Does Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Work? A Dentist Explains (2024)

Yes, hydroxyapatite toothpaste works to remineralize enamel, prevent tooth decay, and sooth sensitivity.

By and large, hydroxyapatite toothpaste is so powerful because it harnesses the power of hydroxyapatite, a mineral that naturally composes most of your teeth and bones. By brushing with hydroxyapatite toothpaste, you create a sort of "protective layer" over your teeth which facilitates enamel repair and prevents further enamel erosion.

Notably, hydroxyapatite toothpaste is an ideal alternative to fluoride toothpaste, and it is effective at:

  • strengthening teeth

  • whitening teeth

  • and preventing plaque buildup.

In this article, I'll explain everything you need to know about hydroxyapatite toothpaste and why it works better than anything you've tried before.

What is hydroxyapatite toothpaste?

Does Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Work? A Dentist Explains (1)

Hydroxyapatite toothpasteis a relatively new type of toothpaste that is gaining popularity due to its potential benefits for oral health. It contains either hydroxyapatite or nano hydroxyapatite (nHa), a smaller, more effective version of hydroxyapatite.

The coolest part? Hydroxyapatite is a naturally occurring mineral that makes up97% of tooth enamel and 60% of tooth dentin. Unlike fluoride toothpaste, nano hydroxyapatite is a natural substance already found in your teeth and bones.

These hydroxyapatite toothpastes work by depositing calcium and phosphate ions back into your tooth surface whereresearch has shownthat it can help strengthen and remineralize teeth, making it a promising option for dental care.

Not only is it fluoride-free, but hydroxyapatite is safe and effective for maintaining oral health, particularly for individuals with sensitive teeth and pregnant women.

This is becausenano hydroxyapatite is safeand does not exhibitthe negative effects associated withexcess fluoride consumptionsuch as toxicity and fluorosis.

How It Works

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste works thanks the magic of hydroxyapatite, a mineral that closely mimics the natural structure of our teeth and bones.

When we brush with hydroxyapatite toothpaste or nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste, hydroxyapatite particles attach to the enamel, initiation a process known as remineralization. During remineralization, our toothpaste replenishes lost minerals in our enamel, making it stronger and more resistant to enamel erosion and tooth decay.

Does Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Work? A Dentist Explains (2)
While you cannot remineralize a cavity once it has formed, evidence suggests that nano hydroxyapatite is successful at preventing tooth decayand healing demineralized enamel through this remineralization process.

Essentially, hydroxyapatite toothpaste acts as a sort of "protective shield" over teeth, supporting the repair of damage and preventing new damage from forming.

Also, hydroxyapatite toothpaste is known for its ability to promote smoothness. When brushing with remineralizing toothpaste, hydroxyapatite particles start to fill in minor surface irregularities which enhances the overall appearance of teeth and can also help reduce sensitivity.

Further, hydroxyapatite has a unique ability toinhibit bad bacteria's ability to adhere to our teeth which can otherwise contribute to plaque formation.

Overall, hydroxyapatite toothpaste is an excellent form of fluoride-free toothpaste with multiple benefits for oral health.

Does hydroxyapatite remineralize teeth?
Does Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Work? A Dentist Explains (3)

Yes, hydroxyapatite does remineralize teeth. When hydroxyapatite is used in toothpaste or other oral care products, supports the mineral restoration of our enamel through remineralization.

This remineralization process makes enamel stronger and more resistant to acid erosion. It can even reverse tooth decay. At a high level, hydroxyapatite repairs and strengthens the outer layer of your teeth, which is vital for preventing demineralization, enamel erosion, and tooth decay.

The remineralization effect of hydroxyapatite is one of the main reasons it is used in dental products, particularly in toothpaste, alongside its ability to soothe hypersensitivity and whiten teeth.

In comparing hydroxyapatite vs nano hydroxyapatite, nano hydroxyapatite is shown to have greater remineralization potential than hydroxyapatite.

Further, studies show that when comparing nano hydroxyapatite vs fluoride, nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste is equally as effective at remineralization as fluoride toothpaste.

Do remineralizing toothpastes work?

Yes, remineralizing toothpastes containing nano hydroxyapatite work to strengthen enamel after demineralization and prevent tooth decay.

Remineralizing toothpastes can effectively aid in the remineralization process by replenishing lost minerals in tooth enamel and strengthening the teeth against decay. Research suggests that nano hydroxyapatite based remineralizing toothpaste can both effectively stimulate remineralization and fight the progression of demineralization.

In fact, remineralizing toothpastes with nano hydroxyapatite have been proven to be even more effective at remineralization than fluoride varnish.

How long does remineralization take?

Remineralization time can vary depending on factors such as theseverity of enamel damage, your individual oral hygiene practices, and the effectiveness of the remineralizing agent used.

With nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste, which closely mimics the natural composition of tooth enamel, remineralization typically begins shortly after use and continues over time with consistent application.

Research suggests significant improvements in enamel strength and mineral content can often be observed within weeks to months of regular use. Further, one clinical trial found that nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste reduced sensitivity while also improving the enamel remineralization rate and acid resistance within 3 months. Finally, another study confirmed that nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste improved the mineral surface content of teeth in just 8 weeks.

While the research and clinical evidence repeatedly demonstrate the efficacy of nano hydroxyapatite to speed up remineralization, please note that yourindividual results may vary.

Consequences of Demineralization

Tooth demineralization refers to the loss of minerals, primarily calcium and phosphate, from the enamel and underlying tooth structure. This process can have several consequences for our oral health, including but not limited to:

  • Tooth Sensitivity: Demineralization can lead to increased tooth sensitivity. As the protective enamel layer thins due to mineral loss, the underlying dentin becomes more exposed. Dentin contains nerve endings that can trigger pain or discomfort in response to temperature changes or acidic substances.

  • Tooth Decay: Demineralization is a precursor to tooth decay. When minerals are continuously lost from our enamel, it can progress, eventually result in the formation of cavities.

  • Weakened Enamel: Demineralization weakens enamel, making it more susceptible to damage. Enamel erosion can result in the thinning of tooth structure, altering the appearance of teeth and potentially leading to more serious dental problems over time.

  • Aesthetic Changes: As enamel demineralizes, your teeth may become discolored, appear translucent, or develop surface irregularities.

  • Increased Risk of Gum Disease: Demineralization can affect not only your teeth but also your overall oral health. Weakened enamel may contribute to an increased risk of gum disease as the protective barrier against harmful bacteria is compromised.

  • Pain and Discomfort: Severe demineralization can lead to pain and discomfort, especially when consuming hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages. This can significantly impact an individual's quality of life.

Preventing demineralization and promoting remineralization through proper oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing with nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste and using expandable floss, is essential to maintain strong and healthy teeth.

Benefits of Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste

Does Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Work? A Dentist Explains (4)

Hydroxyapatite toothpastes and hydroxyapatite toothpaste tabletsare making waves for apatite functions to strengthen your enamel surface andincrease the mineral density of your teeth. This process makes your teeth stronger and glossier while also decreasing your chances of tooth decay, leading to a radiant smile!


While hydroxyapatite does not have the same FDA approval for dental caries prevention as fluoride and the fact that you cannot remineralize a cavity once it has fully formed, studies show that nano hydroxyapatite does indeedhelp remineralize initial caries lesions.

This process can stimulate bone growth leading to reduced chances of developing decayed enamel.


Even beyond caries prevention, synthetic hydroxyapatite is an effective desensitizing agent.Research showsthat it is a safe material for reducing dentin hypersensitivity.

By depositing minerals into the protective layer of your teeth, hydroxyapatite toothpaste can make a significant difference in your ability to tolerate acidity, temperature, and sugar.


A healthy mouth has a unique environment of bacteria in it. Using synthetic hydroxyapatite is helpfulinreducing the growth of bad bacteriawhile sparing the good bacteria that protect your teeth.

Additionally, many common agents in oral care can disrupt your microbiome, such as:

  • chlorhexidine

  • hydrogen peroxide

  • and sodium lauryl sulfate

These ingredients may lead to issues like sensitive teeth and dry mouth.Nano hydroxyapatite toothpasteprotects your mouth from these negative effects.


Nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste, unlike fluoride, has uniqueantibacterial properties. By selectively killing off certain strains of bacteria that disrupt your mouth, hydroxyapatite protects your teeth and gums.


Excessive use of fluoride products in dental carecauses the discoloration of your teeththrough a condition called dental fluorosis.

Therefore, switching to a more natural formula, such as nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste can help preserve the beauty of your smile.

Are there any side effects of hydroxyapatite toothpaste?

Does Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Work? A Dentist Explains (5)

There are no known side effects of nano hydroxyapatite in toothpaste.

Research statesthat there is no literature reporting any systemic or adverse effects of hydroxyapatite containing toothpastes. Further, one study even states that hydroxyapatite nanoparticles possess no irritation potential, meaning they're gentle enough to use on the delicate tissues in your mouth.

In fact, the lack of side effects and toxicity is why many people are turning tonano hydroxyapatite toothpasteas a safe, non-toxic alternative to fluoride toothpaste.

Of course, there may be isolated cases of individual allergic reactions or sensitivities to certain ingredients in toothpaste, but because hydroxyapatite is the material our teeth and bones are already made of, this concern is exceedingly rare.

Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste vs. Fluoride

Does Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Work? A Dentist Explains (6)

We often see hydroxyapatite and fluoride being used in toothpaste formulations, but how do these ingredients truly perform, and how do they differ from one another?

Let's review some of the key differences in hydroxyapatite vs fluoride.


Hydroxyapatite and fluoride take different approaches when it comes to protecting our teeth.

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste worksby forming a new layer of hydroxyapatite on the surface of the tooth, which integrates into the natural tooth structure, strengthening and remineralizing it.

Meanwhile,fluoride toothpaste worksby reacting with the saliva in your mouth to create fluorapatite, a substance that helps prevent tooth decay by promoting remineralization of tooth enamel.


When discussing the efficacy of hydroxyapatite and fluoride toothpaste, a distinction arises.

Numerous studies suggest that fluoride has long been effective in reducing caries due to its capability of integrating into the tooth enamel and fighting off harmful bacteria.

However, arecent study indicatesthat hydroxyapatite toothpaste is equally, if not more, effective in remineralizing initial caries lesions and reducing the formation of plaque.


While both fluoride and hydroxyapatite toothpaste are generally safe for daily use, there are certain considerations for each.

For instance,overconsumption of fluoride, especially in young children, could lead to dental fluorosis, fluoride toxicity, and more.

On the contrary, nano hydroxyapatite isbiomimetic and safeas it is already a substance naturally present in our teeth, which makes it less likely to cause any harm when use.


While, both types of toothpaste are generally considered safe for regular use, excessive ingestion offluoride can potentially lead to fluorosis- a condition that causes discoloration or spotting on the teeth.

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste, being an all-natural substance,does not have known side effectsbecause it's a compound your body already makes, your teeth and bones are made of hydroxyapatite.

Therefore, considering factors for these both hydroxyapatite and fluoride toothpastes offer unique benefits.

The decision to choose one over the other often boils down to personal oral care needs and your dentist's advice.

Should I use hydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets?

Yes, you should usehydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets in your daily oral care routine. They're a uniquely eco-friendly choice!

Our toothpaste tablets some in sustainable, plastic-free packaging that minimizes plastic waste, which is a significant benefit for environmentally conscious consumers. By opting for toothpaste tablets, you actively contribute to reducing plastic pollution and supporting sustainable oral care practices.

Does Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Work? A Dentist Explains (7)

Additionally, hydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets offer the same effective enamel remineralization and strengthening properties as traditional toothpaste. They're especially beneficial for:

  • remineralizing tooth decay

  • strengthening enamel

  • reducing tooth sensitivity

  • and whitening teeth.

Further, their compact and travel-friendly nature makes them an ideal choice for those of us on the go as they're not nearly as messy as toothpaste tubes, and you can pack them in your carry-on luggage.

Finally, for those of us who prefer fluoride-free toothpaste, hydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets offer a natural and biocompatible alternative.

Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Tablets vs. Hydroxyapatite Tooth Powder

Hydroxyapatite toothpowder andhydroxyapatite toothpaste tabletsare both oral care products that use hydroxyapatite to remineralize teeth and promote overall oral health.

At a high level,hydroxyapatite toothpaste tabletsare a dehydrated form of hydroxyapatite toothpaste, compressed into a small tablet form. Thischewable toothpasteis compact, eco-friendly, and reduces plastic waste.

Does Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Work? A Dentist Explains (8)

On the other hand, hydroxyapatite toothpowders are powdered forms of hydroxyapatite toothpaste. They are largely similar to hydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets with the exception that they are not compressed into a pill form. Thus, hydroxyapatite toothpowders tend to be far messier and less convenient thanchewable toothpaste.

To use toothpaste tablets, you simply chew one until it dissolves into a traditional, foamy toothpaste. Then, you brush your teeth with that paste as usual for two minutes morning and night.

While hydroxyapatite toothpaste and hydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets are similar,toothpaste tabletsoffer benefits like:

  • convenience for travel

  • increased sustainability

  • fewer ingredients and preservatives

  • and reduced risk of allergy due to fewer ingredients.

Plus, toothpaste tablets are also mess-free and waterless, so you can easily throw them in your carry-on bag unlike regular toothpaste, and they won't make a mess.

Other Oral Hygiene Tips to Promote Remineralization

To remineralize your teeth, it's essential to adopt a comprehensive oral routine including some of the following:

  • Brushing with nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste: Brushing with this toothpaste can help strengthen enamel by depositing nano hydroxyapatite particles onto tooth surfaces. These particles bond with enamel, fill in minor surface defects, and promote remineralization. In fact,studies showthat nano hydroxyapatite is effective at remineralizing teeth and reducing sensitivity in as little as 8 weeks.

  • Floss with expandable floss daily: Daily flossing withexpandable flossis an excellent way to remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth and along the gumline. Thispractice supports overall oral health and reduces the risk of enamel demineralization by preventing the buildup of harmful bacteria and acids in these hard-to-reach areas.

  • Use a tongue scraper daily: Tongue scrapinghelps remove bacteria and debris from the tongue's surface, promoting fresher breath and reducing the presence of harmful microorganisms in the mouth.

  • Use alcohol free mouthwash as needed: Alcohol-free mouthwashcan be a gentle choice for maintaining oral hygiene. It helps freshen your breath, reduce the growth of harmful bacteria, and provide supplement your usual routine of brushing and flossing.

  • Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles: Opting for a toothbrush with soft bristles is essential to avoid damaging enamel and gums during brushing. A soft-bristled toothbrush effectively removes plaque and food particles without causing unnecessary abrasion or damage to your enamel.

  • Avoid charcoal toothpaste: Despite its popularity, charcoal toothpaste can be unecessarily abrasive and potentially harmful to enamel. Its abrasive nature can lead to enamel erosion, counteracting the remineralization process.

  • Avoid acidic and sugary foods in your diet: Limiting the consumption of acidic and sugary foods and beverages is crucial for preventing enamel demineralization. These items can weaken enamel and contribute to dental issues.

  • Stop smoking cigarettes: Smoking cigarettes can have detrimental effects on oral health, including an increased risk ofgum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer. Quitting smoking is a significant step toward supporting both your overall and dental health.

Overall, remineralization is a fundamental aspect of maintaining strong and healthy teeth, and it takes not only good oral hygiene practices to achieve but also the use ofremineralizing toothpasteand a balanced diet.

Summary: Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Efficacy

Does Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Work? A Dentist Explains (9)

Hydroxyapatite toothpaste is an effective type of fluoride free toothpaste that leverages hydroxyapatite, a natural mineral that closely mimics that composition of human teeth.

At a high level, hydroxyapatite toothpaste is effective at:

  • supporting remineralization

  • strengthening enamel

  • alleviating hypersensitivity

and a whole lot more.

Overall, many people prefer hydroxyapatite toothpaste to fluoride toothpaste because it's a safe and natural alternative with equal efficacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does hydroxyapatite in toothpaste really work?
Yes, hydroxyapatite in toothpaste has been shown to work effectively remineralize tooth enamel, reduce tooth sensitivity, and prevent tooth decay. It forms a protective layer over the teeth and enhances the natural remineralization process.

How long does hydroxyapatite toothpaste take to work?
Generally, noticeable improvements in tooth enamel remineralization and reduction in sensitivity can be observed within a few weeks to a couple of months of regular use. However, for optimal results, it's important to continue using the toothpaste as part of your daily oral hygiene routine. Consulting with a dentist can provide personalized guidance on the timeline for expected results.

Can you reverse cavities with hydroxyapatite?
Hydroxyapatite toothpaste has been shown to help remineralize tooth enamel and may aid in reversingearly stages of tooth decay by promoting the natural repair process. However, once a cavity has progressed beyond the early stages and has formed a cavity or hole in the tooth, hydroxyapatite toothpaste alone will not be sufficient to reverse the damage. In such cases, professional dental intervention such as fillings or other restorative treatments may be necessary. Moreso, regular use of hydroxyapatite toothpaste along with good oral hygiene practices can help prevent further decay and support overall oral health.

Does hydroxyapatite work better than fluoride?
Yes, nano hydroxyapatite is better than fluoride in toothpaste. While fluoride is effective for dental issues, studies suggest that nano hydroxyapatite may be equally effective with fewer risks of systemic toxicity. Certain populations, like pregnant women and those at risk for dental fluorosis, will benefit from switching to nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste.

What are the disadvantages of hydroxyapatite toothpaste?
There are no known disadvantages of hydroxyapatite toothpaste. In fact, there are no concerns or side effects of nano hydroxyapatite in toothpaste.Research statesthat there is no literature reporting any systemic or adverse effects of hydroxyapatite containing toothpastes. That's why many people are turning to nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste as a safe, non-toxic alternative to fluoride toothpaste.

Does Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste Work? A Dentist Explains (2024)


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