The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth (2024)

What we’ll cover in this post:

  • Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth

  • Benefits of moving around during labor

  • What positions help start labor

    • Bouncing on an exercise ball

    • Curb walking

    • Supported squat

  • What positions help you dilate?

    • Asymmetric positions

    • Sitting on the toilet

    • Side-lying release

  • What positions help a stalled labor?

    • Any upright position

    • Any active position

    • Nipple stimulation

  • Which position is best to cope with labor pains?

  • Which positions are good for long labors?

  • Which positions can you labor and give birth in with an epidural?

  • Things that limit movement

  • How often should you change positions?

  • Are there risks to any labor positions?

  • The Takeaway

Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth

While in labor and while giving birth, it’s important to remember that gravity is your friend!

Different positions and frequent movement/position changes can really help your baby engage into your pelvis and get into an optimal birthing position.

Keep in mind that the best way to get through labor and the best way to give birth is whatever way you are most comfortable.

Let’s talk about some different labor positions for a more comfortable birth and maybe even a shorter labor!

Benefits of moving around during labor

Moving around during labor can not only help to speed up the labor process, but staying active and upright can also ensure that your baby has the help of gravity to engage into an optimal birth position.

The most ideal birth position is where baby is head down, chin tucked, and facing your spine, like this:

The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth (1)

When your baby faces your belly, it can cause uncomfortable and long back labor.

The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth (2)

Being able to move freely throughout labor allows you to find whatever position is most comfortable, especially while working through contractions. Utilizing these positions and finding what feels best for you can help decrease the overall pain associated with labor and contractions.

What positions help start labor

If you’re at the end of your pregnancy and feeling eager for your baby to make an appearance, you may be wondering if there are any positions that can help to jump start labor.

Basically, any position that encourages your baby to engage and rotate into your pelvis is going to be beneficial. Mix it up often so baby has opportunities to find the easiest path!

Bouncing on an exercise ball

Gently bouncing on an exercise ball with your legs wide apart can not only help with cervical dilation, but this position can also help encourage your baby to move down and engage into your pelvis.

The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth (3)

Curb walking

Curb walking is walking with one foot on top of the curb/sidewalk and the other foot on the road. This may feel a little awkward, but the uneven shift in your weight is what may help to bring on labor.

Curb walking allows gravity to encourage your baby to drop into your pelvis, which, in turn, can help dilate your cervix.

The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth (4)

Supported squat

Sitting in a supported squat position really allows gravity to assist the baby into an optimal position. It’s best to do this with the help of a partner/friend or to use a wall for support, since being pregnant can affect your balance.

Try to achieve a deep squat with your legs in a “V” position. This position can really help to open up your pelvis, move your baby down, which can also help to dilate your cervix.

The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth (5)

What positions help you dilate?

Most positions that use gravity to help move the baby down can also help to dilate your cervix, but there are some positions that can specifically encourage cervical dilation.

Asymmetric positions

Asymmetric positions, like curb walking, help to dilate the cervix because you are wiggling your pelvis in ways that it’s not typically used to going. This can help your baby find new pathways down and out.

If you are unable to curb walk, you can achieve the same asymmetry by wearing one heel and one flat shoe or walking up and down stairs.

Some other asymmetric positions include:

  • Lunges

  • Captain morgan

  • Toilet lunges

The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth (6)

Sitting on the toilet

Sitting on the toilet allows you to be in that “supported squat” position we talked about.

Typically, when we sit on the toilet, we are using the bathroom; so, naturally, we are accustomed to relaxing our pelvic floor while sitting on the toilet.

A relaxed pelvic floor in combination with a supported squat can really help put that needed pressure on your cervix to help encourage dilation.

The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth (7)

Side-lying release

Explaining the side-lying release (SLR) position/maneuver may seem a little cumbersome, so it’s best to check out some photos/a great explanation here.

The side-lying release (SLR) position temporarily allows some extra room in the pelvis. This is especially beneficial if you’re wanting the baby to turn/reposition themself.

Not only can this position be used to help engage the baby into the pelvis and to encourage cervical dilation, but it can also be used during labor to help ease discomfort.

You will need another person to help assist with the side-lying release (SLR) maneuver.

What positions help a stalled labor?

If your labor has already started and now it is “stalled”, it can be pretty frustrating.

One of the most common reasons for a stalled labor is an environmental change, like leaving your home to get to the hospital/birthing center.

This is your body’s natural defense mechanism, wondering “Are we comfortable?” “Are we safe?”

Once you are settled and comfortable, you can try some positions to get labor started back up again. In this instance, you definitely want to keep moving!

Any upright position

Just simply walking or standing/swaying can help to restart a stalled labor. The goal is to use gravity to help move the baby down and put some pressure on your cervix.

Remember, gravity is your friend!

Any active position

Staying upright and active to help restart labor is key!

Some active positions you can try include:

  • Curb walking/walking stairs

  • Walking

  • Dancing

  • Dangling (with the support of a birth partner)

  • Squatting (supported and/or hanging)

  • Leaning (into a wall, over the side of the bed, etc.)

  • Standing/swaying

  • Hands and knees

Nipple stimulation

While this isn’t necessarily considered a “position”, nipple stimulation can be used to induce labor. Nipple stimulation causes a release of oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions. If it works to help induce labor, it can also work to help restart a stalled labor.

This can be done with a pump, with your hands, or with the help of a partner, just make sure to check in with your midwife or doctor if it’s appropriate to pump based on your medical history. If your baby’s heart rate is stressed they may discourage it.

Which position is best to cope with labor pains?

It’s no secret that labor can be painful. Some people prefer to avoid the term “pain” and refer to contractions as “waves” or “intensity”. Either way, there are ways to cope with the contractions.

First, try to keep in mind that contractions are, in fact, waves of intensity. Most of the time, you are going to get a short break between contractions. Try your best to keep your eye on the prize, AKA the break!

*A doula can be very helpful in keeping your eye on the prize. Check out our blog post to see if hiring a doula is the right idea for you!

The best positions you can use to help cope with labor pains are whichever positions feel most comfortable for you.

It may be comfortable for you to use a ball, to stay upright, to sit on the toilet, to lean over a bed or into a birth partner or you may prefer that someone applies some pressure to your back/hips during contractions; coping with the pain is completely individualized.

Having someone, like a doula, to help coach you into different positions may help you find what is most comfortable for you sooner than later.

Which positions are good for long labors?

Having a long labor can be pretty defeating, especially if you feel like you’re working hard.

It’s important to find a nice balance between being active and resting while you can.

Some positions that can still help to keep your pelvis open and baby engaged, while allowing some rest include:

  • Side lying with a peanut ball

  • Leaning into a partner or a bed

  • Sitting/swaying on a ball with your head resting on a bed

  • Frog seated

The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth (11)

Which positions can you labor and give birth in with an epidural?

Just because you choose to get an epidural, does not mean you are stuck laying in a bed for the duration of your labor/birth.

A “walking epidural” is an option; this is a “mild” epidural that still allows you to freely move while taking the edge off. With a walking epidural, you are able to get into almost any position that is comfortable for you.

If you are getting a standard epidural, it’s pretty common for you to be numb from the waist down. You are still able to get into another position, you just may need some help.

Some positions that you can be assisted into with an epidural include:

  • Side lying with or without a peanut ball

  • Sitting upright (with the help of pillows or sitting head of bed up)

  • Leaning over the head of the bed

  • Knees to chest

  • Squatting with the help of a squat bar

  • Using a rebozo (Mexican scarf) or sheet to play “tug of war”

The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth (12)

The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth (13)

Things that limit movement

If you labor and give birth in a hospital, there are some things that may limit your movement.

  • Continuous fetal monitoring

  • Intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC)

  • IV fluids/IV medications

  • Inductions of labor

  • Epidurals

We discuss all of these options and their pros/cons over on our Birth App!

Want to stay active in labor and birth? Add your preferences on freedom of movement and birthing in whatever position is comfortable for you on our Birth Plan Web App!

How often should you change positions?

To keep labor moving, open, and active, changing positions every 30-60 minutes is optimal.

Be sure to find a good balance between resting and staying active, especially if you are experiencing a longer labor.

Are there risks to any labor positions?

Unless your provider specifically tells you to avoid a position due to a health/medical concern, no labor positions are off limits.

Your nurse/provider will monitor your baby, either continuously or intermittently, during labor. If your baby is having some unpleasant heart rate changes while in a certain position, just change to another position that makes baby happy!

The Takeaway

Finding out how to make labor and birth more comfortable may be a little tricky, but it’s important to know that there are a ton of positions that can make contractions more bearable.

Learning about these positions prior to labor may help you to feel more in control when it’s time. Also, having the help of a doula, a trained birth professional, can totally take this part out of your hands. A doula can easily guide you into different positions to ensure you are most comfortable.

You may find that laboring on your hands and knees is most comfortable or that giving birth standing up feels the best.

Take a look over the best labor positions for a more comfortable birth and keep them in mind toward the end of your pregnancy!

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labor, labor positions, labor pains, epidural


The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth (2024)


The Best Labor Positions for a More Comfortable Birth (2024) — Motherboard Birth? ›

The kneeling position, also known as “on hands and knees” or “on all fours,” can help relieve back pain that can accompany labor. For added support in this position, lie over pillows, a birthing ball or a couch.

What is the most comfortable position to give birth in? ›

The kneeling position, also known as “on hands and knees” or “on all fours,” can help relieve back pain that can accompany labor. For added support in this position, lie over pillows, a birthing ball or a couch.

What is the best position to increase labor? ›

Squatting is a great way to give birth, as it enlarges the pelvic opening and gives gravity an opportunity to help the process.

What is the optimal position for labour and birth? ›

Positions to help you birth your baby easily

If you can stay upright you will have gravity to help you. Keeping your knees below your hips will open your pelvis wider, giving your baby more space to move through. If you need a rest, it is better to lie on your side, rather than on your back.

What is the most natural labor position? ›


Standing, kneeling, and squatting take advantage of gravity to help the baby move down into the pelvis. In addition, squatting increases the size of the pelvis (Johnson, Johnson, & Gupta, 1991; Simkin & Ancheta, 2011), providing more room for the baby to maneuver and descend.

What is the most comfortable position for a baby in the womb? ›

Ideally, the fetus is head down, facing the birth parent's back, with its chin tucked to its chest. This position is called cephalic or occiput anterior presentation. It's the safest fetal position because it carries the least amount of risk to both the birth parent and the fetus.

What is the best position for baby for birth? ›

Head Down, Facing Down (Cephalic Presentation)

In the cephalic presentation, the baby is head down, chin tucked to chest, facing their mother's back. This position typically allows for the smoothest delivery, as baby's head can easily move down the birth canal and under the pubic bone during childbirth.

What is the best position to give birth without tearing? ›

Birth position

A kneeling, or all-fours position, or lying on your side, may be beneficial and reduce the severity of tearing.

What is the best position to sleep in to bring on labor? ›

The progression of labor may be impacted by the position of your baby, and sleeping in new positions can help guide their head toward your pelvis. When sleeping, avoid lying on your back and instead lay on your side as far to your stomach as you can.

What is the best position to sit in to open your cervix? ›

Sit facing the back of the chair, leaning forwards. Use a pillow for comfort if you like. You could sit in this position and watch a film during the early stages of labour. Your birthing partner could massage your back during contractions.

What position do most people give birth in? ›

However, despite these benefits of giving birth in an upright position, most people who give birth vagin*lly in U.S. hospitals describe pushing and delivering lying on their backs (68%) or in a semi-sitting/lying position with the head of the bed raised up (23%).

What position should be avoided during labor? ›

Certain upright positions such as squatting position and sitting position, may correlate with perineal trauma and greater blood loss. Lithotomy and supine position should be avoided for the possible increased risk of severe perineal trauma, comparatively longer labor, greater pain, and more fetal heart rate patterns.

Does lying down slow labor? ›

Labor was slightly shorter in the women lying down, but there were no differences in other outcomes, including cesarean section or other medical interventions. “We'd recommend that women try to lie down on their sides when the cervix is fully dilated,” said the lead author, Dr.

What position is good for labour? ›

Choose a comfy position lying on your side or sitting with your feet up. Keep moving and changing positions to prevent tiredness and ensure your muscles don't get too sore. You may find yourself standing upright or bent over while rocking and swaying. This is sometimes called the 'dance of labour'.

Can I refuse to give birth on my back? ›

The Right to Autonomy

For example, you have a right to refuse induction, decide whether or not to get an epidural, eat and drink during labor, and give birth in the position of your choice. You have the right to choose where to labor and give birth and leave the hospital or birth center against medical advice.

What position speeds up labour? ›

Squatting. Squatting can be especially effective when you're ready to push. In fact, squatting is sometimes called the "midwife's forceps" because of its ability to work with gravity, enlarge the pelvic opening, and speed the pushing phase of labor.

What is the least painful position to give birth in? ›

On hands and knees

You'll take pressure off your spine, which might ease back pain. Leaning forward in this position also can open your pelvis. A hands-and-knees position might boost your baby's oxygen supply too. To give your arms a break, lower your shoulders to the bed or floor mat and place your head on a pillow.

What is the best position to avoid tearing at birth? ›

Birth position

A kneeling, or all-fours position, or lying on your side, may be beneficial and reduce the severity of tearing.

What is the best position to sleep in to bring on labour? ›

The progression of labor may be impacted by the position of your baby, and sleeping in new positions can help guide their head toward your pelvis. When sleeping, avoid lying on your back and instead lay on your side as far to your stomach as you can.


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