Tsunami's Dota Hero Tips and Counters (2024)

Tsunami's Dota Hero Tips and Counters (2024)


How to counter a lifestealer? ›

Lifestealer is a susceptible target to Fervor due to his non-mobile nature and lack of disables. Troll Warlord's ranged Berserker's Rage can also be used to kite Lifestealer safely. The root from its melee form also pierces magic immunity, which can potentially keep Lifestealer in place even while he is in Rage.

Can you complete all hero challenge in Turbo? ›

Each match earns half the standard hero XP for Dota Plus. Relics track half the stats in Turbo Mode. Hero stats in the player profile are not updated, the All Hero Challenge can be done in Turbo Mode.

How to counter medusa? ›

Ethereal Blade can be used to defend yourself or your allies against Medusa's mostly-physical damage output. Ethereal Blade can also be used to disarm Medusa and make her more vulnerable to magical damage. And besides Mystic Snake, Medusa has no other ways of dealing magical damage.

How to counter viper? ›

Ice Wall and Ghost Walk can be used to kite and escape from Viper. Chaos Meteor and Sun Strike deal heavy damage and can quickly bring Viper down. Cold Snap, Tornado, and Deafening Blast are powerful disables that reduce Viper's effectiveness.

What is the best item to counter a Lifestealer? ›

Ghost Scepter, Force Staff, Blink Dagger, and Shiva's Guard are all great pickups against a Lifestealer. As is a TP scroll if he hasn't gotten a Basher yet. Be aware that Lifestealer can't cast Unfettered while he's silenced, feared, or hexed. He can only strong dispel himself under disables like stuns or roots.

How to counter DP? ›

Bloodthorn can temporarily stop Death Prophet from casting spells, which renders Death Prophet useless during fights unless Death Prophet buys a dispelling item. Diffusal Blade can slow her down and drain her mana while attacking. Manta Style can easily dispel Death Prophet's silence.

What happens if you finish all-hero challenge? ›

The All-Hero Challenge is an in-game achievement that can be obtained by winning a match with every hero. Doing so will earn the player a trophy in the Gallery of Triumphs. The progress can be seen in player's history.

Does turbo count for 100 hours? ›

Yes, but they'll really throw your rhythm and game expectations way way off if you play a lot of them and then try to go right to regular, ranked Dota.

How to get low priority in Dota 2? ›

What types of behaviors can result in a Low Priority penalty? Abandoning a matchmaking game that is not marked as 'safe to leave'. Being in a Ranked party when one of the party members is assigned an abandon. Being reported by other users for negative in-game behavior.

What counters Invoker? ›

Void Spirit

A good choice against Invoker, as it has some advantage with the help of abilities. With the Dissimilate, Voidspirit can evade Invoker's skills, going to another world where he does not receive damage. The same ability to run away or attack quickly.

Which hero killed Medusa? ›

Meet Perseus, a demigod of Greek mythology who was famous for killing Medusa by cutting off her head, which he displays in one hand.

Why axe one shot Medusa? ›

Playing as Axe versus Medusa, he used the opportunity to one-shot enemy carry with a single strike of his ultimate. Axe's Culling Blade kills anyone with less than 250 HP. The new Medusa cannot survive his ultimate unless she buys something to boost her health.

How to counter pugna? ›

  1. Force Staff allows for someone to quickly escape a Life Drain for a very small mana cost. ...
  2. Glimmer Cape and. ...
  3. Black King Bar will render Pugna unable to do anything, and Pugna's only tool against. ...
  4. Blink Dagger is great versus Pugna as he hates being jumped on because of his extremely fragile nature.

How do you counter Naga siren? ›

Arc Lightning is a good way to destroy Naga Siren's illusions due to it's capabilities to bounce between enemies. Aghanim's Shard can automatically hit everything in a big radius, taking a huge chunk of health out of Naga Siren's illusions, regardless of how much health they have.

How to counter bloodseeker in Dota 2? ›

  1. Town Portal Scroll will often prevent Bloodseeker's ganking attempts, as he has no disables to interrupt it. ...
  2. Magic Stick gains charges as Bloodseeker is often using Bloodrage to farm in lane.
  3. Blade Mail can reflect damage from Rupture.

How do you counter slark with items? ›

  1. Force Staff, Hurricane Pike, and. ...
  2. Black King Bar nullifies Slark's nuke damage from Dark Pact and destroys the leash from Pounce.
  3. Abyssal Blade locks down Slark so he cannot escape to regenerate his health.
  4. Heaven's Halberd's disarm cannot be dispelled by Dark Pact, while the evasion may force Slark to build.

How to counter leshrac? ›

  1. Black King Bar ignores all magical damage from Leshrac.
  2. Blade Mail reflects Leshrac's high damage.
  3. Diffusal Blade drains mana from Leshrac.
  4. Lotus Orb send reflect Lightning Storm back to Leshrac and impacted movement speed.
  5. Nullifier bypasses Ghost Scepter and Aghanim's Scepter / Nihilism.

How to counter silencer? ›

  1. Manta Style dispels most of Silencer's debuffs when used.
  2. Guardian Greaves dispels all Silencer's debuffs and restores lost health and mana.
  3. Black King Bar removes all Silencer's debuffs upon activation and prevents damage from Glaives of Wisdom.

Can Lifestealer infest enemy heroes? ›

If the infested unit is an enemy creep or a neutral creep, he can take control of the unit's ability to move and attack. Does not work on enemy heroes.


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.