Turkey vs. Chicken: Which Is Healthier? - Signos (2024)

Turkey vs. Chicken: White Meat and Protein

Chicken and turkey are both poultry meats that provide a healthy protein source.

Protein is a crucial part of your diet. Protein is within every aspect of your body - muscles, skin, hair, cells, and enzymes. Protein helps your body to heal and build new tissues or cells.1

Eating appropriate protein amounts is essential to life.1

This article dives into the main differences and similarities between turkey and chicken and explains their nutritional facts and benefits.

Both chicken and turkey provide healthy protein. Generally, chicken tends to be higher in vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid, and turkey tends to be lower in calories, fat, and sodium while having more zinc, niacin, and vitamin B12.

Key Insights on Poultry Consumption

Over the past twenty years, poultry has become the world’s most consumed animal protein source. Poultry meat includes chicken, turkey, duck, and geese. Chicken and turkey make up the largest portion of poultry consumption globally and in the United States.2

Global poultry imports reached 14.2 million metric tons in 2021 and are expected to grow to 17.5 million by 2031. Pork and beef are increasing steadily but still lower than poultry.2

In the United States, the USDA reports that the average adult ate 96.8 pounds of chicken in 2021. Americans eat chicken almost double that of beef and pork.3

Americans eat less turkey than chicken at about 15.3 pounds per person in 2021. Interestingly, turkey consumption has doubled since 1970 as more people use ground turkey instead of ground beef.4

Poultry consumption has increased for various reasons – it is more affordable than beef, has a quicker growing time than other animals, and has some nutritional positives.

Turkey Meat Cuts vs. Chicken Cuts

Since turkey and chicken are both birds, they have similar cuts of meat. Most people describe chicken or turkey cuts as dark or white meat.

The amount of myoglobin characterizes whether it is white or dark meat. More myoglobin is needed in muscles that do a lot of work.5

Walking is the main work for chickens and turkeys; they fly less than other poultry. This makes the breast meat lighter in color due to less myoglobin, and the legs are darker since they have more myoglobin.5

This table details the nutrition differences and similarities in 3.5 ounces (100 gm) of different cuts of meat.

Turkey breast (white meat, no skin)6

Chicken breast (white meat, no skin)7

Calories 147 calories 161 calories
Protein 30 g 30 g
Total Fat 2.1 g 3.5 g
Saturated Fat 0.6 g 0.75 g
Iron 0.7 mg (4% DV) 0.45mg (2% DV)
Sodium 99 mg (4% DV) 360mg (26% DV)
Niacin 11.8 mg (74% DV) 10.3 mg (63% DV)
Vitamin B6 0.8 mg (62% DV) 0.87 mg (67% DV)
Zinc 1.7 mg (16% DV) 0.9 mg (8% DV)
Cholesterol 80 mg (27%) 98 mg (33% DV)

Turkey (dark meat, no skin)8 Chicken (dark meat, no skin)9
Calories 173 calories 178 calories
Protein 27.7 g 23.2 g
Total Fat 6 g 8.7 g
Saturated Fat 1.8 g 2.4 g
Iron 1.4 mg (8 % DV) 1.3 mg (8% DV)
Sodium 104 mg (4% DV) 95 mg (4% DV)
Niacin 7 mg (44% DV) 6 mg (38% DV)
Vitamin B6 0.44mg (34% DV) 0.3 mg (23 % DV)
Zinc 3.5 mg (32 % DV) 2.1mg (19% DV)
Cholesterol 128 mg (42% DV) 75 mg (25% DV)

Protein is comparable among white meat cuts at 30 g in a 3.5-ounce serving. Protein content is slightly lower in the dark meat cuts, while fat content is higher. Calories and fat are lower in the turkey meat than the chicken cuts, which often gives a drier texture to the turkey.

Overall, both chicken and poultry provide similar nutrients in slightly different amounts.

Turkey Broth vs. Chicken Broth: Which Is Better?

Bone broth (or stock) and broth are liquid bases for many recipes.

The key word to distinguish between the two is “bone.” Bone broth or stock is made by combining the animal bones, meat left on the bones, and the connective tissue and simmering it in water for many hours. Bone broth or stock is heartier and can be used alone or with other components to make a meal.

The broth combines the meat (no bones), spices, and vegetables and simmer for fewer hours than a bone broth or stock. They are generally lighter and provide a liquid to mix your ingredients in.

Turkey broth uses turkey meat, whereas chicken broth uses chicken meat. The resulting flavor relies on the meat used.

You would use chicken or turkey bones to make a bone broth or stock. Again, the flavor reflects turkey or chicken, depending on the bones used.

One cup of commercial turkey broth provides:11

  • 19 calories
  • 5 g of protein
  • 2% DV of iron
  • 4% DV of sodium

One cup of commercial chicken broth provides the following:12

  • 10 calories
  • 1 g of protein
  • 2% DV of iron
  • 24% DV of sodium

Chicken broth is slightly lower in calories and contains more sodium, whereas turkey broth is higher in protein.

Since the nutritional components are similar, flavor preference is the main deciding factor between chicken or turkey broths.

If you were trying to increase protein intake, turkey broth would be a better choice. Sodium content is higher in chicken broth; you could choose a lower salt version of chicken broth or use turkey broth.

Limited research exists on broth and humans. Preliminary research shows that components found in bone broth can support digestive health by reducing cell damage, enhancing the immune response, and providing small amounts of easily digestible nutrients.13,14,15

Hot drinks and soups relieve nasal congestion and reduce mucous production.16 These unpleasant side effects of illness can be alleviated by drinking broths.

A nutritious broth alone or with noodles, chicken, and vegetables can help you feel better sooner.

Turkey vs. Chicken Cost

The price difference and availability influence why people choose chicken over turkey. Turkey is more seasonal and available in November and December, whereas chicken is available year-round in all grocery stores.

Boneless chicken breast costs about $4.18 per pound9, whereas boneless turkey breast is around $6.49 per pound10. Boneless turkey breast is harder to find unless you buy a whole turkey or use a butcher shop.

Buying a whole turkey is more affordable. But now you have 15 to 30 pounds of turkey to eat! Chickens are smaller birds and provide about 5 pounds of meat. It is more practical for most people to purchase chickens due to their size and availability. Their cost is a less critical factor.

Turkey vs. Chicken Nutrition Facts

This next section will dive a little deeper to compare the nutritional content of turkey and chicken. We will also look at their vitamins and minerals.

Both turkey and chicken provide the same amount of protein per serving and offer a rich protein source. Turkey has fewer calories due to the low-fat content.

This makes turkey a good option for people monitoring their calorie and fat intake closely.

When looking at the types of fat in each meat source, they are both low in saturated fat and trans fats and contain similar amounts of mono- and polyunsaturated fats. All are optimal levels beneficial to health.

Like most meat, turkey and chicken are not a source of carbs, fiber, or sugar.

Compared to turkey, chicken has a slightly higher amount of cholesterol and sodium. Individuals monitoring their sodium intake should keep in mind chicken contains sodium.

Turkey breast (white meat, no skin)6 Chicken breast (white meat, no skin)7
Calories 147 calories 161 calories
Protein 30 g 30 g
Total Fat 2.1 g 3.5 g
Saturated Fat 0.6 g 0.75 g
Trans Fat 0.02 g 0.1 g
Monounsaturated Fat 0.63 g 0.93 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.53 g 0.57 g
Cholesterol 80 mg (27%) 98 mg (33% DV)
Sodium 99 mg (4% DV) 360 mg (26% DV)
Total Carbohydrates 0 g 0 g
Fiber 0 g 0 g
Sugar 0 g 0 g

Glycemic Index

Both turkey and chicken are low glycemic index foods (glycemic index of 0) due to the absence of carbohydrates and high protein content. All un-breaded meats have a glycemic index of 0.

Protein sources are essential to meals to help stabilize blood sugar levels and keep you full longer. Adequate intake of protein at meals and snacks can help with weight loss.

Turkey vs. Chicken: Which Is Healthier? - Signos (1)

Turkey Optimal Glucose Range

Turkey vs. Chicken: Which Is Healthier? - Signos (2)

Chicken Optimal Glucose Range

Turkey vs. Chicken: Which Is Healthier? - Signos (3)


Since both types of meat are from birds, they have similar vitamins. Both turkey and chicken provide equal amounts of vitamin B6 and riboflavin.

When looking closer, chicken meat is the richest in pantothenic acid. On the other hand, turkey meat contains more niacin and vitamin B12.

Turkey breast (white meat, no skin)6Chicken breast (white meat, no skin)7
Niacin11.8 mg (74% DV)10.3 mg (63% DV)
Vitamin B60.8 mg (62% DV)0.87 mg (67% DV)
Riboflavin0.21 mg (16% DV)0.21 mg (16% DV)
Pantothenic acid0.9 mg (18% DV)1.58 mg (32% DV
Thiamin0.04 mg (3% DV)0.09 mg (7% DV)
Vitamin B120.39 mcg (16% DV)0.18 mcg (7% DV)


There are only two significant differences in minerals between turkey and chicken. Turkey is richer in zinc and iron, whereas chicken is higher in sodium.

Other than that, the similarities between the two meats are identical for magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and copper; both are exceedingly rich in selenium.

Turkey breast (white meat, no skin)6 Chicken breast (white meat, no skin)7
Iron 0.7 mg (4% DV) 0.45 mg (2% DV)
Sodium 99 mg (4% DV) 360 mg (26% DV)
Zinc 1.7 mg (16% DV) 0.9 mg (8% DV)
Magnesium 32 mg (8% DV) 28 mg (7% DV)
Phosphorus 230 mg (18% DV) 229 mg (18% DV)
Potassium 249 mg (10% DV) 359 mg (14% DV)
Copper 0.063 mg (7% DV) 0.047 mg (5% DV)
Selenium 30.2 mcg (55% DV) 30.6 mcg (55% DV)
Turkey vs. Chicken: Which Is Healthier? - Signos (2024)


Turkey vs. Chicken: Which Is Healthier? - Signos? ›

Both chicken and turkey provide healthy protein. Generally, chicken tends to be higher in vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid, and turkey tends to be lower in calories, fat, and sodium while having more zinc, niacin, and vitamin B12.

Which one is healthier, chicken or turkey? ›

In terms of calories, fat, and protein, turkey breast and chicken breast are similar. Turkey breast contains about 44 calories, six grams of protein, and two grams of fat per ounce. Chicken breast contains slightly more protein and slightly less fat. But, to most people, these differences are negligible.

Which has more cholesterol chicken breast or turkey breast? ›

Turkey breast contains about 70 milligrams of cholesterol, and chicken breast provides just under 90 milligrams of cholesterol in each 3-once portion.

What meat is healthier than turkey? ›

Ground beef has 172 calories, 7.9 grams fat and 3.3 grams saturated fat versus ground turkey, which has 170 calories, 9.4 grams fat and 2.5 grams saturated fat. Ground beef has 2.4 grams more protein and has slightly less cholesterol and more iron and zinc than ground turkey.

Is turkey good for your heart? ›

Heart Health

Low GI foods like turkey can also help increase levels of “good” HDL cholesterol in your body. HDL cholesterol travels through the bloodstream and helps to remove “bad” LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol can damage the walls of your arteries and increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.

What is the healthiest meat to eat? ›

While meat can be a part of a healthy diet, not all sources are created equal. The leanest and healthiest meats to eat include poultry, pork, fish, and seafood. Eating a balanced diet is one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle, which means choosing various foods from different food groups, like proteins.

Why do bodybuilders eat turkey? ›

Turkey is rich in protein. One 4-ounce (oz) serving of turkey breast provides approximately 27 grams (g) of protein and all nine essential amino acids needed for muscle growth. 3 Adding turkey to a well-balanced diet may be especially beneficial for those trying to lose weight or increase their lean muscle mass.

Is it okay to eat chicken and turkey every day? ›

A typical daily diet of 2,000 calories means a recommended intake of 70g of fat per day. Because of their composition, eating chicken and turkey is an excellent way to help meet protein needs without exceeding the lipid intake recommended by the guidelines.

What has more sodium, turkey or chicken? ›

Chicken breast and turkey breast are close in total calorie content, protein content and percent daily value of iron. Where they differ slightly is sodium content and cholesterol levels. Chicken breast is marginally higher in both sodium and cholesterol.

What is the most unhealthy meat to eat? ›

try to limit processed meat products such as sausages, salami, pâté and beefburgers, because these are generally high in fat – they are often high in salt, too. try to limit meat products in pastry, such as pies and sausage rolls, because they are often high in fat and salt.

Is turkey bad for cholesterol? ›

Skinless, lean, and ground chicken or turkey breast are good low-cholesterol choices. 100g of lean cuts of turkey breast contain around 104mg of cholesterol. While this seems like a lot, it only has 3g of saturated fat. 100g of skinless chicken breast contains 73mg of cholesterol and 0.5g of saturated fat.

How many times a week can I eat turkey? ›

It is fine to eat chicken and turkey 3 or more times each week. Be careful about eating fried chicken from restaurants. It may have unhealthy trans fats and a lot of salt. Ask the restaurant what type of oil they use for frying.

What is the best meat for your heart? ›

Poultry — chicken or turkey breast without skin or lean ground chicken or turkey (at least 93% lean) Lean meats — like pork shoulder, beef sirloin, or lean ground beef (at least 93% lean) Beans, peas, and lentils — like black beans and garbanzo beans (chickpeas)

Which is healthier, turkey or salmon? ›

Here's what they said, listed from healthiest to least healthy: Fish/seafood/shellfish: Wild Alaskan salmon, oysters and sardines are highest in healthy fats; white fish such as cod or flounder tend to be leaner. Turkey: White meat has slightly less saturated fat than dark.

Is turkey healthy for weight loss? ›

Turkey is an excellent source of lean protein, which helps keep you full for longer periods and provides energy throughout the day. It's also low in fat and calories, which makes it a great option if you're watching your weight or trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Which is better turkey or chicken eggs? ›

Turkey eggs are only 50% larger than chicken eggs, yet they pack almost double the amount of fats, calories and protein 🦃🥚So why is it they're not readily available in grocery stores? It all comes down to cost 💰 Turkeys are much more expensive to feed and take a lot longer to lay an egg.

Which is healthier chicken or meat? ›

Chicken has long been considered a healthy alternative to red meat. It is indeed low in saturated fat, contains higher amounts of omega-6 fatty acids than other animal meats, and is high in protein and essential vitamins and minerals such as B6, B12, iron, zinc, and copper.

What foods are better than turkey? ›

Cornish game hen, goose, duck, ham, beef, salmon, and mushroom recipes make worthy centerpieces for holiday meals. This is collaborative content from Food & Wine's team of experts, including staff, recipe developers, chefs, and contributors.


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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