Nani Pelekai | WORLDS OF DISNEY (2024)

    [/b] would like to become part of the magic![/i][/size][/color][/font]

    Nani Pelekai | WORLDS OF DISNEY (1)[/center][/ul][/ul]

      Introduce yourself.[/ul][/font][/i]

        [/b], and I wished upon a star from a time I played this character here once. My other imaginary friends include names of your other characters. character name here and I are so very eager to join the Worlds of Disney circle of life! [/ul][/ul][/size]

          character basics.[/ul][/font][/i]

            [/b] Nani Pelekai
            Age: Nineteen in the movie/ Twenty four in the series/ Thirty in the anime series (she breaks up with David, btw, according to the UK Lilo and Stitch site).
            Species: Human
            Birthplace: Hawaii
            Movie: Lilo and Stitch
            ONLY FOOLS RUSH IN!

            Why: :3 Because I CAAAN!


              Character appearance[/ul][/font][/i]

                [/b]She has dark, brown, thick lush hair that trails down to the mid of her back. Unlike most characters, her hair is incredibly round yet appealing.

                Facial description/mood expressions:Her face is curved in a circle deeply tanned to perfection. Her eyes are slant giving her a gentle look, but also adding to a ferocious glare if need be. Her plush lips are pink and round, complimenting her features beautifully, along with her faintly rosy cheeks. Facial expressions: Grumpy, usually, always with a scowl. However, if the conditions prove suitable she is always seen with a gentle smile.

                Clothing style:She wears four tops in the whole movie/series. There is one top in particular she favors that one being yellow with a little pink heart in the middle. If she is not seen in that, she usually wears a navy top. But if not seen in a navy top, you will find her wearing a multi-colored top (white/red). The one she uses rarely is the light blue top, something that goes along with some beige pants. All the other tops are matched up with shorts, though.
                Body build:She's ten times physically stronger than the usual heroine, what with her amazon anatomy and blessed with the sass fit for such a broad. Thick-boned, she looks rather pudgy compared to most. She also differs because of her sun-kissed tan and soft-looking roundness.

                Any unique traits (optional) : Her big nose. C:


                  Original character analysis. (Everything must be in your own words! Please be thorough.)[/ul][/font][/i]

                    Nani is concrete and sweet, certainly very down to earth. The Polynesian is truly warm and kind-hearted, and is pretty inclined to find the good in people, even if she has issues with certain individuals in the spectrum of reliance and trust, having experienced hardships that have made even this ball of warmth as hard as nails. She idealizes peace and harmony, and is very sensitive to other people's feelings, particularly of those she has grown fond of. Being as it may, her consideration and awareness, and her skill in bringing out the best in others is limited by extreme carefulness.

                    She has a set idea of how things should be, which she strives to attain to the best of her abilities through her little sister, Lilo Pelekai. She provides her security and comfort, and although the older Hawaiian can be very, very kind she can be made highly irritable with the slightest remark due to the sheer amount of stress she endures in her everyday life.

                    She learns best by doing, rather than by reading about something in a book, or applying theory. For this reason, she is more hands-on stuff, works vigorously in less intellectual careers that involve too much brain work for the honest fact that she prefers much physical activity in order to get things done, straightaway.

                    She is not likely to express her feelings, she is also not likely to let on that they know how others are feeling by verbal mention; rather, she presents her knowledge of it through small gifts and offerings, even if simple. For example, when Lilo was upset she brought her younger sibling a nice slab of pizza, implying her sorrow through her actions. However, she will speak up when she feels it is truly necessary. Unfortunately, her sass gets her into a whole world of trouble, and she’s hazardous to cars. Those dents are insane, no? Not to mention how she so unwisely upbraided Lilo right in front of the social worker, Cobra Bubbles.

                    What fuels her spunk is that she really feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. She takes her role as a mother very seriously, and can be counted on to follow through when it comes to family. For this reason, Lilo naturally loves her, and so does her strange family of misfits. Unluckily, she isn’t very tidy or makes it to work on time, so responsibility goes down the drain in that area. But she’s not lazy! She’s just overburdened.

                    Because of this, in the absence of positive feedback, or in the face of criticism, the youth gets so easily discouraged, and may even become depressed. When down on herself or under great stress, she has a tendency to imagine all of the things that might go critically wrong in her life. She has harsh feelings of inadequacy, and can surely be convinced that she is incapable of escaping misfortune. But being a spirited, dedicated woman . . . she never gives up, especially if she has her family to back her up.

                    No one in her small island of Hawaii had ever met anyone like her when she first popped out of the house as a wide-eyed five-year old girl, blessed however with a pudgy roundness and soft sun-kissed skin seen commonly seen in the locals. She had her father’s physical attributes, but possessed oddness that measured up to that of even her unborn sister.

                    While she was growing up, she herself was wild about Hula but not of Elvis. She actually had the oddest fixation on Nat King Cole, what with his elegant flare and untamable aesthetics, there were even times she'd claim, out of innocence and naivety, that she would marry him.

                    She had her trouble-making moments, especially when she attempted to surf in her newbie years. Oh lord, people used to actually cower when she stepped foot on their beach, for chaos would plague her like a curse wherever she went. And although she was an exceptional student, best Hula dancer in class, she was not a very good surfer. She was but eight, not as balanced or polished as she is now, but she'd continue and improve with the time.

                    Meanwhile, her parents noticed that through the years their daughter was beginning to look more her mother and her personality was that of her father. Her oddness and perky personality melted into a sure solemnity, serious and filled with curious intention.

                    No longer was she like her eccentric and kind mother - she was now her serious and very compassionate father - though she held nearly 100 percent of her looks. She was now an ambitioned seventeen year old girl running through the halls of her school with her childhood sweetheart, David Kawena, talking about whatever was popular.

                    It was odd to say that she had succeeded in surfing contests after piles and piles of accidents that would put even the four-time winning surf champ to shame. Those four medals would double with the time. It seemed all was well in her life, that is, until she hit adulthood where she received notice that her parents were killed in a car accident due to the unwieldy driving of a drunk. Shattered and heartbroken, she lied to Lilo for several days saying their parents were on vacation, of course, it was hard enough just thinking back to the real cause of their demise. It was then that she had no choice but to tell her sister the truth.

                    Her life completely changed when she first met Stitch for the better. And that's when her adventures began -- and her once upon a time little family grew and multiplied by the addition of Jumba, Pleakley and the little trog. Even after the misfortunes of nearly losing her little sister.
                    Strengths & abilities:
                    [X] SLOBBER!
                    [X] BRAT FIGHTS!
                    [X] POTTY MOUTHS!
                    [X] DEBTS!
                    [X] EXPERIMENTATION ON JUMBA'S PART!
                    [X] SCARY MOVIES THAT AREN'T, WELL, SCARY!
                    [X] BEING JUDGED WRONGLY!
                    [X] BEING LATE FOR WORK!
                    [X] STRESS!
                    [X] COFFEE!
                    [X] JUNK FOOD!
                    [X] PLAYING THE UKULELE!
                    [X] SINGING!
                    [X] DANCING!
                    [X] OVER-SLEEPING!
                    [X] FAMILY FUN NIGHT!
                    [X] WATCHING SOMMODAT WRESTLING!
                    [X] READING BEDTIME STORIES TO LILO!
                    [X] SILENT FILMS AND HORROR MOVIES!
                    [X] READING CHEESY ROMANCE NOVELS!
                    [X] HER DIARY!
                    [X] SPORTS!
                    [X] SURFING!
                    [X] HER FAMILY!
                    [X] BEING SEEN FOR WHO SHE REALLY IS!
                    [X] INTIMACY!
                    [X] LOSING LILO!
                    [X] BEING JOBLESS!
                    [X] DYING ALONE!
                    [X] GANTU!
                    [X] BEING SEPARATED FROM HER O'HANA!

                    What makes this character unique: The fact that she looks like a real person and acts like the average Joe. C:
                    RP SAMPLE: ----
                    Genie, who was spiraling downwards, caught the attention of the approximately alarmed Nani. The Polynesian immediately gasped on the spot, for his cerulean outline was coming closer and closer, causing her to become rigid like a deer wedged in the brilliant sheen of a headlight, now unable to keep her eyes off of anything else but his powerful collision with the earth, a crash that looked particularly painful to her, she winced.

                    After the sheepish greeting, hurriedly, Nani dropped her things and neared the fallen fellow with a nervous expression, kneeling beside him to inspect his present physical state by way of touch, observation, looking him over for some class of injury. She tried to assist him, but he had the strength to spring up just like a daisy in the middle of spring, beaming brightly. She blinked rapidly and gawked, having failed to successfully disguise her bewilderment. He appeared fine! Minus the bruises that remained visibly in certain parts of his body, including the foliage that had dressed his overall being.

                    “If there's anything at all I can do, to help you or even if you just have a sore back I could give you a massage. I used to work at a spa, you see, and I’m certain I could soothe the pain a bit. You may need a Band-Aid or two, I mean, it’s a wonder how you’re even alive right now.” she exclaimed, flustered, grabbing his arm to view the blue pigment of his skin as well as the light blemish of marks. She stood there, a heavy sigh of disbelief, at the miracle before her.

                    She ran a busy hand through her hair, still stunned. “It’s good to know someone can still be cheerful, after such a fall.” She said, more tenderly this time, brushing off the shrubbery perched over his broad shape. The native attempted to give him a rather awkward, yet welcoming smile in order to make him feel at home in spite of his unusual entrance and skin color. It was probably expected of Nani to run for the hills after seeing such a unique feature, but her experience with aliens had simmered down what could have been a scary reaction. This, however, did not mean she’d continue to be oblivious of it and had to ask if he was in any way related to Stitch. This was an unlikely thought, of course.

                    “What's your name?” she asked, quirking a curious smile. She crossed her arms, her expression strange but not unkind. She had almost forgotten her flowers when she saw her beautiful leis on the ground. Nani picked them up carefully, hoping nothing had been damaged. Done, she returned to the former wish-granter's side, embellishing his neck with something modest yet beautiful. It was his very own lei, a necklace made by her hand.

                    "Here, take it. It's free." she said softly, chuckling. "Do you know what this represents to my people? A person who doesn't know much about it would think it's just some humble gift, a simple island souvenir, but here it holds so much meaning. It is a treasure."


                    Nani Pelekai | WORLDS OF DISNEY (2024)


                    Nani Pelekai | WORLDS OF DISNEY? ›

                    She is a young woman living on the island of Kauai, Hawaii with her younger sister, Lilo Pelekai. After the sudden passing of their parents and struggles with social services, Nani became Lilo's sole legal guardian—a responsibility made even more complicated with the arrival of the alien fugitive, Stitch.

                    Who is Nani in Disney? ›

                    Lilo's older sister and legal guardian, Nani, was voiced by Tia Carrere in the 2002 film, and will be brought to real life by On My Block actress Sydney Agudong.

                    How old is Nani Disney? ›

                    Nani is Lilo's big sister, who is said to be nineteen years old in the first film.

                    Who is Disney Lilo sister? ›

                    Tia Carrere as Nani Pelekai, Lilo's stressed-out older sister and legal guardian after the death of their parents in a car accident.

                    Who voices Nani in Lilo and Stitch? ›

                    Lilo & Stitch (2002) - Tia Carrere as Nani - IMDb.

                    Why is Nani not a Disney Princess? ›

                    Nani may not have been born royal, and her partner, David, certainly isn't royalty. Still, her selfless acts throughout Lilo & Stitch should rank high on the heroic scale to be worthy of being considered a princess.

                    Why Nani changed his name? ›

                    'Eega' actor Nani, made his acting debut in the year 2008 with the film 'Ashta Chamma'. The good looking actor's real name is Naveen Babu Ghanta. Nani is his nick name, so he adopted his nick name when he entered the Telugu film industry.

                    What Disney movie is Nani in? ›

                    Nani Pelekai is the tritagonist of Disney's 2002 animated feature film Lilo & Stitch. She is a young woman living on the island of Kauai, Hawaii with her younger sister, Lilo Pelekai.

                    Where is Nani originally from? ›

                    Early life. Nani was born on 17 November 1986 in Amadora, Lisbon metropolitan area, Portugal, and is of Cape Verdean descent.

                    How tall is Nani? ›

                    GAME LOG
                    Date of Birth11/17/1986
                    Height, Weight5'8", 145 lbs
                    FromPraia, PRT
                    1 more row

                    How old is Moana? ›

                    In the first film, Moana is around 16 years old when she sets out on a journey from her island of Motunui to find Maui and force him to restore the heart of Te Fiti.

                    Does Lilo have a crush? ›

                    Keoni Jameson is a character in Lilo & Stitch: The Series. He is a young, laid-back boy whom Lilo has a crush on.

                    How old is Nani in Lilo? ›

                    Age: Nineteen in the movie/ Twenty four in the series/ Thirty in the anime series (she breaks up with David, btw, according to the UK Lilo and Stitch site).

                    What is Lilo real name? ›

                    Lilo Pelekai. Lilo Pelekai (/ˈliːloʊ/ LEE-loh) (literally, "lost" in Hawaiian) is one of the two title characters of the franchise. She is a young Native Hawaiian girl who lives on the island of Kauaʻi with her older sister Nani and her extended family of alien visitors marooned on Earth.

                    Who bullied Lilo? ›

                    Mertle takes great pleasure in putting down, insulting, bullying and making fun of Lilo. Mertle also tends not to take responsibility for her actions; she blamed Lilo for beating her up in hula class, even though she was being cruel to Lilo, which provoked her into beating her up in the first place.

                    What is Nani real name? ›

                    Ghanta Naveen Babu (born 24 February 1984), known professionally by his screen name Nani, is an Indian actor, producer, and television presenter who predominantly works in Telugu cinema.

                    Who is Nani in family? ›


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                    Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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                    Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

                    Birthday: 1995-01-14

                    Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

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                    Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

                    Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

                    Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.