What Is Sprint Velocity? Everything You Need to Know | LinearB Blog (2024)

Every software team faces a big question: How do we measure success? Sure, your team writes some code. They review some pull requests. They might run some tests. Finally, they ship some software. All of that is great.

To the software team dedicated to continuous improvement, that process still leaves questions: Were we successful? Could we have done a better job? How did this software deployment compare to others? One way that agile software teams measure their performance to answer some of these questions is by measuring their sprint velocity, which is what I’ll be detailing in this post.

Table of Contents

  • Sprint Velocity: What Is It?
  • Key Things to Know About Sprint Velocity
  • Don’t Abuse the Velocity Metric
  • Conclusion

Sprint Velocity: What Is It?

To understand sprint velocity, it’s important to first discuss sprints. Software teams split their development cycles into discrete chunks of time that they call sprints. Each sprint has a well-defined list of tasks to accomplish, and the team commits to finishing all of them within the sprint window.

That’s usually two weeks, but some scrum teams adopt sprint windows that are one week, others one month. There’s no specific time window. The key is that each sprint is exactly the same length so that you can compare them.

Before the start of a sprint, a team estimates the complexity of each task in their product backlog. The mechanics of that estimation vary from team to team.

Many teams use story points, which are made-up numbers that represent nothing but one user story’s complexity relative to all the other stories in the backlog. A major advantage of using story points is that you can then leverage a tool like Jira to generate a sprint burndown chart, which succinctly captures a team’s progress during a sprint.

Some teams skip abstract story points and directly estimate the number of hours they’ll need to complete a task. Other teams skip numbers completely and adopt a T-shirt sizing method of estimating complexity. No matter the work estimation method, calculating velocity is straightforward:

Sprint velocity is the average number of story points or hours of development work or T-shirt sizes the team completes in the average sprint.

Key Things to Know About Sprint Velocity

If you’re just beginning to use sprint velocity as a metric for your software teams, there are several things to understand about it.

Velocity Is Descriptive

As a software developer, this is probably the #1 thing I wish more managers understood about sprint velocity. It’s a descriptive metric, not a prescriptive one.

To put it a different way: measuring a team’s sprint velocity is like measuring the average height of your team members. Once you’ve calculated it, that average height is an innate attribute of the team. You wouldn’t come to your software team and tell them, “Our goal is for every person on this team to be 6’3″ tall.” That would be an absurd way to try to manage them.

Sprint velocity is a similar measurement. It will tell you about how tall the team was at a given moment, and allow you to compare between sprints completed by the same team.By understanding how fast you went in previous sprints, you can then make more accurate predictions about how fast you’ll go in future sprints.

With LinearB, you can get the insights you need to start planning better right away. For example, our Planning Accuracy metric tells you how much planned versus unplanned work your team completed during previous sprints. And with our engineering metrics benchmarks, we’ll also tell you how well you’re performing compared to other teams.

A high amount of unplanned work suggests that your team is having to fix bugs or pay off technical debt in order to implement new features. Whatever the cause, LinearB makes it easy to investigate.

Sprint Velocity Is Variable

I recognize that this seems to contradict the idea that sprint velocity is an innate attribute of the team, but hear me out. The members of each sprint team are people. People have better and worse days, and better and worse weeks. They get sick, and they go on vacations (which you should encourage as a leader).

To return to the height metaphor: not everyone stands as tall as they can all the time. Sometimes, a person needs to crawl around on the ground to try to find something they dropped. The key takeaway is that looking at one individual sprint’s velocity is often too small a picture.

What Is Sprint Velocity? Everything You Need to Know | LinearB Blog (1)

A team’s velocity will vary from sprint to sprint because the issues they’re working on vary. The team’s completion rate for an individual sprint isn’t necessarily a good barometer for how long they’ll take to complete a project.

It’s the same as with a car: knowing how fast the car is going in any five-minute period isn’t a good way to figure out how long it’ll take you to drive cross-country. Instead, you want to find the average number of miles traveled per day or week to figure out how far away your goal is.

The variance in velocity from sprint to sprint means that it’s always better to examine sprint velocity across multiple sprints (which is easy to do with a velocity chart) so that you’re thinking in averages, not fixating on individual data points.

Another reason that relying only upon sprint velocity and a tool like the burndown chart is dangerous is that these only tell you how quickly your team went, but they don’t tell you whether your team was going in the right direction.

With LinearB, you can not only see how much work your team completed during particular sprints, but you can see what kind of work they did. Our Investment Profile breaks down work by type so that you can see how much planned versus unplanned work they did or functional versus non-functional stories they completed.

What Is Sprint Velocity? Everything You Need to Know | LinearB Blog (2)

Increasing Velocity Is Difficult and Counterintuitive

Every single agile team I’ve ever worked on has had a conversation about increasing velocity at some point. As a developer, this isn’t surprising. We understand that when managers see a metric, their first impulse is to try to optimize it.

The natural impulse for the business as a whole is to want more features more quickly, with fewer bugs. So, the manager, responding to the pressures of the business, tells the team that they need to work faster.

In my experience, this is usually a self-defeating goal, because the team switches focus from delivering software to figuring out why they aren’t delivering more software. Instead of writing and reviewing code, the team sits in meetings discussing why they’re not getting more work done.

What Is Sprint Velocity? Everything You Need to Know | LinearB Blog (3)

Counterintuitively, the best way to increase sprint velocity is often to spend less time thinking about it. Instead, spend more time focusing on writing quality software and ensuring the team encounters the fewest roadblocks possible.

To return to our cross-country road trip analogy: spending time talking about how far you need to go isn’t productive while you’re stuck in traffic. Often, it’s going to do nothing but create stress, which leads to wrong turns, slowing the trip down even more.

Sprint Velocity Is Arbitrary

Most teams can tell you their velocity pretty quickly. For instance, the team I currently work on averages about 44 story points per sprint. That’s a stable velocity: we tend to be within three or four points of that number on either side every sprint, going back eight months.

Having an accurate sense of our sprint velocity great improves the sprint planning process. We can more confidently move items from our product backlog to construct our sprint backlog because we have few doubts that we will be able to finish what we commit to.

Do you know what it would take to double our sprint velocity? We could do it overnight. All we’d have to do is double our pointing estimate for every story we take on. Instead of completing 44 points per sprint, we’d finish 88.

A team may be able to fool an executive this way but in reality the amount of work a team is completing isn’t changing – and soon enough that’ll be apparent.

Just like if we started measuring our road trip in kilometers per hour instead of miles per hour so that it’d look like we were going faster initially, sprint velocity isn’t an absolute truth. Many teams, when pressed to increase velocity, will simply start padding estimates.

They start meeting their sprint commitments more consistently and they see a bigger number on a dashboard, but they don’t ship any more software. This is why sprint velocity is a dangerous metric for a scrum team.

What Is Sprint Velocity? Everything You Need to Know | LinearB Blog (4)

It’s a good idea to complement velocity with other measures of work completed. I recommend that the Scrum coordinator (formerly known as the Scrum master) or product owner goes over completed user stories during your sprint reviews. This helps the development team understand the user value of what they shipped, which is ultimately the most important thing.

Don’t Abuse the Velocity Metric

Sprint velocity is a useful metric. It gives context to the work done between individual sprints by a single team.

But it’s important to remember not to abuse that metric. Don’t use it for things it isn’t made to measure, and don’t trust it as an absolute truth.

Ben Matthews, Director of Engineering at Stack Overflow, learned through experience how pursuing higher velocity at the expense of everything else ended up being counterproductive.

Remember that your goal isn’t to juice a metric. Your goal is to ship the best software you can, as consistently as you can. That’s why it’s helpful to leverage other metrics, like software development cycle time, to ensure that you’re actually improving.

LinearB makes it easy to use a suite of metrics to comprehensively and thoroughly measure your team’s productivity.


Sprint velocity is a useful metric because it makes it easy to understand a key dimension of a development team: How much work are they getting done?

But its succinctness also means that it doesn’t give you a full picture. It’s like trying to evaluate a person’s health by their temperature alone. A high temperature doesn’t tell you why someone is ill; you need more data.

LinearB was built to provide the information that engineering leaders need to better manage their teams, deliver on their promises, and ship more features faster. To learn about how LinearB can help you to raise your team’s sprint velocity, and in prove in so many more ways, reach out to set up a demo today.

What Is Sprint Velocity? Everything You Need to Know | LinearB Blog (2024)


What Is Sprint Velocity? Everything You Need to Know | LinearB Blog? ›

Sprint velocity is the average number of story points or hours of development work or T-shirt sizes the team completes in the average sprint.

What is sprint velocity? ›

What is sprint velocity? Sprint velocity is a measurement of how much an Agile team can produce during one normal sprint cycle. You'll use two main variables to calculate sprint velocity: how much work your Agile team completed and how long it took them to complete that work.

What are the 5 ways sprint velocity can be improved? ›

5 Ways to Improve Sprint Velocity
  • Use Metrics Responsibly. You should not try to compare velocities across teams. ...
  • Focus on Increasing Quality. Higher quality work can reduce the need to revise or fix work later, increasing productivity. ...
  • Streamline Your Testing. ...
  • Promote Focus and Consistency. ...
  • Embrace Cross-Training.
Jan 2, 2020

What is the definition of velocity in Scrum? ›

Velocity is a measure of the amount of work a Team can tackle during a single Sprint and is the key metric in Scrum. Velocity is calculated at the end of the Sprint by totaling the Points for all fully completed User Stories. Estimated time for this course: 5 minutes. Audience: Beginner.

What is the difference between sprint velocity and sprint capacity? ›

Ideally, capacity and velocity work in conjunction. Velocity measures what a team is doing, on average, over time, and the capacity planning process estimates what a team is actually able to do in the next sprint (whether that be above or below average).

How do you read sprint velocity? ›

Velocity is calculated by taking the average of the total completed estimates over the last several sprints. So in the chart above, the team's velocity is (17.5 + 13.5 + 38.5 + 18 + 33 + 28) / 6 = 24.75 (we've ignored the zero story point sprint).

What is the difference between sprint throughput and velocity? ›

Velocity measures work completed within a sprint, aiding short-term planning. Throughput measures work delivered over time, helping long-term decision-making. It is important to measure both velocity and throughput for enabling organizations to optimize their performance and make informed decisions.

What is a good velocity in Agile? ›

There is no ideal velocity number; an upward trend is not necessarily a good thing and a downward trend is not always negative. But both will signal you to dig deeper into areas of the development process that can help you achieve efficiency while maintaining technical quality.

How to calculate velocity? ›

To figure out velocity, you divide the distance by the time it takes to travel that same distance, then you add your direction to it. For example, if you traveled 50 miles in 1 hour going west, then your velocity would be 50 miles/1 hour westwards, or 50 mph westwards.

How to calculate velocity in Scrum? ›

Actual velocity is calculated by dividing the total Story Points completed by the team by the number of Sprints. For instance, if the Scrum Team has finished a total of 80 points over 4 Sprints then the actual velocity of the team would be 20 points per Sprint.

Why is the velocity important? ›

Why Velocity Matters. Velocity measures motion starting in one place and heading toward another place. The practical applications of velocity are endless, but one of the most common reasons to measure velocity is to determine how quickly you (or anything in motion) will arrive at a destination from a given location.

Is velocity a Scrum or Kanban? ›

Velocity is a key Scrum metric that measures the amount of work a team can deliver during a sprint. Before explaining how velocity is calculated, let's discuss how the metric is used. During Sprint planning, a team's velocity is used to determine the number of product backlog items to tackle.

What does a successful sprint look like? ›

Every Sprint has a pre-defined Sprint Goal for the teams to achieve. When the Sprint ends, the Scrum Master conducts the Sprint Review to understand how much work has been done in that Sprint. The Sprint is considered to be successful if the development team succeeds to meet the Sprint Goal 100% and a few more factors.

What is the actual sprint velocity? ›

To calculate actual velocity, the story points for each completed user story are combined and divided by the number of completed sprints. Project Team A completed user stories with 72 story points in two sprints, their actual velocity is 36 (72/2).

Is sprint velocity a measure of productivity? ›

No, velocity in Scrum is not the same as productivity. Velocity is a metric primarily for planning and estimating how much work a team can handle in future sprints. Productivity is usually a broader measure that can include factors such as the quality of work, efficiency of processes, and value to the business.

How to increase team velocity in Agile? ›

To increase velocity, try the following:
  1. Use cross-training and ensure knowledge transfer is consistent.
  2. Avoid context switching. ...
  3. Be aware of resource management and maintaining a constant development team.
  4. Use a rolling average of the last 3-4 sprints to plan the next sprint.

What is the velocity of a human sprint? ›

Whether male or female, muscle fibers and stride length are the deciding factors in achieving top speeds. While the average human may clock in at a modest 15 miles per hour, the fastest among us can hit an eye-watering 27.8 miles per hour in a blur of speed and athleticism.

How many sprints is average velocity? ›

Velocity helps plan your Sprints

Many teams find value in calculating their average velocity over the past three Sprints. This can then serve as a cap for the number of story points bookmarked for the upcoming Sprint. Say your average velocity over the past three Sprints was nine story points.

What is max velocity sprinting? ›

In the sprint events, top speed is also known as maximum velocity. This refers to is the highest possible sprint speed you can achieve, but only for a short period of time before mechanical deceleration and fatigue slow you down.


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.