[Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (2024)

I'm really puzzled on how some people or some businesses can post hundreds of ads per day on Craigslist in the same city, with the same phone number and same website address in the ad, but never gets flagged or banned by Craigslist...

I've watched the same people running the same ads without any problems for a few months now, so how do they do it?

#ads #craigslist #everyday #hundreds #post #problems

  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (1)
    Nick Evans

    They use either bots or freelancers to post ads for them. If their Craigslist account gets banned, they usually just recreate a new one.

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    • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (2)

      Originally Posted by Nick Evans

      They use either bots or freelancers to post ads for them. If their Craigslist account gets banned, they usually just recreate a new one.

      Most likely using outsourcing to post them. You could do this yourself on a vpn and buy a bunch of craigslist verified accounts but i just don't see it being worth it. Never had much luck with craigslist anyways.

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      • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (4)

        My understanding of what you're saying is that despite the fact being I've done well selling on CL, in terms of little time investment and high returns on such little time invested, through my being resourceful...this is no longer the landscape and I'm better off letting go of what was at one time a gold mine for me essentially?

        Originally Posted by Get Rich Methods

        I don't mean to sound harsh. Reading my initial message, I think that's how it reads. Ignoring the tone, though, the information is accurate. No one can post in public how they do it because how they achieve it will get closed. And no one on this forum knows because you're in the land of white hat. If you want my best advice: think of another system to make money. CL is, believe it or not, the hardest stomping ground on the planet. No joke. The payoffs are huge but you have no idea the lengths and the expenses to pull off big profits. It's not a place for newcomers. If you hang around WF, I'll be happy to help you out with ideas when I see you.


        Originally Posted by ShoeNickel

        Most likely using outsourcing to post them. You could do this yourself on a vpn and buy a bunch of craigslist verified accounts but i just don't see it being worth it. Never had much luck with craigslist anyways.

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (7)

    They just have dedicated resources to keep posting all day. Frankly thats spamming and not something anyone here would encourage you to do.

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (8)

    They probably have people working for them and posting those ads.

    OR...They use bots to do the posting for them.

    They are spamming and are probably getting their ads deleted VERY fast.

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (9)


    Lol great question bestlv! Usually what people do in order to make so many posts is by creating multiple accounts and by having different phone numbers for verification.

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    • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (10)

      You all probably don't believe it, but I actually written to Craigslist regarding this Spammer issue, but Craigslist just ignored it, they really don't care about spamming that much, I think they just cannot handle Super-Spammers so they don't take any actions. One of the business's URL is on 300-500 Ads EVERYDAY in the Same City, Same Section.,So it;s just Impossible for Craigslist Not to catch this spammer, but Craigslist chooses not to ban them, otherwise their Ads won't run for months. So any Super-Spammer here [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (11) ?

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      • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (12)
        Alexa Smith


        Originally Posted by bestlv

        they really don't care about spamming that much

        On the contrary.

        They care about it so much that even Craig Newmark himself has been known to post in the Warrior Forum requesting members here to stop spamming.

        Here's one of his posts: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ml#post3748071

        The people stupid enough to do this are part of the problems, for all of us, not part of the solutions.

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        • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (14)

          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith

          On the contrary.

          They care about it so much that even Craig Newmark himself has been known to post in the Warrior Forum requesting members here to stop spamming.

          Here's one of his posts: http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ml#post3748071

          The people stupid enough to do this are part of the problems, for all of us, not part of the solutions.

          As if that was really him...


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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (16)

    Hire someone to post in natural way, otherwise you'll get banned eventually.


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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (17)


    Like Nick said - they use bots or freelancers. But that's like a bumerang effect. If you spam, people will turn away and label your biz as a spammer, so be careful on this kind of IM.

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (18)

    I think it is because of their consistent posting. They are posting so many ads everyday, that you may think that their ads are live forever. Spammers are everywhere. Even this forum is not free from spammers. [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (19)

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    • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (20)

      Craigslist only has around 30 employees and can't possibly police the whole site. Many posters are spinning their ad content, phone numbers or just using images to embed their contact info so it flies below the flagging radar. Let's put it this way - posting the same identical ad content 100 times daily is an invitation to be flagged.

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      • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (21)

        Originally Posted by craigsposterpro

        Craigslist only has around 30 employees and can't possibly police the whole site. Many posters are spinning their ad content, phone numbers or just using images to embed their contact info so it flies below the flagging radar. Let's put it this way - posting the same identical ad content 100 times daily is an invitation to be flagged.

        Spun content can be detected (i.e., if the system is set up for similar topics). I presume that in Craigslist's restricted classifieds model, users want to post multiple ads to cover a larger geographical area, and perhaps in several related categories. The no clickable links restriction may also have exacerbated the spam problem.

        In any event, there is no reasonable explanation why someone would want to post the same thing hundreds of times over and over again on a classifieds site. Suppose the many identical ads stay on the site unmolested: what will consumers think about the spammed product or service?


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        • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (23)

          I agree that the more intelligent approach would be to expand your marketing reach through geo expansion or category expansion. The challenge still remains maintaining visibility of your marketing message in the jungle of frequent postings by your competitors. The posting rate of your competition dictates how often you need to post each day and the ante is always being upped.

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (24)

    There is no way someone can be posting so many posts naturally on craigslist unless they have hired someone to be doing it or probably using bots.

    Don't spam anyone, the way you don't want to be spammed.


    [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (25)

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (26)


    I'm new here. I have a Craigslist account that has resulted in a meager income until a few months ago, at which point I believe competitors have ruthlessly flagged my ads down. All of my ads of a specific type have been removed and continuously get removed almost immediately if I repost. I meet the TOS of Craigslist and have non stock photos up in these ads. I've tried getting new accounts and new verification numbers and nothing seems to be working to keep my ads up despite complying completely with TOS.

    I routinely see other posters with 10 identical postings up that aren't getting flagged from what I can tell...

    How does one prevent this flagging?
    How do I do what they are doing to keep so many ads visible without being flagged?

    It's ridiculous that my ads are being flagged. It isn't fair and makes no sense to me how gross violators can avoid being flagged and anyone who isn't violating any of the rules can be eliminated completely. This is my only way to make ends meet so I really could use some help with this!

    Please advise.

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    • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (27)

      Originally Posted by THK9

      How does one prevent this flagging?
      How do I do what they are doing to keep so many ads visible without being flagged? / Please advise.

      Well, unfortunately, there is now software available which can automatically flag 10 ads at a time switching IPs. Unscrupulous competitors can take advantage of this software or even have employees do their dirty work. People even post jobs on ODesk and ELance willing to pay for such services. In fact, we have been offered payment but refuse to participate in negative activity like that. We don't believe that is energy well spent and is bad karma. Instead, focus on making your ads more visible.

      So, your best defense against competitor flagging is to diversify your ad content as much as possible. That means coming up with and posting 10 - 20 or more versions of your ad text, 10 - 20 versions of your ad titles, many images. Even taking it so far as to publish different phone numbers in your ads using such virtual phone number sources as Vumber.

      The whole strategy is to not leave any footprints or breadcrumbs across all your ads which point to them all as belonging to you. This can minimize competitor flagging but not eliminate it completely. That is the strategy your competitors are most likely using.

      Feel free to contact me with any further questions

      Hope this helps

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      • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (29)

        Because they can't or choose not to police their own policy makes it very ridiculous to have one. A policy for policy sake is worse than having no policy at all, because when people violate the policy it opens the doors for others. Besides if posting 300 plus ads a day is not considered spamming by Craiglist why even give it a name.

        I guess they only want to police honest IM'rs who feel who want to follow the rules and build and industry with integrity. They don't want to truly have rules that are followed, they just want to appear to do so...

        But anyway, crooked industry is industry too unfortunately...

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        • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (30)

          You can post tons of ads if you post naturally and change your content to be unique. It won't be free, you will need pvas, ips, etc. but it can be a great investment.

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      • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (31)

        Thanks for the response!

        I posted on the freelancers site only to have those ads flagged down and removed too.
        My ads on Craigslist are physical items for sale. I've changed ad body text, title text, images, etc and still get immediately flagged down I'd enjoy knowing who is behind the flagging and what to do specifically and step by step to get my unique TOS complicit ads live again so that I could give my competitors and those responsible an opportunity to stop prior to systematically eradicating any all ads of their own.

        Specific, concrete info on how to master this information would be really useful if anyone can provide it!

        Thank you!

        Originally Posted by craigsposterpro

        Well, unfortunately, there is now software available which can automatically flag 10 ads at a time switching IPs. Unscrupulous competitors can take advantage of this software or even have employees do their dirty work. People even post jobs on ODesk and ELance willing to pay for such services. In fact, we have been offered payment but refuse to participate in negative activity like that. We don't believe that is energy well spent and is bad karma. Instead, focus on making your ads more visible.

        So, your best defense against competitor flagging is to diversify your ad content as much as possible. That means coming up with and posting 10 - 20 or more versions of your ad text, 10 - 20 versions of your ad titles, many images. Even taking it so far as to publish different phone numbers in your ads using such virtual phone number sources as Vumber.

        The whole strategy is to not leave any footprints or breadcrumbs across all your ads which point to them all as belonging to you. This can minimize competitor flagging but not eliminate it completely. That is the strategy your competitors are most likely using.

        Feel free to contact me with any further questions

        Hope this helps

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (33)

    automated products can create craigslist adverts very quickly and effectively. However the chances of you being increase when you're posting multiple adverts to one single account.

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (34)

    I would like to agree with Nick Evan so thanks Nick



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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (35)

    Most companies actually hire posters. They have their own tools and proxies to post which are very much available. Do not post ads too much in the same area.. spamming is just not a good habit. It irritates the consumers on the contrary. Instead of looking for different services they want to have, they only see same ads all over.

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    • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (36)
      Alexa Smith


      Originally Posted by YaloioHosting

      Most companies actually hire posters.

      Sorry to sound so intolerant, but this really is a ridiculous assertion.

      How can you possibly claim that "most companies" are doing something that so flagrantly breaches a third-party's terms of service?! [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (38)

      Do you seriously imagine that "most companies" even advertise on Craigslist at all?! [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (39)


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      • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (40)


        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith

        Sorry to sound so intolerant, but this really is a ridiculous assertion.

        How can you possibly claim that "most companies" are doing something that so flagrantly breaches a third-party's terms of service?! [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (42)

        Do you seriously imagine that "most companies" even advertise on Craigslist at all?! [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (43)


        Years ago I used to have 3 people that posted on classified sites all day long, I made over 40k euro revenue per month and these ads were my prime source of new customers. eBay wasn't popular in any way in my country so Marktplaats.nl was where everyone went for cheap deals.

        Later on when they changed their system a bit I spend thousands of euro's month advertising there, and it sure paid off, very well. No newspaper ads, PPC or anything could box up against it.

        Companies were allowed to post though.

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (44)

    When they find the right offender and can prove it they will probably sue them using their terms of service. The penalties in there are heavy and per occurrence. The people posting for pay are taking a risk also.

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (45)
    Tom Addams

    No one will tell you.

    There is too much money at stake. The people who can do it keep that information to themselves. What you'll get is a lot of speculation (bots and freelancers, etc). No one getting hundreds of posts to stick on CL is going to spill the beans. Too valuable and too easy for CL (who apparently post here) to close every exploit they use.



    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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    • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (46)

      Those who are in the know came into the know somehow, didn't they? I hear about changing ip's, having proxies, virtual numbers, etc...but am not clear on what all that means or how to do any of that.

      It's obviously somewhat complex and involved but I'm sure there's some basic info to be had to get me up to speed so that I can at least get some of my ads up and bring in some money here.

      Originally Posted by Get Rich Methods

      No one will tell you.

      There is too much money at stake. The people who can do it keep that information to themselves. What you'll get is a lot of speculation (bots and freelancers, etc). No one getting hundreds of posts to stick on CL is going to spill the beans. Too valuable and too easy for CL (who apparently post here) to close every exploit they use.


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      • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (48)
        Tom Addams

        Originally Posted by THK9

        Those who are in the know came into the know somehow, didn't they? I hear about changing ip's, having proxies, virtual numbers, etc...but am not clear on what all that means or how to do any of that.

        It's obviously somewhat complex and involved but I'm sure there's some basic info to be had to get me up to speed so that I can at least get some of my ads up and bring in some money here.

        I don't mean to sound harsh. Reading my initial message, I think that's how it reads. Ignoring the tone, though, the information is accurate. No one can post in public how they do it because how they achieve it will get closed. And no one on this forum knows because you're in the land of white hat. If you want my best advice: think of another system to make money. CL is, believe it or not, the hardest stomping ground on the planet. No joke. The payoffs are huge but you have no idea the lengths and the expenses to pull off big profits. It's not a place for newcomers. If you hang around WF, I'll be happy to help you out with ideas when I see you.



        I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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    • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (50)

      Originally Posted by Get Rich Methods

      No one will tell you.

      There is too much money at stake. The people who can do it keep that information to themselves. What you'll get is a lot of speculation (bots and freelancers, etc). No one getting hundreds of posts to stick on CL is going to spill the beans. Too valuable and too easy for CL (who apparently post here) to close every exploit they use.


      You're Right... It's way toooooo much money at stake....in fact it might be worth "Millions of dollars" at stake !!!
      In fairness... maybe the only solution is for Craigslist to charge all posters fees to solve this unfairness, otherwise the super-spammers will keep making perhaps Millions...!!!

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (52)

    If your ads are getting flagged before they hit the index or before they are searchable they are being auto-flagged (deleted) by craigslist not by people flagging you.

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    • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (53)

      Thank you.

      How do I combat this specifically then?

      Originally Posted by midasmarketing

      If your ads are getting flagged before they hit the index or before they are searchable they are being auto-flagged (deleted) by craigslist not by people flagging you.

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      • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (55)

        Originally Posted by THK9

        Thank you.

        How do I combat this specifically then?

        You many think you've changed everything but you probably didn't. For example your ip's, the domains for your emails, the kind of phone #'s you use to verify your pva's, phone #'s or url's in your ad bodies, your images, etc, using the craigslist mail relay vs no contact info. There are many variables that can cause this. Best thing is change those one by one until you find the culprit.

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (57)
    Zak L.

    There is actually a WSO out at the moment that teaches how to get around stuff like this - it's called Craigslist Smasher. I've heard (from the reviews) that it's good.


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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (58)

    I had wondered the same thing too. I also wondered about how to stop the fake flaggers...thanks for the heads up, everyone!

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (59)

    SPAM!!!! There's your answer. Ahhh reality sinking in now.

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (60)
    Tom Addams

    I would recommend avoiding CL if you're a newcomer. It requires mid-to-high level investment these days to generate a sizable income. There are plenty of other alternatives, with less competition and less posting difficulty; just you look around.



    I Coach: Learn More | My Latest WF Thread: Dead Domains/ Passive Traffic

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  • [Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (61)

    Posting on craigslist takes time and money. But it is a great way to get leads and sales.

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[Solved] How do they post hundreds of ads on Craigslist everyday without any problems? (2024)


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