax. So avoid raw meat and fish. If your wrap does come into contact with mouldy food, you can revitalise them in the oven following the instructions here.

2. Hot food and containers. The heat from the food or bowl will likely melt the wax, so let your food cool down first.

3. The wraps should not be used in the microwave. Again because of the heat and risk of fire.

How to wash your wax wraps

Wash your beeswax wraps in cold soapy water. Hot water will cause the wax to melt, so also avoid the dishwasher.

You can either brush crumbs off with your washing up brush or sponge. Or submerge the wrap in the cold soapy water and give it a good scrub.

Rinse your wrap as needed and allow to dry on the drainer.

How to store your wax wraps

When you are not using your wraps, you can store them a number of ways. We keep ours in a drawer in the kitchen where we used to keep the clingfilm and tinfoil.

Some people roll them up and keep them in a tall jar on the counter. Or fold them and keep them in a cotton or paper bag in the cupboard.

How do wax wraps work?

Place your wrap over your bowl and use the warmth of your hands to soften the wax and secure it to the sides of the bowl. For sandwiches, cheese and other food items, fold the corners in and use the warmth of your hands to mould to shape.

For the Sandwich Wraps, use the twine for extra sandwich security. The seal then holds as the wrap cools.

For answers to more of the frequently asked questions about Beeswax wraps, take a look at our FAQ's page.

You can also find information about how to refresh your wraps when they start to lose some of their stickiness here.

Ein 10 ffordd orau o ddefnyddio'r amlapiau cwyr gwenyn

1. Caws

Cadwch eich caws rhag sychu drwy greu sêl dynn gyda'n amlapiau cwyr gwenyn hynod o ludiog.

2. Gorchuddiwch bowlen, plât neu jwg

Defnyddiwch gynhesrwydd eich dwylo i gau’r cwyr yn dynn o amgylch bowlen i gadw bwyd dros ben yn ffres yn yr oergell.

3. Brechdanau

Defnyddiwch eich amlapiau brechdanau i gadw'ch cinio yn ddiogel ac yn ffres.

4. Ewch â chacen adre!

Rhowch un o’ch amlapiau yn eich bag fel ei fod ar gael i fynd â chacen adref o'ch hoff siop neu gaffi unrhyw bryd.

5. Ffrwythau a llysiau

Cadwch eich hanner afocado neu afal yn ffres ar gyfer y diwrnod canlynol.

6. Gwnewch gwdyn

Trowch eich amlapiau’n fa*giau i ddal byrbrydau a chario bwydydd sych. Gwyliwch y fideo YouTube hwn i ddarganfod sut.

7. Rhewi bwyd

Gallwch rewi'ch amlapiau! Defnyddiwch nhw i rewi bara a brownis am hyd at fis

8. Cadwch fara yn ffres

Wedi i chi dorri i mewn i dorth, defnyddiwch un o’r amlapiau brechdan dros y pen a dorrwyd i gadw'ch bara'n ffres.

9. Ffordd wych o bachio'ch sebonau teithio

Y ffordd ddi-blastig sy’n arbed lle o bacio'ch sebonau, siampŵau solet a'ch bariau cyflyrydd pan fyddwch yn mynd i ffwrdd

10. Pethau cynnau tân


Pethau na ddylech ddefnyddio amlapiau cwyr ar eu cyfer
  1. Cig neu bysgod amrwd

  2. Powlenni neu fwyd poeth

  3. Peidiwch â’u defnyddio mewn microdon

Sut i storio'ch amlapiau cwyr

Gallwch eu cadw mewn drôr, mewn bag cotwm neu bapur neu mewn jar.

Sut mae amlapiau cwyr yn gweithio?

I orchuddio powlen, rhowch yr amlapiad dros y top a defnyddiwch wres eich dwylo i fowldio'r amlapiad i ochrau'r bowlen. Neu rhowch eich eitem o fwyd yng nghanol yr amlapiad a phlygwch y corneli i mewn i orchuddio'r bwyd yn llwyr ac unwaith eto, mowldiwch yr amlapiad o’i amgylch i roi sêl gyflawn iddo.

How to use  | Beeswax Fabric Wraps (2024)


How to use | Beeswax Fabric Wraps? ›

You can use these eco-friendly wraps to store fruits, cheese, and other foods, as well as cover bowls, dishes, and other food wrapping needs. Use the warmth of your hands to stick the wrap into place around your food or container. Wash your beeswax wrap in cold water—hot water will melt the wax and damage the wrap.

How to use reusable food wraps? ›

The warmth of your hands is all you need to protect the freshness of your food. Simply lay a beeswax wrap over a bowl, dish or jar and press gently around the edges to soften and ever-so slightly melt the beeswax. This creates a reliable seal that preserves the natural moisture in food.

What are the disadvantages of beeswax wraps? ›

After extended use, the wraps can lose their effectiveness, and the beeswax coating may wear off, requiring replacement. Not Suitable for All Foods: Beeswax wraps are not recommended for use with raw meat or hot items, as the heat can melt the wax coating.

Do you need to wash fabric before making beeswax wraps? ›

Synthetic fabrics could melt while being made and potentially expose the food you're wrapping to chemicals. For that reason, 100% cotton, organic if possible, is your best bet. It's relatively inexpensive and can be found in a variety of colors and patterns. Make sure to wash and dry the fabric before making the wraps.

Why won't my beeswax wraps stick? ›

The best way to deal with this is to massage them with your hands so that they warm a little, or completely crumple them up into a tight ball a couple of times; they should become more manageable and stick better.

How long do reusable food wraps last? ›

Bee's Wrap lasts for up to a year with proper care and regular usage. You'll know your wrap has reached the end of its useful life in the kitchen when it has worn thin and soft and has trouble sticking to itself.

When should you throw out beeswax wraps? ›

How long does Abeego beeswax food wrap last? With regular use and proper care, Abeego lasts for about a year. You'll know it's time to replace your wraps if they're no longer adhesive, the wax coating has worn off, or your friends look worried when you bring them out.

What can I do with my beeswax wrap when it is no longer useable? ›

Composting Beeswax Wraps

This means that when you have lovingly used them and they can no longer be refreshed you can actually cut them up and put them in your home compost bin.

How many times can you reuse beeswax wraps? ›

As a rule of thumb, the beeswax wrap can be used a hundred times depending on the frequency of use. It is therefore possible to use this accessory for 1 year. Be aware, however, that this is only possible when properly maintained.

Can you use Dawn on beeswax wraps? ›

Washing beeswax wraps is simple! Wash the wrap with dish soap and a sponge under cool running water. The beeswax infused cotton is waterproof and easy to wipe clean.

Why add jojoba oil to beeswax wraps? ›

Adding oil to the recipe will give your wrap smoothness and prevent cracking of the beeswax. A bit like moisturizing a dry skin! Resin is what provides the stickiness and will make your wrap cling on a bowl.

What is the best fabric to use for beeswax wraps? ›

100% cotton is the best fabric for the job as it readily absorbs beeswax and is a naturally durable and affordable fiber. If you don't want to go out and buy cotton muslin, you can breathe new life into an old cotton blouse or t-shirt by cutting it up and turning it into beeswax wrap.

Why is my beeswax wrap cracking? ›

A: Anything hot softens beeswax and makes it crumbly when it cools. I have a few wraps that I accidently washed in very warm water that did that, now I just use cool water and gentle soap. Hang to dry and its good to go.

Why does my beeswax wrap leave residue? ›

It's perfectly normal and a sign of a long lasting beeswax wrap. When a Queen Bee Wrap is new it can often leave behind a small amount of beeswax on glass bowls or plates when covering leftovers, and even on your hands.

How do you use reusable gift wraps? ›

Then, you simply center the gift and bring the corners up for the wrap. The simplest fabric gift wrap method is to first tie the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock corners together in a simple square knot. Then bring the 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock corners together to tie and tidy.

How do you use a reusable food pouch? ›

Wash before use. Then, simply open the ziplock at the bottom and fill the reusable food pouch with a spoon, pitcher, or funnel. Fill your Little Mashies 3/4 full (or to the fill line) then close the ziplock. Wipe away any excess dribbles, take the cap off and give it to your cutie pie to squeeze and enjoy!

How do you cook with plastic wraps? ›

Food-grade plastic wrap can be used as a sealant for baked dishes, often covered by a layer of foil. This double layering is a trick used to lock in moisture and help prevent the plastic from melting (the plastic creates steam, while the foil shields the plastic).

Can you wash and reuse Saran Wrap? ›

Because plastic cling wrap is clingy and contains PVC, it cannot be reused. It's a single-use item that must be disposed of—and when we dispose of it, we may be unknowingly contaminating other items in the trash with it.


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.