How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 16, 2024

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Find and join alumni groups


Reach out and reconnect


Attend and host events


Follow up and follow through


Give back and contribute


Update and optimize your profile


Here’s what else to consider

Your alumni network is a valuable resource for your career growth, but how can you use it effectively? In this article, you will learn some tips and strategies to leverage your connections with former classmates, professors, and mentors, and how to build new relationships with other alumni in your field. Whether you are looking for a job, a mentor, or a collaboration, your alumni network can help you achieve your goals and expand your horizons.

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  • Haresh R Associate Manager, Career Development Services @ IIM Bangalore | Career Strategist - Empowering Professionals with…

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1 Find and join alumni groups

One of the first steps to use your alumni network is to find and join relevant alumni groups, both online and offline. You can use platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, or your alma mater's website to search for groups based on your location, industry, interest, or degree. Joining these groups will help you stay updated on news, events, and opportunities related to your alumni community. You can also participate in discussions, share your insights, and offer your support to other members.

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    I love my alumni groups. However, I would expand the idea of alumni beyond schools and include past employment. I would also suggest finding and joining groups is not good enough and won't help you. Don't wait until you need the relationships. Network and build now. I try and stay active in my alumni groups. People want relationships. If you wait until you need something it becomes a transaction. Build trusted relationships by investing in people.


    How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (21) How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (22) 7

  • Nicoleta Tole FCCA Design a finance career you love | Finance Transformation Consultant | Coach | Course Facilitator | Management Consultant | Lifelong Learner
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    Advacing your career is a combination of skills, determination, who you know and timing. Keeping in touch with your alumni as well as developing new relationships will give you the best chance at hearing about opportunities early on and, maybe even most importantly, someone can vouch for you and therefore help you get a foot in the door. It doesn't mean you'll get the job, but the fact that you are being asked to interview - it's already massive given the competition levels


    How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (31) How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (32) 4

  • Tola Adeshina Empowering women to confidently return to work and thrive post-maternity leave by designing a life they love | Work-Life balance champion | Return to work strategist | 'To thine own self be true'!
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    One thing I have found useful is by actively engaging with my alumni network. By doing so, you can open doors to new career opportunities, gain insights into different industries, and build valuable professional relationships.


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    In my experience, joining alumni groups is valuable, but it's crucial to actively engage with these communities. Networking is more than collecting contacts; it's about building relationships. Attend events, volunteer, and be a resource to others. Offer expertise, make introductions, and help out. This approach enhances visibility and fosters a culture of support. Your alumni network becomes a powerful ally for career growth, offering job leads, mentorship, partnerships, and lasting professional relationships.


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  • Ananda de Jager Head of New Services, Kingfluencers | Leveraging the Power of Digital Branding | Author | Yoga Teacher
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    Finding and joining alumni groups is a valuable way to start using your alumni network. Not only will people from your graduation year be present in these groups, but also beyond.However, simply joining is not enough. It is important to also be active and involved when wanting to use you alumni network for your career.


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2 Reach out and reconnect

Another way to use your alumni network is to reach out and reconnect with people you already know from your academic years. You can send a friendly message, email, or phone call to catch up on their career progress, share your own updates, and express your interest in staying in touch. You can also ask them for advice, referrals, or feedback on your career goals, and offer your help in return. Reconnecting with your old contacts can strengthen your existing relationships and open up new possibilities for collaboration or support.

  • Eklavya M. Business Analyst | EXL | Analytics | Consulting | Leadership | Productivity | Personal Development | TIET
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    Re-connecting is one of the most missed actions in the game of alumni. Ring up that old bunkmate of yours and see what they are doing these days. It will rejuvenate you and open a new window to opportunities.


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  • Ananda de Jager Head of New Services, Kingfluencers | Leveraging the Power of Digital Branding | Author | Yoga Teacher
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    Moving to a new city or travelling to a new city where one of your previous peers now lives? Reach out and reconnect! I have found that most previous classmates are happy to reconnect, and there is a lot of joy in sharing experiences and stories that happened since graduation.


    How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (77) 1

  • Dr Perpetua Neo LinkedIn TopVoice x21 • Keynote Speaker • Simon & Schuster Author • DClinPsy (UCL); MPhil (Cambridge) • The Neuroscience Of Peak Performance Without Burn Out • In 43 languages
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    Show up and connect. People in alumni groups, in my personal and professional experience, are warm and welcoming.Some useful things:Add each other on LinkedIn straight away.Follow up with 'we met at ___ on ___' in the email subject.And remember, it is a numbers game.


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  • Gabriele Bergêr Risco e Compliance | Mentoria para Mulheres | Governança e Estratégia - Somos Líderes 2021
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    Gerar conexões de forma genuína através de contatos é uma excelente forma de manter a relação ativa.Considere enviar publicações do interesse da pessoa caso a conheça, marque ela em capacitações que possam também gerar valor envie mensagens esporádicas.Realizo as ações acima com ex-colegas de faculdade e cursos que realizo, busco estar sempre atenta as pessoas para indicar vagas e cursos ou até mesmo conectar ela com pessoas que possam vir a ajudá-la de alguma forma.Demonstre interesse verdadeiro em ajudá-la sem pedir nada em troca pois diversas vezes somos ajudados ao longo de nossa jornada. A palavra final é atenção as pessoas, esteja presente para elas.


  • Ahmed Awad - I love Books 📚 Don't Just Shelf It, Shelf-Improve!


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    Imagine you were part of a study group during your time at the University of Toronto. You all were close but lost touch after graduation as everyone moved to different cities for their jobs. Now, you’re interested in reconnecting with them.You start by finding their profiles on LinkedIn. You send them a personalized message, mentioning some fond memories from your study group days and expressing your interest in catching up. You also share updates about your own career progress and ask about theirs.One of your group members, responds positively. You have a great conversation. You express your interest in exploring opportunities in his company, and he offers to refer you for a position that matches your skills.


3 Attend and host events

A third way to use your alumni network is to attend and host events that bring together alumni from different backgrounds, locations, and sectors. You can look for events organized by your alumni association, your faculty, or your alumni groups, and register for the ones that interest you. You can also create your own events, such as webinars, workshops, or networking sessions, and invite other alumni to join. Attending and hosting events can help you meet new people, learn new skills, and showcase your expertise and value.

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  • Lili Gyor Training Project Manager | Program Manager | Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coach
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    Attending and hosting events, even just for networking can add so much value to your professional and personal life, as well. Think about these meetings as investments. The more relevant connections you have the more you can learn & access different point of views.


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  • Ananda de Jager Head of New Services, Kingfluencers | Leveraging the Power of Digital Branding | Author | Yoga Teacher
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    Some of my previous classmates took matters in their own hands and organized a 10-year reunion for everyone who had participated in our university program. It was a wonderful weekend, where many people reconnected, exchanged contacts and rekindled their relationships. Hosting an event definitely puts you in the spotlight!


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  • Ahmed Awad - I love Books 📚 Don't Just Shelf It, Shelf-Improve!
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    Imagine you’re a University of Toronto alumnus. You attend a virtual alumni event on AI advancements, where you learn about the latest trends and meet experts in your field. Inspired, you host a webinar on AI in healthcare, inviting alumni from diverse sectors. This not only showcases your expertise but also expands your network.


4 Follow up and follow through

A fourth way to use your alumni network is to follow up and follow through with the people you meet or reconnect with. You can send a thank-you note, a feedback request, or a reminder after an event, a conversation, or a referral. You can also keep in touch regularly by sharing relevant information, resources, or opportunities, and by showing genuine interest and appreciation. Following up and following through can help you build trust, rapport, and credibility with your alumni network, and increase your chances of getting referrals, recommendations, or collaborations.

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  • Manohar Grandhi Get rid of Insomnia forever in 45 days with the Insomnia Switch-Off Method™️.I help IT professionals to sleep well and stay on top of their game. Talk to me if you want freedom from Insomnia. Author "My Sleepless Nights”
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    You need to keep following up because the fact is in the day when there are so many priorities. It is easy to get lost so regularly follow up and follow through to make your point heard.


    How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (137) How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (138) 2

  • Lili Gyor Training Project Manager | Program Manager | Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coach
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    If you have a connection who has similar interests / who is inspiring to you / has more experinence in a field than you have, do not miss the opportunity to build a relationship with them! Follow their LinkedIn profile, share interesting articles with them, go to events together, whatever works for you in terms of connecting.


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  • Ananda de Jager Head of New Services, Kingfluencers | Leveraging the Power of Digital Branding | Author | Yoga Teacher
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    Building relationships takes time and effort. If you (re)connect with someone, join alumni groups or host events, it is important to follow up and stay in touch with those people most relevant for you. Invite them for a coffee, have a chat, share resources - turn the relationship into a winwin!


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    You need to understand that they are busy too. This is why don't forget to follow up with them with crisp yet genuine messages. When you do it regularly it builds credibility and increases the chances of you getting a positive response.


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  • Ahmed Awad - I love Books 📚 Don't Just Shelf It, Shelf-Improve!
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    After attending an alumni event, you send a thank-you note to the speakers. You also follow up with the alumni you met, sharing a relevant article. This keeps the conversation going and strengthens your network.


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5 Give back and contribute

A fifth way to use your alumni network is to give back and contribute to your alumni community. You can do this by volunteering your time, skills, or resources to support your alma mater, your alumni association, or your alumni groups. You can also mentor, coach, or sponsor other alumni who are looking for guidance, inspiration, or opportunities. Giving back and contributing can help you demonstrate your leadership, generosity, and commitment to your alumni network, and create a positive impact on others.

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  • Ananda de Jager Head of New Services, Kingfluencers | Leveraging the Power of Digital Branding | Author | Yoga Teacher
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    Many alumni groups are running because of volunteers. Reach out to the alumni office of your university and ask for opportunities in your area. Most likely, they will be glad to help and provide you with resources!


    How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (183) 2

  • Dr Perpetua Neo LinkedIn TopVoice x21 • Keynote Speaker • Simon & Schuster Author • DClinPsy (UCL); MPhil (Cambridge) • The Neuroscience Of Peak Performance Without Burn Out • In 43 languages
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    You have plenty of specialist expertise that you can offer, so giving back is one of the best ways you can connect and deepen that relationship.Figure out what your pet topics are, and what unique spin you bring, then match it to what your alumni network wants. If in doubt, ask what can you do for them.


    How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (192) 2

  • Ahmed Awad - I love Books 📚 Don't Just Shelf It, Shelf-Improve!
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    As an alumnus of the University of Toronto, you decide to mentor a recent graduate seeking career advice. Your guidance helps them secure a job, demonstrating your commitment to your alumni network.


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    As someone who regularly attends alumni association events to network, I'm a huge advocate for giving back to your alumni network and the associated educational institution. It's a great feeling to be able to give back to the school that supported your personal and professional growth as a former student. In fact, you can learn so much and meet new people who can be a part of your career growth journey by volunteering your time at these kinds of events.


6 Update and optimize your profile

A sixth way to use your alumni network is to update and optimize your profile on various platforms where you showcase your professional identity and achievements. You can do this by adding your education, credentials, and affiliations to your resume, LinkedIn, or personal website. You can also highlight your skills, projects, and accomplishments that are relevant to your field and goals. Updating and optimizing your profile can help you attract the attention of your alumni network, and showcase your potential and value.

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    If you graduated from your alma mater quite some time ago, as I did, you might be surprised to discover the online networking opportunities now available. I recently found that my university has its own LinkedIn-like alumni/mentoring page where alumni and students can create profiles, share interests, and connect with each other. It's an excellent resource. I had someone reach out to me recently, and it was a fantastic experience. Simply updating your location on your profile can also help you discover alumni events in your area.


    How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (218) How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (219) 3

  • Clark Masterson, MS, MA High Performance Leadership Coach | Proven systems for achieving more through personal growth | Leadership Development | Coaching and Training | Ex-Microsoft
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    Your online profiles are digital brochures of you and your brand. Let people know who you are, what you care about, and what you do. Then start helping people. Your network will grow at the rate in which you provide service to others. Optimizing your profile is great. Do that.But don't forget to add value for others.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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    Alumni networks are a valuable source of motivation and support to the existing batch of students. They can share their experiences and provide inputs about career management. I have used my alumni network extensively during the pandemic periods and arranged for online remote alumni (career) talks and enhanced my student's career progression and felt them more purposeful and motivated during the times of uncertainties.


    How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (236) 6

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    Building a network among alumni groups can be highly beneficial for career growth:1) Continuous learning from individuals with various backgrounds, professions and perspectives.2) Alumni connections can provide job leads, referrals, and inside information about companies and industries. They can also offer opportunities to collaborate on projects or business ventures3) Regular interactions with your alumni groups contribute to refine and practice skills (communication, empathy, relationship-building, problem-solving) which are essential for professional success.4) "Easy-entry" alumni networks such as schools/universities or companies' former employees help build confidence through long lasting relationships and strong connections.


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How can you use your alumni network for career growth? (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.