Pasta Alternatives - Bertolli (2024)

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Pasta Alternatives - Bertolli (1)Pasta Alternatives - Bertolli (2)

Searching for a pasta alternative? Spaghetti squash can put a healthy, simple spin on your favorite dishes. Replace classic noodles with spaghetti squash using this easy technique.

  1. Cut in half (if too hard to cut initially, heat in microwave for a few minutes to soften and cut)
  2. Remove seeds
  3. Drizzle olive oil and season with salt and pepper to taste
  4. Roast 35 to 45 minutes cut side down
  5. Let cool long enough to handle
  6. Use a fork to scrape squash, creating long strands
  7. Top with your favorite Bertolli® pasta sauce and sprinkle parmesan cheese

Other delicious and versatile substitutes include zucchini, carrots, sweet potatoes, jicama, parsnips and white potatoes.

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Pasta Alternatives - Bertolli (29)

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Pasta Alternatives - Bertolli (2024)


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