The 30-30-30 rule for weight loss is going viral. Experts explain how and if it works (2024)

A new wellness regimen called the “30-30-30” method has been trending on TikTok, with many claiming it’s an effective way to meet weight loss goals. The approach, which focuses on protein intake and exercise first thing in the morning, is getting plenty of buzz for its various benefits.

As with any new dieting or fitness trend making the rounds on social media, it's important to know whether this new method is backed by science or if it's just hype.

What is the 30-30-30 rule and how does it work?

What is the 30-30-30 rule?

The 30-30-30 rule involves eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up, followed by 30 minutes of low-intensity, steady state cardiovascular exercise. Beyond these steps, the 30-30-30 method doesn’t require any changes to other meals or behaviors, restrictions or counting calories.

Although the names may sound similar, it's different from the 12-3-30 workout, which entails setting a treadmill to an incline of 12 and a speed of 3 miles per hour then walking for 30 minutes.

The 30-30-30 morning routine was originally described by author Tim Ferriss in his book "The 4-Hour Body." According to Ferriss, the approach can help catalyze fat loss in the body.

On TikTok, the 30-30-30 rule went viral in part thanks to Gary Brecka, a podcaster and self-described “human biologist” who speaks about how to improve physical and mental health.

In two videos, which each have over 19 million views so far, Brecka praises the 30-30-30 method and breaks down how it can aid with weight loss and blood sugar control. Brecka claims that the 30-30-30 technique helps the body burn fat without losing muscle, and results can be seen in as little as one month.

Other people on TikTok are documenting their journey trying the 30-30-30 method in real life and showing off their results.

These claims and success stories are all great endorsem*nts, but what does the science say about the 30-30-30 method? Can it actually help with weight loss, and are there any risks?

Does the 30-30-30 method work?

It's difficult to say definitively if the 30-30-30 rule works, whether it can lead to weight loss and how it compares to other methods because it has not been studied rigorously, Tara Schmidt, lead registered dietitian atthe Mayo Clinic, tells Additionally, the effectiveness of any diet or fitness regimen will depend on the individual and their goals.

However, the 30-30-30 method can be broken down into its three different steps, which have been researched more extensively. Here's what we know about the benefits of eating a high-protein breakfast, doing so within 30 minutes of waking up, followed by low-intensity exercise in the morning.

Breakfast, eating times and weight loss

We've all heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating a nutritious breakfast has numerous benefits, but does it actually help with weight loss?

It depends. "The evidence that we have supporting breakfast for weight loss is rated as fair," says Schmidt.

In the National Weight Control Registry, a research study which includes adults who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for one year or longer, 78% of subjects reported eating breakfast every day, says Schmidt.

According to the study, eating breakfast was a common characteristic among those who maintained long-term weight loss, suggesting it may be a factor in their success. "We don't know exactly why," says Schmidt.

While some claim breakfast helps "jump-start" or boost metabolism, the evidence to support this is lacking, the experts note. A 2022 analysis found that those who ate a bigger breakfast did not burn calories any faster, previously reported.

“Theoretically it could be beneficial for calorie burn if you’re the kind of person where eating breakfast in the morning makes you feel more energetic and active throughout the day,” Jason Machowsky, an exercise physiologist and registered dietitian at the Hospital for Special Surgery, tells

The 30-30-30 rule specifically recommends eating breakfast within 30 minutes of waking and more importantly, that the breakfast has to include 30 grams of protein. Does this make a difference?

“I would not say that breakfast needs to be eaten within 30 minutes of waking. I would typically say eat breakfast within a few hours. ... Not everyone can stomach food that early," says Schmidt. “I think there is a benefit to having 30 grams of protein at breakfast,” Schmidt adds.

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein, for both men and women, is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, per the Institute of Medicine’sdietary reference intake recommendations. For an adult weighing 150 pounds or 68 kilograms, that’s about 54 grams of protein per day. What’s considered a “high-protein diet“ depends on the individual and their body size.

In a video posted on his YouTube channel, Ferriss says eating 30 grams of protein in the morning can help inhibit appetite and reduce caloric intake during the day.

Research has suggested that eating protein at breakfast can help with satiety, or feeling fuller for longer, as well as blood sugar control and insulin resistance, the experts note.

Protein can help people manage hunger, but research suggests that the type of protein is more important than the quality when trying to lose weight and keep it off, previously reported.

Nutritious high-protein breakfast choices include eggs, lean meats, greek yogurt, ultra-filtered milk, nut butters, and protein shakes, says Schmidt. “It’s perfectly fine to have carbohydrates at breakfast, but when you have a protein source along with the carbohydrates, that glucose spike is not going to be as high,” Schmidt adds.

Along with protein and carbohydrates, Schmidt encourages people to add in fruits and vegetables, which provide fiber and additional nutrients.

Ferriss says his "dream breakfast" includes two to three eggs, lentils or black beans, and a green leafy vegetable, such as spinach.

Low-intensity exercise for weight loss

The last step of the 30-30-30 method is to do 30 minutes of low-intensity, steady state (LISS) cardiovascular exercise every morning after breakfast. This type of exercise increases your heart rate, but not too rapidly, so you can sustain a steady, moderate level over a longer period of time without getting out of breath.

Examples of LISS cardio include brisk walking, biking, swimming or using an elliptical, previously reported. "You should be able to talk on the phone, read a kindle, you are not panting," says Brecka in a video.

Adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, according to theU.S. Department of Health’s physical activity guidelines.

“Any exercise is going to help bring your blood sugar down, so it’s absolutely beneficial,” says Schmidt. But she doesn't think it needs to happen so soon after a meal.

In his viral TikTok videos, Brecka claims the final step of the 30-30-30 method helps the body burn fat instead of lean muscle.

"Fat-burning" is a loaded term, the experts say. "Lower intensity exercise is going to burn a higher percentage of calories coming from fat," says Machowsky. However, higher-intensity exercise may burn more calories total, he adds.

Some fitness experts recommend a combination of LISS and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for weight loss. LISS is also great for endurance and recovery, while HIIT can help yougain and maintain muscle mass while losing fat, previously reported.

"If the goal is weight loss, it's about the total amount of calories you’re burning," Machowsky adds. “You need to be in a calorie deficit to promote actual reduction of fat stores off your body.”

When it comes to what time of day is best to exercise, many experts agree thatthe morning can be ideal for logistic and health reasons — but whether it's sustainable depends on the person.

A recent study published in the journal Obesity found that exercising between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. could help with weight loss, previously reported.

“Some people find the act of exercising in the morning makes them more mindful of their eating choices the rest of the day, so it can have a positive ripple effect,” says Machowsky.

Others may find that morning exercise is easier to make a consistent habit, Schmidt adds.

Experts agree that exercising in the morning should not come at the expense of sleep. If you're sleeping less than you need in order to squeeze in an early workout, it may be time to reconsider your routine. Sleep is essential for overall health, and not getting enough can make it harder to lose weight, previously reported.

Does 30-30-30 help with weight loss?

The impact of the 30-30-30 method and weight loss results will depend on a person's baseline activity level and other habits, the experts emphasize. "Ask yourself: Are the (30-30-30 steps) improvements upon those current habits?” says Machowsky.

"If you're not doing any exercise and now you're doing 30 minutes a day of low-intensity cardio, that's better than nothing," Machowsky adds. If you're doing higher-intensity or longer workouts every day and cutting back in order to do the 30-30-30 method, then you might not burn as many calories as before, the experts note.

While many different factors can impact an individual's weight, the main strategy that guarantees weight loss is being in a calorie deficit, Schmidt says. If the 30-30-30 method doesn't result in you burning more calories than you consume, then you aren't likely to lose weight, the experts note.

Risks of 30-30-30

Compared to other fad diets and fitness trends, the 30-30-30 rule is far less concerning, says Schmidt. The basic principles, eating a high-protein breakfast and exercising daily, are pretty easy to get behind. However, the 30-30-30 regimen may not work for everyone.

“The (method) doesn’t seem to be harmful to try, but it’s not one-size-fits-all,” says Machowksy.

"Some people are hungry in the morning and other people aren't, so I wouldn't go force feeding yourself," says Machowsky. If you can't stomach a filling breakfast or can't wake up early enough for morning workouts, the 30-30-30 method may not be right for you, the experts note. "But it doesn’t mean that you can’t try it and see how your body responds," he adds.

It's generally safe for people to consume 30 grams of protein at one time, given the daily recommended amount is higher than that for the average adult, the experts note. However, some people need to limit their daily protein intake for medical reasons, says Schmidt, such as those with chronic kidney disease. "Always check with your physician first," Schmidt adds.

Thirty minutes of low-intensity exercise is also safe for most people, the experts note. "For the general healthy population, I don’t see it being an issue," says Machowsky. However, anyone with underlying conditions or injuries should always check with their doctor before starting any new exercise program or type of workout, he adds.

"Of course, there are always disclaimers: If something you eat doesn't make you feel good, stop. If you do an activity that makes you hurt, stop," says Machowsky.

"We keep finding newer ways to do the same thing we've been trying to tell people the whole time, which is you need to be exercising, you need to be eating a balanced diet, and it needs to be sustainable," says Schmidt.

Caroline Kee

Caroline Kee is a health reporter at TODAY based in New York City.

The 30-30-30 rule for weight loss is going viral. Experts explain how and if it works (2024)


The 30-30-30 rule for weight loss is going viral. Experts explain how and if it works? ›

The 30-30-30 rule involves eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up, followed by 30 minutes of low-intensity, steady state cardiovascular exercise. Beyond these steps, the 30-30-30 method doesn't require any changes to other meals or behaviors, restrictions or counting calories.

What is the 30 30 rule for weight loss? ›

The rule includes eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning and then doing 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise.

What is the 30 30 30 keto diet? ›

It is a ketogenic diet in which you eat 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up and then 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise. This diet claims to regulate blood glucose levels and reduce cravings.

Is losing 30% of your body weight noticeable? ›

A good rule of thumb is that people tend to notice your weight loss when you've lost around 10% of your starting weight, so if you started at 250lbs, people will start to notice when you've lost 25lbs. Naturally, the same amount of weight loss can look different on different people.

How does the 30/30/30 rule work? ›

The 30-30-30 rule involves eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up, followed by 30 minutes of low-intensity, steady state cardiovascular exercise. Beyond these steps, the 30-30-30 method doesn't require any changes to other meals or behaviors, restrictions or counting calories.

What is the 30 30 rule used for? ›

Remember the 30/30 lightning safety rule: Go indoors if, after seeing lightning, you cannot count to 30 before hearing thunder. Stay indoors 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder.

Does 30/30/30 really work? ›

Ultimately, Burrows says, “There is evidence to suggest that the 30-30-30 method will work, but what truly works for someone is a method that is achievable consistently over the long term.”

What is the 4 hour body 30 30 30 rule? ›

The 30/30/30 method involves eating 30 grams (g) of protein within the first 30 minutes of waking up, and following it up with 30 minutes of exercise. This method was first proposed by Timothy Ferriss in his book "The 4-Hour Body,"1 but was made popular by biologist Gary Brecka on TikTok.

Which body part loses fat first, a woman? ›

Where do women lose weight first? Women tend to lose weight in their legs first, from both muscle and fat loss. Women have more body fat than men in general, especially in the hips and thighs. This can change during menopause, when women tend to experience fat gain, particularly in the central parts of their body.

What is the most attractive BMI? ›

These studies have found that a low waist to hip ratio (WHR) of approximately 0.7 [9] and a low Body Mass Index (BMI; weight scaled for height) of approximately 18–19 kg/m2 [10] are perceived as most attractive in female bodies, while a low waist to chest ratio (WCR) of approximately 0.7, and relatively high BMI ( ...

Where does belly fat go when you lose weight? ›

The correct answer is that fat is converted to carbon dioxide and water. You exhale the carbon dioxide and the water mixes into your circulation until it's lost as urine or sweat. If you lose 10 pounds of fat, precisely 8.4 pounds comes out through your lungs and the remaining 1.6 pounds turns into water.

Does the 30/30/30 diet really work? ›

Ultimately, Burrows says, “There is evidence to suggest that the 30-30-30 method will work, but what truly works for someone is a method that is achievable consistently over the long term.”

What is a realistic amount of weight to lose in 30 days? ›

So what is the magic number to lose weight and keep it off? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , it's 1 to 2 pounds per week. That means, on average, that aiming for 4 to 8 pounds of weight loss per month is a healthy goal.

What is the Whole30 challenge for weight loss? ›

The Whole30 diet is a strict 30-day elimination diet that many people turn to for weight loss or help with digestive concerns. The program encourages you to cut out alcohol, sugar, grains, legumes, dairy, and additives from your diet for 30 days. It is advertised as a total lifestyle change, rather than a simple diet.

Is a 40 30 30 diet good for weight loss? ›

In conclusion, the 1500 calorie 40/30/30 diet resulted in a significantly greater fat and weight loss compared with the 1500 calorie Step 1 diet over six weeks.


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