TNA Under Siege live results: ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy in trios action (2024)

TNA Under Siege live results: ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy in trios action (1)

Friday’s TNA Under Siege streaming special from Albany, New York, will see the promotional in-ring return of “Broken” Matt Hardy for the first time since 2017.

After making his surprise return at last month’s Rebellion, Hardy will team with “Speedball” Mike Bailey & Trent Seven against The System’s Moose, Bryan Myers & Eddie Edwards.

The night will feature two title matches as Knockouts Tag Team Champions Spitfire (Jody Threat & Dani Luna) defend against Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich whileX-Division Champion Mustafa Ali defends against Ace Austin.

Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace will team with PCO against Steph De Lander & Kon while Jonathan Gresham will make his return to in-ring action as he faces KUSHIDA.

Former TNA World Champions Josh Alexander & Eric Young will team against Frankie Kazarian & Steve Maclin whileHammerstone takes on Jake Something.

Other matches includeLaredo Kid vs. Rich Swann; Joe Hendry vs. Zachary Wentz, and two pre-show matches.


Rhino defeated VSK

Rhino took control of the match after a few chops. The action spilled to the floor. Rhino slammed VSK on the apron. VSK made a comeback as the action returned to the ring. Tom Hannifan noted that there were changes to the card. VSK missed a splash off the top rope. Rhino suplexed VSK and followed with the Gore for the pin. A crowd pleaser to open the Countdown show.

– Gia Miller interviewed Ace Austin about his X Division Title match later tonight. Ace discussed that he and Chris Bey have had some disagreements recently, but he agreed that they are both talented enough to team up and pursue singles success. He said he was no stranger to beating the odds and he made his own luck. He predicted a win. He said that even though Bey wasn’t there, he wouldn’t have trouble finding someone to celebrate with tonight.

The FBI (Zack Clayton & Ray Jaz) (w/Guido) defeated The Batiri

The Batiri had green and black facepaint. Zack Clayton used power moves to keep the advantage. Ray Jaz landed a legdrop on his opponent. The Batiri gained the advantage briefly but the FBI quickly made a comeback. Jaz hit an elbow drop and Clayton got the pin.

– Frankie Kazarian and Steve Maclin agreed to team up and take care of business tonight.

Laredo Kid defeated KC Navarro to retain the TNA Digital Media Title

Kid landed a moonsault from the top rope to the floor on KC. Back in the ring, Kid chopped KC hard. They exchanged moves back and forth. KC dropkicked Kid. The action went to the floor briefly with KC getting the upper hand. Kid gave KC a series of clotheslines.

Kid gave KC a senton and an elbow drop for a two count. Kid missed a moonsault and KC gave him a superkick. KC gave Kid a DDT for a two count. Kid kicked KC and gave him a Spanish Fly from the top rope for the pin. This match was all action. A solid win to continue Kid’s title reign.

Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt ran down the card for the evening and pitched to the main show. They noted that Hammerstone is not medically cleared and will be replaced by Rich Swann in the match against Jake Something.

Eric Young & Josh Alexander defeated Frankie Kazarian & Steve Maclin

Alexander gave Young headgear to wear to protect his taped up ear. Young went right after Kazarian, who immediately tagged out. Young dropkicked Maclin. Alexander armdragged Kazarian. Alexander gave Kazarian a rolling senton. Alexander chopped Maclin. Alexander knocked Maclin off the apron, but Maclin tripped Alexander. Kazarian chopped Alexander and gave him a Russian leg sweep for a two count. Maclin gave Alexander a backbreaker.

Kazarian gave Alexander a backstabber. Kazarian got a two count after a suplex. Kazarian leveled Alexander with a back elbow. Maclin drop a knee on Alexander’s back. Alexander threw Kazarian to the outside. Young chased Kazarian around the ring, but Maclin decked Young. Alexander gave Kazarian a belly to belly suplex off the top rope and finally made the hot tag to Young, who cleaned house on Maclin. Young finally got to Kazarian and choked him, but Kazarian escaped.

Alexander gave Maclin a series of German suplexes. Kazarian legdropped Alexander and gave him a DDT. All four wrestlers exchanged moves. Maclin knocked Young off the top rope and gave him Caught in the Crosshairs for a two count. Alexander gave Maclin a backbreaker for a two count. Maclin slammed Alexander and Young gave Maclin a flying elbow drop to break up the pin attempt. Young and Kazarian faced off. Young attacked Kazarian with punches. Alexander decked Kazarian with a forearm shot.

Maclin clotheslined Alexander over the top rope. Maclin accidentally gave Kazarian a running knee. Alexander gave Maclin a crossbody block on the apron. Young gave Kazarian a piledriver and got the pin.

A really good tag team match to kick off the evening. Young got a bit of revenge, but I’m sure there will be more chapters to his feud with Kazarian.

Ash By Elegance (w/ The Personal Concierge) defeated Havok (w/ Rosemary)

The Concierge said that he received a blessing and holy water to purify the ring and get rid of the evil spirits, then brought Ash to the ring. Ash wore a necklace of garlic during her entrance. Havok powered Ash to the mat. Ash regrouped on the outside. Ash evaded Havok and posed. Ash slapped Havok. Havok grabbed Ash and slapped her. Havok rag dolled Ash. Ash rolled to the outside and consulted with the Concierge.

Havok pulled Ash back into the ring. Ash went to slap Havok again but Havok gave her a headbutt and launched Ash. The Concierge threw the holy water into Havok’s eyes. Ash powerbombed Havok to the mat. The Concierge tried to throw holy water on Rosemary, but she drank it and chased him up the ramp. Havok went for a suplex, but Ash was able to roll her up for the pin.

After the match, Ash choked Havok with the garlic necklace. Ash attacked Havok with a chair and gave her the Rarified Air with a chair on top of Havok. Ash taunted Havok on the ramp and gave her a DDT. Someone in the crowd yelled “She has a family!”

This was entertaining for what it was and could lead to an interesting feud. I’m just glad the Ash vs. Xia Brookside feud is apparently over.

– Gia Miller interviewed “Broken” Matt Hardy and Speedball Mountain. Mike Bailey said he feels a bit broken. Trent Seven told Bailey to pull himself together because they’ve reached the main event and are now House Hardy. Matt said The System was under siege. He said he is with family. He gave them “coats of arms” to keep them safe tonight.

Joe Hendry defeated Zachary Wentz

The announcers speculated about why Trey Miguel wasn’t with Wentz. They also touted the success of Hendry’s recently released song. Hendry did mic work before the match and said the wrestling business is all about “Who have you beaten?” He noted that wrestlers in the back have beaten some big names such as Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, and Bushwhacker Luke. He asked if fans have heard of Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, or Post Malone. He said that he had beaten them all on the UK music charts and was now number six. Fans chanted “Number Six!” Hendry said the entire world was saying “We believe.”

Wentz charged Hendry at the bell and went on the attack. Wentz did a dive on Hendry on the ramp. Wentz got a two count on Hendry. Wentz gave Hendry a series of kicks. Wentz attempted a dive on the outside, but Hendry caught him and threw him back into the ring. Hendry followed with a clothesline and overhead slam.

Wentz gave Hendry more kicks and a swanton bomb for a two count. Hendry threw Wentz to the mat and gave him the Standing Ovation chokeslam for the pin. Decent match. Hendry’s mic work was almost as long as the match. This seemed almost more of a match to promote Hendry’s music success than anything.

Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich defeated Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (w/ Lars Frederiksen) to win the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles

Lars joined Hannifan and Rehwoldt on commentary. He said that Spitfire was working on being a more cohesive team and learning to thwart tactics from wrestlers like Masha and Alisha. Lars noted that he made songs about destroying the system. Spitfire double teamed Masha early, including giving her a delayed suplex. Alisha turned the tide by snapping Dani’s neck over the top rope. Alisha talked trash to Dani, but Dani fought back until Masha cut her off.

Masha and Alisha double teamed Dani. Masha threw Dani out of the ring. Alisha hit Jody Threat with a kendo stick behind the referee’s back. Masha powerbombed Jody. Then gave her a front piledriver for the pin. The System came out to celebrate.

– AJ Francis and Rich Swann promo. AJ talked about moving on from Joe Hendry’s apology. He said that Rich Swann would have beat Laredo Kid in his scheduled non-title match but now he would beat Jake Something.

Rich Swann (w/ AJ Francis) defeated Jake Something

AJ interfered while Jake was on the floor. Back in the ring, Swann kicked Jake numerous times. Jake finally fired up but Swann raked his eyes. Swann choked Jake on the second rope as AJ cheered him on. AJ attacked Jake again while the referee wasn’t looking. Swann raked Jake’s eyes again to cut off a rally. Swann got a two count after more kicks.

Swann clotheslined Jake, but he no-sold it and returned a clothesline of his own. Swann sidestepped Jake and kicked him in the head. Jake made a comeback. Swann escaped Into the Void and kicked Jake. Jake caught Swann with a punch as he was coming off the ropes. AJ pulled down the top rope so that Jake fell out of the ring. The referee saw AJ about to attack Jake.

Cody Deaner walked to the stage. He stopped the referee from stopping the match and said that Santino Marella was going to leave it to the people to decide if the match would end in a DQ or if he should come to the ring and “chop down that Dolla Tree.” Fans chanted “Dolla Tree.” Cody said the fans have spoken and he attacked AJ. AJ chokeslammed Cody on the apron,. Jake did a dive on AJ. Swann followed with a dive on Jake. Swann gave Jake a cutter in the ring and a frog splash for the pin.

The match was okay, but there was way too much interference. Surprise result with Swann pinning Jake.

Jonathan Gresham defeated KUSHIDA

Gresham wore a black octopus mask to the ring and wrestled in a black mask. Gresham coughed loudly after the first lock up and continued to cough. Kushida put Gresham in a surfboard submission on the mat. They traded chops. Gresham bit Kushida’s arm and the announcers noted how that is uncharacteristic of him. Gresham aggressively stomped Kushida. Gresham put Kushida in a Boston Crab. Kushida reached the ropes to break the hold; Gresham wouldn’t release the hold until the count of four. Kushida went after Gresham’s left knee. Kushida connected with the palm strike.

Gresham rolled up Kushida using the tights for a two count. Kushida went after Gresham’s right arm. They had a quick sequence of moves and both collapsed to the mat. After they got to their feet, they traded punches. Gresham had a black substance like ink all over his hands. He was spitting it out and put it in Kushida’s mouth, leading to Gresham getting the pin. Kushida started coughing after the match and security helped him to the back.

The match itself was good, but the new mysterious presentation of Gresham and the black substance was the bigger story coming out of the match. It will be intriguing to see where this will lead.

Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace & PCO defeated Steph De Lander & Kon

Grace “re-animated” PCO during his entrance. Grace and Kon battled to start the match. Grace gave Kon several forearm shots. Kon shoulderblocked Grace to the mat. Steph tagged in and chopped Grace. Steph suplexed Grace for a two count. Grace backdropped Steph. PCO and Kon faced off and traded strikes. PCO clotheslined Kon and gave him an elbow drop. PCO gave Kon the PCOsault but Steph broke up the pin.

Kon and Steph tagged in and out to keep the advantage. Kon and PCO clotheslined each other. Grace made the hot tag and hit a series of moves on Steph. Steph put the referee between her and Grace and used the distraction to get the upper hand. PCO went to chokeslam Steph but she tried to flirt with him to get out of it.

PCO dipped her and was going to kiss her but he got attacked and chokeslammed by Kon. Grace hit Kon low and gave him a Death Valley Driver. PCO did a dive through the ropes and onto Kon on the floor. Grace powebombed Steph, followed by the backfist, and Juggernaut Driver for the pin.

A fun match that was a nice change of pace. Grace’s power was highlighted and the crowd was really into it. If the Kon and PCO feud is never going to end, then was a fresh way of keeping it going.

Mustafa Ali defeated Ace Austin to retain the TNA X Division Title

Hannifan noted again that Chris Bey was unable to be with Ace tonight. After some initial action, Ali gave Ace a flying tornado DDT on the floor. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” Ali choked Ace with the ring apron. Ali gave Ace a kick and followed with a neckbreaker for a two count.

Ace caught Ali with a clothesline. Ace DDT’d Ali for a two count. Ali chopped Ace, but Ace came back with a legdrop. Ali threw Ace into the post and Ace sold his arm. Ali wrapped Ace’s arm around the post and put him in a version of the STF. Back in the ring, Ali taunted Ace and slammed him. Ace came back and slammed Ali and followed with a kick.

Ace threw Ali’s arm into the turnbuckle, then gave him a legdrop for a two count. Ali pulled Ace down and gave him a German suplex on the outside, prompting a “Holy s***!” chant from the fans, Back in the ring, Ace was able to suplex Ali into the corner. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” again.

Ace tried to pop his shoulder back into place. They exchanged strikes. Ace kicked Ali in the head and he fell out of the ring. Ace kicked Ali was he was on the apron, Ali pulled Ace off the apron and threw him back in the ring. Ali put Ace in the sharpshooter. Ace pulled Ali to break the hold. Ace kicked Ali and powerbombed him for a two count. Ali’s Secret Service guys got on the apron, but Ali knocked them off.

Ace hit The Fold on Ali, but one of Ali’s security members pulled him out of the ring. Ace knocked out a security member on the ramp. Ace rolled up Ali for a two count. Ali kicked Ace off the ropes. Ace feel onto the X Division Title belt that Ali had just brought in the ring, Ali hit the 450 splash for the pin.

Easily the match of the night. These two worked so well together and the fans ate it up. Ali’s streak of impressive matches continues, as well as the storyline of ABC coming up short in singles matches.

The System (TNA World Champion Moose & Tag Team Champions Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers) defeated “Broken” Matt Hardy & Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey & Trent Seven)

Speedball Mountain came out in coats like Hardy and did the “Delete” gesture. Rehwoldt said they look stupid. Brian Myers and Hardy started the match, but Hardy said he wanted Moose. Moose tagged in but said “That’s not how The System works” and tagged out to Eddie Edwards. Hardy bit Eddie’s hand. Eddie gave Hardy a thumb to the eye. Hardy catapulted Eddie into the ropes. Speedball Mountain double teamed Eddie. Fans chanted “Delete!” Mike Bailey avoided Myers and chopped him. Hardy’s team triple teamed Myers.

Bailey gave Myers a series of punches. Bailey missed a standing moonsault. Moose slammed Bailey and got a two count. Fans chanted “Ball of Speed.” Eddie clotheslined Bailey and scored a two count. Myers put Bailey in a chinlock and gave him a back elbow.Rehwoldt called Myers the “Wrestler of Great Profession.”Moose stomped on Bailey’s ankle. Moose’s team kept the advantage on Bailey.

Moose knocked Hardy off the apron. Bailey finally made the tag to Trent Seven and ran wild on The System. Seven jumped off the ropes but Moose moved. Eddie gave Seven a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Fans chanted “Trent the Seven.” Eddie charged Seven but missed and fell to the outside. Seven tried to make the tag, but Eddie and Myers pulled down Hardy and Bailey at the exact moment. Seven clotheslined Myers and made the tag to Hardy.

Hardy punched and clotheslined Eddie, then took down Eddie and Myers with a clothesline. Hardy drove Eddie and Myers’ heads into the turnbuckles. Hardy gave Eddie a Side Effect for a two count. Eddie escaped the Twist of Fate. Moose stepped in the ring and faced Hardy. They traded punches. Moose booted Hardy. Hardy caught Moose with a cutter when he came off the top rope for a dramatic two count. Fans chanted “Holy s***!”

Hardy gave Moose an elbow drop for another two count. Hardy called for the Twist of Fate. Eddie broke it up. Bailey tagged in and dropkicked Myers from the top rope. Bailey gave Myers a tornado kick. Myers gave Bailey a spear, but Seven and Myers broke up the pin. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” The System went for a triple piledriver but Hardy’s team escaped and turned it into a tripe Twist of Fate. Seven tagged in.

Moose knocked Hardy out of the ring. Speedball Mountain did a moonsault and dive on Myers and Eddie. Everyone brawled on the floor. Moose powerbombed Seven on the apron. Hardy escaped a Moose powerbomb and bit Moose. Hardy gave Moose a Twist of Fate on the floor. Hardy put Moose on a table at ringside. Hardy climbed to the top rope and legdropped Moose through the table. Back in the ring, Speedball Mountain fought Eddie and Myers.

Bailey did an Ultima Weapon on Myers on the apron. Seven gave Eddie a burning hammer, but Alisha broke up the pin. Bailey confronted Alisha, but Myers gave Bailey a Roster Cut on the floor. In the ring, Eddie kicked Seven low and gave him a boot to the face, followed by a backpack stunner. Myers immediately gave Seven an elbow drop and Eddie pinned Seven.

A spirited main event, which the crowd was invested in. The fans were really into Hardy’s act, as well as Speedball Mountain. The System continues to dominate and has even added gold. Despite The System winning, this could still set up a Hardy vs. Moose title match.

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TNA Under Siege live results: ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy in trios action (2024)


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