Carnivore Diet Macros and How to Achieve Them (2024)

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By Liam McAuliffe Updated on

Carnivore Diet Macros and How to Achieve Them (1)

When most people think of the carnivore diet they think of eating only meat and animal products.

This is true, of course, but it misses the fact that a carnivore diet eliminates almost all carbs, which makes it a type of ketogenic diet.

As with other types of keto diets, eating high-fat foods that meet your keto macro percentages is important for reducing the chances of side effects. This is especially true when first making the transition from a standard American diet.

In this article, we’ll explore carnivore diet macros, while offering some tips for enjoying a carnivore lifestyle in the most nourishing and sustainable way.

Let’s dig in.

Table of Contents

  • Carnivore Diet Macro Percentages
  • Carnivore Foods That Have Carbs
  • What Happens if I Don’t Eat Enough Fat on a Carnivore Diet?
  • Can I Increase Carb Intake After Reaching Adapting to Carnivore?
  • Fat to Protein Macro Percentages
  • How Do I Add More Fat to My Carnivore Diet Macros?
  • Carnivore Macro Percentages: Dr. Kiltz’s Bottom Line

Carnivore Diet Macro Percentages

Carnivore diet macros follow the same percentages as standard keto. These ratios are:

  • 70-80 percent calories from fat
  • 15-30 percent calories from protein
  • 0-10 percent calories from carbs

How to Convert Carnivore Macro Percentages to Grams

To convert carnivore diet macros to grams of fat, protein, and carbs you start with the number of calories in each nutrient. Fat has nearly twice as many calories per gram compared with carbs and protein.

MacronutrientCalories per gram

Dr. Kiltz's Take

The beauty of the carnivore diet is that you don’t have to worry about counting carbs, since meat has essentially zero carbs.

If you’re aiming for 2,000 calories a day, your carnivore diet macros might work out to:

Macro CaloriesMacro Grams
1500 calories from fat166 grams of fat
400 calories from protein100 grams of protein
0-100 calories from carbs0-25 grams of carbs

Carnivore Foods That Have Carbs

Carnivore Diet Macros and How to Achieve Them (3)

The exception to not having to worry about carbs on carnivore is if you’re eating large quantities of dairy.

Milk, along with some yogurt and cheeses (cottage cheese) are high in carbs. To play it safe, stick with high-fat carnivore diet cheeses. Choosing soft cheeses described as “creamy” is a good rule of thumb.

Small amounts of carbs are also found in organ meats, like beef liver, and some keto seafood, such as mussels, salmon roe, and oysters.

Click here for a full carnivore diet food list, and here for carnivore meal plans that will help you put these foods into action.

What Happens if I Don’t Eat Enough Fat on a Carnivore Diet?

Most people in the West think of meat as lean muscle meat–tenderloin, chicken, etc.

This bias towards lean meat is a completely modern invention. And we have bad anti-fat science and strong anti-fat personalities from the 1960s to un-thank for it.

The truth is, humans evolved on a diet of extremely fatty animal meats. Our two million-year journey as hyper-carnivorous apex predators began when we first learned to scavenge extremely fatty bone meats and brains.3

Carnivore Diet Macros and How to Achieve Them (4)

Source: Julie McMahon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

A mere 100g (3.5 oz ) dose of bone marrow provides a whopping 786 calories, 97% from fat. If we scale this up to the giant animals that roamed the earth with us, we’re talking about tens of thousands of fat calories in the bones of a single 20-foot-tall ground sloth or a mastodon.

This superabundance of animal fat along with numerous fat-soluble vitamins and nutrients found only in meat was rocket fuel for the development of our brains.

Carnivore Diet Macros and How to Achieve Them (5)

Source: Dr Miki Ben Dor

With bigger brains, we learned how to make more sophisticated tools and to coordinate with each other to take down giant prey.

For the rest of human history up until around 10,000 years ago, human life revolved around hunting and eating fat.

We only changed our habits and became farmers because we ate the giant fatty beasts into extinction.

There’s an evolutionary reason why a succulent ribeye steak provides the near-perfect balance of all essential macro and micronutrients: Our bodies evolved in harmony with large, fatty, herbivorous animals as our primary food source.

Dr. Kiltz's Take

Realigning our physiology with our ancestral diet is the key to the health benefits of the carnivore diet. To do so means eating fatty meats, and rendered animal fats.

Observations of Traditional Carnivore Diet Macros

Carnivore Diet Macros and How to Achieve Them (6)

In his groundbreaking book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, pioneering researcher and Dentist Weston A. Price observed the following practice among mostly carnivorous Native Americans living in the Northern Canadian Rockies:

“I found the Indians putting great emphasis upon the eating of the organs of the animals, including parts of the digestive tract. Much of the muscle meat of the animals was fed to the dogs. … The skeletal remains are found as piles of finely broken bone chips or splinters that have been cracked up to obtain as much as possible of the marrow and nutritive qualities of the bones.”

Arctic explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson observed similar practices among the Inuit. He described how when the Inuit ate caribou, they prized the fat behind the eye and the fatty meat around the head, then the organs, including the heart and kidneys. Caribou kidneys are around 50% fat.

The Protein Constraint

Carnivore Diet Macros and How to Achieve Them (7)

The view that we need to eat mostly animal fat on a carnivore diet is not just ideological, it’s biological.

Humans can only get between 35-50% of our calories from protein before we begin experiencing protein poisoning. Cats and other carnivores that didn’t begin as fat-scavengers can get 70% of their energy from protein.

Meeting your fat carnivore diet macro goals will protect you from protein poisoning. If you eat too much protein and not enough fat you will get protein poisoning. This condition occurs when your liver can no longer upregulate urea synthesis needed to metabolize protein.

Protein poisoning symptoms include :

  • Hyperaminoacidemia
  • Hyperammonemia
  • hyperinsulinemia
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Death within 2-4 weeks of prolonged protein poisoning

Carnivore Diet Macros and How to Achieve Them (8)

Can I Increase Carb Intake After Reaching Adapting to Carnivore?

Once you’ve adapted to a carnivore diet and met its macros for a few weeks, it is possible to add in some carbs.

Dr. Kiltz on his BEBBIIS diet–a modified approach to mostly carnivorous eating, allows himself a once-in-awhile indulgence of french fries fried in tallow, and homemade keto ice cream.

Follow along with Dr. Kiltz to make your own homemade ice cream:

Fat to Protein Macro Percentages

Eating fat provides your body with the optimal building blocks for ketones–energy molecules created from fat. Protein is used to maintain muscle mass, while a portion is synthesized into glycogen–a type of carbohydrate that gets stored in your muscles.

To keep your fat-to-protein carnivore diet macros optimally balanced, simply consume 1.5x to 2x grams of fat per gram of protein.

How Do I Add More Fat to My Carnivore Diet Macros?

Consuming healthy keto fats is the cornerstone of a well-formulated carnivore diet.

These fatty staples will help you meet your carnivore diet macro goals:

  • fatty cuts of steak, preferably from grass-fed sources
  • Bacon and pork belly are great ways to boost fat when you’re doing carnivore diet on a budget
  • Other fatty keto meats
  • Butter
  • Tallow
  • Lard
  • eggs
  • Creamy carnivore cheese

Carnivore Diet Macros and How to Achieve Them (9)

Add Butter To Your Coffee

Carnivore Diet Macros and How to Achieve Them (10)

Though coffee on carnivore is technically off-limits (it’s plant extract), most people on carnivore drink it anyway. So you might as well use it as a way to boost your fat intake by adding butter. This will also make is far more satiating.

Carnivore Macro Percentages: Dr. Kiltz’s Bottom Line

Carnivore diet macros align with standard keto macros: 70-80% fat, 15-20% protein, and 0-10% carbs.

On carnivore, you don’t need to worry about watching your carb intake unless you’re eating a lot of dairy.

Carnivore diet macros are easy to achieve simply by selecting and eating fatty meat, adding in animal fats like butter and tallow, and supplementing with high-fat cheese.

Most people who come to carnivore are challenged to think of meat as animal fat and some protein, rather than just muscle meat. But the sooner you accept and seek out succulent fatty meats the more enjoyable, sustainable, and nourishing your journey on carnivore will be.

Article Sources

Carnivore Diet Macros and How to Achieve Them (2024)


Carnivore Diet Macros and How to Achieve Them? ›

Carnivore diet macros are easy to achieve simply by selecting and eating fatty meat, adding in animal fats like butter and tallow, and supplementing with high-fat cheese. Most people who come to carnivore are challenged to think of meat as animal fat and some protein, rather than just muscle meat.

What should my macros be on a carnivore diet? ›

So, there you have it: the breakdown of carnivore diet macro ratios. In summary, around 70–80% fats, around 20–30% protein, and keep your carbs low for roughly 0–10%.

How many grams of protein should you eat on a carnivore diet? ›

This macro requirement increases even more so on low-carb diets as this protein recommendation is far from sufficient for carnivores. In terms of the carnivore diet, we generally recommend eating between 0.8-1 gram of protein per ideal body weight or lean body mass. This is what we consider moderate protein intake.

How many carbs per day on a carnivore diet? ›

Other popular low-carb diets, like the keto and paleo diets, limit but don't exclude carb intake. However, the carnivore diet aims for zero carbs.

How to eat 200 grams of protein a day on a carnivore diet? ›

One steak, that's about 60g 200g of chicken breast, another 60g 2 scoops of protein, that's 50g and 5 eggs, which is 30g of protein. Steak, chicken, protein powder, eggs, all of this, 200g of protein. How much protein should you eat on a carnivore diet?

How do I make sure I get enough fat on a carnivore diet? ›

How Do I Add More Fat to My Carnivore Diet Macros?
  1. fatty cuts of steak, preferably from grass-fed sources.
  2. Bacon and pork belly are great ways to boost fat when you're doing carnivore diet on a budget.
  3. Other fatty keto meats.
  4. Butter.
  5. Tallow.
  6. Lard.
  7. eggs.
  8. Creamy carnivore cheese.
Jan 10, 2024

How many grams of meat should I eat a day on a carnivore diet? ›

Eat 1.5 - 1.8 lbs of meat to hit your goal of 150 - 180g of protein per day. Get 120 - 150g of fat - If you're eating 1.5 lb of fatty meat, you'll hit this! Think ribeye, 80/20 ground beef.

Can you eat too much meat on a carnivore diet? ›

However, red meat, high in saturated fat, is also allowed on the diet. Saturated fats can cause inflammation. Additionally, a high-protein diet (such as the carnivore diet) can be harmful to the kidneys—and can even promote gout and kidney stones.

How to lose weight fast on carnivore? ›

On the carnivore diet you cut carbohydrates and eat nothing but meat and other animal products, like beef, chicken, pork, fish, and eggs. The idea is that by cutting all carbs, your body will burn fat for energy and you'll lose weight.

Why did Dr. Saladino quit carnivore? ›

Physician Paul Saladino, formerly known as Carnivore MD, went on the More Plates More Dates podcast to talk about why he quit the diet. He described how being on the almost exclusively meaty diet for two years made his testosterone drop and caused sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, and muscle cramps.

Why am I gaining weight on a carnivore diet? ›

Too Much Protein, Not Enough Fat

On a low-carb diet, when you eat too much protein and not enough fat, your body turns the protein into blood sugar through a process called gluconeogenesis. This process interferes with fat metabolism, which can, in turn, limit weight loss.

What did Joe Rogan eat on his carnivore diet? ›

What Does Joe Rogan Eat on the Carnivore Diet? Rogan shared that he ate only two meals a day on carnivore. His carnivore diet meal plan began with eggs and bacon for breakfast, then grass-fed elk, bison, and steak for dinner. He also shares that he enjoys ribeye for breakfast.

How to calculate macros for carnivore diet? ›

The Carnivore diet macros ratio is about 50 to 75 percent fat, 20 to 35 percent protein, and 0 to 5 percent carbs. To hit these macros, prioritize fatty cuts of meat (chuck, ribeye, chicken thigh), fatty fish (salmon, sardines, anchovies), and eggs. The good news is that you needn't sweat carb limits on Carnivore.

How do you calculate protein intake on a carnivore diet? ›

Aim for about 1.2 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, depending on your activity level, health goals, and body composition. For example, a 70-kilogram (154-pound) individual with a moderately active lifestyle might consume 112-154 grams of protein per day.

How much beef liver per day on carnivore diet? ›

12,000 micrograms of vitamin A per day can mean a toxic overload to your own liver, so if beef liver is your go-to, avoid eating large amounts. Keep your serving of beef liver to no more than 3.5 oz per day [2]. And for kids, eating liver once a week should be enough.

What are the nutritional requirements for a carnivore diet? ›

Answer: The carnivore diet meal plan only allows consumption of meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, fish, some dairy products, and water. You need to exclude all vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts. That's why it is sometimes referred to as the "zero carb" diet.

How many calories should I eat on a carnivore diet? ›

With the right amount of fat and protein, you can reach your body composition goals while enjoying delicious meals. If you are looking to lose weight, an ideal caloric intake is around 1,500-1,750 calories per day, deviating from the normal 2,000.

What macros should I eat for ketosis? ›

Generally, popular ketogenic resources suggest an average of 70-80% fat from total daily calories, 5-10% carbohydrate, and 10-20% protein. For a 2000-calorie diet, this translates to about 165 grams fat, 40 grams carbohydrate, and 75 grams protein.

What is the best macro ratio for cutting weight? ›

The optimal ratios of macros for weight loss are generally accepted as:
  • Carbohydrates: 40-50% of your daily calories.
  • Protein: 25-35% of your daily calories.
  • Fat: 20-30% of your daily calories.
Mar 11, 2024


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