Top 12 most profitable online businesses for 2024 (+ Net Income Calculator) (2024)

Hey, Ramit here. As a NYT bestselling author who’s helped over 50 million readers and 50,000 clients build online businesses, I’ve seen what works (and what doesn’t) in the ever-changing digital world.

In this guide, I’m sharing the 12 most profitable online businesses you can start in 2024. These tried-and-true models are primed for success, and I’ve even included a net income calculator so you can see your earning potential right away.

Ready to crunch the numbers and discover your next business venture? Let’s get started!

Top 12 most profitable online businesses for 2024 (+ Net Income Calculator) (2)

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Top 12 most profitable online businesses for 2024 (+ Net Income Calculator) (3)

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Table of Contents

12 of the Most Lucrative Online Businesses

1. Digital Products

Digital products have carved their place as one of the most financially rewarding online ventures. They include wide selections that are created digitally and delivered electronically. Think eBooks, online courses, eye-catching graphics, and those handy downloadable templates — they all fall into this digital product realm.

Selling digital products is like having a wellspring of profit. The beauty lies in the fact that there’s no heavy production cost involved. No need to worry about storing products or dealing with sales commissions. You put your creative mind to work and craft valuable digital content that resonates with your audience. Once you’ve laid the groundwork, these products can keep churning profits behind the scenes — like the gift that keeps on giving!

Who can benefit from diving into the digital product world? Just about anyone with expertise or a unique skill set to share.

Whether you’re an educator, a writer, an artist, or an industry expert, there’s a digital niche waiting for you. It’s all about packaging your know-how into something that provides real value to your audience. So, if you’re up for the challenge of creating valuable content that folks are eager to get their virtual hands-on, this could be your online money-making avenue.

2. Online Courses and Training

Online courses and training come in the form of educational videos, audio, texts, and interactive experiences that are designed to empower learners across a spectrum of subjects. From learning a new language to fine-tuning your entrepreneurial skills, delving into fitness routines, and more — with the right course, you can now learn to do all these things.

Online courses and training are a goldmine of opportunity. As industries continue to evolve, the hunger for accessible, high-quality education grows, too. And guess what? Creating these courses doesn’t have to break the bank. With relatively low production costs, you can generate substantial income by sharing your expertise in formats that learners prefer.

If you’re an educator, author, industry expert, or anyone with specialized knowledge to impart, this is for you. I’ve crafted highly popular and powerful online courses that turn valuable insights into actionable learning experiences. And, apart from the satisfaction of helping people upskill and grow, there’s one other thing I thoroughly enjoy about online courses: they serve as an incredible passive income stream.

Once you’ve put in the effort to create them, they keep generating revenue while you’re busy making more of your dreams come true. And if you head over to my blog today, I will teach you how to create and sell awesome online courses and kickstart this part of your online business journey.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Imagine being the bridge that connects someone’s needs with the perfect solution, all while pocketing a healthy slice of the transaction — that’s affiliate marketing. It’s a collaborative effort between brands and the individuals who promote their products or services.

Whether it’s fashion, tech gadgets, beauty products, or even niche services, affiliate marketing finds its way into every corner of the Internet. You’re not just selling; you’re solving problems, one click at a time.

As an affiliate marketer, you’re not bogged down by inventory, shipping logistics, or customer service. Your job is to guide potential buyers toward the right products, and modern technology does the rest. Industries like e-commerce, personal development, and digital services thrive under the affiliate marketing umbrella, making it a versatile platform for diverse niches.

If you’re a blogger, content creator, influencer, or anyone with an online presence, you’re in for a treat. By weaving affiliate marketing into your content, you’re not just sharing valuable insights — you’re also creating revenue streams that can become substantial over time.

4. E-Commerce

E-commerce is a business opportunity that allows you to tap into a global customer base without ever setting foot in a physical store.

When COVID-19 shut everything down, the world experienced a massive shift into the e-commerce space because of its sheer convenience. Businesses that were able to rapidly launch a digital storefront reaped the massive rewards of their quick thinking. Even years after pandemic restrictions eased up, e-commerce still has a hold on the masses.

The benefits of starting an e-commerce business are plenty. With the overhead costs often being lower compared to brick-and-mortar stores and not being constrained by geographical limitations, industries like retail, fashion, beauty, arts and crafts, and even digital products are thriving.

5. Drop Shipping

Picture this: a booming online store without the hassle of managing inventory or shipping logistics. That’s drop shipping.

In a nutshell, it’s the process of selling products to customers without ever holding the physical items yourself. As an entrepreneur, you can glide into the world of online retail without the burden of warehousing and shipping, creating a smoother path to profitability.

Let’s say you want to sell the latest tech gadgets, trendy fashion pieces, or even quirky home décor. With drop shipping, you partner with suppliers who hold the inventory and, through your website, have these suppliers ship the orders directly to your customers. Your focus is on building your brand, curating products, and offering exceptional customer service, leaving the nitty-gritty tasks to others.

The benefits? Startup costs are minimal since you don’t need to invest in inventory upfront. And since you can sell virtually anything online these days, the potential for variety is huge, making industries like fashion, beauty, and tech good candidates for gaining the most from the drop shipping model.

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6. Freelance Writing

Want to turn your way with words into a profitable online venture? Freelance writing is for you! This income stream is all about crafting compelling content for clients, from blog posts and articles to social media captions and website copy.

In today’s content-hungry world, businesses are constantly seeking skilled writers to help convey their messages effectively to their intended audience. Whether you’re passionate about travel, tech, health, or finance (or basically everything and anything under the sun), there’s a readership for it! It’s a business where your words have the potential to shape brands, drive engagement, and push people to take action — whether that means, “subscribe”, “follow”, or “add to cart”.

As a freelance writer, you enjoy the flexibility of setting your own hours and working from anywhere with an Internet connection. Industries like digital marketing, e-commerce, and online publications are hungry for top-notch content, making freelance writing a goldmine for those with a knack for words. Plus, there’s room for growth: you can evolve from being a solo freelancer to building your own writing agency, scaling your business and revenue in the process.

7. Blogging

If you think that sharing your thoughts, ideas, and expertise with the world can help you rake in profits, then you’re absolutely right! That’s the magic of blogging, one of the most lucrative online businesses around.. if you do it right.

These days, we’ve all become information-hungry and blogs have become our go-to sources for knowledge, inspiration, and advice. Whether you’re passionate about fitness, personal finance, travel, or cooking, blogging is all about creating engaging content on any topic or niche and sharing it with an eager online audience.

Blogging offers you the freedom to express yourself while potentially earning a handsome income. Brands seek partnerships with influential bloggers to tap into their engaged audiences, making it a win-win situation. Industries like lifestyle, finance, and health particularly benefit from well-crafted blogs that provide valuable insights and solutions.

Blogging isn’t just for seasoned writers, however; it’s a fantastic business option for anyone with a passion and a voice. If you’re ready to turn your expertise into a thriving online business, blogging might just be your avenue. Oh, and speaking of which, I’ve got you covered with a comprehensive guide on how to start your own blog.

8. Virtual Assistance

Virtual assistance involves providing a wide array of services — from administrative tasks to social media management — to busy entrepreneurs and businesses without the constraints of traditional office spaces.

From scheduling appointments and managing emails to conducting research and coordinating projects, virtual assistants (VAs) are the backbone of many successful businesses in industries spanning real estate, e-commerce, coaching, and more.

Virtual assistance is a flexible option for individuals who possess organizational skills and a knack for problem-solving. Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent looking to make a meaningful income or a professional seeking a new venture, virtual assistance offers a compelling opportunity for profit and growth.

And, much like freelance writing, scaling from a one-person team to a bustling group of highly capable VAs is within reach as your expertise and client base grow.

9. App Development

Developing apps for specific needs is one way to turn your coding prowess into a booming online business. App development involves creating software applications for mobile devices and computers, catering to an ever-expanding market that’s hungry for innovative solutions.

Whether you’re designing productivity tools, entertainment apps, or specialized solutions for industries like healthcare and finance, the possibilities are endless. The perks of app development extend beyond the financial gains, too.

Industries across the board, from startups to established corporations, are outsourcing talented remote app developers to bring their ideas to life. So, your ability to solve problems and enhance user experiences without ever leaving your home is a bonus cherry on top.

10. Domain Investing

Imagine owning a piece of digital real estate that can appreciate in value over time. That’s the essence of domain investing.

This online business option involves purchasing and holding domain names with the expectation that their value will increase, much like investing in real estate properties. Whether it’s a memorable .com domain or a trendy .io extension, domain investing offers a unique avenue to grow your wealth.

A well-chosen domain can appreciate significantly in value, making it a smart long-term investment. Moreover, the barrier to entry is relatively low compared to other ventures, making it accessible to both beginners and seasoned entrepreneurs.

Industries such as tech, marketing, and even entertainment are ripe for domain investing, as a memorable web address can be a game-changer in these areas. So, if you’re someone with a keen eye for trends, a knack for branding, and an interest in digital assets, domain investing could be right up your alley.

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11. Website Design and Development

As the digital landscape continues to expand, industries across the board — from retail and finance to healthcare and beyond — rely on web developers and designers to translate their vision into user-friendly websites.

Brand websites are often the first touchpoint between the business and its audience. This makes having the ability to create stunning, engaging, and brand-cohesive online spaces a game-changer.

With the right skills, you can command premium rates for creating digital masterpieces. From sleek e-commerce sites that convert visitors into customers to informative blogs that educate and entertain, you’ll never run out of projects to work on.

12. YouTube

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know what YouTube is. But did you also know that beyond adorable cat videos and makeup tutorials, YouTube can also be one of the most lucrative online businesses?

Creators are turning their passions into profits by sharing content on this platform. From how-to guides and travel vlogs to cooking lessons and tech reviews, YouTube is a versatile platform that caters to a wide array of interests.

People are capitalizing on this by monetizing their channels through ads, sponsorships, merchandise sales, and more. The appeal lies in its accessibility — anyone with a camera, a knack for storytelling, and something to share can become a content creator.

Not only can YouTube generate passive income once your videos gain traction, but it can also position you as an authority in your niche. Industries like education, entertainment, fitness, beauty, food, tech, and business greatly benefit from YouTube’s reach and engagement.

Curious how to get started with a big income on YouTube? In episode 86 of my podcast, we meet a couple that’s pulling in six figures on YouTube- and it’s creating tension in their relationship.

As the platform continues to evolve and attract billions of users, the opportunities to monetize your content and build a brand are limitless. If you’re passionate about something and can convey it effectively on camera, then definitely check out my step-by-step guide on how to make money on YouTube to get started.

Crunching the Numbers: Is Your Business Idea Profitable?

You’ve just explored a dozen promising online business ideas for 2024 – way to go! Now, before you take the plunge, there’s one crucial step you can’t skip: calculating your potential net income.

Net income is your bottom line – the total profits after subtracting all expenses. It’s the key metric that reveals whether your business idea is financially healthy and sustainable. Positive net income? You’re in the green. Negative? That’s a red flag.

Before launching your chosen online business, estimating your net income helps you:

  • Assess profitability and viability
  • Set realistic financial goals and budgets
  • Make informed decisions about pricing, hiring, and growth
  • Attract potential investors or secure loans

So, how do you calculate net income?

Net Income Calculator: Your Tool for Projecting Profitability

To use the calculator, you’ll need to estimate the following:

  1. Total income from sales or services
  2. Direct costs (e.g., materials, labor directly related to your product/service)
  3. Operating expenses (e.g., rent, utilities, salaries, marketing)
  4. Interest paid on borrowed funds (if applicable)
  5. Taxes owed

Don’t worry if you don’t have exact figures – ballpark estimates will do. Here are some helpful guidelines:

  • Bank loan interest rates for small businesses typically range from 11.5-15% annually as of 2024.
    • To calculate your interest in dollars, multiply your loan amount by the interest rate. For example, a $50,000 loan at 12% interest would mean $6,000 in annual interest.
  • Small businesses often pay 19.8% of their annual gross income in taxes.
    • To estimate your taxes in dollars, multiply your projected gross income by 0.198. For instance, if your gross income is $100,000, your estimated taxes would be $19,800.
  • Direct costs and operating expenses vary widely by industry – research your niche to get a rough idea.

Once you’ve gathered your estimates, simply plug them into the calculator and voila! You’ll see your projected operating income, gross income, and the all-important net income.

Total income from sales or services

Direct costs attributable to goods sold

Ongoing expenses for running your business

Interest paid on borrowed funds (in dollars)

Total taxes owed

Operating Income


Gross Income


Net Income


Interpreting Your Results: What Your Net Income Means

A positive net income indicates your business idea is profitable – you’re earning more than you’re spending. The higher the number, the better! This is the green light investors look for.

If your net income is negative (a.k.a. net loss), don’t panic. Many startups operate at a loss initially as they invest in growth. However, a persistent net loss is unsustainable in the long run. If your calculator results aren’t as rosy as you hoped, consider:

  • Adjusting your pricing to increase revenue
  • Identifying areas to cut costs without sacrificing quality
  • Exploring additional revenue streams to boost your bottom line

Armed with your net income projection, you can make smarter, more confident decisions as you launch your online business journey. Whether you’re aiming for a modest side hustle or a thriving digital empire, having a profitable business is the foundation for success.

So, go ahead – tinker with the calculator, play with different scenarios, and let the numbers be your guide. Your profitable online business is few decisions away!


What type of online business is the most profitable?

The real money-makers in the online world? Businesses that play to your strengths, fix a real problem, and can grow big. We’re talking online courses, specialized services, or subscriptions that people actually want to keep paying for.

Here’s the kicker: chasing the latest fad isn’t the secret. It’s about leveraging what you’re great at to meet a need that’s been overlooked, then delivering on that promise, day in and day out.

What small business is the most successful?

They’re the ones where you tap into your unique strengths, get super clear on who you’re serving, and solve a real problem for them. It could be in online education, health and wellness, tech solutions, e-commerce, or niche freelance services. The golden rule isn’t just what you do, but how you do it: executing your idea with precision, creating undeniable value, and setting up systems that fuel growth. Start with what you’re passionate about, match that with a clear need in the market, and deliver something your audience can’t find anywhere else. That’s the blueprint for a small business that doesn’t just succeed but thrives.

Can I start an online business with no money?

Yes, you can start an online business with zero cash. Focus on what you’re already good at—consulting, coaching, writing, you name it. Market yourself with free tools: social media, a simple website, and free email marketing platforms. It’s all about connecting with people, delivering killer value, and solving their problems. Aim to land your first clients, then use what you earn to grow. Starting with nothing? It just means you’ll get creative and hustle harder. For more ideas, check out my guide on the “How to Start a Business With No Money to Invest” It’s proof that lack of funds is no barrier to kicking off your entrepreneurial journey.

What is the easiest online business to start?

Offer a service you’re good at, like writing, design, or consulting. All you need is your skills, a computer, and internet. Find clients through LinkedIn, your network, or freelance sites. Start small, scale up. Success hinges on your hustle and adaptability.

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Top 12 most profitable online businesses for 2024 (+ Net Income Calculator) (2024)


Which online business is most profitable in 2024? ›

Top 22 online business ideas in 2024
  • Technical writer.
  • Remote tech support.
  • Virtual assistant.
  • Subscription box curator.
  • Resume and cover letter writer.
  • e-book author.
  • Sell NFTs.
  • Transcription services.

What's the most profitable business to start in 2024? ›

15 of the most profitable small businesses to start in 2024
  • Cleaning services.
  • Dog walker.
  • Mobile car wash.
  • Tutoring.
  • Fitness and personal training.
  • Social media expert and influencer.
  • Digital marketing.
  • Food trucks and food stands.

What is the cheapest most profitable business to start? ›

Low-cost business ideas with high profit potential
  • Become a personal trainer.
  • Produce online courses.
  • Start a dog-walking or pet-sitting business.
  • Perform social media management services.
  • Become an event planner.
  • Create a car wash business.
  • Start a photography business.
  • Offer freelance writing services.
Jan 25, 2024

What is the easiest online business to start? ›

We've compiled a list of potentially profitable online businesses that have minimal startup costs and are easy to get up and running quickly.
  1. Small business consulting. ...
  2. SEO consulting. ...
  3. Social media consulting. ...
  4. Niche market e-commerce retail. ...
  5. Web design or web development business. ...
  6. Online blogging. ...
  7. Virtual assisting.
Jan 3, 2024

What small business makes the most money? ›

The 7 most profitable small business ideas
  • Personal training and health coaching.
  • Web design and development.
  • Social media marketing and management.
  • Technology repair services.
  • App development and coding.
  • Cleaning services.
  • Virtual assistant services.
Apr 2, 2024

What is the most profitable thing to sell online? ›

The 9 Most Profitable Products to Sell Online in 2024
  • Beauty Products. Source. Beauty products to sell online can range from inclusive makeup shades to haircare products, skincare products, facial tools and devices, beauty supplements, and natural and organic skincare. ...
  • Pet Care Items. Source. ...
  • Athleisure Wear. Source.

What online company makes the most money? ›

Amazon is the Internet company with the highest revenue, at $469.82 billion in 2021.

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The Saudi Arabian Oil Company, known to most as Saudi Aramco, is by far the world's most profitable company, raking in a stunning $304 million of profits every day.

What business is booming right now? ›

Ecommerce Business

With more than two billion ecommerce customers online, now is a great time to start your ecommerce store. Map out your idea, plan how you are going to get the word out to the masses, and finally, turn that business idea into a profitable endeavor.

What business will boom in 2025? ›

These future business ideas are mentioned below:
  • 3D Printing.
  • Online Education.
  • EV charging stations.
  • Solar Power.
  • Renewable energy.
  • Outsourcing business.
  • Coworking spaces, and others.
Feb 29, 2024

What is the fastest business to start? ›

Business ideas that are easy to start quickly
  • Freelance services. ...
  • Selling on eBay. ...
  • Pet sitting. ...
  • Cleaning service. ...
  • Delivery service. ...
  • Hauling. ...
  • Tutor. Tutoring is an excellent home-based business idea. ...
  • Entertainer. Got a talent that people enjoy seeing you perform?

What business requires absolutely no money to start? ›

There are also some businesses you can start offline that don't require startup cash. For example, you might start a dog-walking or pet-sitting business, become a tutor for local students, or teach art or music. These businesses allow you to leverage your skills to make money without spending any money.

What is the best business to start with little money? ›

18 of the best business ideas to start with little money
  • Dropshipping.
  • Print on demand.
  • Selling on Amazon.
  • Move your brick and mortar store online.
  • Video creation.
  • Subscription boxes.
  • Interior design business.
  • Start a podcast.

Is e-commerce still profitable in 2024? ›

With online sales reaching $5.7 trillion globally in 2022, and projected to exceed $8.1 trillion by 2026, a burning question arises: Is eCommerce still profitable in 2024? The answer is a resounding yes, but success depends on careful planning and making the right choices to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Which business is most profitable in next 5 years? ›

All these top 10 most profitable business in future are listed below.
  • Asteroid Mining. The term Asteroid Mining may be new to you but its idea is way too old. ...
  • Automobile Charging Stations. ...
  • 3D Printing. ...
  • Online Learning. ...
  • The Biometric Company. ...
  • DNA Reading. ...
  • Privacy Protection Entity. ...
  • Rise in the Business of Coworking Spaces.
Apr 16, 2024

What is it estimated that by 2024 B2B eCommerce will generate? ›

In 2024, B2B ecommerce sales will increase by 16% and total $2.641 trillion, up from $2.276 trillion in 2023, based on a projection from Digital Commerce 360.


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.