z Baldur's Gate 3 - Page 398 (2024)

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z Baldur's Gate 3 - Page 398 (1)
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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby yeewesley »

low_density wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:58 pm

Hey guys, I've fixed the script for "Unlimited Prepared Spells" for Game v4.1.1.3905231, enjoy~

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><CheatTable> <CheatEntries> <CheatEntry> <ID>4982</ID> <Description>"Unlimited Prepared Spells (just keep selecting more, ignore slots)"</Description> <LastState/> <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType> <AssemblerScript>{ Game : Baldur's Gate 3 (2560x1440) - (DX11) - (6 + 6 WT) Version: Date : 2023-11-07 Author : YS This script does blah blah blah}[ENABLE]aobscanmodule(prepareSpells,$process,7C 6B 48 8B 44 24 20) // should be uniqueprepareSpells: db EBregistersymbol(prepareSpells)aobscanmodule(prepareSpells2,$process,0F 8E 2A 02 00 00 8D) // should be uniqueprepareSpells2: db EB 04registersymbol(prepareSpells2)[DISABLE]prepareSpells: db 7Cunregistersymbol(prepareSpells)prepareSpells2: db 0F 8Eunregistersymbol(prepareSpells2){// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F35Fbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F339: 49 8B 80 80 00 00 00 - mov rax,[r8+00000080]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F340: 48 8D 14 88 - lea rdx,[rax+rcx*4]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F344: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F347: 0F 11 45 50 - movups [rbp+50],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F34B: 48 89 55 50 - mov [rbp+50],rdxbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F34F: 44 8B 3A - mov r15d,[rdx]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F352: EB 80 - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F2D4bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F354: 41 8B C6 - mov eax,r14dbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F357: 4C 8B 64 24 30 - mov r12,[rsp+30]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F35C: 41 3B C7 - cmp eax,r15d// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F35F: 7C 6B - jl bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F3CC// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F361: 48 8B 44 24 20 - mov rax,[rsp+20]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F366: 8B 80 3C 01 00 00 - mov eax,[rax+0000013C]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F36C: A9 00 00 FF FF - test eax,FFFF0000bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F371: 66 41 0F 45 C6 - cmovne ax,r14wbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F376: 66 89 44 24 2A - mov [rsp+2A],axbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F37B: 49 8B 9C 24 A8 00 00 00 - mov rbx,[r12+000000A8]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F383: 48 85 DB - test rbx,rbxbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F386: 0F 84 7F 01 00 00 - je bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F50Bbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F38C: 49 63 84 24 B4 00 00 00 - movsxd rax,dword ptr [r12+000000B4]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F394: 48 8D 0C C0 - lea rcx,[rax+rax*8]}{// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+235F45Bbg3_dx11.exe+235F432: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+235F435: 0F 11 85 80 03 00 00 - movups [rbp+00000380],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+235F43C: EB 14 - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+235F452bg3_dx11.exe+235F43E: 48 8B 00 - mov rax,[rax]bg3_dx11.exe+235F441: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+235F444: 0F 11 85 A0 03 00 00 - movups [rbp+000003A0],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+235F44B: 48 89 85 A0 03 00 00 - mov [rbp+000003A0],raxbg3_dx11.exe+235F452: 4C 89 64 24 38 - mov [rsp+38],r12bg3_dx11.exe+235F457: 8B 00 - mov eax,[rax]bg3_dx11.exe+235F459: 3B C3 - cmp eax,ebx// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------bg3_dx11.exe+235F45B: 0F 8E 2A 02 00 00 - jng bg3_dx11.exe+235F68B// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------bg3_dx11.exe+235F461: 8D 43 01 - lea eax,[rbx+01]bg3_dx11.exe+235F464: 89 85 80 03 00 00 - mov [rbp+00000380],eaxbg3_dx11.exe+235F46A: 4C 8D 85 80 03 00 00 - lea r8,[rbp+00000380]bg3_dx11.exe+235F471: 48 8D 55 98 - lea rdx,[rbp-68]bg3_dx11.exe+235F475: 48 8D 8D E1 00 00 00 - lea rcx,[rbp+000000E1]bg3_dx11.exe+235F47C: E8 1F 3F 00 00 - call bg3_dx11.exe+23633A0bg3_dx11.exe+235F481: 48 8B 4D 88 - mov rcx,[rbp-78]bg3_dx11.exe+235F485: 0F B6 5C 24 30 - movzx ebx,byte ptr [rsp+30]bg3_dx11.exe+235F48A: 83 79 44 FF - cmp dword ptr [rcx+44],-01bg3_dx11.exe+235F48E: 0F 85 B9 00 00 00 - jne bg3_dx11.exe+235F54D}{// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FC1bg3_dx11.exe+DA5F9F: EB 9C - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+DA5F3Dbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FA1: 48 8B 83 80 00 00 00 - mov rax,[rbx+00000080]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FA8: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FAB: 48 8D 14 B0 - lea rdx,[rax+rsi*4]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FAF: 0F 11 45 40 - movups [rbp+40],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FB3: 48 89 55 40 - mov [rbp+40],rdxbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FB7: 44 8B 32 - mov r14d,[rdx]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FBA: EB 81 - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+DA5F3Dbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FBC: 33 C0 - xor eax,eaxbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FBE: 41 3B C6 - cmp eax,r14d// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FC1: 7C 56 - jl bg3_dx11.exe+DA6019// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FC3: 48 8B 4C 24 28 - mov rcx,[rsp+28]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FC8: B2 01 - mov dl,01bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FCA: E8 11 E9 B2 FF - call bg3_dx11.exe+8D48E0bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FCF: 49 8B 9D A8 00 00 00 - mov rbx,[r13+000000A8]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FD6: 66 89 44 24 22 - mov [rsp+22],axbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FDB: 48 85 DB - test rbx,rbxbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FDE: 74 66 - je bg3_dx11.exe+DA6046bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FE0: 49 63 85 B4 00 00 00 - movsxd rax,dword ptr [r13+000000B4]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FE7: 48 8D 0C C0 - lea rcx,[rax+rax*8]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FEB: 48 8D 34 CB - lea rsi,[rbx+rcx*8]}{// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+164DF64bg3_dx11.exe+164DF37: 0F 11 85 70 02 00 00 - movups [rbp+00000270],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+164DF3E: 48 89 85 70 02 00 00 - mov [rbp+00000270],raxbg3_dx11.exe+164DF45: EB 14 - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+164DF5Bbg3_dx11.exe+164DF47: 48 8B 00 - mov rax,[rax]bg3_dx11.exe+164DF4A: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+164DF4D: 0F 11 85 80 02 00 00 - movups [rbp+00000280],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+164DF54: 48 89 85 80 02 00 00 - mov [rbp+00000280],raxbg3_dx11.exe+164DF5B: 4C 89 6C 24 48 - mov [rsp+48],r13bg3_dx11.exe+164DF60: 8B 00 - mov eax,[rax]bg3_dx11.exe+164DF62: 3B C3 - cmp eax,ebx// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------bg3_dx11.exe+164DF64: 0F 8E B6 02 00 00 - jng bg3_dx11.exe+164E220// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------bg3_dx11.exe+164DF6A: 44 8D 6B 01 - lea r13d,[rbx+01]bg3_dx11.exe+164DF6E: 44 89 6D 94 - mov [rbp-6C],r13dbg3_dx11.exe+164DF72: 80 BD F1 01 00 00 00 - cmp byte ptr [rbp+000001F1],00bg3_dx11.exe+164DF79: 75 4A - jne bg3_dx11.exe+164DFC5bg3_dx11.exe+164DF7B: 48 8B 85 A0 01 00 00 - mov rax,[rbp+000001A0]bg3_dx11.exe+164DF82: 84 C0 - test al,albg3_dx11.exe+164DF84: 75 3F - jne bg3_dx11.exe+164DFC5bg3_dx11.exe+164DF86: 83 BD 9C 01 00 00 00 - cmp dword ptr [rbp+0000019C],00bg3_dx11.exe+164DF8D: 75 1B - jne bg3_dx11.exe+164DFAAbg3_dx11.exe+164DF8F: 41 B0 01 - mov r8b,01}</AssemblerScript> </CheatEntry> </CheatEntries></CheatTable>

Thank you so much. I tried to enable "Unlimited Prepared Spells (just keep selecting more, ignore slots)"' checkbox but got an error message : <<The array of byte named prepareSpells2 could not be found >>

is this anything i could have done wrong? TQ again

How to use this cheat table?

  1. Install Cheat Engine
  2. Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
  3. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
  4. Keep the list.
  5. Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1


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z Baldur's Gate 3 - Page 398 (2)
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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby weird032 »

AndyEm wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:04 am

Latest table is flagged for malware, browsers block the download.

I imagine I am not the only person running into this issue, might be good to get an updated file.

It usually does that for me (need to enter download files in chrome and click the option "Keep Dangerous File")


z Baldur's Gate 3 - Page 398 (3)

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z Baldur's Gate 3 - Page 398 (4)
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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby sanitka »

yeewesley wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:15 pm

low_density wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:58 pm

Hey guys, I've fixed the script for "Unlimited Prepared Spells" for Game v4.1.1.3905231, enjoy~

Thank you so much. I tried to enable "Unlimited Prepared Spells (just keep selecting more, ignore slots)"' checkbox but got an error message : <<The array of byte named prepareSpells2 could not be found >>

is this anything i could have done wrong? TQ again

It means, that it does not work for you. Use zanzer's newest table instead.


z Baldur's Gate 3 - Page 398 (5)
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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby Gawdzila »

I've been trying to figure out how to remove the "Dislocated Shoulder" effect from my character. In the game it is listed as a "condition", and it gives disadvantage on attack rolls. No healing spell, or even the Angelic Slumber potion, seem able to cure it. Supposedly it is removed by long resting, and apparently sometimes it takes resting more than once to remove it, but I'd rather avoid that if I can. Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to do it thus far.

According to Noway3's list, the effect is called "MOO_TENTACLE_HIT", in the Statuses section. However, when I've tried to edit scripts such as Dice Roll Passives or Attack Passives to remove the effect, it either does nothing or crashes the game. Anyone with more expertise than me able to provide some insight?


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z Baldur's Gate 3 - Page 398 (6)
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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby Zanzer »

Gawdzila wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:31 pm

I've been trying to figure out how to remove the "Dislocated Shoulder" effect from my character. In the game it is listed as a "condition", and it gives disadvantage on attack rolls. No healing spell, or even the Angelic Slumber potion, seem able to cure it. Supposedly it is removed by long resting, and apparently sometimes it takes resting more than once to remove it, but I'd rather avoid that if I can. Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to do it thus far.

According to Noway3's list, the effect is called "MOO_TENTACLE_HIT", in the Statuses section. However, when I've tried to edit scripts such as Dice Roll Passives or Attack Passives to remove the effect, it either does nothing or crashes the game. Anyone with more expertise than me able to provide some insight?

Neither of these work?

Code: Select all

{$lua}[ENABLE]RemoveStatusFromPlayer("MOO_TENTACLE_HIT")ApplyStatusToPlayer("MOO_TENTACLE_HIT", 1)[DISABLE]


z Baldur's Gate 3 - Page 398 (7)
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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby Gawdzila »

Zanzer wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:11 pm

Gawdzila wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:31 pm

I've been trying to figure out how to remove the "Dislocated Shoulder" effect from my character. In the game it is listed as a "condition", and it gives disadvantage on attack rolls. No healing spell, or even the Angelic Slumber potion, seem able to cure it. Supposedly it is removed by long resting, and apparently sometimes it takes resting more than once to remove it, but I'd rather avoid that if I can. Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to do it thus far.

According to Noway3's list, the effect is called "MOO_TENTACLE_HIT", in the Statuses section. However, when I've tried to edit scripts such as Dice Roll Passives or Attack Passives to remove the effect, it either does nothing or crashes the game. Anyone with more expertise than me able to provide some insight?

Neither of these work?

Code: Select all

{$lua}[ENABLE]RemoveStatusFromPlayer("MOO_TENTACLE_HIT")ApplyStatusToPlayer("MOO_TENTACLE_HIT", 1)[DISABLE]

Cha-ching! I don't know what I was doing wrong before, but this worked.
You rock, thank you!


z Baldur's Gate 3 - Page 398 (8)

z Baldur's Gate 3 - Page 398 (9)
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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby OtakuGamer »

EvenLess wrote:

Mon Nov 06, 2023 6:55 pm

OtakuGamer wrote:

Mon Nov 06, 2023 9:28 am

Azura_Zaraki wrote:

Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:15 am

Nevermind I figured it out, you can edit stats by editing the script in the console commands max all stats, just edit Ability(Strength,31,20) to Ability(Strength,30000,20) to get 30000 strength. Same for the rest of the stats.

Pretty sure that's temporary and doesn't survive loading games. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm hereby correcting you z Baldur's Gate 3 - Page 398 (10)

I think there's a misunderstanding, perhaps on my side. I was talking about the Max All Stats cheat which uses

Code: Select all


Then the debugmax command I was talking about was like this:

Code: Select all

status = "DEBUG_MAX_CONSTITUTION"...ApplyStatusToPlayer(status, -1)

The various hag hair workarounds I assume all fundamentally work by giving you the bonus passive one way or another, but I don't like them because the passive shows up in the character sheet.

low_density wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:58 pm

Hey guys, I've fixed the script for "Unlimited Prepared Spells" for Game v4.1.1.3905231, enjoy~

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><CheatTable> <CheatEntries> <CheatEntry> <ID>4982</ID> <Description>"Unlimited Prepared Spells (just keep selecting more, ignore slots)"</Description> <LastState/> <VariableType>Auto Assembler Script</VariableType> <AssemblerScript>{ Game : Baldur's Gate 3 (2560x1440) - (DX11) - (6 + 6 WT) Version: Date : 2023-11-07 Author : YS This script does blah blah blah}[ENABLE]aobscanmodule(prepareSpells,$process,7C 6B 48 8B 44 24 20) // should be uniqueprepareSpells: db EBregistersymbol(prepareSpells)aobscanmodule(prepareSpells2,$process,0F 8E 2A 02 00 00 8D) // should be uniqueprepareSpells2: db EB 04registersymbol(prepareSpells2)[DISABLE]prepareSpells: db 7Cunregistersymbol(prepareSpells)prepareSpells2: db 0F 8Eunregistersymbol(prepareSpells2){// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F35Fbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F339: 49 8B 80 80 00 00 00 - mov rax,[r8+00000080]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F340: 48 8D 14 88 - lea rdx,[rax+rcx*4]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F344: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F347: 0F 11 45 50 - movups [rbp+50],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F34B: 48 89 55 50 - mov [rbp+50],rdxbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F34F: 44 8B 3A - mov r15d,[rdx]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F352: EB 80 - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F2D4bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F354: 41 8B C6 - mov eax,r14dbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F357: 4C 8B 64 24 30 - mov r12,[rsp+30]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F35C: 41 3B C7 - cmp eax,r15d// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F35F: 7C 6B - jl bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F3CC// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F361: 48 8B 44 24 20 - mov rax,[rsp+20]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F366: 8B 80 3C 01 00 00 - mov eax,[rax+0000013C]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F36C: A9 00 00 FF FF - test eax,FFFF0000bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F371: 66 41 0F 45 C6 - cmovne ax,r14wbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F376: 66 89 44 24 2A - mov [rsp+2A],axbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F37B: 49 8B 9C 24 A8 00 00 00 - mov rbx,[r12+000000A8]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F383: 48 85 DB - test rbx,rbxbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F386: 0F 84 7F 01 00 00 - je bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F50Bbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F38C: 49 63 84 24 B4 00 00 00 - movsxd rax,dword ptr [r12+000000B4]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F394: 48 8D 0C C0 - lea rcx,[rax+rax*8]}{// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+235F45Bbg3_dx11.exe+235F432: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+235F435: 0F 11 85 80 03 00 00 - movups [rbp+00000380],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+235F43C: EB 14 - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+235F452bg3_dx11.exe+235F43E: 48 8B 00 - mov rax,[rax]bg3_dx11.exe+235F441: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+235F444: 0F 11 85 A0 03 00 00 - movups [rbp+000003A0],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+235F44B: 48 89 85 A0 03 00 00 - mov [rbp+000003A0],raxbg3_dx11.exe+235F452: 4C 89 64 24 38 - mov [rsp+38],r12bg3_dx11.exe+235F457: 8B 00 - mov eax,[rax]bg3_dx11.exe+235F459: 3B C3 - cmp eax,ebx// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------bg3_dx11.exe+235F45B: 0F 8E 2A 02 00 00 - jng bg3_dx11.exe+235F68B// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------bg3_dx11.exe+235F461: 8D 43 01 - lea eax,[rbx+01]bg3_dx11.exe+235F464: 89 85 80 03 00 00 - mov [rbp+00000380],eaxbg3_dx11.exe+235F46A: 4C 8D 85 80 03 00 00 - lea r8,[rbp+00000380]bg3_dx11.exe+235F471: 48 8D 55 98 - lea rdx,[rbp-68]bg3_dx11.exe+235F475: 48 8D 8D E1 00 00 00 - lea rcx,[rbp+000000E1]bg3_dx11.exe+235F47C: E8 1F 3F 00 00 - call bg3_dx11.exe+23633A0bg3_dx11.exe+235F481: 48 8B 4D 88 - mov rcx,[rbp-78]bg3_dx11.exe+235F485: 0F B6 5C 24 30 - movzx ebx,byte ptr [rsp+30]bg3_dx11.exe+235F48A: 83 79 44 FF - cmp dword ptr [rcx+44],-01bg3_dx11.exe+235F48E: 0F 85 B9 00 00 00 - jne bg3_dx11.exe+235F54D}{// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FC1bg3_dx11.exe+DA5F9F: EB 9C - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+DA5F3Dbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FA1: 48 8B 83 80 00 00 00 - mov rax,[rbx+00000080]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FA8: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FAB: 48 8D 14 B0 - lea rdx,[rax+rsi*4]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FAF: 0F 11 45 40 - movups [rbp+40],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FB3: 48 89 55 40 - mov [rbp+40],rdxbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FB7: 44 8B 32 - mov r14d,[rdx]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FBA: EB 81 - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+DA5F3Dbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FBC: 33 C0 - xor eax,eaxbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FBE: 41 3B C6 - cmp eax,r14d// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FC1: 7C 56 - jl bg3_dx11.exe+DA6019// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FC3: 48 8B 4C 24 28 - mov rcx,[rsp+28]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FC8: B2 01 - mov dl,01bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FCA: E8 11 E9 B2 FF - call bg3_dx11.exe+8D48E0bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FCF: 49 8B 9D A8 00 00 00 - mov rbx,[r13+000000A8]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FD6: 66 89 44 24 22 - mov [rsp+22],axbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FDB: 48 85 DB - test rbx,rbxbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FDE: 74 66 - je bg3_dx11.exe+DA6046bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FE0: 49 63 85 B4 00 00 00 - movsxd rax,dword ptr [r13+000000B4]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FE7: 48 8D 0C C0 - lea rcx,[rax+rax*8]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FEB: 48 8D 34 CB - lea rsi,[rbx+rcx*8]}{// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+164DF64bg3_dx11.exe+164DF37: 0F 11 85 70 02 00 00 - movups [rbp+00000270],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+164DF3E: 48 89 85 70 02 00 00 - mov [rbp+00000270],raxbg3_dx11.exe+164DF45: EB 14 - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+164DF5Bbg3_dx11.exe+164DF47: 48 8B 00 - mov rax,[rax]bg3_dx11.exe+164DF4A: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+164DF4D: 0F 11 85 80 02 00 00 - movups [rbp+00000280],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+164DF54: 48 89 85 80 02 00 00 - mov [rbp+00000280],raxbg3_dx11.exe+164DF5B: 4C 89 6C 24 48 - mov [rsp+48],r13bg3_dx11.exe+164DF60: 8B 00 - mov eax,[rax]bg3_dx11.exe+164DF62: 3B C3 - cmp eax,ebx// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------bg3_dx11.exe+164DF64: 0F 8E B6 02 00 00 - jng bg3_dx11.exe+164E220// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------bg3_dx11.exe+164DF6A: 44 8D 6B 01 - lea r13d,[rbx+01]bg3_dx11.exe+164DF6E: 44 89 6D 94 - mov [rbp-6C],r13dbg3_dx11.exe+164DF72: 80 BD F1 01 00 00 00 - cmp byte ptr [rbp+000001F1],00bg3_dx11.exe+164DF79: 75 4A - jne bg3_dx11.exe+164DFC5bg3_dx11.exe+164DF7B: 48 8B 85 A0 01 00 00 - mov rax,[rbp+000001A0]bg3_dx11.exe+164DF82: 84 C0 - test al,albg3_dx11.exe+164DF84: 75 3F - jne bg3_dx11.exe+164DFC5bg3_dx11.exe+164DF86: 83 BD 9C 01 00 00 00 - cmp dword ptr [rbp+0000019C],00bg3_dx11.exe+164DF8D: 75 1B - jne bg3_dx11.exe+164DFAAbg3_dx11.exe+164DF8F: 41 B0 01 - mov r8b,01}</AssemblerScript> </CheatEntry> </CheatEntries></CheatTable>

Thank you! This is exactly what I was just looking for. I did have some trouble deploying it but deleting some bits at the start and end fixed it. I assume you copied the entire checkbox option in CE, for those who just want to edit the script in the existing checkbox:

Code: Select all

[ENABLE]aobscanmodule(prepareSpells,$process,7C 6B 48 8B 44 24 20) // should be uniqueprepareSpells: db EBregistersymbol(prepareSpells)aobscanmodule(prepareSpells2,$process,0F 8E 2A 02 00 00 8D) // should be uniqueprepareSpells2: db EB 04registersymbol(prepareSpells2)[DISABLE]prepareSpells: db 7Cunregistersymbol(prepareSpells)prepareSpells2: db 0F 8Eunregistersymbol(prepareSpells2){// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F35Fbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F339: 49 8B 80 80 00 00 00 - mov rax,[r8+00000080]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F340: 48 8D 14 88 - lea rdx,[rax+rcx*4]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F344: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F347: 0F 11 45 50 - movups [rbp+50],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F34B: 48 89 55 50 - mov [rbp+50],rdxbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F34F: 44 8B 3A - mov r15d,[rdx]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F352: EB 80 - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F2D4bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F354: 41 8B C6 - mov eax,r14dbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F357: 4C 8B 64 24 30 - mov r12,[rsp+30]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F35C: 41 3B C7 - cmp eax,r15d// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F35F: 7C 6B - jl bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F3CC// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F361: 48 8B 44 24 20 - mov rax,[rsp+20]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F366: 8B 80 3C 01 00 00 - mov eax,[rax+0000013C]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F36C: A9 00 00 FF FF - test eax,FFFF0000bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F371: 66 41 0F 45 C6 - cmovne ax,r14wbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F376: 66 89 44 24 2A - mov [rsp+2A],axbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F37B: 49 8B 9C 24 A8 00 00 00 - mov rbx,[r12+000000A8]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F383: 48 85 DB - test rbx,rbxbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F386: 0F 84 7F 01 00 00 - je bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F50Bbg3_dx11.exe+2A8F38C: 49 63 84 24 B4 00 00 00 - movsxd rax,dword ptr [r12+000000B4]bg3_dx11.exe+2A8F394: 48 8D 0C C0 - lea rcx,[rax+rax*8]}{// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+235F45Bbg3_dx11.exe+235F432: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+235F435: 0F 11 85 80 03 00 00 - movups [rbp+00000380],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+235F43C: EB 14 - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+235F452bg3_dx11.exe+235F43E: 48 8B 00 - mov rax,[rax]bg3_dx11.exe+235F441: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+235F444: 0F 11 85 A0 03 00 00 - movups [rbp+000003A0],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+235F44B: 48 89 85 A0 03 00 00 - mov [rbp+000003A0],raxbg3_dx11.exe+235F452: 4C 89 64 24 38 - mov [rsp+38],r12bg3_dx11.exe+235F457: 8B 00 - mov eax,[rax]bg3_dx11.exe+235F459: 3B C3 - cmp eax,ebx// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------bg3_dx11.exe+235F45B: 0F 8E 2A 02 00 00 - jng bg3_dx11.exe+235F68B// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------bg3_dx11.exe+235F461: 8D 43 01 - lea eax,[rbx+01]bg3_dx11.exe+235F464: 89 85 80 03 00 00 - mov [rbp+00000380],eaxbg3_dx11.exe+235F46A: 4C 8D 85 80 03 00 00 - lea r8,[rbp+00000380]bg3_dx11.exe+235F471: 48 8D 55 98 - lea rdx,[rbp-68]bg3_dx11.exe+235F475: 48 8D 8D E1 00 00 00 - lea rcx,[rbp+000000E1]bg3_dx11.exe+235F47C: E8 1F 3F 00 00 - call bg3_dx11.exe+23633A0bg3_dx11.exe+235F481: 48 8B 4D 88 - mov rcx,[rbp-78]bg3_dx11.exe+235F485: 0F B6 5C 24 30 - movzx ebx,byte ptr [rsp+30]bg3_dx11.exe+235F48A: 83 79 44 FF - cmp dword ptr [rcx+44],-01bg3_dx11.exe+235F48E: 0F 85 B9 00 00 00 - jne bg3_dx11.exe+235F54D}{// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FC1bg3_dx11.exe+DA5F9F: EB 9C - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+DA5F3Dbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FA1: 48 8B 83 80 00 00 00 - mov rax,[rbx+00000080]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FA8: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FAB: 48 8D 14 B0 - lea rdx,[rax+rsi*4]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FAF: 0F 11 45 40 - movups [rbp+40],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FB3: 48 89 55 40 - mov [rbp+40],rdxbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FB7: 44 8B 32 - mov r14d,[rdx]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FBA: EB 81 - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+DA5F3Dbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FBC: 33 C0 - xor eax,eaxbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FBE: 41 3B C6 - cmp eax,r14d// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FC1: 7C 56 - jl bg3_dx11.exe+DA6019// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FC3: 48 8B 4C 24 28 - mov rcx,[rsp+28]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FC8: B2 01 - mov dl,01bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FCA: E8 11 E9 B2 FF - call bg3_dx11.exe+8D48E0bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FCF: 49 8B 9D A8 00 00 00 - mov rbx,[r13+000000A8]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FD6: 66 89 44 24 22 - mov [rsp+22],axbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FDB: 48 85 DB - test rbx,rbxbg3_dx11.exe+DA5FDE: 74 66 - je bg3_dx11.exe+DA6046bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FE0: 49 63 85 B4 00 00 00 - movsxd rax,dword ptr [r13+000000B4]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FE7: 48 8D 0C C0 - lea rcx,[rax+rax*8]bg3_dx11.exe+DA5FEB: 48 8D 34 CB - lea rsi,[rbx+rcx*8]}{// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: bg3_dx11.exe+164DF64bg3_dx11.exe+164DF37: 0F 11 85 70 02 00 00 - movups [rbp+00000270],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+164DF3E: 48 89 85 70 02 00 00 - mov [rbp+00000270],raxbg3_dx11.exe+164DF45: EB 14 - jmp bg3_dx11.exe+164DF5Bbg3_dx11.exe+164DF47: 48 8B 00 - mov rax,[rax]bg3_dx11.exe+164DF4A: 0F 57 C0 - xorps xmm0,xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+164DF4D: 0F 11 85 80 02 00 00 - movups [rbp+00000280],xmm0bg3_dx11.exe+164DF54: 48 89 85 80 02 00 00 - mov [rbp+00000280],raxbg3_dx11.exe+164DF5B: 4C 89 6C 24 48 - mov [rsp+48],r13bg3_dx11.exe+164DF60: 8B 00 - mov eax,[rax]bg3_dx11.exe+164DF62: 3B C3 - cmp eax,ebx// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------bg3_dx11.exe+164DF64: 0F 8E B6 02 00 00 - jng bg3_dx11.exe+164E220// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------bg3_dx11.exe+164DF6A: 44 8D 6B 01 - lea r13d,[rbx+01]bg3_dx11.exe+164DF6E: 44 89 6D 94 - mov [rbp-6C],r13dbg3_dx11.exe+164DF72: 80 BD F1 01 00 00 00 - cmp byte ptr [rbp+000001F1],00bg3_dx11.exe+164DF79: 75 4A - jne bg3_dx11.exe+164DFC5bg3_dx11.exe+164DF7B: 48 8B 85 A0 01 00 00 - mov rax,[rbp+000001A0]bg3_dx11.exe+164DF82: 84 C0 - test al,albg3_dx11.exe+164DF84: 75 3F - jne bg3_dx11.exe+164DFC5bg3_dx11.exe+164DF86: 83 BD 9C 01 00 00 00 - cmp dword ptr [rbp+0000019C],00bg3_dx11.exe+164DF8D: 75 1B - jne bg3_dx11.exe+164DFAAbg3_dx11.exe+164DF8F: 41 B0 01 - mov r8b,01}

EDIT: It seems someone has the same issue but perhaps hasn't figured it out yet:

yeewesley wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:15 pm

Thank you so much. I tried to enable "Unlimited Prepared Spells (just keep selecting more, ignore slots)"' checkbox but got an error message : <<The array of byte named prepareSpells2 could not be found >>
is this anything i could have done wrong? TQ again

See above, friend. Or just use the latest table shared by Zanzer a bit above your comment


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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby TrazzloTB »

Valcoor wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 2:13 pm

TrazzloTB wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:08 pm

Valcoor wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:55 pm

Does anyone have an updated .CT file? I cant seem to find one that works. I'm probably doing something wrong . Any help would be wonderful.

Did you have it running before, and it stopped working fully with the new game update? That's normal, there were many changes.

At this time, only "Last Item Dropped UUID" and the Console section are working for me (the parts I tried, anyway). It gets me by, but I wish I had kept my game backup from before the patch.

I did have it running before the the last patch. I cant get anything to work except no weight.

I always use Zanzer's newest CT file. He just updated it, so use that one.

Thanks so much, Xanzer! You now updated all the pieces I use most, and I greatly appreciate it.


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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby ChimmeyDT »

Hey all. So I've looked around and can't seem to find a definitive answer. I just want to add a few skill proficiencies to my paladin, and I tried using the "Add Skill Proficiency" tab under Dice Roll Cheats, but it always resets my skills back to default when I load. All I do is to it before I activate is remove the expertise part, and a few skills before I activate, but it never sticks. Does anyone know how to get them to stick? Here is what the script looks like:

if syntaxcheck then return end
local skills = {


local boost = "ProficiencyBonus(Skill,%s)"
for i = 1, #skills do
local skill = skills
skills = string.format(boost, skill, skill, skill)


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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby Jmar1180 »

sanitka wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:09 am

AndyEm wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:04 am

Latest table is flagged for malware, browsers block the download.

I imagine I am not the only person running into this issue, might be good to get an updated file.

You are mistaken, both table and download are ok. Might be good to check your computer.

What page is the newest table on? All other tables have been broken so far.


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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby OtakuGamer »

Jmar1180 wrote:

Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:01 am

sanitka wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:09 am

AndyEm wrote:

Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:04 am

Latest table is flagged for malware, browsers block the download.

I imagine I am not the only person running into this issue, might be good to get an updated file.

You are mistaken, both table and download are ok. Might be good to check your computer.

What page is the newest table on? All other tables have been broken so far.

Just the previous one.



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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby igor140 »

I'm having difficulty getting anything to work since the new patch. I've got the new table (~12 hours ago), and it's just... not doing its thing. I didn't have any difficulties about a week ago, but now I can't edit stats or anything : /

I know very little about this process overall. Let me know if I'm doing something wrong:

1) Start up game
2) Start up CE
3) Point CE to the game .exe
4) Load up the bg3.CT file
5) Quicksave in-game
6) Expect to be able to edit stuff
7) Be disappointed : (

I've tried various combinations of quick- and hard-saving and loading; both in and out of camp; with and without a full party...

Help is appreciated!


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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby sapel »

I accidentally killed a certain recruitable creature when fighting it and its parent. A friend told me about flags, is there any way to revive them and still be able to continue it like normal or just set it to be in camp?


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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby deznuts2000 »

Is it possible to use cheat engine to edit spell damage, and how does one do this please?


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Re: z Baldur's Gate 3

Postby Harry19894 »

is there any way to add skills proficiency like arcana and such ?


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