Better Brekkie Archives - Weet-Bix (2024)

Carrot Cake Mini-Loaf

Healthy and delicious, this carrot cake mini loaf is perfect for big and little hands alike! This recipe transforms your typical indulgent carrot cake into wholesome mini loaves making them great for dessert, lunches, picnics and other fun adventures. Made using many wholesome dairy free ingredients including So Good Regular Soy or Almond Milk, this recipe is filled with goodness and is especially tasty.

side dish, vegan, healthy, easy, quick, vegetable, flavorful, nutritious, simple, colorful, tasty, crunchy, carrot salad, fresh, summer, light, refreshing, low-calorie

Better Brekkie Archives - Weet-Bix (2024)


Is Weet-Bix actually healthy? ›

Weet-Bix is a good source of B vitamins including B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin) for energy, as part of a balanced diet. Weet-Bix is high in folate! This B vitamin helps support healthy blood cells and immune system, fights fatigue and maintains a healthy mind, in combination with a balanced diet.

Is it okay to eat Weetabix every day? ›

We would recommend that an adult eats no more than four (4) Weetabix biscuits per day. Taking this amount will leave room for you to eat other foods and have some variety in your diet. For advice regarding children's intake, please contact your health visitor or GP.

How many Weet-Bix should you eat for breakfast? ›

We suggest having four Weet-Bix with two cups of milk. Then, add a piece of fruit and a few nuts for more fibre and a wider range of nutrients. Weet-Bix with milk or yoghurt, fruit and nuts can be a good start to the day, but there are plenty of other options too.

What is the difference between Weet-Bix and Weetabix? ›

Produced in the UK since 1932, Weetabix is the British version of the original Australian Weet-Bix. Both Weet-Bix and Weetabix were invented by Bennison Osborne, an Australian.

Is Weet-Bix full of sugar? ›

Weet-Bix is a low sugar product with only 3.3% sugar. This is around 1/5th of a teaspoon per 30g serve (2 biscuits).

Which is better oatmeal or Weet-Bix? ›

Porridge made from rolled oats, steel cut oats etc. is much better for you. Oats are a whole grain and have many proven health benefits.

Is Weet-Bix good for losing belly fat? ›

Is Weetabix good for fat loss? Weetabix can be a beneficial part of a fat loss diet due to its high fiber content and low sugar levels compared to many other breakfast cereals. High-fiber foods help promote satiety, which can reduce overall calorie intake by keeping you feeling fuller for longer.

Is Weetabix highly processed? ›

Cereal: plain oats, corn flakes and shredded wheat are minimally processed, but when the manufacturer adds sugar, flavourings or colourings, they become ultra-processed cereals. Try sticking to cereals such as porridge, corn flakes, bran flakes, weetabix etc rather than the more processed versions.

Can Weet-Bix cause constipation? ›

Foods that help ease constipation

Consider adding some the following fibre-rich foods to your diet to help ease constipation: High fibre cereals such as: bran flakes, Weetabix, porridge, muesli and shredded wheat. Whole grains. Try to avoid stodgy foods such as white bread.

Do they have Weet-Bix in America? ›

However, the venture was unsuccessful. Weetabix eventually entered the US market from Canada via Clinton, Massachusetts, the site of the original US factory.

Is Weetabix owned by Israel? ›

In 2012 the company was bought by the Chinese Government through the state-run Bright Food, and the equity firm Baring Private Equity Asia, with Bright Food having the controlling interest. In July 2017, the American company Post Holdings bought the company for £1.4 billion.

Why is Weetabix so good? ›

Weetabix is high in fibre, and is fortified, like most cereals, with extra minerals such as calcium and iron. They also contain folic acid, which is key for healthy cell and tissue development.

Is Weetabix a highly processed food? ›

Cereal: plain oats, corn flakes and shredded wheat are minimally processed, but when the manufacturer adds sugar, flavourings or colourings, they become ultra-processed cereals. Try sticking to cereals such as porridge, corn flakes, bran flakes, weetabix etc rather than the more processed versions.

Does Weetabix have any nutritional value? ›

With 136 calories in a two biscuit serving, Weetabix provides many of the key nutrients your body needs to stay healthy, including one third of your recommended daily intake of Thiamine (B1) Riboflavin (B2), Niacin, Folic Acid and Iron.

What is the health star rating of Weet-Bix? ›

Weet-Bix has a health star rating of 5 out of 5. This would be due to its low saturated fat and sugar content, it's moderate sodium content and its high fibre content.

Is Weetabix a Superfood? ›

The Original Superfood

We're 100% whole wheat and packed with many of the nutrients your body needs. We've been feeding Britain healthy, nutritious breakfasts since 1932.


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.