What is Sfogliatelle? Why You Should Be Eating More of Them (2024)

Unveil the delight of Sfogliatelle, an exquisite Italian pastry that promises a symphony of textures from its flaky layers to its creamy ricotta filling.

This traditional treat from Naples, often confused with “lobster tails,” stands out with its unique shape and sumptuous flavor, enhanced by citrusy bursts of lemon zest.

Ideal for those who cherish sophisticated pastries, Sfogliatelle is not just a dessert; it’s a piece of culinary art worth exploring. Dive into its origins, how it’s made, and why incorporating Sfogliatelle into your baking repertoire can transform your confectionary skills.

What is Sfogliatelle? Why You Should Be Eating More of Them (1)

Where does Sfogliatelle come from?

Sfogliatelle is a traditional Italian pastry hailing from Naples. This delectable pastry is made up of numerous layers of thin and flaky dough. The dough is filled with a mixture of ricotta cheese and semolina, infused with lemon zest. Finally, it’s finished with a dusting of powdered sugar.

The origins of sfogliatelle are somewhat unclear. Most historians agree that it was likely created in a Neapolitan monastery in the early 18th century. The pastry was initially made for religious celebrations and festivals and was quickly embraced by the general public. Today, it’s a staple dessert item in Italian pastry shops worldwide, and tourists flock to Naples to taste the original.

The word “sfogliatelle” comes from the Italian word “sfoglia,” which means “layers” or “leaves.” This is an appropriate name since the pastry consists of numerous layers of paper-thin dough that are layered on top of one another and then wrapped around the filling.

What is Sfogliatelle? Why You Should Be Eating More of Them (2)

How is Sfogliatelle Made?

The pastry dough for sfogliatelle is made with flour, water, and a little bit of salt. The dough is rolled out and then stretched, folded, and rolled again until it’s incredibly thin. This process takes quite a bit of time, effort, and patience since the dough must be handled carefully to prevent it from tearing or becoming too thick.

The filling for sfogliatelle is equally important and consists of a combination of ricotta cheese and semolina flour. The ricotta cheese adds a creamy and slightly sweet flavor to the pastry, while the semolina flour adds texture and density. Lemon zest is also added to the filling to give it a fresh, citrusy aroma.

To make sfogliatelle, the dough is cut into small circles, and a spoonful of filling is placed in the center. The dough is then folded over the filling, forming a shell-like shape. The pastry is then baked until golden brown and crispy, and finally, it’s dusted with powdered sugar.

What is Sfogliatelle? Why You Should Be Eating More of Them (3)

What does Sfogliatelle taste like?

It can be difficult to describe something as heavenly as sfogliatelle. Really, it’s deliciousness lies in the interplay of different textures and flavors combining into one delectable dessert (or, breakfast — I don’t judge).

Sfogliatelle has a crispy, flaky exterior and a sweet and creamy interior filling. The filling is typically made with ricotta cheese, semolina flour, sugar, and sometimes flavored with lemon zest, vanilla, or cinnamon. The texture of the filling is smooth and creamy, and the pastry shell adds a satisfying crunch with every bite.

The taste of sfogliatelle is sweet and slightly tangy due to the ricotta cheese filling. The pastry shell is also lightly sweetened and has a buttery flavor that complements the creamy filling. The addition of lemon zest adds a citrusy freshness to the filling, while cinnamon adds a warm, spicy note.

What is Sfogliatelle? Why You Should Be Eating More of Them (4)

Creating Flaky pastry layers

Throughout my work at a bakery, I became very familiar with the process of laminating dough – aka how the flaky layers are created in your favorite pastries like croissants.

It’s a time-consuming process that is dependent on outside factors such as the temperature of the room, humidity, and perhaps most importantly, your own patience. The key to good lamination is allowing the butter to cool and rest between laminations. This ensures that the butter doesn’t melt into the dough, but maintains itself as a solid separate layer that is then cooked off in the baking process, leaving behind flaky, butter vacancies in it’s wake.

Laminating dough is a process used in pastry-making that involves folding and rolling butter or fat into the dough to create layers, resulting in a flaky and tender texture in baked goods. Here’s an overview of the process of laminating dough:

Make the Dough

First, prepare a basic dough using flour, water, salt, and other ingredients as needed. Mix the dough until it forms a smooth, elastic ball.

Chill the Dough

Chill the dough in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to an hour to make it easier to handle.

Prepare the Butter

While the dough is chilling, prepare the butter or fat by beating it with a rolling pin or mixer to soften it slightly.

Roll out the Dough

Roll out the chilled dough on a lightly floured surface to a rectangular shape.

Add the Butter

Spread the softened butter over two-thirds of the rolled-out dough, leaving a small border around the edges.

Fold the Dough

Fold the dough into thirds, like a letter, with the unbuttered portion folded over the buttered portion.

Chill the Dough

Chill the dough again for at least 30 minutes to an hour to firm up the butter and prevent it from melting.

Repeat the Process

Roll out the dough again and fold into thirds, starting with the open ends of the dough facing you. Repeat the process several times, with the dough and butter layering and becoming thinner with each fold and roll.

See Also

Chill the Dough

Chill the dough again between each rolling and folding step to keep the butter cool and to prevent the dough from becoming too soft.

Use the Laminated Dough

Once you roll and fold the dough several times, it’s ready. Use in a variety of pastry recipes, such as croissants, puff pastry, or in this case, sfogliatelle!

Overall, laminating dough is a technique that requires patience, precision, and attention to detail, but it can result in delicious and impressive pastries with a flaky, tender texture.

What is Sfogliatelle? Why You Should Be Eating More of Them (5)

How do you pronounce sfogliatelle?

Sfogliatelle is pronounced as “sfo-lyah-tell-eh” with the emphasis on the second syllable.

In Italian, the “gl” is pronounced similarly to “nyah” in English. It’s kind of like you’re saying “yah” but with more resistance of your tongue in your mouth.

What is Sfogliatelle? Why You Should Be Eating More of Them (6)

Serving Suggestions for sfogliatelle

This one is pretty simple: Eat! There’s really no right way to eat a sfogliatelle, but in general, the sooner the better.

Sfogliatelle is best enjoyed fresh out of the oven. However, it can also be stored in an airtight container for a few days. Due to the delicate nature of sfogliatelle, day old sfogliatelle is in danger of becoming soft or soggy. However, it will still taste delicious, though not as good as fresh.

If you aren’t planning on enjoying your sfogliatelle right away, try freezing them for best preservation.

Sfogliatelle is an excellent pastry to serve with a cup of coffee or espresso. Feel free to enjoy these delights in the evening as dessert, or in the morning with breakfast!

What is Sfogliatelle? Why You Should Be Eating More of Them (7)

Sfogliatelle Recipes

Sfogliatelle is a truly unique and delicious pastry that has stood the test of time. Its history is deeply rooted in Italian culture and tradition, and its popularity has only continued to grow over the years. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or just starting, sfogliatelle is a pastry that’s well worth the effort. So why not give it a try and impress your friends and family with this delicious Italian delicacy?

Here are some sfogliatelle recipes to try at home. Be warned: these are not quick recipes, but well worth the effort.

Authentic Italian Sfogliatelle Recipe

If you have visited the Campania region, then you must have encountered this curious-looking puff pastries called sfogliatelle.

Check out this recipe

What is Sfogliatelle? Why You Should Be Eating More of Them (8)

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1. How should Sfogliatelle be served to maximize its flavor?
Sfogliatelle is best served fresh out of the oven when it’s still slightly warm. This allows the layers to be at their crispiest, and the ricotta filling to be deliciously warm and creamy. If not consuming immediately, reheating them briefly in the oven can help revive their texture.

Enjoying them with a strong espresso or a sweet dessert wine can further enhance your tasting experience, contrasting beautifully with the pastry’s buttery layers.

2. Are there different varieties of Sfogliatelle?
Yes, Sfogliatelle comes in two main varieties: the riccia, which is crisp and shell-shaped, and the frolla, which has a smoother, rounder pastry casing. The filling generally remains the same, but the texture and shape of the outer shell offer distinct eating experiences.

The riccia is particularly noted for its flaky, almost crunchy texture, while the frolla provides a tender, cake-like casing around the same creamy filling.

3. What are some common mistakes to avoid when making Sfogliatelle at home?
One common mistake is not rolling the dough thinly enough, which can prevent the pastry from developing its characteristic flaky layers. Additionally, it’s important to ensure the butter is evenly distributed during the lamination process, as clumps can lead to a heavy, greasy texture rather than light, airy layers. Lastly, overfilling the pastry can cause leaks that make a mess and dampen the dough’s crispness.

Following a precise recipe and using quality ingredients will help achieve the best results in texture and taste.

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What is Sfogliatelle? Why You Should Be Eating More of Them (2024)


What is Sfogliatelle? Why You Should Be Eating More of Them? ›

This traditional treat from Naples, often confused with “lobster tails,” stands out with its unique shape and sumptuous flavor, enhanced by citrusy bursts of lemon zest. Ideal for those who cherish sophisticated pastries, Sfogliatelle is not just a dessert; it's a piece of culinary art worth exploring.

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Some Fun Facts About Sfogliatella

It's said that the layers of dough should be so thin and numerous that they mimic the pages of a book. In Naples, offering a sfogliatella to guests is a sign of hospitality and warmth. It's a way of welcoming someone into your home with a piece of local tradition.

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Sfogliatelle are named after folio, the precious pieces of paper in antiquity and when multi-layered like any good rare book their inner sweetmeat provides a citrus cream richness that works on any mezzogiorno high summer day, as well as a winter as perhaps for a decadent comfort treat.

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According to legend, a sister at the cloistered convent of Santa Rosa in Conca dei Marini, on Italy's Amalfi Coast, accidentally invented one of the country's most iconic pastries some 400 years ago. She mixed together semolina flour and ricotta cheese.

How long is sfogliatelle good for? ›

Sfogliatelle is best enjoyed fresh out of the oven. However, it can also be stored in an airtight container for a few days. Due to the delicate nature of sfogliatelle, day old sfogliatelle is in danger of becoming soft or soggy. However, it will still taste delicious, though not as good as fresh.

How to eat sfogliatelle? ›

The crunchiness of the pastry against the smoothness of the filling was so enticing. According to the guys with noble Italian blood in the kitchen, sfogliatelle are best eaten warm from the oven; their eyes rolled back as they spoke to convey the sheer pleasure of doing so.

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Sfogliatelle is known for its distinctive shell shape and flaky, layered texture. The pastry is typically filled with a rich, creamy mixture of ricotta cheese, sugar, and citrus flavorings, creating a perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess.

Do sfogliatelle need to be refrigerated in the fridge? ›

Sfogliatelle are best served warm. If making then ahead, let them cool completely; then refrigerate or freeze them tightly wrapped in plastic.

Is sfogliatelle breakfast? ›

For Neapolitans it is a classic breakfast pastry, while I use it more as an appetizer before even more carbs. Here are some of my favorite places to pick up sfogliatelle in Naples.

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Remove from the oven and cool on a rack. These are best served warm with a sprinkling of confectioners' sugar on the day they are made. To reheat them, just place them in a moderate 350°F/180°C/gas mark 4 oven for about 5 minutes. Combine the milk and the sugar in a medium saucepan.

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Repeat for the remaining pastries, about 60 in total. Then freeze the pastries until completely frozen. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Bake until the pastries are golden brown and crisp, 40 to 50 minutes.

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Actually, in Neapolitan cuisine, we have two different versions of sfogliatella - so we can satisfy every kind of palate! The first one is the "riccia" (curly), the second one is the "frolla" (shortcrust). The difference lies in the shape and the dough used while the filling is the same.

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Sfogliatella (Italian: [sfoʎʎaˈtɛlla]; Neapolitan: sfugliatella; pl. : sfogliatelle), sometimes also known as a lobster tail, is a shell-shaped Italian pastry with a sweet or creamy filling, originating in the Campania region.

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It's pronounced as “lyah-teh-lah.” The “gli” is similar to the “lli” in the English word “million,” and the “te” sounds like “teh,” with a soft “t.” Finally, the “la” at the end is straightforward, similar to “la” in “laundry.”

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sfogliatella, typical Italian cake made of puff pastry filled with ricotta cheese and candied fruit. Alternative Meanings Popularity. sfogliatella nf. sfogliatella, typical Italian cake made of puff pastry filled with ricotta cheese and candied fruit.

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It is believed that empanadas and the very similar calzones are both derived from the Arabic meat-filled pies, samosas. In Galicia and Portugal, an empanada is prepared similarly to a large pie which is cut in pieces, making it a portable and hearty meal for working people.

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- Ancient Egyptians were the first ones to come up with the idea of pastries. Called baklava and filo, they were made out of grain meal with honey, fruits and spices. - Pastries were brought to Europe during the Muslim invasion of the 7th century and picked up the imagination of Europeans.

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Panettone is Hung Upside Down After Baking

Once traditional panettone is finished baking, it is flipped upside down until it's completely cool. This eye-catching technique prevents the bread from falling in on itself and keeps the soft and fluffy texture.

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The churro originated in ancient China as a savory fried snack, called a “youtiao.” Portuguese traders made them their own, covering the pastry in sugar instead of salt. As the snack became popular with Spanish shepherds, it got the name “churro,” named for the horns of the churra sheep.


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