Why eat 30 plant foods a week? (2024)

Where has the idea of eating 30 different plant foods come from?

The suggestion that eating this number of plant foods every week can lead to improved health comes from a large study I worked on back in 2019. The British & American Gut Project looked at the diets of thousands of people, assessing how different dietary patterns were associated with different health outcomes.


One of the most interesting findings was around fibre. The recommended portion of fibre for an adult is 30-35g a day, but what the study was showing us was that the amount of fibre is not as important as the variety. Different plants have different fibres, so eating more plants diversifies the types of fibre you eat.

The study showed us that people who ate the largest variety of plant foods were found to have the healthiest microbiomes (the microbe environment that exists naturally in our guts) and were likely to report the best health outcomes. The study suggested that 30 was the optimum number of different plants for fibre diversity, as there wasn’t much improvement when you increased from 30 to 35 or 40.

Browse our 30 plant foods recipe collection, then discover more digestive health recipes and tips, plus vegan and veg-packed recipes.

What counts as a ‘plant’ food?

Basically, everything that comes from a plant! Fruit and vegetables all count, of course (even potatoes – particularly if you eat the skin), but so can wholegrains, pulses, seeds, nuts, mushrooms, beans, herbs and spices. The important factor is that you’re consuming plant fibre, so juice and oil wouldn’t count, but something like matcha (which is made from whole powdered leaves) would.

More like this

It’s hard to recommend exact portion sizes, but we do know that diversity is key. And, the beauty of this way of eating is that it’s not about restricting, it’s about adding more in. For instance, for a simple tomato sauce, make it by frying onion, garlic, carrots and celery in extra virgin olive oil, then add the tomatoes, and finish with basil and oregano – you’ve got seven plants there already.

Why eat 30 plant foods a week? (2)

What are the health benefits?

1. Supports a healthier gut biome

The gut microbiome is the population of bacteria living in our large intestines (other biomes exist in the vagin*, mouth and on your skin). We think having a diverse gut microbiome with more helpful bugs and less unhelpful ones leads to better health. Gut bugs are especially important for our overall health, as they are strongly connected to our immune system. Gut microbes process information from everything we ingest (whether that’s food, saliva or mucus) to figure out what’s happening to our bodies. This helps the function of our immune system.

2. Supports good immune system function

One study on a group of cancer patients receiving immunotherapy (which relies on our immune system to create the right antibodies to fight cancer cells) found that those eating a Mediterranean diet (which is a diet based on a fibre-rich, diverse range of plants) had an improved microbiome and stronger immune system. They had better health outcomes and cancer survival rates.

3. May decrease your risk of covid

During the pandemic, it was also found that people taking probiotics and who had healthier microbiomes were less likely to catch covid, and less likely to die from covid. Supporting your gut microbes is essential for reducing the risk of infectious diseases through a healthy immune response.

4. Reduced depression symptoms

The connection between the gut and brain is known as the gut-brain axis. As gut microbes produce many different chemicals (including enzymes, hormones and certain vitamins such as B12 and K), these chemicals travel to the brain and impact vagus nerve transmission, impacting our mood and mental well-being. This was shown in one study, in which patients eating a Mediterranean diet were found to have reduced depression symptoms compared to patients receiving just social support intervention.

5. Lower risk of inflammation

We know that ‘good’ bacteria helps keep gut lining intact. There's also ‘bad’ bacteria that thrives on highly processed foods and animal products, so if you’re eating a lot of these, you’re likely to have not only an unhealthy microbiome, but also increased intestinal permeability – what some people call a ‘leaky gut’. If the gut lining becomes too easy to pass, microbes travel to different tissues around the body and cause inflammation. For instance, microbes travelling to the skin and causing inflammation would result in acne.

Why eat 30 plant foods a week? (3)

How easy is it to eat 30 plant foods a week?

Once you’re in the mindset of aiming to add as much variety as possible (and not worrying about quantity), it’s not difficult to achieve this number. Keep a simple list on your fridge or in a notebook, and always aim to add one more plant food to whatever you’re eating.

One of the simplest tricks is to buy prepared mixes, whether that's a bag of mixed nuts to snack on, frozen mixed berries, cans of beans, or seed mixes to sprinkle over salads or cereals. This is the quickest way to add another four or five different plant foods to your day. I keep a spice mix by the hob to add to dishes when I’m cooking. It all counts.

Why eat 30 plant foods a week? (4)

In a nutshell:

Eating a wide variety of plant fibres has been linked to both a healthier digestive system and, in turn, a number of other health benefits.

Further reading
Gut health: what does it really mean?
Top 15 probiotic foods to support gut health
Does diet affect gut health?
What is a plant-based diet?


All health content on goodfood.com is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, you should contact your local health care provider. See our website terms and conditions for more information.

Why eat 30 plant foods a week? (2024)


Why eat 30 plant foods a week? ›

Summary. Adding more plants to your diet can improve many aspects of your health, including your risk of developing chronic illnesses. Research suggests that eating 30 plant types every week could have a particularly positive effect on the diversity and health of your gut microbiome.

Why should you eat 30 plants a week? ›

The advice to eat 30 plants a week is based on the project's study of thousands of people – or, more specifically, their poop. It found those who ate a wider variety of plant foods – fruits and vegetables, but also seeds, nuts, whole grains and spices – had a more diverse gut microbiome.

What is the 30 plants a week checklist? ›

Fresh, dried, canned and frozen plants all count (always aim for no-added salt and sugar) Extra virgin olive oil, tea and coffee, garlic count as ¼ point (like herbs and spices) Vegetable stock counts as 1/2 point. Refined plants such as fruit and vegetable juices, white grains, etc.

What is the 30 plants Week challenge? ›

The challenge is inspired by one of the largest microbiome studies conducted by the American Gut Project, which shows that eating at least 30 whole, diverse plants per week can have a positive impact on your gut microbiome.

What are the 30 plants that humans eat? ›

Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, apricots, sweet potatoes, peaches, plums, melons, eggplant, lemons, lettuce, green beans, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, spinach, corn, Swiss chard, celery, beets, onions, cauliflower, cherries, bananas, mushrooms, parsnips, turnips, ...

Does coffee count as 30 plants a week? ›

Unlike the 5-a-day guidelines, plant foods are not just restricted to fruits, vegetables, and legumes. They include whole grains such as brown rice and oats, nuts and seeds, and herbs and spices- all of which count towards the 30 a week. And it gets better- tea and coffee count too!

Do baked beans count as 30 plants a week? ›

Beneficial plants are generally categorised into six groups: wholegrains (like brown rice, oats, barley and quinoa) vegetables, fruit, legumes (think lentils, chickpeas and beans), nuts and seeds and herbs and spices. All of those will count towards your quota.

Are potatoes included in 30 plants a week? ›

What counts as a 'plant' food? Basically, everything that comes from a plant! Fruit and vegetables all count, of course (even potatoes – particularly if you eat the skin), but so can wholegrains, pulses, seeds, nuts, mushrooms, beans, herbs and spices.

Does peanut butter count in 30 plants a week? ›

The lentil salad I shared last week, for example, counts as 5 plants, and something simple like overnight oats with fruit and peanut butter can easily count as 6. We all get stuck eating the same meals over and over, though, so here are some tips for how to diversify and reach that 30…

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You can count nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices — even coffee and dark chocolate — along with fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Does olive oil count towards 30 plants a week? ›

In this context, a plant is any kind of food that has been grown: not only fruits and vegetables, but also grains, beans and pulses, nuts and seeds and herbs and spices. Dark chocolate, extra virgin olive oil, tea and coffee even count towards your 30 plant points per week.

What fruit is good for the microbiome? ›

Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries are all loaded with nutrients and taste delicious. Better still, they contain plant polyphenols. These offer many benefits, including supporting the gut barrier and interactions with gut microbiota. Pineapple, kiwifruit and papaya all contain proteolytic enzymes.

What are the super six foods? ›

There are six main plant groups, which we call the Super Six: vegetables, fruits, wholegrains, legumes (beans and pulses), nuts and seeds and herbs and spices. Researchers at the University of Bergen found that eating across the Super Six can add up to a decade of healthy years to your life.

How to eat 30 plants a week meal plan? ›

While it may seem ambitious, Rossi recommends aiming for 30 different plants a week from the super six: whole grains (think: quinoa, rolled oats, and sourdough bread), nuts and seeds (walnuts, pistachios, and pecans), vegetables, fruits, legumes (think: beans), and herbs and spices (cumin, cinnamon, and paprika).

What are the negatives of a plant-based diet? ›

Some studies have shown that those on a plant-based diet are found to have lower plasma vitamin B12 levels and higher levels of vitamin B12 deficiency than those who consume animal products. Vitamin B12 is an important cofactor in DNA synthesis, and deficiency can lead to anemia and severe neurological dysfunction.

What foods should you avoid on a plant-based diet? ›

You'll restrict grains and foods made with them, such as bread and pasta. You also limit starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn, as well as beans and legumes. And you'll cut high-sugar tropical fruits such as pineapple, mango, and bananas, as well as fruit juices and sweets.

Does chocolate count as 30 plants a week? ›

What counts as a 'plant' food? One thing you may be surprised about is that both coffee and dark chocolate do count, thanks to the coffee beans and cocoa. However, it's important to note that this is in moderation and eating chocolate every day of the week won't count as more than a quarter of your 30 plants (sorry!).

What are the benefits of eating mostly plants? ›

Plants are high in fiber.

Eating a plant-based diet improves the health of your gut so you are better able to absorb the nutrients from food that support your immune system and reduce inflammation. Fiber can lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar and it's great for good bowel management.

What happens if I only eat vegetables for 30 days? ›

Eating only vegetables for an extended period can result in massive weight loss which may not be entirely healthy. A vegetable only diet starves the body of other necessary nutrients needed to support growth.


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