Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (2024)

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (1)

Jul 4, 2018

Yes its another "please check out this game" thread on Resetera, played this on Game Pass and its already shot up to being one of my favourite games ever made. If you:

1. Value narrative/characters
2. Miss the golden age of the world wide web

Then you need to try Hypnospace Outlaw

Basically the premise is simple:

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (2)

It's Geocities the game, the game is set in 1999 on a fictional operating system called HypnOS with plenty of parodies to the digital world as it was back then, Linkin Park fans, Pokemon fansites, weird conspiracy/new age zones, old people really struggling

Not only was the internet itself a wild west, but software was often chaotic as well. Malicious software, weird music player skins, virtual pets running all over the desktop, and its your job to enforce the rules.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (3)

And the music is just incredible, all the weird kinds of MIDI tunes you used to find back then

But of course there's a strange underbelly and story to this digital world which unravels itself.

I seriously seriously can't recommend you try this game enough (especially if youre on Game Pass) try to go in as blind as you can, by the end of the experience I was completely in love, and attached to characters I never really even interacted with.

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Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (4)

Oct 29, 2017

It's a great game, and just a few days ago it got a free update with a big chunk of new content to see. Not that common for an indie game with more than a year.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (5)

Ginger Hail

One Winged Slayer


Oct 25, 2017

Absolutely loved this game as someone who still just barely remembers this era of internet. Perfect time as any considering its now on console and got new content to go with it. Also if that's not enough to convince you than maybe this song will.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (6)

Oct 27, 2017

I just beat this the other day and loved it. Made me feel nostalgic. It nailed that era of the internet

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (8)

Nov 4, 2017

Been interested in this for a while and it's on Switch now. How long would you say it takes to finish OP (in so far as you "finish" these sorts of games)?

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (9)



Oct 25, 2017

Found it on PS store the other day, had to go to see all new games first...

It has a 25% off PS+ sale but not sure I'll enjoy the gameplay, wish there was a demo too.



Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (11)

Jul 4, 2018

Been interested in this for a while and it's on Switch now. How long would you say it takes to finish OP (in so far as you "finish" these sorts of games)?

So it took me about 6 hours to "beat", but all the other hidden stuff added as well is probably an extra 3-4 hours, its kind of hard to compare to a game with a main quest and side quests.

I can definitely say its not a short experience though.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (12)



Oct 27, 2017

It's been funny to show this to my younger friends and explain to them that this was what the internet was like. They genuinely don't believe me.

It's bizarre how authentic this game is in recreating the interner from that time - and it's weird and wacky enough that I would sometimes forget that this world isn't real as I got to know the characters.

I hope they make another one, I loved it. Adored if even. Maybe my top five this year and I rarely let indie games take those spots. It's just so good.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (14)


Community Resettler


Oct 25, 2017

One of the most creative games ever made and perfectly executed.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (18)



Dec 22, 2017

oh heck yeah! this game is something else. totally worth the price if you're at all interested. never played a game like it, and it's immersive af!

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (19)

Dec 13, 2017

Omg this is the game I always wanted to make and even started developing in Dreams! I'm happy that I don't need to work on it now lol



Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (20)

Jul 4, 2018

I really want to post the Granny Creams Hot Butter Ice Cream page but its always best when you just stumble onto it.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (21)



Oct 28, 2017

Played the demo on Switch but couldn't even do the first mission. Are you supposed to browse all available pages to check which one has a copy infringement?



Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (22)

Jul 4, 2018

Played the demo on Switch but couldn't even do the first mission. Are you supposed to browse all available pages to check which one has a copy infringement?

You got to navigate around all the zones you've been given, and then use the hammer button in the top left to mark cases of content infringement (assuming you're talking about the detective fish)

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (23)


Hypnospace Outlaw


Mar 10, 2019

Thanks for this thread, glad you enjoyed!

Played the demo on Switch but couldn't even do the first mission. Are you supposed to browse all available pages to check which one has a copy infringement?

You could, or you could:
- Use the search button in the browser (covered in the tutorial) to search the name of the fish or just 'cartoon'.
- Recognize that the fish is from the 1960s and use that info to narrow down which of the starting zones would be most likely to have it (hint, it's the boomer zone!)
No shade though, it's an odd genre and is understandably overwhelming initially.

An issue we had early on was people not trusting the game to actually function as a web browser or small time OS. Like, if you want to uninstall an annoying adware program you should just search 'uninstall programname' as you might on your real computer. It's a bit more dynamic and systems oriented than a standard adventure or IF game.


This is a fantastic game. My only complaint is that the "scavenger hunt" near the end sucks, like a lot. I had to look up a walkthrough for it, which was a buzzkill.

Did you play the most recent update from a week ago that came out along with the console version? We smoothed those out quite a bit. For future reference, there's an in-game hint system you can find by searching 'hint' - I suggest bookmarking it so you don't need to keep paying 3hc. :P

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Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (24)



Oct 25, 2017

Played the demo on Switch but couldn't even do the first mission. Are you supposed to browse all available pages to check which one has a copy infringement?

Basically. The whole idea is you're stumbling into all these weird pages on your way to your goal. You can spend as much or as little time as you want browsing the different pages and such.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (26)



Oct 25, 2017

Did you play the most recent update from a week ago that came out along with the console version? We smoothed those out quite a bit. For future reference, there's an in-game hint system you can find by searching 'hint' - I suggest bookmarking it so you don't need to keep paying 3hc. :P

Good to know! No, I played it on PC back in March, and I haven't gone back for a replay yet. I appreciate that you smoothed out that section - it was truly my only annoyance in an otherwise pitch-perfect experience.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (28)


Hypnospace Outlaw


Mar 10, 2019

Everyone raves about The Chowder Man but The Fuzz O Caster stuff is mindblowingly good.

Ah, that's my friend Shayne. Here's the album on his bandcamp. He's actually going through a bit of a rough time right now so if anyone else liked Glamocaster consider grabbing it: https://meatgoats.bandcamp.com/album/glamoplasm-2

Good to know! No, I played it on PC back in March, and I haven't gone back for a replay yet. I appreciate that you smoothed out that section - it was truly my only annoyance in an otherwise pitch-perfect experience.

Glad you enjoyed! The console update came with a new content update on all platforms, so if you're ever in the mood there's a bunch of new stuff to find in the game. :0) Like 2.5 hours of new music, 78ish extra pages, etc etc. Mostly scattered/somewhat well hidden things for people who enjoy poking around but some front facing pages like Counselor Ronnie got a major overhaul. Also a little more Chowder Man.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (29)



Feb 25, 2018

One of my favourite games in recent years, I cannot recommend it enough to everyone. Specially if you're into mystery and/or point and click games, it's an amazing experience.

Thanks for this thread, glad you enjoyed!

Oh my god you're here. Thanks for making such an incredible game! Really cannot wait to replay it with the newest update, looks awesome.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (30)

Oct 27, 2017
Derby, UK

Ah, that's my friend Shayne. Here's the album on his bandcamp. He's actually going through a bit of a rough time right now so if anyone else liked Glamocaster consider grabbing it: https://meatgoats.bandcamp.com/album/glamoplasm-2

Glad you enjoyed! The console update came with a new content update on all platforms, so if you're ever in the mood there's a bunch of new stuff to find in the game. :0) Like 2.5 hours of new music, 78ish extra pages, etc etc. Mostly scattered/somewhat well hidden things for people who enjoy poking around but some front facing pages like Counselor Ronnie got a major overhaul. Also a little more Chowder Man.

Sorry! I thought I had the name wrong but couldn't find the correct one! I shall be buying it now!

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (31)


One Winged Slayer


Oct 27, 2017

Not only are the aesthetics incredible, but it's right up there with Obra Dinn as my favorite detective game as well. I introduced the game to a pretty casual gamer who had never been on the internet until 2008, and he's in love with the actual mechanics and mystery of the game. It really is something special, and I'm so glad the game seems to be getting more attention than it did when I played it last year. And the subtle ways you can influence the ending of the game is such an awesome, neat touch.

And as someone that hung out on the internet a lot in 1999, I've never felt like a game was made for me more than Hypnospace

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (34)

Oct 25, 2017

I'm so glad this is getting a second round of attention due to the update / console release. If you have even a passing interest in the themes / aesthetic / etc., give it a try. It nails everything.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (35)



Oct 25, 2017

I really wish there was an established genre name for the "browser hud/desktop sim" genre. Cuz there are a ton of great games mechanically similar to hypnospace but I have no idea what to call them.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (36)



Oct 25, 2017

Been interested in this for a while and it's on Switch now. How long would you say it takes to finish OP (in so far as you "finish" these sorts of games)?

Not OP but was curious so I just checked How Long to Beat, it says 5.5 hours for main story, 9 hours for main and extras, and 15 hours for completionist.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (39)

Oct 28, 2017
Doylestown, PA

Just wrapped up my playthrough on Switch last night and it's such a special experience. Everything about the presentation is stellar - especially the music (Glamocaster especially).

It also really made me want to watch Hackers.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (41)



Oct 27, 2017

Is it still worth playing for someone with no 80's interweb nostalgia? Tbh, I am kinda put off by it.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (42)


"This guy are sick"


Oct 25, 2017

One of the best games ever made, full stop. My experience with it is something I'll never forget. I'm kind of apprehensive to start a new game to see the new stuff because I don't want to dilute how it affected me, but I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually.

Thanks, Jay.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (43)


Hypnospace Outlaw


Mar 10, 2019

Aw shux, thanks. :0)

Is it still worth playing for someone with no 80's interweb nostalgia? Tbh, I am kinda put off by it.

I can't really answer that for you but with a few exceptions (Squisherz being pokemon-esque & one or two other subtle nods) I was very hard on NOT putting specific references in the game. I don't particularly enjoy reference-heavy media, especially not when used in place of humor. In my opinion too much "Hey folks, remember THIS thing from when you were a 12 and everything was great!" will date something suuuuper quickly.

The world in this game is its own self-contained thing and you don't really need to bring prior knowledge outside of maybe a basic understanding of browsers/computers.

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Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (44)



Oct 28, 2017

Thanks for this thread, glad you enjoyed!

You could, or you could:
- Use the search button in the browser (covered in the tutorial) to search the name of the fish or just 'cartoon'.
- Recognize that the fish is from the 1960s and use that info to narrow down which of the starting zones would be most likely to have it (hint, it's the boomer zone!)
No shade though, it's an odd genre and is understandably overwhelming initially.

An issue we had early on was people not trusting the game to actually function as a web browser or small time OS. Like, if you want to uninstall an annoying adware program you should just search 'uninstall programname' as you might on your real computer. It's a bit more dynamic and systems oriented than a standard adventure or IF game.

Oh I didn't think/forgot about the search feature. And good to know the OS seems to be fully functional, it should help trusting the game more. I loved Obra Dinn and this seems very original too, so I'm going to give the demo another shot. Thanks!

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (46)

Oct 26, 2017

I can't really answer that for you but with a few exceptions (Squisher's being pokemon-esque & one or two other subtle nods) I was very hard on NOT putting specific references in the game. I don't particularly enjoy reference-heavy media, especially not when used in place of humor. In my opinion too much "Hey folks, remember THIS thing from when you were a 12 and everything was great!" will date something suuuuper quickly.

The world in this game is its own self-contained thing and you don't really need to bring prior knowledge outside of maybe a basic understanding of browsers/computers.

I never felt like the game was paddling referencial humour during my time with it. Y'all did a great job with making a believable world (especially with the smaller stories with characters within the zones. Abby getting her justice was so nice to see lol)

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (47)



Oct 25, 2017

Ya take the hot butter mix it with ice cream, heat it up, you can see it on your screen, we call it heat n sip.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (49)

Mar 19, 2020

There are so many ways this game should have absolutely not worked, but it hooked me and I loved it. The world is so interconnected and the humor, plot lines, and mechanics are so multilayered that I almost immediately started looking at everything that I could find. It's got a great soundtrack too.

Play this game.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (50)



Oct 30, 2017

I actually worked Trust and Safety moderation for eBay years ago, and the whole Gumshoe Gooper storyline gave me flashbacks with how accurate it is to internet boomer behavior.

It's really an amazing game.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a really special game (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.