Slark/Counters (2024)


  • 1 Bad against...
    • 1.1 Others
    • 1.2 Items
  • 2 Good against...
    • 2.1 Others
  • 3 Works well with...
    • 3.1 Others
    • 3.2 Items

Bad against...[]

Slark/Counters (1)

  • Slark/Counters (2) Ice Blast stops Shadow Dance's passive health regeneration, even when Slark is not in vision.

Slark/Counters (3)

  • Slark/Counters (4) Phantom's Embrace cannot be dispelled by Slark's Slark/Counters (5) Dark Pact, and will cause him to suffer damage if he doesn't kill Phantom fast enough.
  • Slark/Counters (6) Soulbind also cannot be dispelled by Slark's Slark/Counters (7) Dark Pact, and will cause Slark to suffer from a single-targeted ability used on his ally that is also affected by it.

Slark/Counters (8)

  • Slark/Counters (9) Berserker's Call forces Slark to attack him, even during Shadow Dance.
  • Slark/Counters (10) Counter Helix will hit Slark in Shadow Dance. It will also trigger frequently against Slark's high attack speed provided by Essence Shift stacks.
  • Slark/Counters (11) Culling Blade finishes off Slark before he gets a chance to slip away and regenerate his health, preventing him from playing his typical hit-and-run style.

Slark/Counters (12)

  • Slark/Counters (13) Thirst stops Shadow Dance's passive health regeneration if Slark's current health is below the Thirst's visibility threshold.
  • Slark/Counters (14) Rupture effectively diminishes Slark's mobility in battle, leaving him susceptible to AoE stuns or forcing to teleport out of the fight.

Slark/Counters (15)

  • Slark/Counters (16) Phantasms have enough health to survive Dark Pact, and Slark has no other source of AoE damage to deal with them.

Slark/Counters (17)

  • Slark/Counters (18) Static Storm and Slark/Counters (19) Kinetic Field locks down Slark, as he cannot use Dark Pact to dispel any disables, or Pounce out while silenced.
  • Slark/Counters (20) Glimpse puts an end to any attempts at ganking Disruptor or his allies, and also negates Slark's mobility by bringing him back into the fight if he tries to escape with Pounce.

Slark/Counters (21)

  • Earthshaker's many AoE stuns help lock down Slark and will often waste the duration of Shadow Dance.
  • As a frequent Slark/Counters (22) Force Staff buyer, he can later on escape or save teammates from Pounce.

Slark/Counters (23)

Slark/Counters (29)

  • Slark's dependence on Pounce and close range makes him very easy to hit with Slark/Counters (30) Purification and Slark/Counters (31) Hammer of Purity.
  • Slark's damage, even with a high count of Essence Shift stacks, is easily negated by Omniknight's heals and Slark/Counters (32) Guardian Angel.

Slark/Counters (33)

  • Slark/Counters (34) Arcane Orb deals pure damage, which ignores the armor granted from permanent agility stacks.
  • Slark/Counters (35) Astral Imprisonment can disrupt any Pounce attempt by banishing the leashed ally.
  • Slark's low mana pool makes him more susceptible to Slark/Counters (36) Sanity's Eclipse.

Slark/Counters (37)

  • Slark has no sustained AoE damage to deal with a lot of Phantom Lancer's illusions.
  • Slark/Counters (38) Doppelganger lets Phantom Lancer dodge Dark Pact and Pounce and partially wastes the duration of Shadow Dance.
  • Slark/Counters (39) Spirit Lance can give vision of Slark via spawning an illusion, making it harder for him to juke and gain the passive bonus from Shadow Dance.
  • Slark/Counters (40) Phantom Rush helps Phantom Lancer chase down Slark when he jumps away with Pounce.

Slark/Counters (41)

  • Slark/Counters (42) Illusory Orb and Slark/Counters (43) Phase Shift allows Puck to avoid most ganking attempts.
  • Slark/Counters (44) Waning Rift and Slark/Counters (45) Dream Coil makes it very hard for Slark to escape bad situations.
  • Puck's abilities used together also deals significant magical nuke damage, none of which are targeted and thus cannot be avoided by Shadow Dance.

Slark/Counters (46)

  • Slark/Counters (47) Nether Blast will still hit Slark even if he is hidden during Shadow Dance.
  • Even though Pugna can rarely target Slark directly with Slark/Counters (48) Decrepify, he can still use it defensively on an ally to prevent Slark from getting stacks.
  • Despite being somewhat easy to break with Pounce, Pugna can damage Slark and provide vision over him with Slark/Counters (49) Life Drain.

Slark/Counters (50)

  • Slark/Counters (51) Toss and Slark/Counters (52) Avalanche deals heavy damage to Slark in the early game, making Tiny a very dangerous target to gank.
  • Tiny has 0 agility, which means Slark's Slark/Counters (53) Essence Shift permanent agility steal does not do much against him.



Good against...[]

  • Slark/Counters (87) Flux is dispelled by Dark Pact.
  • Pounce allows Slark to avoid Slark/Counters (88) Spark Wraiths.
  • Slark/Counters (89) Tempest Double allows Slark to build up Essence Shift stacks, especially when it is being used for split pushing.

Slark/Counters (90)

Slark/Counters (96)

  • Pounce and items like Slark/Counters (97) Shadow Blade makes it very difficult for Drow Ranger to keep her distance from Slark, thereby losing her Slark/Counters (98) Marksmanship bonus.
  • Slark/Counters (99) Gust is rarely enough to keep Slark at bay, as Drow Ranger has no movement abilities and will simply be chased down afterwards.
  • Drow Ranger's heavy dependence on agility also makes her significantly weaker after being drained by Essence Shift.

Slark/Counters (100)

  • Slark/Counters (101) Blade Fury does not offer any protections against Slark/Counters (102) Essence Shift, as it can go through spell immunity and reduces attribute.
  • Slark can pounce away from Juggernaut and he cannot prevent or chase slark.
  • Slark/Counters (103) Shadow Dance prevent Juggernaut from using Slark/Counters (104) Omnislash altogether, while regen himself at a higher rate. Slark can freely hit juggernaut without any fears of retaliation.

Slark/Counters (105)

  • Luna's lack of mobility and escape abilities makes her easily to gank for Slark.
  • Shadow Dance helps avoid all the damage from Slark/Counters (106) Eclipse.
  • For the same reasons, Slark makes a very powerful ally for Luna when they are in the same team.

Slark/Counters (107)

  • Medusa cannot chase Slark in any way and has no disable beyond her ultimate, making her unable to stop him getting away and regenerating before coming back to finish her off.
  • Essence Shift particularly removes 1 intelligence point per hit, thus lowering Medusa's mana pool's cap and leaving her much more vulnerable in prolonged fights.

Slark/Counters (108)

  • Slark's Slark/Counters (109) Pounce allows him to close the gap on Phantom Assassin and prevent her from escaping with Slark/Counters (110) Phantom Strike.
  • As a hero who typically builds Slark/Counters (111) Silver Edge, Slark can use it to disable Phantom Assassin's Slark/Counters (112) Blur and Slark/Counters (113) Coup de Grace, thus taking down her attack evasion and drastically reducing her damage output.
  • Because Phantom Assassin is always reliant on critical strikes, Slark will have plenty of time to escape with Slark/Counters (114) Pounce, Slark/Counters (115) Shadow Dance and Slark/Counters (116) Silver Edge (provided that he purchased it already).
  • Slark/Counters (117) Depth Shroud from Slark/Counters (118) Aghanim's Shard will allow Slark to save both, himself and his allies from Phantom Assassin with Slark/Counters (119) Shadow Dance, and to freely fightback against her without removing invisibility upon attacking.
  • Slark/Counters (120) Essence Shift is much more harmful for Phantom Assassin than for other heroes, as losing the agility means that her physical damage will be also reduced, which can also weaken Slark/Counters (121) Coup de Grace if Slark manages to steal lots of agility from her.
  • Overall, any attempt for Phantom Assassin to take down Slark will hurt her more than Slark.

Slark/Counters (122)

  • Sniper hugely lacks mobility and escape abilities so that he is an easy target for ganks from Slark.

Slark/Counters (123)

Slark/Counters (134)

  • Pounce's leash prevents Storm Spirit from using Slark/Counters (135) Ball Lightning, making it hard for Storm Spirit to escape a gank from Slark.
  • Dark Pact can dispel Slark/Counters (136) Orchid Malevolence's Soul Burn.

Slark/Counters (137)

  • Dark Pact rips through Slark/Counters (138) Refraction charges and still steals attributes during Refraction.
  • Pounce and Dark Pact will still hit Templar Assassin while she is Slark/Counters (139) Melded. Since she cannot move, both abilities will be easy for Slark to land.

Slark/Counters (140)

Slark/Counters (144)

  • Pounce helps put Windranger in place, even when she uses Slark/Counters (145) Windrun to escape.
  • Shadow Dance avoids Windranger's attacks from Slark/Counters (146) Focus Fire altogether, and he can regenerate his health and fight back after Windranger uses up all her abilities.
  • The stun from Slark/Counters (147) Shackleshot and the slow fromSlark/Counters (148) Powershot can be both dispelled by Dark Pact, provided Slark casts it at the right moment.


Works well with...[]

Slark/Counters (172)

  • Bane's numerous disables help Slark position and take out his targets.
  • Pounce and Dark Pact will break Slark/Counters (173) Nightmare without transferring the disable to Slark.

Slark/Counters (174)

  • Earthshaker's many stuns help lock down Slark's targets.
  • Slark can easily jump over Slark/Counters (175) Fissure if he gets caught on the wrong side.

Slark/Counters (176)

  • Slark/Counters (177) Chakra Magic allows Slark to significantly increase his farming speed, as without mana issues, Dark Pact can deal lots of AoE damage very quickly to neutral camps.
  • Pounce helps Keeper of the Light charge up a full Slark/Counters (178) Illuminate. Along with early points into Dark Pact, the two can deal massive damage in the laning phase and bully the enemy out of the lane.
  • Slark/Counters (179) Solar Bind is a good follow-up to Pounce to keep enemies from escaping ganks.

Slark/Counters (180)

  • Slark/Counters (181) Lunar Blessing can provids Slark bonus damage and night vision for teamfights and ganks.
  • Slark/Counters (182) Eclipse triggers night, allowing Slark to take advantage of his superior night vision and the enemy's reduced vision to initiate or escape.
  • Despite its short duration, Slark/Counters (183) Lucent Beam's stun is useful to help Slark leash escaping enemy heroes with Pounce.

Slark/Counters (184)

  • Slark/Counters (185) Reverse Polarity is a perfect setup for Dark Pact, and usually allows Slark to pick off one target before the long stun ends.
  • Slark/Counters (186) Empower helps Slark farm significantly faster as well as gank more efficiently.

Slark/Counters (187)

  • Pounce gives Kunkka plenty of time to land all of his abilities.
  • Slark/Counters (188) Ghostship's buff makes it very difficult for enemies to kill Slark, as he takes reduced damage during team fights, then quickly regenerates his lost health while the delayed damage is applied.

Slark/Counters (189)

  • Pounce keeps the enemy close for an easy Slark/Counters (190) Purification.
  • Slark/Counters (191) Heavenly Grace provides a strong dispel and status resistance. Combined with Dark Pact and Shadow Dance, this makes it very difficult for enemies to keep Slark locked down.

Slark/Counters (192)

  • With Slark always having his HP at 100% with Shadow Dance, Pugna can cast Slark/Counters (193) Life Drain to restore his mana.
  • Pounce keeps enemy in place so that Pugna can cast Life Drain on them.
  • A defensive Slark/Counters (194) Decrepify can save Slark if he gets into trouble, buying him time to use his abilities.

Slark/Counters (195)

Slark/Counters (198)

  • Slark/Counters (199) Pit of Malice helps Slark land his Pounce and Dark Pact.
  • Pounce helps Underlord land his Slark/Counters (200) Firestorm.
  • Essence Shift's attribute steal combined with Slark/Counters (201) Atrophy Aura significantly reduces their enemies' base damage.

Slark/Counters (202)

  • Pounce prevents an enemy from moving away when Witch Doctor uses his Slark/Counters (203) Death Ward, ensuring at least one kill in most circ*mstances.
  • Essence Shift's attribute steal causes enemies to take proportionately more damage from later ticks of Slark/Counters (204) Maledict.

Slark/Counters (205)

  • Slark's ability to detect and pinpoint enemy vision allows Zeus to deward very easily with Slark/Counters (206) Lightning Bolt.
  • Pounce keeps enemies under Zeus' Slark/Counters (207) Nimbus for longer.



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Slark/Counters (2024)


What is the counter of slark? ›

Slark fears silence and AoE debuffs, so Silencer and Disruptor are the best counters you can pick to destroy him. Both have strong debuffs, and Disruptor can even use Glimpse to counter the classical "hit and run" tactic used by the little fish.

How to itemize against slark? ›

  1. Force Staff, Hurricane Pike, and. ...
  2. Black King Bar nullifies Slark's nuke damage from Dark Pact and destroys the leash from Pounce.
  3. Abyssal Blade locks down Slark so he cannot escape to regenerate his health.
  4. Heaven's Halberd's disarm cannot be dispelled by Dark Pact, while the evasion may force Slark to build.

How to beat slark on Reddit? ›

Void, Leshrac, pudge (core), bloodseeker, puck - basically heroes with magical burst destroy slark. Even dark seer does to an extent if you pair it with some stunner. Blood seeker is the strongest counter because of thirst. Slark's strength lies in regeneration in the shadows.

Why is slark so strong? ›

Slark is potent ganker in the mid game, and should always be looking for opportunities to pick off an enemy. The enemy jungle is an excellent hunting ground for Slark. Slark's unusually large night vision radius (1800) means he can see further than most heroes at night. Use this advantage when timing ganks.

What is the best item to counter lifestealer? ›

  • Force Staff is very useful to kite Lifestealer in team-fight and to escape from him. ...
  • Orchid Malevolence and. ...
  • Ghost Scepter is a good protection against Lifestealer as he relies mostly on direct attacks to deal damage and has no other ways of dealing damage outside from Infest.

What creature is slark? ›

Slark is a Slithereen. Slark seems to despise fighting for the Nemesis Stones, even going so far as to say he would rather have stayed in Dark Reef. Slark is beholden to a Dark Pact, which he made with the Dark Ones.

How to counter slark shadow dance? ›

For Example Earthshaker is really good at disableing slark during Schadow dance bacause all of bis 3 stuns are aoe and dont need to be cast on a target. AoE stuns like Magnus' Reverse Polarity, Centaur's hoof stomp or Lina's Light strike array are what you need.

How to counter silencer? ›

  1. Manta Style dispels most of Silencer's debuffs when used.
  2. Guardian Greaves dispels all Silencer's debuffs and restores lost health and mana.
  3. Black King Bar removes all Silencer's debuffs upon activation and prevents damage from Glaives of Wisdom.

What counters Invoker? ›

Void Spirit

A good choice against Invoker, as it has some advantage with the help of abilities. With the Dissimilate, Voidspirit can evade Invoker's skills, going to another world where he does not receive damage. The same ability to run away or attack quickly.

How to counter a lifestealer? ›

Lifestealer doesn't actually do a lot of damage early on; he's fast and self-heals, but you have two damage reduction abilities. Put a couple of levels into Kraken Shell and aim to clip him + last-hit creeps simultaneously with Anchor Smash, and he'll basically do no damage to you.

How to counter DP? ›

Bloodthorn can temporarily stop Death Prophet from casting spells, which renders Death Prophet useless during fights unless Death Prophet buys a dispelling item. Diffusal Blade can slow her down and drain her mana while attacking. Manta Style can easily dispel Death Prophet's silence.

How to counter pugna? ›

  1. Force Staff allows for someone to quickly escape a Life Drain for a very small mana cost. ...
  2. Glimmer Cape and. ...
  3. Black King Bar will render Pugna unable to do anything, and Pugna's only tool against. ...
  4. Blink Dagger is great versus Pugna as he hates being jumped on because of his extremely fragile nature.

How to break a Slark pounce? ›

You can't Force Staff out of Slark's Pounce leash, but you can break the leash by Hurricane Piking any target that isn't yourself. Piking any target that isn't yourself works. You can even Pike an ally, which is theoretically just like using a Force Staff on them, and it'll free you from Pounce leash.

What is Slark's first skill? ›

Slark is a melee Agility semi-carry and deadly ganker. His first ability Dark Pact does damage around him and purges harmful debuffs after a short delay. A skilled Slark can time Dark Pact to remove an incoming stun.

Does Slark have night vision? ›

Some heroes also don't mind night time that much. Luna gets bonus night vision with Lunar Blessing, Lycan gets bonus night vision in Shapeshift, Slark has 1800 night vision, Sniper has 1400 night vision, Bane has 1200 night vision, and Spirit Breaker has a night vision talent.

Who can counter rubick? ›

HeroAdv.Hero Win Rate
Outworld Destroyer2.90%47.99%
1 more row

Who counters Karrie? ›

Saber, with his speed and burst damage, is an effective counter for Karrie. Saber's ability to chase and lock targets, as well as dealing high damage in a short time, can overcome Karrie's regeneration power and put significant pressure on the enemy.

Who can counter Harith? ›

Top 5 Counter of Harith Mobile Legends
  • Irithel. Irithel, a sniper with high mobility, is the right choice to conquer Harith.
  • Esmeralda. Esmeralda, with her ability to absorb enemy shields and turn them into her own shield, is a smart hero choice to fight Harith. ...
  • Saber. ...
  • Minsitthar. ...
  • Khufra.
Apr 18, 2024


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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.