Types of brownies (2024)

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Types of brownies (2)


Brownies don’t really need an introduction, do they? These little slabs of heaven are available in all kinds of flavours and textures, from chocolate to red velvet and everything in between. We at Theobroma are no strangers to the pure unadulterated joy of brownies and offer many different kinds of brownies on our menu. Our brownies are renowned all over the country as some of the most decadent and delicious out there. Read on and check out our exclusive list of different types of brownies and order your favourites at your doorstep today. Whether you’re looking for a pick me up after a long day of work or celebrating something special, a brownie is a treat fit for every occasion. There is no shortage of different flavours, textures, and varieties of brownies out there, because it is such a popular sweet treat all around the globe. Theobroma too offers a wide range of brownie flavours – from world-renowned classics to our signature one-of-a-kind creations

Types of brownies available at Theobroma

Most people know about the classic brownie – a dense and moist cake-like dessert that is often made with chocolate and topped with nuts, special icings, or even more chocolate. We at Theobroma take our brownies very seriously, using only our special homemade recipes and the freshest of ingredients. Our range of brownies comprises classic flavours as well as seasonal specials, which you can pick up at any Theobroma store or via our website. Here are our top picks for the different types of brownies on our menu –

  1. Millionaire Brownie: Topped with buttery caramel and decadent dark chocolate truffle, our Millionaire brownie is a crowd favourite. This brownie is our own spin on a traditional English millionaire shortbread, which was named for its richness and decadence. If you’re craving an indulgent treat, Theobroma’s Millionaire brownie is the right pick for you. They are absolutely divine by themselves but are also perfect to pair with one of our delicious beverages.
  2. Walnut brownie: This is a classic brownie that is loved all over the world, so it’s no surprise that Theobroma’s walnut brownie is a bestseller across India as well. To make our walnut brownies, walnuts are toasted and chopped before being stirred through our delectable chocolate brownie batter. The nuts offer a crunchy contrast to the gooey interiors of the brownie, making each bite a mouthful of textural perfection.
  3. Choco chip brownie: Another bestseller on our menu, this gooey chocolate brownie is a sensory delight. Our dense fudgy brownie batter is packed with delectable dark chocolate chips, which create pools of melty goodness inside the brownie when baked. Every bite will release ooey gooey chocolate on your tastebuds, taking your eating experience to the next level. Out of all the different types of brownies on Theobroma’s menu, our choco chip brownies are especially unmissable.
  4. Cookie brownie: Just like the name suggests, this item from Theobroma’s menu is a combination of two delicious, sweet treats – chocolate brownies and chocolate chip cookies! Our yummy chocolate brownie batter is layered with chocolate chip cookie dough to create a brownie unlike any other. The moistness of the brownie pairs beautifully with the snap of the chocolate chip cookie on top, and this brownie is perfect to enjoy with a glass of milk.
  5. Overload brownie: Calling all chocoholics! If you’re in the mood for a chocolate explosion, look no further than our Overload brownie. As the name suggests, this brownie is overloaded with dark chocolate to create a rich and hefty flavour. The fudgy interior is adorned with a glistening crackling top, making for a festival of flavours and textures in your mouth.
  6. Red Velvet brownie: This brownie from Theobroma is for people who like their food to have some personality. Our gooey dark chocolate brownie is laden with marbled cream cheese, which makes for a stunning visual and an even better flavour! Red velvet fans will not be left disappointed.

Brownies for every mood at Theobroma

    Not only do we offer a myriad of delicious brownies at Theobroma, but we also offer variations and combos that will blow your socks off! Here’s what you need to check out at Theobroma in addition to our brownies -

    Eggless brownies: Don’t worry if you have dietary restrictions and don’t eat eggs for whatever reason, you can still enjoy Theobroma brownies with ease. That’s because we offer all our brownies in eggless variations as well, be it our signature choco chip or our seasonal brownie offerings. Many people shun eggless brownies and call them flavourless, but Theobroma’s chefs have formulated recipes for eggless brownies that are just as good as the original. Try one, you won’t be disappointed!

    Assorted brownies boxes: Sometimes one or two brownies are not enough, you need to indulge in multiple slices of brownie heaven. With this in mind, Theobroma has created assorted brownies boxes of six and 12, where you can pick your favourite brownies from our menu and have them all to yourself. This is also a great option if you want to take some brownies to a night in with your friends, a dinner party, or even just want to keep multiple brownies in your fridge to eat later.

    Brownie coffee combo: Looking for a midday snack or something to tide you over before dinner? Check out Theobroma’s exclusive brownie and coffee combo. Pick your favourite brownie from our menu and pair it with the coffee of your choice. This is the perfect portion to give you a boost of energy or satiate you in a jiffy. Check out our website to have this combo delivered to your home or walk into a Theobroma near you.

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    Types of brownies (2024)


    What are the different textures of brownies? ›

    Brownie textures fall into three general camps… Cakey, fudgy and chewy. Cakey brownies, like the name implies, are light, moist and airy, with a slightly fluffy, cake-like interior. Fudgy brownies are moist, dense and gooey, with almost the texture of fudge, but not quite as compact.

    What is fudgy vs cakey brownie? ›

    Fudgy brownies have a higher fat-to-flour ratio than cakey ones. So add more fat—in this case, butter and chocolate. A cakey batch has more flour and relies on baking powder for leavening. The amount of sugar and eggs does not change whether you're going fudgy or cakey.

    How to jazz up boxed brownies? ›

    Add a teaspoon of instant coffee or espresso powder. Throw in a handful of nuts—pecans, walnuts, macadamia, whatever you have on hand. Scoop in a palmful of dried or frozen fruit. Add an extra splash of the top-shelf vanilla extract, or a dab of vanilla paste, or a dash of vanilla powder, to the batter.

    What is the old version of brownies? ›

    Did you know that Brownies were originally called 'Rosebuds'? Rosebuds was established in 1914 for girls to join before they became Guides. Just one year later, the name was changed to Brownies. Brownies are the second-youngest members of the Girlguiding family, for girls aged between 7 and 10.

    What's the difference between a brownie and a fudge brownie? ›

    Cake brownies are as the names suggests more cake like in texture. They have an open cake style aerated structure. Fudgy brownies on the other hand are richer, deeper and more dense in structure. A fudgy brownie may have a cake like open or cracked texture at the top but remains gooey and viscous in the centre.

    What are Katharine Hepburn brownies? ›

    The brownies are made with unsweetened chocolate, which is also known as baking, plain or bitter chocolate. It is chocolate in its rawest form and this means that unsweetened chocolate is just ground cocoa nibs that have been refined and contain between 50-55% cocoa butter (cacao fat).

    Which piece of brownie is best? ›

    But, when it comes down to it, edge pieces are the real stars of the show. Often overlooked, edge pieces are a happy medium between the moist center and the crispy corners, adding just a little bit of crunch to the warm, chocolaty goodness.

    What does it mean when your brownies are chewy? ›

    Recipes for chewy brownies use more flour than those for fudgy brownies, which results in a more structured, chewy bite and less dense texture.

    Should brownies be gooey or cakey? ›

    It's a sliding scale, and you can make just about any brownie texture from very gooey, to very cakey. Some might call brownies that fall in the middle chewy, however, we'll just call them slightly gooey, or slightly cakey.

    What happens when you add an extra egg to brownie mix? ›

    Want Fudgy Brownies? Add an Extra Egg Yolk! As you may know, eggs not only act as a binding agent in baked goods, but they also add structure, richness, and enhance texture.

    Is it better to make brownies with butter or oil? ›

    Butter adds richness, while oil ensures a gooey, moist center. Neutral oil like avocado oil is great, or use a light and fruity olive oil for some extra flavor. Sugar: For the best of both worlds (gooey centers, chewy edges, and a touch of crispness), we highly recommend using granulated and brown sugar in this recipe.

    Can I use milk instead of water in brownie mix? ›

    One change is to use milk or heavy cream instead of water. This change will make brownies more moist and gooey since milk is more fatty and flavorful than water. A second change is to use butter instead of oil. For similar reasons to using milk, butter adds a rich and more decadent quality to the batter.

    What is brownies category? ›

    Brownies are not classified as cakes – this is a very interesting point about the brownie. The reason for this is that although the texture is similar to cakes, it is classed as finger food (whereas usually cake is eaten with a fork), therefore they are categorised as a cookie bar (in America).

    What's the difference between chocolate brownies and cocoa brownies? ›

    Cocoa brownies also tend to be softer, while chocolate-based brownies are fudgy and chewy. Cocoa brownies are richer in chocolate flavor, while chocolate brownies are lighter and sweeter in flavor.


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    Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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    Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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    Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.