What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (2024)

Does your dog have liver disease or problems, and as a result, often turns their nose up at their food? Lack of appetite is a common symptom of liver disease in dogs and can be anxiety-inducing for a dog parent, who quite rightly wants them to eat for their health. If your pooch has a liver that’s somewhat dysfunctional, sourcing the most beneficial food for them - and making sure they want to eat it - is an essential part of their ongoing treatment.

So, what’s the best dog food for dogs with liver disease? In this article we’ll go through the attributes you’ll need to look for when planning the best diet for your liver-strained pooch, and go over some key foods they should and shouldn’t eat in order to stay fit and well.

Nutritional requirements for dog food for liver disease

Just as in humans, the liver is mightily important to a dog’s internal function - put simply, it helps digest food, filter toxins and regulate the blood. There’s lots of contributors to liver disease in dogs, and if you’re not sure if your dog has it, you can read more about its symptoms and causes here.

If you already know that your dog has liver disease, you’ll hopefully be aware that the right diet is essential to their daily functioning and needs to be carefully chosen. A diet that’s tailored to support a damaged liver is called a hepatic diet - and that’s a phrase you’ll want to remember. A hepatic diet contains easily digestible ingredients and a clever balance of food groups that will nourish your dog, and their liver, while putting as little pressure on the organ as possible.

Best dog food for liver disease and problems

So when your dog has liver disease or problems, you’ll want to find a high-quality hepatic dog food for their regular meals. But what exactly does this mean, and what should you look for when sourcing this food?

Let’s lay out the main attributes of a hepatic diet, i.e. the best food for your dog’s liver problems:

Usually, a hepatic dog food has:

  • Low protein. Unlike regular dog food, an effective dog food for liver disease won’t contain high levels of protein, as processing protein presents a challenge for a damaged or struggling liver. The protein that is present will come from gently digestible ingredients such as cod, peas or eggs. Occasionally meat such as chicken or ostrich may be used - but red meat should be avoided.
  • Easily digestible. Everything in a hepatic dog food should be as gentle as possible for a dog’s body to digest.
  • Low levels of copper. In some instances, copper build-up can cause the liver to dysfunction. For this reason, hepatic food avoids high levels of copper.
  • High zinc content. Zinc helps to further counteract any copper build-up in the liver.
  • Delicious flavours. As dogs with liver function have a decreased appetite, it’s important for their food to taste irresistible.

Hepatic Dry Dog Food


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Is low protein dog food good for liver disease?

Though protein-heavy food is usually recommended for dogs of standard health, for dogs with liver dysfunction it tends to be the opposite. The liver works especially hard to process protein, so reducing the amount it has to work with means your dog’s body isn’t being put under stress that it can’t handle.

Protein is still an essential food group however, so dog food for liver disease will usually derive protein from small amounts of fish, eggs or peas as an alternative to red meat or offal.

​​What food can I give my dog with liver disease?

So exactly what kind of food should you go for that supports a liver-friendly, hepatic diet for dogs?

  • It’s important to avoid cheap commercial dog food if your pooch has special dietary needs for liver function, as it often contains preservatives, sugars and filler ingredients that serve no value to your dog’s liver. Commercial dog foods have to pass certain standards to be deemed a complete and balanced diet, but most cheap brands simply won’t have a suitable option for your pooch’s niche requirements.
  • If you’re a fan of homemade or raw food for dogs (sometimes called the BARF diet) things can be tricky, as preparing a hepatic diet can be more time-consuming and harder to balance than choosing a high-quality, ready-made dog food. Some pooch parents like to know exactly what’s in their dog’s meals however, so if you’d like to stick to homemade or raw food, chat to a pet nutritionist first to ensure you get meals exactly right.
  • If your dog has liver issues, going for a premium-quality, specialist dog food that comes recommended by vets is the best way to go. The right food should be an integral part of your dog’s treatment - boosting their energy and protecting them from sickness, stomach upsets and any low mood that might come from their liver problems. It should also be extra appetising so that your dog is enticed to eat it, even when they don’t feel hungry.

For dogs with liver issues who also have a grain allergy or who prefer a grain-free diet, Pooch & Mutt offers a vet recommended, specialist dog food for liver disease that contains zero grain. Our Veterinary Food for Liver Disease uses the specifications of a hepatic diet for healthy liver function and is entirely grain-free. What’s more, unlike other prescription hepatic foods, we’ve boosted flavour by adding delicious chicken skin and salmon oil - the perfect amount of succulent fats to make it irresistible to dogs who may have gone off their food. To top it off, we’ve added milk thistle - its nutrients are excellent for liver function.

What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (2)

Can my dog eat hepatic dog food for liver disease and problems?

If your vet has instructed that your pooch eat hepatic dog food, then a premium specialist hepatic food such as our Pooch & Mutt Vet range should be fine, but chat it over with your vet first to be sure.

Hepatic dog food is usually prescribed for dogs with the following conditions:

  • Chronic liver (hepatic) insufficiency
  • Portosystemic shunt (PSS)
  • Hepatic encephalopathy
  • Convalescence following intoxication
  • If your dog doesn’t have liver problems, do not feed them hepatic dog food as it doesn’t contain the right balance of ingredients to support a standard dog diet and they could become unwell.

    Are blueberries good for dogs with liver disease?

    Not only are blueberries deemed a ‘superfood’ for humans, in moderation they are packed full of benefits for dogs too - and are even recommended for boosting liver function in dogs. Blueberries contain anthocyanins - clever antioxidants that protect the liver from oxidative stress; and also Vitamin K, which is especially good for liver health.

    Is peanut butter good for dogs with liver disease?

    Peanut butter isgenerally safe to give your dog, howeverunprocessed peanut butter is notrecommended for liver disease and it's always best to check the packaging for any harmful substances.

    Unprocessed peanut butter contains aflatoxins which is a cancer-causing mycotoxin that often targets the liver.

    The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) warns that acute, prolonged exposure to aflatoxins “inhibit the normal functions of the liver, including carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and protein synthesis.”

    Finally, any peanut butter brand that contains Xylitol - an artificial sweetener that is fine for humans, but toxic to dogs - should definitely be avoided, as Xylitol has also been reported to contribute to liver failure.

    If your dog is cravingpeanut butter, ourdental sticks are agreat option for those with hepatic disease as they're low in protein too.

    Are bananas good for dogs with liver disease?

    Bananas sometimes get a bad rep for being relatively high fat and high sugar, but they’re high in B vitamins and a safe snack for dogs with liver disease when given in moderation.

    Are eggs good for dogs with liver disease?

    Eggs are one of the best sources of protein for dogs with liver disease. As they’re nutrient-rich and gentle on digestion, eggs are a tasty alternative to meat protein sources (especially red meat) as part of a hepatic diet.

    Are sweet potatoes good for dogs with liver disease?

    Yummy sweet potatoes are packed with B vitamins which help support liver function, so it’s a great food option for a dog with liver disease. It’s also rich in starch and a good source of complex carbohydrates.

    What foods should dogs with liver disease avoid?

    There’s lots of reasons dogs develop liver disease, and this can dictate what foods they should and shouldn’t eat. Some dogs have liver dysfunction due to copper build-up, for instance, so need to avoid foods rich in copper - but for other dogs, this may not be the case. Always talk to your vet to get specific recommendations over the needs of your pooch.

    Usually, dogs with liver disease are recommended to avoid:

    • Foods high in copper or salt, such as lamb, duck, pork and offal
    • Red meats high in protein, such as beef
    • Dog food containing meat meal, preservatives, artificial ingredients and high sugar
    • Table scraps and human leftovers
    • Xylitol, the artificial sweetener (this should always be avoided by all dogs).

    If your pooch has a poorly liver, you may be nervous over whether they’re eating the best food for their condition, especially as dogs with liver dysfunction suffer from a suppressed appetite. With the right specialist dog food, however, you needn’t worry - as they’ll be getting the exact right balance of food groups and nutrients to support their liver’s needs and boost their health and wellbeing overall.

    Hepatic Dry Dog Food


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    has been developed for a variety of specific health conditions in dogs - including our Hepatic/Liver Veterinary Food which contains all the active ingredients and specifications of a prescription dog food on a tasty, grain-free base. With added chicken skin and salmon oil, your pooch will be licking the bowl clean every mealtime.

    What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (4)

    If you're worried your pooch might be suffering withliver problems, take a look at ourblog post all aboutliverdisease in dogs.

    Comments (45)

    What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (5)

    Hi Hema, High ALT is not a specific sign and is something your vet should look into further.

    While it can indicate liver disease, we can also see it with e.g. Cushing’s disease, heart disease or intestinal inflammation.

    So further tests are needed to determine why the ALT is raised. This could include e.g. a Bile Acid Stimulation Blood test, urine analysis and/or abdominal scan.

    As she is obese, for now I’d consider our slim and slender diet.
    Reducing her weight is really important, both to prevent disease but also to ensure she gets the best quality of life.

    She may need to be moved onto a veterinary diet (such as our hepatic food), depending on further test results going forward.

    Team Pooch - Oct 25 2023

    I have been feeding your food to my Chihuahua with Liver problems, the vet is happy with Barkley being on your food… But the problem is he has gained 1 kg , when he’s only having 50 grams a day.. Barkley walks 2 miles a day, any help appreciated because it is not good to have a over weight animal

    Pauline Tompkins - Nov 08 2023

    What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (6)

    Hi Pauline, If you would like to reach out to the team on [emailprotected] with your dogs breed, age and ideal weight, we would be more than happy to double check the feeding guidelines for you :)

    Team Pooch - Nov 08 2023

    My dog was just diagnosed with a very large fatty liver. I would like to reduce the fat on her liver but not sure what to do. I am going back for a follow up in a couple of weeks, in the meantime I have started to give her Milk Thistle. I would gladly change her food to Pooch and Mutt if that would help. Any other helpful things you can suggest? Fish oil?
    Eggs? CBD? I’m open to every success story for ideas.

    Debbie - Dec 13 2023

    My Kobi is a 13 year old yorkie terrier that has high ALP they are as high as 900 and as low as 330 it changes every three months when I get his blood work done. He is on vet prescribed hepatic food which I have to mix a little chicken breast so he will eat it. Can I get the ingredients in your food pls. His ALT and AST and GGT are normal any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    Maria - Dec 13 2023

    What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (7)

    Hi Maria,

    You can find the ingredients for our food on the nutrition tab of the product page on our website. If you need any further assistance with anything, please reach out to the team on [emailprotected] :)

    Team Pooch - Dec 13 2023

    Are your products available in the United States?

    Thank you.

    diane - Jan 10 2024

    So much good information

    Gill - Jan 09 2024

    Hi Maria,
    High Alp especially with normal ALt,Ast, and GGT may not be due to your dogs liver . Alp could also be induced by the bones or corticosteroids . A liver isoenzyme test breaks down the ALP into bone fraction, liver fraction, and corticosteroid induced . My 14 year old dogs high alp turn out to be almost all corticosteroids indicating possibly Cushings.
    You may want to be sure it’s your dogs liver that’s the cause .

    RUTH - Jan 09 2024

    My dog has liver disease and at the moment is on Hills l/d dog food but I do not think this food is ok for long term feeding. Is your food OK to be fed long term or like Hills just 6 months the most

    Marcia - Jan 10 2024

    What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (8)

    We don’t currently ship to the US, but this is something the team are actively working on! :)

    Team Pooch - Jan 10 2024

    Do you have a dog food with no chicken ? My dog is allergic to chicken all all by products of chicken.

    Heidi - Feb 22 2024

    How much would I feed a 16 lb dog? Do you ship to the United States?

    Adrian - Feb 20 2024

    What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (9)

    Hi Adrian, We aren’t able to ship the US currently, but I will feedback to the team and hopefully we can in the near future :)

    Team Pooch - Feb 20 2024

    What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (10)

    Hi Heidi,
    We do have 2 dry foods available that don’t contain chicken, both our Health & Digestion and Skin & Coat dry food would be suitable for your pooch. :)

    Team Pooch - Feb 22 2024

    My dog is 15 weeks old and has been.diagnosed with liver shunt and has to be put on a HA plan
    Is this hepatic food suitable for my puppy being so young

    Paul - Mar 07 2024

    What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (11)

    Hi Paul,
    Our Hepatic food is suitable for puppies and if you would like to reach out to the team on [emailprotected] , we can send you the feeding guidelines over. We would still advise consulting with your vet, but our product team have confirmed this is suitable for puppies. :)

    Team Pooch - Mar 07 2024

    My dog has a lesion on her liver. Last year she had a benign mass removed from her liver.

    Ursula - Apr 16 2024

    Love the idea of this dry food for dogs with liver disease being so this is an issue with dogs and we know prescription dog food isn’t very tasty
    Why haven’t you come up with a wet dog food to feed alongside your dry ?

    Jane - May 09 2024

    What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (12)

    Hi Jane,
    We have passed this feedback onto our team and hopefully we can release a wet food that could be fed alongside our dry food :)

    Team Pooch - May 09 2024

    My Daisy has liver problems and has had for several years, she is also an
    extremely fussy eater so am restricted to what she will eat, my vet is aware of this, she gets scans and blood tests every 6 months, and never any changes, but am worried she is not getting enough of the essentials, but the vet is very happy with her, she gets a small bite mixer and a small thin piece of steak, she will not eat anything else, I’m at my wits end with her, she is also allergic to chicken.

    Jenny - May 15 2024

    My dog will not eat dry food. Is there a hepatic canned food? He is bad about not chewing his food. He is 14 years old with elevated ALT.

    Carol - Jun 19 2024

    What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (13)

    Hi Carol,

    We don’t currently have a Hepatic wet food available, but we will get this feedback passed onto the team! :)

    Team Pooch - Jun 19 2024

    Do you know when you will be shipping your products to the US? My dog is currently on a hepatic diet and I’m always looking for hepatic foods for him to try-only a few ones here in the US and some hard to get (like Royal Canin). I would be interested in trying your food for my dog.

    Fern - Jul 16 2024

    What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (14)

    Hi Fern,
    We don’t currently ship to the US, but this is something the team are actively working on! :)

    Team Pooch - Jul 16 2024

    Leave a comment

    What’s the best dog food for liver disease? | Pooch & Mutt (2024)


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