The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (2024)

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (1)

December 16, 2022 by Nicole Canún Our Top Picks 0 comments

Mexican holiday traditions around Christmastime are an essential part of Mexican culture.

If you’re planning a holiday trip to Mexico, this post is perfect for you!

Learn about the traditions celebrated across Mexico and dive into some of the traditions that set Mexican states apart. Discover essential Mexican holiday and Christmas traditions in Mexico including foods, beverages, and activities.

¡Aprendamos de las tradiciones navideñas mexicanas!
Let’s learn about Christmas traditions in Mexico!

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The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (2)

Top 10 Mexican Christmas Traditions

Traditions in Mexico are colorful, full of symbolism, musical, half religious and half cultural, half Spanish and half indigenous. This mestizaje (racial mix) has led to a duality inherent to Mexicans, who tend to hold strong beliefs in both mysticism and Catholicism.

Before delving into Christmas traditions in Mexico, here’s a timeline of the main December holidays:

December 16Start of las posadas
December 24Nochebuena – Christmas Eve
December 25Navidad – Christmas
December 28Día de los Inocentes – Fool’s Day
December 31Año Nuevo – New Year’s Eve
January 1Año Nuevo – New Year’s Day
January 6Día de Reyes – Three Wise Men Day
February 2Día de la Candelaria – Candlemas Day

1. Nativity Scenes – Nacimientos

Nacimientos (nativity scenes) are the ceramic, clay, or plastic figures that form the scene of Jesus’ birth. They all have Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. Some are more elaborate, with angels, wise men, animals, houses, trees, and more.

Tradition dictates adding baby Jesus to the scene in the wee hours of Christmas morning on December 25.

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (4)

2. Mass – Misa

It’s customary in Mexico to go to mass on Nochebuena or Christmas Eve. They are available from morning to midnight and many people attend.

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (5)

3. Christmas Food – Comida de Navidad

Bacalao (cod) is one of the most traditional Christmas dishes in Mexico. It is prepared with tomato, olive oil, garlic, onion, white wine, potatoes, red pepper, and olives.

Of course, every family has its own recipe. Since I’m not allowed to share my grandmother’s—it is, after all, a family treasure—here is an alternative: bacalao recipe.

A fun fact about this dish is that it became one of our traditions in Mexico because December used to be bacalao season. Today, you can find it year-round.

I love romeritos—rosemary in a mole with nopals. Some people make tortitas de camarón (shrimp cakes). Other classic dishes are turkey, Waldorf salad, and tamales.

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (6)

4. Drinks – Bebidas

Ponche de frutas (fruit punch) and chocolate caliente (hot cocoa) are the kings of Christmas beverages in Mexico. Hot cocoa doesn’t taste like Christmas unless you use the Abuelita brand and we love to have it along with churros.

See also: Mayan Chocolate: The Birth and Invention of Chocolate

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (7)

5. Carols – Villancicos

In Mexico, people play and sing carols while decorating the Christmas tree, having dinner, and opening gifts, among other moments.

Mexicans love dancing, so they listen to different versions of carols such as salsa, cumbia, and banda. (Listen to salsa carols in Spanish!)

Every year, the government of Mexico City organizes a long Christmas concert where you can listen to carols in many genres.

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (8)

6. Posadas

Posadas are neighborhood celebrations Mexicans attend from December 16-23. Breaking 7-peaked piñatas filled with fruits, singing the posada song, and drinking ponche are the main features of this Mexican holiday tradition.

Half of the people are outside the house, and the other half stays in with the light out. The ones outside start singing the posada song and asking for a place to stay.

Be sure to get familiar with the song before going to a posada. The posadas start 9 days before Christmas symbolizing the 9 months that Mary waited until Jesus was born.

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (9)

7. Navidad is the Day Before

In many countries, including the U.S., the big day of celebration is December 25. In Mexico, the real celebration is the day before, on December 24.

Mexican families have dinner, open gifts, and tell stories and jokes. Some even dance until the sun comes up.

The day before Christmas is called nochebuena in Mexico. There is a red flower with the same name, so we have the tradition of buying them and using them as decoration inside our houses, on the street, backyard, front porch, anywhere visible.

Hand-picked for you: 10 Sensational Mexican Musicians You Don’t Want to Miss!

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (10)

8. Pastorelas

Pastorelas are brief plays where a hermit, his wife, and a small group of shepherds get stopped by three devils while they are on their way to see baby Jesus, the newborn king. Angels help them as they continuously fight with the devils.

In Tepotzotlán, the State of Mexico pastorelas also involve mariachi music and fireworks. If you are into spectacular shows, choose this one.

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (11)

9. Family Time – Tiempo en familia

Family is the center of Mexican holiday traditions and celebrations. It’s all about being together, having meals together, and breaking piñatas together. People fly in from other cities and countries to spend the most time they can with their families.

In Mexico, it’s normal to have many Christmas dinners throughout December, some with family, others with friends, and yet others with colleagues. But the one you can’t miss out on is the one with family on December 24. That’s why you rarely find events on this date.

Traditionally, you spend this day with your close family only. On New Year’s, you’re free to do whatever you want.

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (12)

10. Leftovers – Recalentado

The second most valued event in December is the 25th, where families get together again—this time in their pajamas—to reheat the food from the day before. Recalentado means reheat.

Christmas Traditions in 9 Mexican States

Christmas in Mexico City

There is one tradition that has been around for decades: getting a picture with the robotic Santa Claus at the Sears in the La Condesa neighborhood.

On the other hand, in the Iztapalapa neighborhood, there is a reenactment of the passion of Christ or Vía Crucis. When I say reenactment, I don’t mean dramatization but the real thing. It is a very raw thing to see. They actually crucify an actor who trains for years to portray the character of Jesus. It is crowded so be sure to have your wallet and cell phone in a safe pocket or purse.

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (13)

Christmas in Nuevo León

Nuevo León is a state that is famous for its meat. They call their gatherings asados (grills) because they are always grilling something. Beware, if you are a vegan, you will not enjoy your time there. Carne asada (grilled meat) is a traditional dish in northern Mexican states and cities.

Christmas in Puebla and Michoacán

Many beautiful artisanal Christmas tree ornaments come from Chignahuapan, Puebla, and Tlalpujahua, Michoacán.

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (14)

Christmas in Querétaro

In many cities and towns of Querétaro, people dress up and play the main characters of the Bible. In these living nativity scenes, everything is alive, including the animals.

Christmas in Michoacán

In Michoacán. traditions are half Spanish and half Purépechas, the indigenous community of the state. The purépecha Takari Party includes a dance people do through the main streets of the city while picking up hay for the nacimiento.

Christmas in Oaxaca

On December 23, Oaxacans create artistic sculpted pieces made of radishes! On the day before Christmas Eve, locals used to take everything to the plaza to sell for the Christmas menu. They made elaborate figures with vegetables to draw the buyers’ attention to their stalls.

This is an entire nacimiento made of radishes.

The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (15)

Christmas in Yucatán and Veracruz

Children prepare hand altars and go around their neighborhoods looking for money or candy that grown-ups give them depending on how pretty or elaborate their pieces are. Sometimes they dress up and prepare funny sketches or sing carols.

Christmas Across Mexico

The villas navideñas or Christmas villas are those cities or towns that make an extra effort with decorations, lights, food, and experiences that embody the Christmas spirit. In Mexico, the most important and touristic ones include:

  • Atlixco in the state of Puebla
  • Zacatecas in the state of Zacatecas
  • Xico in the state of Veracruz
  • Ciudad Obregón in the state of Sonora
  • Monterrey in the state of Nuevo León
  • Cuautla in the state of Morelos
  • Querétaro in the state of Querétaro
  • Dolores Hidalgo in the state of Guanajuato
  • Val’Quirico in the state of Tlaxcala
The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (16)

Learn Spanish Before Going to Mexico

Learning Spanish is a marvelous idea! It not only makes your resume shine but also opens up life experiences for you! Spanish is the language with the most native speakers around the world, besides Chinese. It will help you communicate in a Hispanic country and blend in with locals. Imagine exchanging ideas with them and making lifelong friends while visiting Mexico!

Become part of Homeschool Spanish Academy’s 24,000 monthly enrolled student community and trust our decade of experience. Let’s tailor together a Spanish package that suits your traveling interests and let you travel easier. Check our affordable pricing and flexible programs. Prepare for your trip to Mexico by signing up for a free trial class today!

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Nicole Canún

Freelance Writer at Homeschool Spanish Academy

Blogger, content creator, and marketer. Proudly Mexican. Been to 30 countries. I love learning from different cultures and trying their cuisines. Obsessed with Asia. Fluent in Spanish and English, not so much in French.

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The Best Christmas Traditions in Mexico (2024)


What are the best Christmas traditions in Mexico? ›

There are candlelit processions, elaborate nativity scenes, Spanish Christmas carols, dancing and fireworks. While traditions like Christmas trees and Santa Claus have found a place in Mexican festivities, the holiday celebrations are firmly rooted in Spanish and indigenous culture.

What is Christmas in Mexico called? ›

Christmas goes by many names in Mexico, and that's because there are so many celebrations throughout the season. You may hear las Posadas, la Nochebuena, and el Día de los Tres Reyes, among them. The real name for Christmas, though, is la Navidad.

How is Christmas celebrated in Mexico compared to the United States? ›

With its monomaniacal focus on a single day, American Christmas can be pretty stressful. But Mexicans have their family gatherings on Christmas Eve (Noche Buena) and Three Kings Day, leaving December 25 as kind of an anti-climax. Stores and businesses are open. Churches hold masses as usual.

How is Noche Buena celebrated in Mexico? ›

On Nochebuena (Christmas Eve), it is tradition for Mexican families to attend midnight mass before returning home to a late-night feast that includes foods like bacalao, ham, turkey, tamales, and mole, with ponche to drink and lots of music!

What is Santa called in Mexico? ›

While in countries like Mexico and Venezuela, presents might also be brought by El Niñito Dios (baby Jesus) or Santo Clós (Santa Claus).

What is a Mexican tradition? ›

Around the world Mexico is known for its celebration of the Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) on November 1, which is also known as All Saints' Day. Halloween (October 31) and All Souls' Day (November 2) are also locally important.

What is the most important symbol of a Mexican Christmas? ›

Piñatas. Piñatas are an essential element for Christmas in Mexico. They are usually made of clay or cardboard and are shaped like a star with 7 peaks, symbolizing a capital sin.

What is a traditional Mexican Christmas dinner? ›

Mexican Christmas food spans enchiladas, pozole, tamales, and plenty of desserts. These are our favorite recipes for flavorful versions of those dishes from Mexican chefs, along with a few festive drinks. Start a tamale making tradition, warm up with pozole this winter, and enjoy enchiladas everyone will love.

What do Mexicans wear on Christmas? ›

What do Mexicans wear on Christmas? Mexicans usually wear colorful costumes during Las Posadas. Many a times, two children would dress up as Mary and Joseph. The people of the city can be spotted wearing bright colours and vivid outfits with Christmas quotations or pictures on them during the Christmas holidays.

Do they have Christmas trees in Mexico? ›

Christmas in Mexico is observed from December 12 to January 6, with one additional celebration on February 2. Traditional decorations displayed on this holiday include nativity scenes, poinsettias, and Christmas trees.

How many days is Christmas celebrated in Mexico? ›

In Mexico, Christmas is celebrated from December 12th to January 6th. From December 16th to Christmas Eve, children often perform the 'Posada' processions or Posadas. Posada is Spanish for Inn or Lodging.

How does Mexico celebrate Christmas for kids? ›

One of the highlights of Christmas in Mexico for kids, typical to many posadas, is the tradition of breaking piñatas. These brightly decorated paper (or pottery) containers are filled with candy, small toys, and fruits, and they come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors.

What do Mexicans do before Christmas? ›

In some parts of Mexico, one of the traditional Mexican Christmas traditions is for children to leave a shoe out on the night before, in hopes that the Wise Men might leave something for them, too! The next day, there are presents and Rosco, a sweet round cake with candied fruits that adults and children alike love.

What is Mexico's Christmas traditions called? ›

Las Posadas may be a cornerstone of Mexican Christmas traditions, but the celebrations don't stop there. On Christmas Eve, families come together for a grand feast featuring traditional dishes like bacalao a la vizcaína (codfish in a spicy tomato sauce) and romeritos (a Mexican herb stew).

What is the best food for Nochebuena? ›

6 Creative Noche Buena Recipe Ideas
  • Boneless crispy pata with ensalada. ...
  • Holiday Chicken Galantina. ...
  • Roast Beef with Truffle demi-glace. ...
  • Holiday special pork embutido. ...
  • Prawn sinigang paella. ...
  • Baked salmon with lemon butter sauce.

How does Mexico celebrate Las Posadas? ›

The tradition is celebrated over multiple days between Dec. 16 and Christmas Eve, and features a procession of carolers lead by a small child dressed as an angel, as well as food, warm drinks and piñatas. Posadas first started in Mexico as a way for Spaniards to share Christmas traditions with native people.

How is la Navidad celebrated? ›

The one night that is most significantly focused on the food is las posadas, or, the inns. The people in the city travel from door to door in a procession, until they find someone who will let them in. Then they hold their evening prayer before celebrating with lots of food, music, and fireworks.


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