7 dangerous mistakes to avoid when cooking in an air fryer (2024)

7 dangerous mistakes to avoid when cooking in an air fryer (1)

The best air fryers can raise your cooking game, allowing you to make crispy, healthy foods in record time. Whether it’s a reheated chicken nugget or a gourmet chickpea, an air fryer offers a whole world of cooking possibilities. While cooking on an oven or stove can take hours of arduous labor, the ingenious design of an air fryer allows you to get everything done in record time.

Using fans to circulate heat around the inside area, an air fryer cooks food quickly while keeping it crispy and warm. There are multiple types of air fryers, but they mostly boil down to having a basket or swinging doors in front. They are one of the easiest cooking devices to understand and pick up, but there are still quite a few dangers when working with them. From melted plastic to potential house fires, here are seven dangerous habits to avoid when using an air fryer.

1. Burning food

7 dangerous mistakes to avoid when cooking in an air fryer (2)

When using an air fryer, you need to know how long it will take for your food to cook. Leaving it in for just a bit too long can cause it to start to get a bit too crispy or even burn. When your food burns, it can catch on fire especially if you are using a piece of parchment paper underneath. That chicken wing you left in for an extra 15 minutes can turn into a huge blaze very quickly, so it’s important to keep an eye on how long you’ve left your food in the air fryer.

Every food is different, and you should test out different recipes to find the perfect time for your specific model. But unless you are cooking a baked potato or chicken thighs, there’s no reason to leave any type of food in an air fryer for longer than 25 minutes. Even then, you should pause just to reorient your food in the tray by mixing it around.

2. Leaving on the plastic

7 dangerous mistakes to avoid when cooking in an air fryer (3)

Air fryers are perfect for reheating a frozen meal you bought at the local grocery store. But in a rush, you might end up leaving it in the plastic container or with the packaging still on. Unlike microwave or some oven foods, this is an absolute no-no and should never be done in an air fryer.

For one thing, plastic can seep into your food and lead to health problems down the road. But in a more immediate problem, plastic can easily burn or catch fire, ruining your meal or burning down your home.

When cooking pre-packaged meals in an air fryer, you should always take it out of the packaging unless it’s been designed to go in. That small step can end up saving you a lot of time or even your life.

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3. Overcrowding the basket

7 dangerous mistakes to avoid when cooking in an air fryer (4)

When cooking in an air fryer, you want to make sure that the heat rotating inside can touch all of the areas of your food. It’s why you want to rotate your meal every once in a while while in the air fryer. But you should also make sure that you aren’t overcrowding the pan since it will keep anything you cook from reaching peak crispiness.

Each air fryer is different, but a good rule of thumb is to make sure that your pieces aren’t stacked on top of each other or clumped together. You might end up with fewer chicken nuggets or french fries in a single round, but those foods will taste a lot better when they aren’t soggy or drenched in oil from being overcrowded.

4. Cleaning the basket

7 dangerous mistakes to avoid when cooking in an air fryer (5)

When you use a pot or pan, it’s common practice to wash it after each use to get all of the gunk and bacteria off. An air fryer should also be cleaned after every use, even if you don’t think it's necessary. Small crumbs can burn, become baked onto your food or catch fire. So when cooking with your air fryer, get into the habit of cleaning it, no matter what you are cooking.

To clean an air fryer, you should unplug it, take out all of the removable parts, and wash it with warm water and dish soap. Make sure to not use any material that’s too abrasive as it could end up taking off the non-stick coat. If there’s stuck-on or burnt food you can’t get off no matter how much you scrub, try leaving baking soda on the problematic areas and let it sit for 20 minutes. Just remember not to completely submerge the air fryer’s mechanical components in water as it will most likely not turn on again afterward.

For more tips, here's how to clean an air fryer and get rid of baked-on grease.

5.You forget to preheat

7 dangerous mistakes to avoid when cooking in an air fryer (6)

An air fryer might be a modern technological marvel but it still has a lot of the same hurdles a traditional oven has. No matter how fancy or expensive it is, your air fryer still needs time to heat up before you can put the food in the basket. Many models come with temperature gauges or displays so you’ll know when it’s hot enough to put food inside.

If you don’t wait for the device to heat up before you put your food in, you are at severe risk of ruining it or yourself. Food placed in while it’s heating up won’t cook properly, leaving it cold, uneven, or just plain gross. There can even be some potential health risks if food like chicken or steak is undercooked you can get very sick. So remember that patience is important in every facet of cooking. You don’t want to chop too fast or you might lose a finger and you don’t want to undercook your food or it could be worse.

6. Not allowing space to vent

7 dangerous mistakes to avoid when cooking in an air fryer (7)

Most air fryers use fans to spread heat around in a confined cooking space. But once that heat has done its job it needs to go somewhere which is why most models have vents. They can be located on the side, the back, or even the top and should never be completely closed off.

To stop your air fryer from overheating, you need to give your air fryer some space away from a wall or other appliances. If you don't, your air fryer can overheat and either stop working or at an extreme, catch on fire.

7. Leaving your air fryer unattended

Like most kitchen appliances, an air fryer shouldn't be left unattended while turned on. Though it might seem easy to go to the other room or watch some television while your air fryer is cooking, your device could potentially malfunction or break leading to at best burnt food or at worse a burnt-down home.

With children or pets around, that danger grows immensely since they can accidentally throw your air fryer on the ground or break it.

More from Tom's Guide

  • Check out I've had my air fryer for years — but I only use it for one thing
  • Plus, here are 9 things you should never put in an air fryer
  • While you're at it, make sure you're not making any of these air fryer mistakes
7 dangerous mistakes to avoid when cooking in an air fryer (9)

Steven Asarch

Steven Asarch is a writer and editor who lives on Twitch and YouTube. After graduating from Baruch College, he wrote for IBT Media, Newsweek and Insider. In 2021, he executive produced the docu-series "Onision in Real Life" on Discovery +.As someone always looking to have the best smelling apartment possible, he's made it his mission to find the best air purifiers out there. His home has since become an air purifier haven, having stored and tested ten models for over three months. You could say he now knows everything there is to know about air purifiers, and what separates the good from the best.

More about air fryers

5 reasons why I'm switching to a dual-basket air fryer9 things I’ve learned since buying an air fryer


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    7 dangerous mistakes to avoid when cooking in an air fryer (2024)


    7 dangerous mistakes to avoid when cooking in an air fryer? ›

    Hearty dishes including stew, chilli con carne or bolognese are midweek favourites, but Good Food's food copy editor Samuel Goldsmith advises against using an air fryer to cook them. As the hot circulates inside the air fryer, this can cause hot liquids to splatter, which can be dangerous and messy.

    What 5 foods should you not put in an air fryer? ›

    Take a gander of this list of top foods that should never make their way into your air fryer.
    • Wet Batters. ...
    • Cheesy Items. ...
    • Large, Bone-In Meat Cuts. ...
    • Baked Goods. ...
    • Greens. ...
    • Raw Rice and Other Grains. ...
    • Too Much of Anything.
    Apr 14, 2023

    What is bad to cook in air fryer? ›

    Hearty dishes including stew, chilli con carne or bolognese are midweek favourites, but Good Food's food copy editor Samuel Goldsmith advises against using an air fryer to cook them. As the hot circulates inside the air fryer, this can cause hot liquids to splatter, which can be dangerous and messy.

    Why shouldn't you cook hamburgers in an air fryer? ›

    Though it takes a fairly short amount of time for an air fryer to cook the inside of meat to medium-rare, the outside of the burger won't brown as quickly. If you like your meat red and juicy, an air fryer won't give it the char that balances it out.

    Why are people getting rid of air fryers? ›

    Summary. In conclusion, while air fryers offer certain benefits such as reduced calorie intake and faster cooking times, they are not without their limitations. Size constraints, limited cooking options, and concerns about crispiness are driving some people to look for alternatives.

    Why is Airfryer not healthy? ›

    Acrylamide is a chemical that can be created by cooking processes including baking, air frying, and toasting. Acrylamide is considered a probable human carcinogen based on the results of studies in laboratory animals.

    What is the downside of air fryers? ›

    What are Disadvantages of Using an Air Fryer? Air fryers vary in the amount of foods they can hold, but usually do not have a large capacity. Air fryers may not be convenient when cooking for large groups.

    What is the controversy with air fryers? ›

    Increased air fryer recalls since 2021

    But that doesn't mean air fryers pose no risk. Faulty wiring or user error can cause air fryers to overheat, burn the food inside or melt the machine itself, leading to several reported cases of kitchen fires and burns. To date, there have been no deaths reported.

    Can you put aluminum foil in an air fryer? ›

    Foil is safe to use in an air fryer so long as you follow three basic rules: never let foil touch the heating element; make sure the foil is weighted so it doesn't blow around the basket; and avoid contact with acidic ingredients, which can cause the foil to leach onto your food.

    Can you put raw meat in an airfryer? ›

    It is safe to cook raw meat in the air fryer if it is fully defrosted, seasoned, and monitored. Some fully cooked foods, including chicken tenders or fries, can be placed frozen in the air fryer. However, with raw meat, it's recommended to thoroughly defrost to allow more even cooking and a tasty final product.

    Why should you never cook bacon in your air fryer? ›

    But a food expert has warned Brits that there's one common food item you should never cook in an air fryer - bacon. Dietitian Brenda Peralta explained bacon is extremely fatty, and when you cook bacon in an air fryer, it can lead to an accident in your home and produce unpleasant odours.

    What are the top 10 foods to cook in an air fryer? ›

    How to Cook and Season the Best Air-Fryer Foods With Ease
    • Chicken Breasts. Everyone has cooked or eaten a rubbery, dried-out chicken breast and there's just nothing about that experience that you want to repeat. ...
    • Tofu. ...
    • Zoodles. ...
    • Cauliflower Gnocchi. ...
    • Salmon (chopped) ...
    • Chickpeas. ...
    • Personal Pizzas. ...
    • Frozen Cauliflower.
    Feb 18, 2020

    What do I wish I knew before I get an air fryer? ›

    6 things I wish I'd known before I bought an air fryer
    • Air fryers do not fry. Deep fried foods: not like air fried ones. ...
    • The air fryer parts you use most are easy to clean but the outer parts… not so much. ...
    • There's a war going on in the air fryer community! ...
    • Air fryers can be quite large.

    Why do chefs hate air fryers? ›

    Air fryers aren't logical appliances for every restaurant's offerings, as their temperature settings can dry out or burn the food. Investing in combination ovens and deep fryers is a far more valuable and efficient solution for modern establishments.

    What is better than air fryers? ›

    Convection ovens can cook larger portions and do a lot more than a standalone air fryer unit. If you have storage space and like kitchen gadgets, you will probably enjoy having an air fryer.

    What's replacing air fryers? ›

    Ditch your air fryer and replace it with a countertop oven | CNN.

    What ruins an air fryer? ›

    Putting a damp basket back into the air fryer can cause damage, such as affecting the time it takes for your air fryer to heat up or damaging the internal components. It is no secret that water and electricity do not go hand-in-hand.

    Can I put foil in an air fryer? ›

    The great news about air fryers is that you can use foil along with parchment paper to cook your food in an air fryer. Just remember that if it's safe and effective to use in a conventional oven, it will work just fine in an air fryer.


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