Introduction to the Book of 1 Kings (2024)

“Introduction to the Book of 1Kings,” Old Testament Seminary Teacher Manual (2014)

Why study this book?

The book of 1Kings provides an account of the death of David, the reign of his son Solomon, and the decline and division of the Kingdom of Israel after Solomon and many of his successors turned to idol worship. It also recounts the ministry of the prophet Elijah among the northern ten tribes of Israel. By studying this book, students can learn truths that will help them understand the importance of worshipping the Lord in His temple, marrying in the covenant, making righteous choices, and listening to the still, small voice of the Lord.

Who wrote this book?

“The books [of 1and 2Kings] were compiled by some unknown writer from a variety of written documents, including the state chronicles” (Bible Dictionary, “Kings, books of”). The state chronicles were not the books of 1and 2Chronicles but rather a collection of records maintained under the direction of the kings of Israel.

When and where was it written?

It is unclear when and where the books of 1and 2Kings were written. At one time, 1and 2Kings were a single book called Kings. The division that created the current books of 1and 2Kings took place when the Bible was translated into Greek. (See Bible Dictionary, “Kings, books of.”)

What are some distinctive features of this book?

The books of 1and 2Kings cover more than 400 years of Israelite history, starting with the death of King David (approximately 1015B.C.) and concluding with the death of King Jehoiachin (sometime after approximately 561B.C.). These books are rich in history and doctrine, and they provide background and context for a significant portion of the Old Testament. For example, in the book of 1Kings we read about the rise of King Solomon, who built and dedicated a temple to the Lord. The book of 1Kings also explains that Solomon married women outside of the covenant. Many of these women turned Solomon’s heart away from the Lord and toward the worship of false gods (see 1Kings 11:4–8). Solomon’s decision to turn away from the Lord eventually led to widespread idolatry in Israel and the division of the kingdom.

Additionally, the book of 1Kings introduces the reader to the bold and noble prophet Elijah. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that Elijah “holds the keys of the authority to administer in all the ordinances of the Priesthood” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 310). “The power of Elijah is the sealing power of the priesthood by which things that are bound or loosed on earth are bound or loosed in heaven [see ]” (Guide to the Scriptures, “Elijah”; Through the power of the priesthood, Elijah caused a drought that lasted three and a half years, raised the dead, called down fire from heaven, and prophesied the downfall of King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel, who together ruled in wickedness in the Northern Kingdom of Israel.


1Kings 1–11 Before his death, King David has his son Solomon anointed king. Solomon rules his kingdom with great wisdom. Solomon builds a temple and his palace at Jerusalem, beginning the period known as the “golden age of Israel.” The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon. Solomon’s wives lure him away from worshipping the Lord and encourage him to worship false gods. Solomon’s kingdom is threatened by Jeroboam.

1Kings 12–16 All the tribes of Israel except Judah and Benjamin rebel against Solomon’s son Rehoboam. The kingdom is divided, and Jeroboam becomes the ruler of the Northern Kingdom (also known as Israel), leaving Rehoboam to rule the Southern Kingdom (also known as Judah). Jeroboam and Rehoboam both establish idol worship in their kingdoms, and many rulers of both kingdoms follow this pattern of idol worship.

1Kings 17–22 The prophet Elijah causes a drought in the land. He raises a widow’s son from the dead. With great power from God, Elijah competes with the priests of Baal and shows that Jehovah is God. After this miracle, Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab and a supporter of Baal, tries to kill Elijah. Elijah travels to Mount Horeb, where the Lord speaks to him in a still, small voice. Elijah meets Elisha, who will succeed him as prophet. Elijah prophesies the deaths of Ahab and Jezebel. Following Ahab’s death, Ahaziah, the son of Ahab, reigns in wickedness.

Introduction to the Book of 1 Kings (2024)


What is the introduction of the book of 1 Kings? ›

The book of 1 Kings provides an account of the death of David, the reign of his son Solomon, and the decline and division of the Kingdom of Israel after Solomon and many of his successors turned to idol worship. It also recounts the ministry of the prophet Elijah among the northern ten tribes of Israel.

What is the message of 1 Kings in the Bible? ›

Key Themes in the Book of 1 Kings

1 Kings records the rise and fall of King Solomon due to his involvement with the false gods and pagan customs of his foreign wives. It also details the decline of Israel because the later kings and people turned away from Jehovah, the One True God. The temple honored God.

What is the main message of the book of Kings? ›

The books of 1 and 2 Kings record Israel's prolonged struggle between true and false worship. From the reign of King Solomon until the exile to Babylon—a period of nearly 400 years—the prophets of God clash with the kings of Israel and Judah regarding their idolatrous behavior.

What is the big idea of the book of 1 Kings? ›

What's the big idea? First Kings was written “to record history but, more important, to teach the lessons of history.”2 As with other historical books in the Old Testament, the history recorded here was meant to preserve not just important events but spiritual truths learned through those events.

Who wrote the book of 1 Kings? ›

Who Wrote the Books of Kings? Many Jewish and Christian traditions hold that Jeremiah wrote 1 and 2 Kings.

What does 1 Kings 17 teach us? ›

Allow God to humble you so that He can also exalt you without pride. God had to humble Elijah as a servant before He could exalt him. He did this so that Elijah would serve without pride. He also wants you to allow Him to humble you through your suffering so that He can exalt you in heaven without any pride.

What does 1 Kings 3 teach us? ›

God acts by providing “real life” opportunities for His wisdom to shine. God reveals Himself to Solomon through a dream, and He reveals Himself to the nation through the wise king. He reveals that justice comes from God. Only the Judge of all the earth does what is right.

What does 1 Kings 11 teach us? ›

You are just as in danger of leaving the Lord and letting your hearts become divided as you were when you were younger. Solomon teaches us that we must finish strong for the Lord. There is no retirement in the kingdom of God.

What is the theme of the book of 1st Kings? ›

The first book of Kings is a part of the Old Testament in the Bible, and its main theme is the history of the Israelite monarchy. The book covers the period from the end of the reign of King David to the reign of King Ahaziah.

What is the lesson of the book of Kings? ›

Through the ministries of these and other prophets, 1 and 2 Kings emphasizes the binding, inescapable nature of God's Word. Countless times events are interpreted with the refrain “this happened to fulfill the word of the Lord” (e.g., 1 Kings 12:15). The word of God is true and efficacious.

Which of these key events occurs in the books of 1-2 Kings? ›

One of the key events that occurs in the books of 1-2 Kings is the division of Israel into two kingdoms after the death of Solomon, with Israel in the north and Judah in the south.

What is the introduction to 1 Kings 17? ›

The first story begins as Elijah tells King Ahab, “As the LORD the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall be neither dew nor rain these years except by my word” (1 Kings 17:1). After Elijah proclaims his word, God gives a word to him, directing him to hide by the Wadi Cherith, east of the Jordan.

What is the first chapter of First Kings? ›

1King David was now very old, and no matter how many blankets covered him, he could not keep warm. 2So his advisers told him, “Let us find a young virgin to wait on you and look after you, my lord. She will lie in your arms and keep you warm.”

What is the summary of 1st Kings Chapter 7? ›

In 1 Kings chapter 7, we learn about the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon and then the Hall of Pillars, and then we're told about the throne room, known as the Hall of Justice, verse 7. This was the room in which God's king sat on his throne, where he would hear legal matters, or literally, where he would judge.

Who was the original audience of 1 Kings? ›

Audience: First and Second Kings were originally completed as one book, for the Jewish people who were most likely living in exile at the time. The text emphasizes the history of the kings of Judah and Israel.


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