Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (2024)

Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL).

NHL is a type of blood cancer that affects white blood cells calledlymphocytes Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (1). It is a cancer of thelymphatic system Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (2).

DLBCL is fast growing (high grade). You have treatment soon after diagnosis. Treatment usually includes chemotherapy Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (3) together with a targeted drug Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (4) called rituximab. Doctors call this chemoimmunotherapy.

This page is about DLBCL in adults.

  • Read about NHL in children

What is diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL?

DLBCL is a common type of fast growing (high grade) NHL.

Lymphoma develops when white blood cells calledlymphocytesgrow out of control. They move around your body in your blood and yourlymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is an important part of our immune system. It has tubes that branch through all parts of the body.

These tubes are called lymph vessels or lymphatic vessels and they carry a straw coloured liquid called lymph. This liquid circulates around the body tissues. It contains a high number of white blood cells (lymphocytes) which fight infection.

Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (5)

There are two types of lymphocytes:T lymphocytes (T cells)andB lymphocytes (B cells).

DLBCL develops when the body makes abnormal B lymphocytes. So it is a type of B cell lymphoma. The abnormal lymphocytes build up in the lymph nodes Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (6) or other body organs. They don't work properly.So they can't fight infection as normal white blood cells do.

As the name suggests, diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) means this type of lymphoma has:

  • abnormal B cells that are larger than normal healthy B cells
  • cancer cells in a spread out (diffuse) pattern rather than being grouped together

How common is it?

Each year about 5,000 people are diagnosed with DLBCL in the UK. This makes up more than 40 out of 100 cases (40%) of NHL in adults.

DLBCLis more common in males than females.

Types of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL)

Most people do not have a specific type of DLBCL. This is called DLBCL not otherwise specified (DLBCL NOS).

There are also some quite rare sub types of DLBCL. The treatment for most subtypes is similar.

These rare types include:

  • T-cell/histiocyte-rich large B-cell lymphoma
  • Epstein Barr virus positive DLBCL
  • ALK positive large B cell lymphoma
  • primary mediastinal (thymic) large B cell lymphoma
  • intravascular large B cell lymphoma

We have a separate information page about DLBCL that starts in the brain (primary CNS lymphoma).

  • Read about primary CNS lymphoma


Symptoms can start or get worse in just a few weeks.

Painless swellings

The most common symptom is one or more painless swellings in the:

  • neck
  • armpit
  • groin

These swellings are enlarged lymph nodes.They can grow very quickly.

General symptoms (B symptoms)

You might have other general symptoms such as:

  • heavy sweating at night
  • high temperatures that come and go with no obvious cause
  • losing a lot of weight (more than one tenth of your total weight)

Doctors call this group of symptoms B symptoms. Some people may also have unexplained itching. It is important to tell your doctor about any symptoms like this.

Other symptoms

DLBCL can develop outside the lymph nodes. The symptoms you have depend on where it grows. For example, DLBCL growing in your:

  • tummy (abdomen) or bowel might cause pain, diarrhoea or bleeding
  • chest might causebreathlessness or a cough

See your GP if you have these symptoms.

  • Read more about the symptoms of lymphoma

Getting diagnosed

The main test to diagnose lymphoma is a lymph nodebiopsy Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (7).A doctor removes part or all of the swollen lymph node. They send it to the laboratory for a specialist to look at it undera microscope.

You might also have some blood tests.

If your doctor diagnoses lymphoma, you might have further tests. These might include:

  • a PET-CT scan Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (8)
  • a bone marrow test Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (9) to check if you have lymphoma cells in your bone marrow
  • an MRI scan Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (10) to look at your head or spine
  • a lumbar puncture Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (11) to check for lymphoma cells in the fluid around your brain and spinal cord
  • Read more about tests to diagnose NHL

Stages and grades of diffuse large B cell lymphoma


Grade describes how the cells look under a microscope. Your grade tells the doctor how quickly the lymphoma is likely to grow and spread. Doctors put NHL into 2 grades:

  • low grade (slow growing)
  • high grade (fast growing)

DLBCLis fast growing and doctors call it a high grade lymphoma.


You have tests to find out the number of places in your body affected by lymphoma, and where these are. This is your stage. Doctors use your stage to plan your treatment.

Doctors use different systems to describe your stage.There are different staging systems for adults and children with DLBCL. There are 4 main stages of NHL (stage 1 to stage 4). Or your doctors might talk about early (limited) stage and advanced stage lymphoma.

Early stage usually means eitherstage 1orstage 2lymphoma. Advanced stage usually means eitherstage 3orstage 4lymphoma.

  • Read more about stages of NHL in adults

If your child has DLBCL, ask your specialist to explain what the stage means.

  • Read about NHL in children

Your risk of DLBCL coming back (outlook)

The best person to talk to about your prognosis or outlook is your specialist.

Your doctor might use test results to give you a prognostic score. The score is based on several factors. This helps doctors to talk to you about your prognosis. And to predict how you might respond to treatment. They call it the International Prognostic Index (IPI). They look at the following factors:

  • your age
  • how lymphoma affects your well being, also known as performance status
  • the level of an enzyme called lactose dehydrogenase (LDH) in your blood
  • whether your lymphoma is outside the lymph nodes (extranodal disease)
  • the stage of your lymphoma

These factors score points to give an overall score. This score helps your doctors work out whether your lymphoma is low, intermediate (medium), or high risk. This helps your team to plan the best treatment for you.

  • Read more about prognostic scores and NHL survival

Treatment for diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL)

The aim of treatment for DLBCL might be to:

  • cure the lymphoma
  • control the lymphoma for as long as possible
  • control symptoms
  • stop lymphoma spreading to other parts of the body (such as the cerebrospinal fluid)
  • stop lymphoma coming back

Talk to your doctor or specialist nurse if you want to find out more about the aim of your treatment.

As DLBCL is fast growing (high grade) you have treatment soon after diagnosis.If there is no sign of lymphoma following treatment, this is called remission. Sometimes, lymphoma can come back (relapse). You would usually then have more treatment.

Treatment decisions

Your treatment depends on:

  • where your lymphoma is (the stage)
  • your symptoms
  • your general health
  • levels of some chemicals in your blood
  • whether your lymphoma is likely to come back after treatment

The main treatments

The main treatment options for DLBCL are:

  • chemotherapy Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (12) combined with steroids Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (13) and a targeted cancer drug Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (14)- doctors call this chemoimmunotherapy
  • radiotherapy Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (15)
  • chemotherapy to stop lymphoma spreading to your brain

You have the chemoimmunotherapy drugs on certain days. This is usually over 3 weeks. Each 3 week period is called a cycle of treatment. How many cycles you have depends on your situation.

After treatment, NHL sometimes doesn't go away or comes back. Your specialist might suggest other types of treatment in this situation including:

  • stem cell transplant Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (16)
  • CAR-T cell therapy
  • targeted cancer drugs on their own, or together with chemotherapy
  • Read about the different treatment types for NHL

Early stage lymphoma (stage 1 and 2)

You usually have chemoimmunotherapy. You have it on its own, or combined with radiotherapy.

You might have one of the following:

  • 4 cycles of R-CHOP - your doctor might recommend radiotherapy afterwards
  • 6 cycles of R-CHOP

R-CHOP is one of the main chemoimmunotherapy combinations. It includes the drugs rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin hydrochloride, vincristine and prednisolone.

  • Go to our A-Z list of cancer drugs to read about the different drugs

Advanced stage lymphoma (stage 3 and 4)

You usually have chemoimmunotherapy. You might have one of the following:

  • 6 cycles of Pola-R-CHP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin hydrochloride, prednisolone andpolatuzumab vedotin)
  • 6 cycles of R-CHOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin hydrochloride, vincristine and prednisolone)

If you have high risk lymphoma

Your doctor looks at your test results to work out your prognostic score. They use this score to work out if you have a low, intermediate (medium), or high risk of the lymphoma coming back after treatment. This helps the doctor plan your treatment.

You might have more intensive treatment if you have a high risk of your lymphoma coming back.

You might have:

  • R-CODOX-M (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin and methotrexate)
  • followed byR-IVAC (rituximab, ifosfamide, etoposide and cytarabine)

If you are older or less fit

You mayhave a less intensive treatment combinationif you are older, or less fit and well. These might exclude certain drugsor have lower doses of drugs to reduce the side effects. For example, R-mini-CHOP.

Chemotherapy to stop spread to your spine or brain

Lymphoma can spread to your central nervous system (CNS). The CNS is your brain and spinal cord. Some types DLBCL are more likely to spread to the CNS than others. If you have a high risk, your doctor might want you to have treatment to prevent this.

You might have treatment to prevent CNS spread if your lymphoma is:

  • in your breast, testicl*s, adrenal gland, kidney orblood vessels (intravascular lymphoma)
  • likely to come back after treatment (high risk)

You might have a high dose of a chemotherapy drug called methotrexate. You have this into your vein (intravenously).

Occasionally, your doctor might suggestinjections of methotrexateinto the fluid around your spinal cord.This is called intrathecal chemotherapy Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (17).It is very similar to having a lumbar puncture.

  • Read more about intrathecal chemotherapy

Treatment when lymphoma doesn't go away or comes back

Lymphoma that does not go away with treatment is called refractory lymphoma. Lymphoma that comes back after treatment is called relapsed disease. You might have:

  • chemoimmunotherapy followed by a stem cell transplant Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (18)
  • CAR T-cell therapy
  • chemoimmunotherapy on its own
  • a targeted cancer drug treatment
  • radiotherapy

Your treatment plan will depend on what treatment you have already had, and how well you are.

Stem cell transplant

A stem cell transplant allows you to have very high doses of chemotherapy. You can have a transplant using:

  • your own stem cells (autologous stem cell transplant)
  • a donor’s stem cells (allogeneic stem cell transplant)

Most people have an autologous stem cell transplant.It is less common for people with DLBCL to have an allogeneic stem cell transplant.

  • Read more about stem cell transplants

CAR-T cell therapy

For CAR-T cell therapy a specialistcollects and makesa small change to yourT cell Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (19)s. After a few weeks, you have a drip containing these cells back into your bloodstream. The CAR T-cells then recognise and attack the cancer cells.

You might have it if your lymphoma has continued to grow or relapsed following at least 2 treatments. You need to be well enough for this treatment.

  • Read more about CAR-T cell therapy

Other treatments

Other treatments you might have include the following drugs:

  • glofitamab
  • epcoritamab
  • loncastuximab tesirine
  • Read more about targeted cancer drugs for NHL

If you aren't well enough for these treatments, you might have chemoimmunotherapy. You might have polatuzumab vedotintogether with bendamustine (chemotherapy) and rituximab.

You might also have radiotherapy to help control symptoms caused by your lymphoma.

Treating and preventing problems caused by lymphoma

Lymphoma and its treatment can cause problems. Supportive treatments can help to either prevent or control these problems.

Supportive treatments you might need include:

  • medicines to prevent bacterial or viral infections
  • injections to boost your immune system (GCSF)

Follow up

You usually have a PET-CT scan Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (20)when you finish treatment. This is to see how well the treatment has worked. The doctors are checking that there are no signs of lymphoma in your body. They call this remission Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (21).

You have regular follow up appointments after finishing treatment. These are appointments to check how you are. And to check there are no signs of the lymphoma coming back. Your appointments might be every 3 to 4 months for at least 2 years.

Your doctor will examine you and ask about any symptoms or side effects. You usually have blood tests. You don't usually have scans unless you have symptoms that are causing a problem.

You can ask any questions at these appointments.Contact your health care team between appointments if you have any symptoms or concerns. You don't need to wait for a booked appointment.

After 2 years, your lymphoma specialist might transfer your care to your GP (family doctor). This is because the risk of your disease coming back after 2 years is small. Talk to your GP if you have any symptoms or concerns. The GP can then contact a specialist again if they need to.

  • More information about follow up


Researchers around the world are looking at the treatments for NHL. Your doctor might suggest you take part in a clinical trial.

  • Read more about research into NHL

Coping with DLBCL

DLBCL and treatment is likely to cause physical changes in your body. The treatment can be very intense. You might be in and out of hospital for at least a few months. These changes can be hard to cope with and can affect the way you feel about yourself.

You might also have to cope with feeling very tired and lethargic a lot of the time, especiallyfor a while after treatment.

Ask your medical team about possible support and help.

It can help to talk to friends and family. Or join a support group to meet people in a similar situation.

Our discussion forum Cancer Chat is a place for anyone affected by cancer. You can share experiences, stories and information with other people who know what you are going through.

  • Visit Cancer Chat

You might need practical advice about benefits or financial help. There is help and support available.

  • Information about living with NHL
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.